raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Althego> ohoho, friday stream will be differential equation with ollie
<raptop> clever zombie
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<Althego> wasnt there some launch this week? now all on next
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<Mat2ch> Don't know. But no Starship launches :(
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<Althego> i wouldnt expect any for a while
<Althego> supposedly the orbital one is the next, where they splash down near hawaii
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<Althego> and the parts are not yet ready, much less assembled for the booster, and still has to be testexd
<Mat2ch> I fear that, too.
<Mat2ch> SN16 probably will get scrapped
<Mat2ch> I don't think it will fly.
<Mat2ch> But I could be wrong and they just wait to get the OLIT and OLT done and the cranes out of the way.
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<Mat2ch> the SH methan downcomer pipe is long. Really really long
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<Althego> it will be almost nothing here
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<Althego> ufo, whatever, tldr https://i.imgur.com/bPDbz9f.png
<Althego> (local) leet time
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<darsie> .
<Mat2ch> Althego: now I want to know what is in the blue envelopes.
<Althego> what's in the box?
<Althego> what blue envelope
<Mat2ch> Read the last line
<Mat2ch> "Open your blue envelopes and snooze"
<Mat2ch> There was a sealed evelope on their plane for this situation.
<Mat2ch> where did you get that link from?
<Althego> irc
<Mat2ch> Crazy stuff.
<Althego> i think at best all this ufo thing is a huge distration
<Mat2ch> From what
<Mat2ch> who will benefit?
<Althego> yes, that is the tihng
<Althego> look, what is this? a ufo! quick, grab the worst camera we have!
<Mat2ch> I showed you the pics from the fighter yet.
<Mat2ch> No bad camera, just quick shots.
<Althego> yes those were better
<Mat2ch> I'm not talking about the basic lunatic here.
<Althego> but think of this, everybody carries a high resolution camera with them, if they are here, tehre should be thousands of pictures
<Mat2ch> and why now? Don't know. Could be coincidence.
<Mat2ch> Could also be that some scientists are working on things that might change our view of the universe and allow us what they have. Superluminal travel.
<Mat2ch> Then it's a good time to introduce themselfs.
<Mat2ch> And how to do it better than by increasing the talk about them.
<Althego> i woul like to have superluminal travel please
<Mat2ch> That's how you break the news.
<Mat2ch> If you want to avoid panic give as many signs as possible that something big might happen.
<Mat2ch> Then almost everyone is mentally prepared.
<Althego> nobody can be prepared
<Mat2ch> Why not?
<Althego> also consequences of just the mere existence of alien life would have long lasting changes in society. or example in law and religion
<Althego> for example somebody kills an alien. is that murder?
<Althego> legally this is totally undefined
<Althego> oh yes, and history taught us that if two cultures come into contact, even if they are human, the less development culture will always be worse off
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<Mat2ch> That is the case because the less developed culture was always abused. But WE already know that this is a bad thing and try not to do it anymore and even preserve indigious people
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<Mat2ch> and yes, the laws would need adaption, but that's a minor thing and the aliens probably have some suggestions how to define it.
<Mat2ch> The German law speaks of a "human". But the English law says "person" already. And a intelligent alien would fall in the category "person".
<Althego> obviously
<Althego> as religion is not an allwoed topic that would take a hard hit too
<Althego> and we cant spea more about that
<Mat2ch> The US is... a weird thing, because every state seems to have a different law for it.
<Althego> there is a rather short book, The Greks Bring Gifts
<Althego> what would happen if aliens gave us their tech
<Mat2ch> Iff there is intelligent life out there and iff it is watching us, then they have probably no intention to make us gifts. They are just watching.
<Althego> i wouldnt contact us
<Mat2ch> Because everything else could have been done decades ago.
<Mat2ch> Watching yes, contact no. But if they are a bit like us, they will have a few dull individuals which might show up on radar...
<Mat2ch> Or... they are unaware of us and don't think that we are an intelligent species.
<Althego> that is the recurring joke
<Althego> they found no intelligent life on earth
<Mat2ch> But it would explain those close encounters.
<Mat2ch> Curious what a plane is and why it just fired things
<Mat2ch> Not getting that there are intelligent people inside watching them back.
<Althego> we can transition to the fermi paradox and the great filters
<Mat2ch> Think of an intelligent species that developed on a huge ocean planet
<Althego> maybe ultimately every intelligent life is met its end before contact
<Althego> maybe they built ai that took over and killed them
<Althego> we have such intelligent species here
<Althego> whales
<Althego> probablysmarter than us, but cant show it
<Althego> they have no technology
<Mat2ch> But why doesn't the AI care about us then?
<Mat2ch> And if the whales are smarter than we are, they would've figured out a way to show it.
<Mat2ch> Different sounds, movement, etc.
<Althego> also i am quite afraid that most life is outside of the goldilocks zone under ice in gas planet moons
<Althego> so even if they intelligent they dont see the stars to inspire them
<Althego> they dont even know they are there
<Mat2ch> I don't think that there is life at all.
<Mat2ch> Life needs sunlight to develop as huge power source.
<Mat2ch> The cycles this planet goes through every day by being heated up and cooling down again moves all the nutrients around
<Althego> there is at least some chance that the first life here was chemo synthesizing near hydrothermal vents
<Althego> two star trek episodes come into mind. in voyager when they are trapped next to a planet and the inhabitants culture is influenced just by the presence of the ship which looks like a bright star
<Althego> there is an other one in tng, when there are some xenophobic aliens and riker is held captive, and starfleet realizes it was a mistake to be among them in person
<Althego> there is a third one, where picard is thought of as a god by the locals, i really like that episode, but unlikely that the peaceful resolution would happen in reality
<umaxtu> yeah, TNG and TOS were kinda naïve
<Althego> these are titled blink of an eye, first contact, who watches the watchers
<Althego> huh, google can find it from a few wirds
<Althego> words
<Mat2ch> The first one was an accident and Voyager got stuck there and couldn't move. Also the planet itself was in a time bubble and developed much quicker so the few hours Voyager was there was 1000 years for them
<Mat2ch> the second one you mention I don't remember
<Mat2ch> but the third on ends in Picard getting shot by an arrow and "dying"
<Althego> not dying
<Althego> just injured
<Althego> and then they realize they are just people too
<Mat2ch> I think it hit his heart again...
<Mat2ch> Also: An accidental contact
<Mat2ch> we wouldn't think as Gods of them now.
<Althego> i really cant remember the titles
<Althego> or was that a title?
<Mat2ch> and "First Contact" doesn't fit either, because we are used to being spied on by foreign intelligences somehow...
<Mat2ch> What title do you not remember?
<Althego> i though an accidental contact wasa title because you capitalized
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: TNG was the Dark Mirror of the 90s. :D
<Mat2ch> Oh, no, I did that, because there was a colon.
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<raptop> huh, world of warcraft
<umaxtu> what about wow?
<Althego> classic
<Althego> whatever that means
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<Althego> hah der8auer finally got to that nano probing cpu transistors video
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<Althego> nsf also speculates that since sn17 is disassembled and nothing is happening to sn16, and there is also work on sn20, it seems next flight will be the orbital
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<FLHerne> !mission
<LunchBot> FLHerne: A pine cone.
<raptop> To be fair, that was sort of defined as a launch
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