Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Mat2ch> delayed, delayed, everything is delayed.
<Althego> what else?
<Mat2ch> My travel far away from this planet!
<Althego> even if you could travel far away, at least one human would be still there, or even more
<Althego> hahaha, moona. thumbnail: 3D very special stream. you click on it. then you see that with tiny letters something else is written: 365 Days
<Mat2ch> There are so many star systems in our galaxy alone, I could find an empty one.
<Althego> we are trapped here. lucky for others. because we would be the alien invaders everywhere else
<Althego> heh, i didnt know mars global surveyor was lost due to human error
<Althego> kikkerikii
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<Althego> hmm, another indian mission to mars in 2024 with bigger payload
<UmbralRaptop> also an orbiter?
<Althego> yes
<UmbralRaptop> makes sense
<UmbralRaptop> …that korone/okayu collab was terrifyingly long
<Althego> that really is long
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<Althego> recurring slope linae, is that water or not?
* raptop thought it was
* raptop feels like there should be a sign-resetting joke about days since water was discovered on mars
<Althego> hehe korone virus
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<packbart> in the long run, KSP is more fun to me than Elite, I think. otoh, I'm probably more the mission planner/station designer type, anyway, and there's not much variety of that in E:D
<packbart> dockable stations and ports are either type A, B or C and the options to customize ships are rather limited
<packbart> there are some beautiful static installations like I'd (try to) build in KSP, like
<packbart> (although I wonder what the flood lights are for - do they come on at night?)
<Mat2ch> packbart: is that thing in orbit around a planet or around the sun?
<packbart> around a sun, I think. there are no orbital mechanics in Elite, anyway
<Althego> most of the time they are round some body. vut i remember a system where there are 5 stations very close to each other and no planet
<Mat2ch> then they don't need any lights, because the sun doesn't just turn off...
<Althego> probably autogenerated
<Althego> dont forget there is a whole galaxy there
<Althego> just remember elite 2 could do that too, although it was way smaller
<Mat2ch> or one of those democratic station where the inhabitants vote where they wanna live next. :D
<Althego> probably dies out during the first problem
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<Misguided_Kerbal> howdy
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<raptop> 35 seconds
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<Guest80515> Hi do you know how to enable mirror mode on Xbox one
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