Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing | Helicopter is doing!
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<Solar_Oracle> Am I the only one bothered with the validity of the premise behind Stowaway?
<Solar_Oracle> To paraphrase a veteran spaceflight officer, did IQs drop sharply in the future?
* raptop wonders if I should get one of those streaming video services
<Solar_Oracle> Netflix has nu Lost in Space with the totally-not-a-geth Robot. Amazon has The Expanse. Disney+ has Baby Yoda.
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<Solar_Oracle> Really, though, contingencies are pretty much an ironclad requirement in interplanetary missions and insufficient oxygen just sounds kind of silly. I mean, does oxygen recycling technology just not advance at all?
<raptop> I'm going to vaguely assume the sorts of corner cutting and maintainance reductions that cause various engineering disasters
<Solar_Oracle> So like Voskhod?
<Solar_Oracle> And how exactly does one stowaway on a mission to Mars?
* raptop is aware of people stowing away in aircraft wheel wells, though that tends to go poorly
<Solar_Oracle> "Shortly after takeoff, Barnett discovers launch support engineer Michael Adams, an accidental stowaway. The crew begins to bond with him, but Barnett soon learns that Michael inadvertently destroyed the CDRA, a device which scrubs carbon dioxide from the air on the ship."
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<Solar_Oracle> So they wrecked it enough they can't fix it? What on Kerbin did they do? Convert it into a pinball machine?
* raptop would have to watch it to answer
<Solar_Oracle> I think I would spend too much time yelling at the TV.
<raptop> hah
<Solar_Oracle> Like with Gravity.
<Solar_Oracle> The actual stowaway part is really bothering me now. How did they not notice that during launch or, you know, before.
<raptop> "Corporate says that doing a full inspection is a waste, we can knock 30 minutes off of prep time if we just walk in and launch"
<raptop> At least that's my assumption
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<Solar_Oracle> The Kerbal way of range safety.
<Solar_Oracle> Spaceflight isn't really forgiving to the kinds of structural errors needed for Stowaway to work.
<raptop> Given the way the pandemic has played out, it's not particularly difficult to imagine massive institutional/management failures
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<Solar_Oracle> This is the kind of failure that ensures you probably wouldn't get into orbit because your rocket was one kilogram overweight.
<Solar_Oracle> I'm getting the impression Event Horizon did this better.
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<Solar_Oracle> I see the problem here. They were using USI instead of Snacks!
<Solar_Oracle> For reference, the ship on the right is what the Stowaway and 3 crew came aboard. I'm not sure why there was a panel large enough that they could hide behind.
<Solar_Oracle> And if that's meant to be a ship intended to rendezvous with a Cycler on a perpetual Mars transfer orbit, the extra 70 kilograms or so are definitely going to be noticed.
<raptop> ah, using the wrong resources mod would definitely cause problems!
<Solar_Oracle> Now if they were using the original Kethane mod, they could've just chucked the stowaway in the KE-WAITNONOSTOP-01 and was their hands of the matter in fresh kethane.
<Solar_Oracle> Interestingly, the setup uses an off-axis electric propulsion system, where I seem to think most tether spun spaceships use center-mounted motors or do not use propulsion at all when under spin.
<Solar_Oracle> And the paper detailing how this method even works is also free
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* raptop is perhaps overly down on cyclers
<raptop> But then, their niche is one that might not actually happen
<Althego> o'neill cylinders?
<raptop> aldrin cyclers and the like, per what Solar_Oracle was talking about
<Althego> ah cycler, not cylinder
<raptop> That whole thing where you want to massively reuse some piece of orbital infrastructure to move a bunch of people with highish launch costs (though presumably good recycling so consumables aren't too much of an issue)
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<raptop> Nice
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<Althego> no news on the fourth flight date
<Althego> or what it is going to contain
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<Althego> what? zombie + world of thanks + girls und panzer?
<Althego> -h
<raptop> Somehow, I feel like there's a large overlap in the audiences of the 2nd and 3rd of those
* raptop is also vaguely reminded of when Fubuki played World of Warships, and appared to mostly be driving her namesake
<Althego> is there a shimakaze in that game? :)
<Althego> seems there is :)
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* raptop hasn't looked that much into the game
<raptop> but yay
<raptop> Hrm, does that mean that the fun refits of the kitakami and oi are available?
