Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Solar_Oracle> Oh, that's a livestream of Starships before they explode?
<Solar_Oracle> Musk should really quite his Ironman KSP playthrough and learn to save scum or lose those precious Funds.
<Solar_Oracle> I mean, where's he even getting his Science points yet? Is he just launching boilerplates on the pads with Goo and EVA reports? Psht.
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<Althego> hehe the chick-fil-a spacex delivery
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<raptop> that when Kiara plays KSP?
<Althego> no, but i would like to see that
<Althego> maybe a scott manley collab :)
<raptop> ah, sort of like that time the ISS got a pizza delivery
<Althego> there was some pizza hut thing with mir as i remember?
* raptop may have misremembered
<Althego> maybe it was iss
<Althego> i think there was some ad of pizza hut on mir. but iss got the delivery
<Althego> i cant find anything with mir, so probably i remember it wrong
<raptop> I recall something about a Proton with a pizza hut log
<Althego> could have been that
<Althego> but that is already iss
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* darsie hates twitter.
<Althego> dont go to twitter it is a silly place
<Althego> so did she really buy an icbm?
<UmbralRaptop> oops, wrong channel
<UmbralRaptop> And dunno
<Althego> hehe gamers nexus. evga answers if 1080ti is going to be remade. official answer: now. unofficial answer: haha, no.
<Althego> not now, no
<FLHerne> Piston engine?!
<FLHerne> on Mars?
<Althego> can be using internal oxygen storage, or can be a stirling
<Althego> like in the kilopower reactor
<FLHerne> Paired with some kind of CO2 or H2O -> oxygen conversion on a ground facility?
<FLHerne> I guess that works
<FLHerne> But do you get better energy density than batteries in that case, when including weight of the engine?
<Althego> for airplanes it is questinable, because of the weight
<FLHerne> Would scale to longer flight times better, because the fuel burns off and the engine mass proportion decreases
<Althego> but it has large wings, can put it full of solar panels
<FLHerne> Are the wing hinges just for deployment?
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<Althego> i am a fan of this
<Althego> relatively light, simple, and safe
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<darsie> You are seeing this message because ad or script blocking software is interfering with this page.
<darsie> Disable any ad or script blocking software, then reload this page.
<darsie> oops, wrong chan.
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<Mat2ch> darsie: looks like I don't want to visit that site.
<Althego> this content is not currently available on this device
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<Mat2ch> SN15 launch maybe next week already?!
<Mat2ch> And we hear nothing of SN16 yet...
<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> 1338
<Althego> one hour until takamori
<darsie> gettrust darsie
<darsie> oops
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<Althego> we still trust you
<Althego> oh no, takamori delayed. i could have slept a little
<Althego> guh
<Althego> x2
<Althego> glory to takamori
<Althego> fastest gun in arstotzka lol
<umaxtu> the nation from Papers Please?
<Althego> that
<Althego> beware of computer yellow
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<Althego> lol
<Althego> probably because of the guy who went under a starship to make a video
<Althego> fence, raptors, wait, is this jurassic park? but why isnt the fence electrified?
<UmbralRaptop> Careful, electricity lets the raptors fire at full power
<Althego> imma firing mah lazer
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<Althego> oh no a scott video
<Althego> an our ago, and i wanted to sleep
<Althego> also wah but i have to sleep
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<darsie> I'll watch it for you ...
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