Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: |
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<Guest96760> I am having some issues with my application.
<Guest96760> It will start and load to the main menu, but clicking on any of the options results in nothing happening. I have re-installed KSP twice and even restarted my computer after an install
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<Althego> hah, zombie is reading isekai manga
<Althego> i read this
<XXCoder> which one?
<XXCoder> Buy The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent interesting
<XXCoder> its cultivation type, except its a very funny take
<XXCoder> an engineer student acciently gets invited into cultivation chat group. he stays in because he thinks its real funny chunnuis roleplaying and stuff
<XXCoder> turns out people on it is real
<XXCoder> ill post no more spoiler
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<raptop> engineers in magical settings tend to cause a lot of exciting results
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<Althego> i love it when science overpowers magic. like in gate jsdf something and release that witch
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* raptop wonders if it would make sense to read more K J Parker
<raptop> Devices and Desires seemed very into siege engines
<XXCoder> Althego: or how magic makes science knowledge utterly riciously OP
<XXCoder> like schooled in magic
<XXCoder> book series
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<Neal> I can't believe I'm actually running out of albator
<Neal> yep burned off all the ablator on my 1.25m shield
<Althego> lol
<Althego> what did you do for that
<Althego> not even a return from jool can do that
<XXCoder> shortcut of going stright down ;)
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<Mat2ch> .oO( thanks to XXCoder I just thought I'm in the freecad channel here and was confused for a short time... :D )
<XXCoder> lol
<flayer> i've been confused for a very long time
<Mat2ch> about what?
<flayer> everything
<Althego> has your cat been confused recently?
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<darsie> 1337
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> glory to takamori
<darsie> .
<darsie> What did takamori do?
<Althego> exists
<Althego> (name of the popular ship, where ship is in its slang meaning)
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<Mat2ch> Looks like they are about to lift the first integration tower part!
<Althego> frankencrane
<Mat2ch> lol
<Althego> that si the name
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<Mat2ch> I know
<Mat2ch> silly people
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<Mat2ch> the peeps from NasaSpaceFlight have set up a live stream just for the stacking...
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> part of history
<umaxtu> gotta rake in that superchat money
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<Mat2ch> funny, they have problems unbolting the segment from the transporter. :D
* flayer tickles Mat2ch
<Mat2ch> No!
<Mat2ch> No tickeling!
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<Mat2ch> aaaaaand liftoff!
<Mat2ch> well, short lift off. Now cutting through a bolt...
<umaxtu> should've used NASA's frangible nuts
<Mat2ch> oh no
<Mat2ch> SN 15 might go back to the build site :(
<umaxtu> not surprised, they probably don't want to slow down construction by evacuating the site
<Mat2ch> but what about SN 16 then?
* umaxtu shrugs
<darsie> How much payload will the orbital SS test have?
<darsie> wrong chan ...
<Althego> hehe wrong-chan, what a character
<darsie> Frankenstein was the mad scientist. His creation was the "monster".
<raptop> Why not both? (CW: Lovecraft)
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<Mat2ch> darsie: nobody knows what they will use as payload or if any.
<Mat2ch> It's SpaceX afterall.
<Althego> doge statue
<Mat2ch> made out of concrete. Possible
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<Althego> scott
<raptop> ttocs
<Althego> ʇooɔs
<Althego> hehe cant write
<Althego> should have been this
<Althego> ʇʇoɔs
<sandbox> scoot
<Althego> hmm, ingenuity 6th flight this week
<Althego> hehe, james webb might be delayed because of the ariane 5 fairing, it helds in too much pressure and vibration is too big when separating
<raptop> aaaaaaaa
<Althego> with this speed starship might be ready in time :)
* raptop is going to be so annoyed if the rocket blows up or something after all these decades
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<Doctor_Kerbal> Hello.
<Mod9000> Hello, Doctor_Kerbal
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<raptop> PhD? MD?
<darsie> Wernher?
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<Neal> "enableGroundStations = False" toggles the extra ground relay stations, correct?
<Neal> I want to make it harder by disabling those
<raptop> It might, though that's also a difficulty setting when starting a new game
<raptop> Hm, main-belt asteroid, so as far as Earth is concerned, it flies safe
<Neal> raptop, I was going through the advanced difficulty settings when I made this save and I didn't see it
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<raptop> weird
<raptop> I know I've seen extra comm-net stations mentioned somewhere in there
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<Solar_Oracle> Wait, you have a mod beeper now?
<raptop> the modcall thing? Yeah, though I know that the bots have had issues in the past
<Solar_Oracle> When do bots not have issues?