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<raptop> Coolest mars image this week. Which *sounds* like a low bar, but isn't
<Althego> hehe i was faster :)
<Althego> the timer was at 4m when i linked it
<raptop> hah
<Althego> there is one issue, the rover is at the corner
<Althego> maybe there will be one later which is closer
<Izaya> ngl I was trying to post that to another channel but dropped it here by mistake
<Althego> if they decide to not push it past its limits
<Izaya> image from previous link here
<Althego> the heli could accompany the rover for a whiel
<raptop> heh
* raptop is under the impression that because of downtime/recharging issues, the rover is overall faster than the helicopter
<Althego> the rover stays in place for long times
<Althego> to get data on rocks
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<Althego> also if the heli can fly 100 m per sol, it is about as fast as the rover
<raptop> that too
<Althego> even if it dies soon, the next one will be way better
<Althego> but i would disappointed if they didnt use the heli for some mars science
<Althego> jpl, uh, finds a way :)
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<raptop> let's see, sensors...
<raptop> inertial sensors, laser altimiter, 2 navcams
<Althego> when curiosity landed, they even used the com offset weights after ejected. they hit mars and colelcted some surface science from that
<raptop> :D
<raptop> I expect that flying over stuff with those instruments can yield a lot
<Althego> i would expect the color camera to be used for mapping terrain ahead of the rover. resolution is low for things far away, so it can just go there first
<Althego> that alone would boost planning
<Althego> the battery i removed from the s7 is completely puffed up now. too bad i didnt make a timelapse
<Althego> not safe to keep in the house anymore
<Althego> maybe i just need to poke it out so it bursts in fire when i can watch it
<raptop> forbidden pillow
<Althego> this was underwhelming. nothing happened
<Althego> i leave it out there for now
<Althego> what, 3 launches in the next 24 hours? and maybe starship too?
<Althego> there is one stream up for starlink
<Althego> oh rather this
<raptop> nice
<Izaya> > has API that returns JSON
<Izaya> > no RSS
<Izaya> why
<raptop> youtube?
<Althego> never used rss my whole lif
<Izaya> no that site
<raptop> ah
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Vega - Pléiades-Neo 3 - Thu Apr 29, 2021 01:50:00 UTC (L-21:04:20) - for info/stream
<Althego> this is from the json
<Izaya> I'm an exceedingly heavy RSS reader
<Izaya> s/reader/user/
<Althego> hehehe
<Izaya> my exceedingly heavy RSS reader of choice is QuiteRSS
* raptop uses RSS a fair amount
<raptop> (albeit a friend's ttRSS instance)
<Izaya> not sure how one's meant to represent future dates in RSS though
<Izaya> so ???
<Althego> next month there is another rocketlab recovery
<raptop> Ah, and I thought having like 3k unread arxiv listings was bad
<Izaya> I read what looks interesting and purge the rest after a few months
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<Izaya> guess I'll write a script to turn those JSON responses into an RSS feed
<Izaya> what a pain
<Althego> there is also this
<Althego> very similar
<Althego> not always the same, but in the long term they converge
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<raptop> Althego: is it good or bad that I accidentally ran across a flat earth subreddit?
<raptop> (I think almost entirely by a single person)
<Althego> lol
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<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> i still had a flat earth video
<Althego> that will have to wait
<kubi> Izaya: that is a nice RSS collection
<kubi> I try to build up one for economic and industry news, but RSS/ATOM seems to be adandonned by a lot of portals :(
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<Izaya> almost as if the powers that be are trying to kill it because it cuts into ad revenue
<Althego> hehehe
<kubi> yes and no
<kubi> ad revenue could come from the article
<kubi> this way I do not even go to their website
<Izaya> yup
<Izaya> it's like sites that block you for using ad blockers, guess I didn't need the info on the site that much.
<kubi> yes, I have some of those
<kubi> but most of them are really basic protection
<Althego> hehe it is like games that are not on gog. so you have chosen to not need my purchase
<kubi> ublock origin ZAP function kills the overlay blockers :)
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<Mat2ch> oh noes, spoilers in the backlog! How dare you? :D
<Mat2ch> an wen hop?
