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<Althego> heh, crew-1 is returning, scott is continuing the lego build and reaper is streaming soon
<raptop> Just as long as the reaper isn't streaming the crew-1 landing
<Althego> no, spiritfarer
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<Althego> oh no there was a flat earth "debate" too. that will have to wait, i can barely handle 3 live event
<umaxtu> I beg your pardon?
<Althego> is it offensive that i cant watch 4 videos in parallel?
<umaxtu> no. it was the flat earth debate that I was confused by
<Althego> one of the usual suspects, on ftfe (fight the flat earth) channel
<Althego> basically he single handedly keeps the flat earth alive just to ridicule it
<Althego> guh
<Althego> oh no, minecraft with ina
<Althego> that will have to wait too
<Althego> scott mentioned the mat powell giant inflatable banana meme, and later flat earth. nice. now if he met with adam savage once
<Althego> finally i caught up with the live scott
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<Althego> hah got a vaccination time reservation for tuesday. not chinese, yay
<Althego> astrazeneca, 12 weeks... not yay
<Althego> although there were some rumors that there will be a relaxation of the 12 weeks which would be nice
<Althego> deorbit burn underway
<Althego> and the relaxing cell clustering polygon citizen science minigame doesnt let me do more until the evening. yesterday i finished it up just before it put out the message so today i got it on the first try
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<Althego> there is tracking from airplane
<Althego> drogue deploy soon
<Althego> no visuals
<Althego> because of clouds
<Althego> deploy
<darsie> drogue?
<darsie> Something falling out of the sky?=
<Althego> crew-1 dragon
<Althego> mains
<darsie> thx
<Althego> only infra because it is dark
<Althego> at least there will be no boats around
<Althego> i guess a few people would still go there 3 in the morning
<Althego> maybe 2
<Althego> splashed
<Althego> boat is almost there tii
<Althego> too
<Althego> so it seems the landing is so precise even though they are at the sea, there is a very little risk of drowning
<darsie> It's cool to see how hot the capsule is in IR.
<Althego> yes it was really bright
<Althego> and the chutes were black
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<Althego> lifting the capsule onto the ship
<Althego> heh in this camera it is visible how charred it is
<Althego> i want my capsule well done :)
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<Althego> hatch opened
<Althego> getting out of this seems to be a bit better than the soyuz
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<Althego> hehe gamers nexus. there are two intel atom cpus on perseverance. i didnt even know they were still produced. then steve joked about the crypto mining news from another planet, whate lse would you do with them, it is cold there
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<Althego> scott also mentioned some video after the landing. so that it is not overshadowed by the current events
<Althego> not there yet
<Althego> yes, down to one stream
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<Althego> hehe reaper hic
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<Mat2ch> I wonder if they landed at night this time because of all the "fans" that interfered with the landing last time.
<darsie> I guess they landed because it was good weather.
<Althego> supposedly now they are preventing random people from entering the landing area
<darsie> At sea?
<darsie> Where they splashdown? Or in the harbor?
<Althego> splashdown
<darsie> Ah, I missed that.
<Althego> harbor is not an issue
<Althego> at that point the vehicle is safe and people are out of it
<darsie> Crazy hydrazine sniffers?
<Althego> hehehe
<darsie> :)
<Althego> so last time there were coast guard ships, but they didnt have the authority to stop people
<Althego> solution is more boats anda hard perimeter
<Mat2ch> Althego: they are landing in international waters. It's hard to enforce rules there ;)
<darsie> Or easy.
<Althego> space pirates
<darsie> OTOH, I guess NASA and Spacex don't want bad PR.
<Mat2ch> You can't go around and shoot people in international waters
<darsie> Like being rough like France against anti nuclear protesters.
<darsie> You could spray them with water cannons.
<Mat2ch> Have you seen how many boats last time went there?
<darsie> no
<Mat2ch> You'd need an army to do that.
<Althego> heh calli usually doesnt do long streams like this. i guess i need to go up to two parallel videos
<darsie> I heard USA has an army.
<Mat2ch> and even then the smaller boats are faster than your bigger boats. :D
<Althego> hehe, redlettermedia, spacehunter. i remember that movie
<darsie> I've seen some pretty long range water cannons from Russia during Greenpeace protests against an oil rig.
<darsie> It's used against pirates.
<Althego> do waht you want cause a pirate is free
<darsie> Actual pirates, with machine guns and RPGs.
<Mat2ch> They are kinda scary though
<darsie> Or ... automatic rifles is more correct, I think.
<Mat2ch> what's the difference between a machine gun and an automatic rifle?
<darsie> caliber?
<Althego> and then what is an assault rifle?
<darsie> idk
<darsie> A machine gun is an auto-firing, rifled long-barrel autoloading firearm designed for sustained direct fire with fully powered cartridges. Other automatic firearms such as assault rifles and automatic rifles are typically designed more for firing short bursts rather than continuous firepower, and not considered machine guns.
<Mat2ch> I guess the us americans are still all asleep, so we have to wait for the experts...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> just say the magic word, and one appears
<Mat2ch> Museum?
<Althego> that
<darsie> I just quoted wikipedia. I'm from Austria.
<Mat2ch> Is one time enough or do I have to say it three times, like belzebub?
<darsie> say what?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> usually one is enough
<Mat2ch> The magic word, darsie!
<darsie> I don't believe in magic.
