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<XXCoder> negative mass or energy need removed it seems
<nyantop> aaaaaaaaa
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<nyantop> huh, the hidden autopilot interface that rKRPC has access to leaves something to be desired
<nyantop> ...of course, I *could* just write a PID controller
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<phroa> About 5 years ago the robotics team I was on made use of some PID equations in a loop to move bits and pieces of the robot towards targets & attempt course correction. is PID "a thing" people use for Real Physics nowadays?
<Althego> pid is easy to implement, still hard to use. and today there are other methods you can use
<phroa> I guess my question is really 'does it scale to autopiloting cars and spaceships or do people use different first principles'
<phroa> yup, it was up there with deep learning hyperparameters as something that was a complete time suck to tune
<phroa> ty
<phroa> curiosity satiated
<nyantop> cars no, spaceships yes
* nyantop wonders if this is using functionality like the old SAS that was hand-tunable
<Althego> nyantop, huh, are you with the nyakuza? :)
<nyantop> heh
<nyantop> this was mostly because of unrelated feline silliness
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<Althego> louis rossmann and his quality content
<nyantop> caaat
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<Mat2ch> XXCoder: that was removed a while ago. Did they remove it further?
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<Althego> what was removed
<XXCoder> Mat2ch: there was new innvotation after removal but im not sure how it works, i dont understand that part
<XXCoder> Althego: dark energy or mass requirement
<XXCoder> negative mass that is
<Althego> i still dont know what it is about. i guess some ksp mod?
<Althego> or warp drive?
<XXCoder> actual, not ksp
<XXCoder> though its still math model so who knows if it applies
<Althego> alcubierre drive requires exotic matter with negative mass
<Althego> but there are some other warp drive ideas which do not require this
<XXCoder> alt thats what I meant. it doesnt anymore
<XXCoder> so supposing model hold up, we can build it now
<XXCoder> ssuming all other requirements is met anyway
<Althego> i think it still required energy equivalent of a mass of a palnet
<XXCoder> yeah think thats still in
<XXCoder> just no negative mass
<Althego> but alcubierre started like that, and after some optimizations it went down to a few tonnes
<XXCoder> hmm well i do recommand you read that article
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<darsie> 1337
<umaxtu> ?
<sandbox> 1253
<umaxtu> I'm very confused
<darsie> Someone cast a spell of confusion on you.
<umaxtu> ah ok
<sandbox> they do it whenever the time is 13:37
<umaxtu> ah
<darsie> Do this one little trick to shake it off :).
<umaxtu> coffee
<darsie> 1337 means leet which means elite in leet speak.
<umaxtu> oh right.
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<Althego> what, possible vshoujo and hololive collab...
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<Althego> oh i almost forgot about the launch
<Althego> that was postponed yesterday
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<Althego> go for launch
<Althego> liftoff
<Althego> why is it rolling?
<Althego> i mean it could have done it in the beginning
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<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> the blue crane was impressively big
<Mat2ch> the new LR 11000 is already up and bigger
<Mat2ch> now we have to wait for the LR 13000 to stand up...
<FLHerne> the even-bigger one is an LR 11350
<FLHerne> (13000 would be *really* huge, perhaps when Elon's proposed 18m rocket needs a pad)
<FLHerne> Also, wow that was fast
<FLHerne> They only *started* assembling it a few days ago
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<Mat2ch> Just a small LR 11350 then :)
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<umaxtu> what model is Bluezilla?