<Althego> possibly tomorrow? :)
<Mat2ch> not today? :(
<Althego> that was yesterday
<Althego> yesterday it was tomorrow, and today it is tomorrow too
<Althego> but maybe heli flight
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<FLHerne> Various objections from the FCC's Starlink alteration document:
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<Mat2ch> Somebody is having fears about their business it seems.
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<Althego> oh i forgot. glory to takamori
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<darsie> .
<Mat2ch> Althego: autsch.
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> here, have some memes that hurt in english:
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i like these
<Mat2ch> go steal them. They are memes, set them free!
<JVFoxy> would you like a drink, yes or no?
<JVFoxy> c.c
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<sandbox> "it hurts when I touch my shoulder"
<sandbox> I've been tempted to respond in a similar way when peopls say things like "my game crashes whenever I do x"
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<JVFoxy> They tell you to stop throwing it out the window?
<Althego> phoenix vs reaper 5 - 0
<JVFoxy> ... rise from the ashes vs everything dies, its all ashes
* X rises from the ashes to note that he is indeed a frequent cause of copulation related game crashes.
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<darsie> Auctioneer turned controller ^
<Althego> the comments say it is hilarious, but he does his job well
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<Althego> michael collins died
<raptop> F
<darsie> .
<umaxtu> F
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<Guest79212> Hi, when will it be possible to login at the website again?
<umaxtu> which website?
<Guest79212> The site
<Althego> says maintenance
<Althego> or that is a fallback when something dies
<Guest79212> Cant login since sunday or monday
<Althego> there is not even an email. nothing on twitter
<Guest79212> No its quiet at the ksp side
<Mat2ch> the forum is running
<Mat2ch> let's see if there's something there
<Althego> people ar ewondering what is happening
<Mat2ch> the website itself works for me
<Althego> hehe, reply said not known when, but early this week
<Mat2ch> no problem at all
<Althego> yes, but the login doesnt work, so you cant download it
<Mat2ch> ah, the store is down
<Althego> and this is the reason, why i download everything
<Althego> of course i have a backup isntaller too
<Althego> i cant imagine what they are doing
<Althego> onless some db broke
<Althego> and they are trying to fix it
<Althego> because there was no backup
<Althego> oh wait i am dumb
<Althego> this is the same link
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> oh, loosing the database would be horrible (and somehow very funny :P )
<Guest79212> DB went into orbit uh cloud
<Mat2ch> and the cloud went up in smoke.
<Mat2ch> I hope they didn't store the data in the OVH computing center :D
<Althego> remember the datacenter fire some time ago?
<Guest79212> 😂
<Althego> no they didnt, because it would have died long time ago
<Guest79212> Yeah i Just thought about it
<Guest79212> Was in france
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<Althego> wait, did i forget about tinfoil tuesday?
<Mat2ch> yes
<darsie> Tinfoil is a scam. It's all aluminium foil.
<Althego> yes, only english speaking people call it like that
<Althego> i call it alufólia
<darsie> Alufolie
<darsie> Zinnfolie
<Mat2ch> Exactly
<Althego> it is in the name what it is made of
<darsie> Very old ppl might say Stanniolpapier.
<Althego> similar to pencil lead
<darsie> Many ppl still say atom instead of tom.
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<Althego> which is also not lead, but lead for english speaking people
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Bleistift
<Althego> so germans too
<darsie> Im Bleistift ist eine Mine.
<darsie> Im Bleistift ist eine Mine aus Graphit.
<darsie> graphein means to write.
<Althego> heh there are already rumor about zen 5. not even zen 4 is more than a trickle of information, possibly a year away, and i doubt anything about zen 5 is real
<darsie> zen?
<Althego> amd architecture
<darsie> .
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<Deddly> OK so the reason why the video of the helicopter was low framerate is because Perseverance doesn't have a video camera. It was taking still images in burst mode. Interesting
<Althego> i was hoping for a few pictures and they made a video, i quite happy with the low framerate too
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<Deddly> Yeah, amazing all round really. Can't believe they're not going to keep it and use it for scouting on this mission
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