<raptop> I guess you could go to their github pages and mark all the issues as resolved >_>
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<Solar_Oracle> Speaking of raptors;
<Solar_Oracle> SN15's Raptors seem to need replaced.
<raptop> hrm
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<Solar_Oracle> The shielding scheme still seems optimistic.
<Solar_Oracle> And I wish more people would understand that there's a lot more to getting to Mars than just getting into orbit. You know, like completing a life support system that will last at least a thousand days.
* raptop assumes that Solar_Oracle encountered someone taking an overly reductive approach to that Heinlein quote
<Solar_Oracle> Yeah, you're halfway to anywhere. Assuming, that is, that the delta-v to get to wherever you're going and brake is equal to Earth escape velocity.
<Solar_Oracle> I think people tend to assume that, once you have the launch vehicle, that's it.
<Solar_Oracle> Ignoring that the Saturn V was, what, about just 10% of the total Apollo program cost?
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<Solar_Oracle> Closer to 15% upon review, but still.
<raptop> I can't say that I know the cost breakdown, but either way
<Solar_Oracle> And sure, Starship's shielding is resistant to impacts, but that's not really much of a concern in its configuration as it was for the Shuttles and it introduces a new catastrophic failure mode.
<Solar_Oracle> Unless they changed it. Again.
<Solar_Oracle> Three years to Axiom though, maybe?
<raptop> I have, uh, extreme doubts
* raptop presses X repeatedly
<Solar_Oracle> Honestly, adding ten years to anything involving spaceflight R&D seems to be right.
<raptop> Yeah. Though also, companies can just die. (eg: Bigelow)
<FLHerne> Solar_Oracle: To be fair, that Δv approximation is about right for most interesting places in the solar system, if you're not in too much of a hurry :p
<FLHerne> aerobraking at the other end can help
<Solar_Oracle> Jupiter is the most interesting place in the Solar System.
<FLHerne> Well, you don't want to visit Jupiter proper
<Solar_Oracle> Where else am I supposed to install an evil lair in an active volcano?
<Solar_Oracle> If it's good enough for Jules Pierre Mao, it's good enough for us all.
<raptop> ...I guess Io is a very thematically appropriate location
<Solar_Oracle> And, to be frank, the delta-v trick only seems to work for Venus, Mars and maybe the Belt. The former is not worth visiting unless you can tolerate melting to death.
<Solar_Oracle> And since they're closer, transfer windows are more infrequent.
<Solar_Oracle> The second most interesting place is also Saturn.
<Solar_Oracle> Followed by Disney World in third.
<raptop> Giving the mouse ideas?
<FLHerne> raptop: Axiom are building hardware for their cupola thing
<FLHerne> Solar_Oracle: You can do the atmospheric balloon thing
<FLHerne> I'm not entirely sure what the point is, but it's a thing you can do
<raptop> FLHerne: huh, I was expecting them to be a scam
<Solar_Oracle> The balloon thing's always been kind of silly. At least a Mars could be built from local materials, and you cant do stuff on Mars.
<Solar_Oracle> Uh, can do stuff.
<Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
* raptop was amused
<Solar_Oracle> This is why I never got fired as a travel agent for Venus Airlines.
<Solar_Oracle> No one bothered showing up anyway.
<raptop> Now I'm imaginging a future scandal about aerial casinos and if tethered dirigibles count
<raptop> (compare with riverboat vs puddlebot casinos)
<Solar_Oracle> Or just do what Cowboy Bebop did and make a giant Roulette wheel into a space casino
<raptop> The whole floating cities thing really feels like it handwaves ΔV among other things in a way that habitats on the Moon/Mars do not
<Solar_Oracle> Landing and takeoff would also be kind of a pain, since you can't exactly make decent fuel out of carbon-dioxide alone.
<Solar_Oracle> And you'd also need a stable platform to land on. Unless you lithobrake.
<Solar_Oracle> So you'd essentially be shipping in enough propellant for every launch, and it'd be nearly as much propellant per launch as it is for Earth right now.
<Solar_Oracle> If you want a real space casino, just way for travel to Saturn to happen and put a giant resort hotel in a close, highly inclined orbit.
<Solar_Oracle> At least people will have something to look at as they ponder how little money they have left for the penny slots after having spent a billion dollars getting there.
<Solar_Oracle> Yeah, but it's far away. That's for the entry-level guests who couldn't afford the scrip needed to get the closer views.
<raptop> hm
<Solar_Oracle> I'd say a close orbit to Jupiter would be better, but we're not to the point where vict- I mean patrons won't die from turbo radiation yet.
<Solar_Oracle> Or that could be part of the appeal. "Jovian Resort. You'll die to go there!"
<raptop> hah
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