<Althego> figurative magic
<Mat2ch> Well, I said the magic word, now we have to wait and you will see, that it works. ;)
<Althego> maybe he really is asleep
<Mat2ch> .oO( did somebody ask for some beetlejuice? )
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> one question about the machine gun thing. Is the G36 an assault rifle or a machine gun? :P
<Althego> and as usual, weather will be nice a week from now. it is constantly predicted for the last month, never happens
<Mat2ch> it would be great to have a week of rain here.
<Mat2ch> It's all dusty and dry outside.
<Mat2ch> If it stays that way then this will be all desert in a few years...
<Mat2ch> (And not the kind of desert you can or should eat)
<Althego> dessert launch site
<Mat2ch> yeah, the joke only works if you say it ;)
<Althego> despite that kerbals never say anything in human language
<Mat2ch> taht eurt
<Althego> there is nothing kruvis with me
<Mat2ch> that I don't get.
<Mat2ch> ohhhhh
<Mat2ch> that kruvis!
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<Althego> i especially like how he argues with the did not, and then totally afraid when asks what is that
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Althego> hehe wolfie6020. "flat earthers claim i have russian ties." at theis point he pans the camera showing two neckties. "the black is from moscow the other is from vladivostok"
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<Mat2ch> ah, Danny is breaking KSP again. Nice. :D
<Althego> destroyer of worlds
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<Mat2ch> He is fighting with the intake air
<Mat2ch> the worst thing in game
<Mat2ch> causing random flameouts
<Mat2ch> etc.
<Mat2ch> handled as ressource.
<Mat2ch> never fixed.
<flayer> sometimes i need to throttle up slowly
<Mat2ch> because air is a ressource and can run out.
<Mat2ch> Would've been such an easy fix. Just give the engines the information on how much air is coming in directly and let them do the job.
<flayer> well
<flayer> its fine if its handled through the mechanics
<flayer> just throttle up slowly
<darsie> Reduce throttle to avoid flame outs.
<flayer> or use intakes that gather air while stationary
<Mat2ch> I had so many problems with asymetric flameouts that were just not logical, I just can't do it anymore.
* Mat2ch gets PTSD from too many bugs
* darsie only ever used single engines.
<darsie> jet
<darsie> ksp2 will solve all problems.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> and add new ones
<flayer> i dont like this
<flayer> people dancing, people making noise
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> they think the the big bad covid problem is in the past?
<flayer> i'm gonna be so annoyed if i have to start shaking people's hands again
<Althego> you dont have to
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: To be fair, asymmetric flameouts are a problem when flying real planes near their altitude limits
<Althego> used to be an issue with the sr71
<Althego> the analog inlet control computer would sometimes cause inlet unstart
<Althego> tand then the asymmetric thrust would unstart the other inlet too
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<JVFoxy> speaking of bugs.. when you revert back to the VAB and game refuses to let you click on anything. Have to back out of VAB, go into SPH, back out, go to VAB again before it fixes. >_<
<Althego> there is an easier fix
<Althego> open the debug menu and release input locks
<Althego> this has been there in the last few versions
<JVFoxy> went to replace fins with bigger ones, VAB was like, nope, hands off!
<flayer> that bug is solved by simply saving the craft
<flayer> the save button is still available, and if i save the file, then i can edit again
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<Althego> it is the best to avoid scene changes anyway because slowly but surely they slow the game down
<JVFoxy> once had /everything/ locked out while in flight, I couldn't even 'escape' into menu. :(
<JVFoxy> but.. that was some versions ago.
<Althego> as i said, release input locks
<Althego> works anywhere
<Althego> it heppened to me in flight too
<JVFoxy> ya was when I learned about the lockout flags..
<JVFoxy> not sure if I could even pause/escape to the menu.. eh well
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<Mat2ch> FLHerne: yes, that can happen. But in KSP it happens in a very weird way not even close to the limits
<Mat2ch> also all intakes are treated as one big resource and the engine that is the last one in the list of engines will just flame out
<Mat2ch> it would be so nice to have to draw air flow lines... :D
<JVFoxy> uff... flame outs being one thing. What about when everything's perfectly mirrored, and plane still wants to roll to one side or another for whatever reason.
<Althego> yes it always wants to roll
<Althego> never understood why
<Althego> but you can compensate with trim
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: probably another thing that has to do with the parts tree. Lift is calculated for every single part and if for some reason the last part has something different going on than the mirrored part of it, it get's weird.
<Mat2ch> It's hard to do those calculations in parallel...
<JVFoxy> usually its certain mirrored parts, getting either different body lift or drag. Its minor in most cases. Kind of like annoying little whisper in one ear that you can't swat away. Ya, you can use SAS but when it comes to landing, I try to trim the pitch some and do it manually
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<Althego> and here is the scott video he mentioned
<Althego> a bit of a space duct tape
<Althego> manufactured to generic plot device corporation
<Althego> *by
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<raptop> Althego: huh, reskinned reaper in a day or so
<Althego> yes
<Althego> i feel "dad" from the silhouette
<umaxtu> ?
<raptop> umaxtu: vtuber silliness
<umaxtu> ah
<Althego> also "am dog"
<raptop> "become as dogs" is what happens if Korone plays Nier: Automata, probably
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> this is just yet another one from kiara's am <animal> series
<raptop> ah
<Althego> i reached 98% and level 25 in the cell clustering polygon game
<raptop> grats
<Althego> oh i forgot about the nile red video
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<Mat2ch> Scott has a new intro
<Althego> the best was the human voice and small x-win combination
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<Althego> hehe, become as tako. but i would rather sleep
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