Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<kubi> hohohohoooo
<kubi> 1.12
<darsie> kubi: With inverted mousewheel and slow mouse.
<kubi> juhu
<kubi> inverted mouse wheel was with us once
<kubi> changing UI is a crime against humanity
<darsie> Fortunately it's only the last major subversion. I guess there'll be subsubversions to fix stuff like this.
<darsie> Fairings still have high drag as root part.
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<kubi> maybe it is not inverted wheel, but re-inverted to the original and the config hack needs to be back
<kubi> or am I just dreaming?
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<flayer> 1337
<darsie> .
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<Deddly> A decade of KSP, eh? Amazing
<darsie> my flat mate bought an early version with btc.
<darsie> What do you call them? Early bird?
<Deddly> Prerelease?
<Deddly> Alpha?
<darsie> Can't be prerelease if it's openly sold for 10 EUR, can it?
<Deddly> I guess different outlets have their own terms for these things
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: |
<Althego> zombanwa
<darsie> Hmm, a lowest dv to orbit challenge would be interesting, but we can't measure actual dv, only vacuum and in air.
* darsie seeing 3300 m/s to LKO in that map while having reached orbit <3000 m/s.
<Althego> i think echjeb can measure it
<darsie> Ahh, ok.
<Althego> and actually the only way to measure it precisely is to follow the same trajectory
<Althego> so you need a machine control anyway
<Althego> but obviously you need to fine-tune the ascent profile
<darsie> So mechjeb can't measure the dv used in manual ascends?
<darsie> ascents*
<Althego> it can
<Althego> but it will be variable
<Althego> so you need to measure it several times and take the average
<darsie> or just take the dv of individual ascents.
<darsie> If that's what I want.
<Althego> so you want to measure the human factor too, the piloting skill, not just the ship design?
<darsie> yes
<Althego> that is a different thing i had it mind, i thought only of the designs. but equally valid. not a design ranking but a race
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<Althego> but many other games are on sale too
<packbart> I finally finished my XCOM2 campaign
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<Bavib> Question: After the update of KSP to ver.1.12.
<Althego> you will be attacked by a horde of undead warriors
<Bavib> Question: After the update of KSP to ver.: , my ap- and pe- markers aren't visible anymore... Any suggestions ???
<darsie> Downgrade to 1.11.2?
<darsie> File a bug report.
<Althego> haha
<Althego> like that would do anything
<darsie> Deddly was interested in my superkerbals.
<Althego> can they fly?
<darsie> It appeared there was a bug tracking system.
<Althego> yes
<darsie> They can carry more than they should be able to.
<Althego> and since this is end of development, i doubt much is going to happen with them
<Deddly> Bavib, that's odd
<Deddly> Bavib, is this the same save or a new one?
<Deddly> Althego, the Dev team regularly consult that bug tracker
<Deddly> We need someone else on Linux who can confirm that bug, darsie
<Bavib> An existing save.. Seems to be a bug in this newer version... Need to downgrade KSP...
<darsie> Deddly: why?
<Bavib> Looking to do that in Steam...
<Althego> i launch something for the ap pe markers
<darsie> Deddly: Otherwise it's just a glitch?
<Deddly> Bavib, it's possible something got messed up with the things you have unlocked. Are you playing a career game or sandbox?
<Deddly> darsie, well, it could be something weird with your particular game and mod combination
<darsie> mhm
<Deddly> darsie, but you can, of course, file a bug report
<darsie> where?
<darsie> I won't for this bug.
<Althego> i have markers
<Deddly> darsie,
<darsie> ok
<Deddly> Bavib, also, do you have any mods installed?
<Deddly> darsie, it would be very cool if you could file that. I can try and see if QA have some spare resources to confirm it
<darsie> The inverted and slow mouse in 1.12 is far more annoying.
<darsie> It makes me think, WTH, don't they run the game before releasing it?
<Deddly> I think Linux unfortunately gets much less testing :(
<Deddly> Mac too
<darsie> Yeah. Like ... none.
<Deddly> That's why a bug report is so valuable
<Deddly> But to be honest, three are so many variables with a game like KSP that it just isn't possible to cover everything in QA and prerelease testing
<Deddly> there*
<Althego> that reminds me. i still need to measure the power intake of the company laptop for the scheduled blackout next week
<Bavib> Deddly: Career game... Also LMP-mod to play on a server. My current version LMP can't run on this newer version of KSP.
<Althego> lol, the kspedia icon changes position on the toolbar between map and external view. just who does this
<Deddly> Bavib, OK. If you open up a new, unmodded sanbox save, can you see the AP/PE markers then?
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<Bavib> Serious bugs in this new upgrade ! ! !
<Althego> new sandbox, ap is there, still ascending
<Althego> but i am on windows
<Althego> pe is there too
<Althego> i do hope for a .1 release there are usually some bugs upon each release
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<Deddly> Bavib, unfortunately, almost every major release of KSP always has some serious bugs. I usually wait for the inevitable bug release version before playing on my own game.
<Deddly> Bavib, are you playing on Windows, Mac or Linux?
<Bavib> Thanx anyway, Deddly ;-) Windows.
<Deddly> Bavib, and you're not running any mods? Do you have the Steam version?
<Mat2ch> Deddly: well, they should drop Mac support then :D :P
<Althego> in a sane world windows and macos wouldnt exist
<Mat2ch> well, Linux neither... there are probably even better ways to do this ;)
<Althego> at this computing is fubar
<Deddly> Yeah, Workbench FTW
<Deddly> AmigaOS = best OS
<Althego> maybe os/2 warp shouldnt have died out :)
<Mat2ch> I'm talking about kernel/modules/drivers architecture here!
<Mat2ch> Like a micro kernel (that performs well...) and then modules that can't bring the main kernel down.
<Althego> amiga had big endian cpu too
<Althego> the only ghood endian
<Althego> we are cursed with the little endian on x86. and most oses on arm are little endian too
<Althego> at least now we have a separate graphical unit on the pc again. the video card. it seems the hw sound isnt really coming back
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<Deddly> darsie, if you do get a change to put something in the bug tracker, I'd really appreciate a link.
<darsie> sure
<Deddly> Thanks :)
<darsie> Deddly: I have no Ap, too. I think I should. Started a new game, upraded Tracking station.
<darsie> Dated quicksaves, KER, EEX
<darsie> And a few dependencies.
<darsie> 11.2 rated or so
<Deddly> darsie, oh, interesting.
<Deddly> Can you test with no mods?
<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<darsie> Also did a fresh install.
<Deddly> darsie, so, to be clear, you have a fresh install, no mods, and it still doesn't show you AP/PE markers?
<darsie> just removed mods ...
<darsie> The intro screen seem to do their fade in/out steps only when there's a new part being processed. Blocks when one takes long.
<darsie> During startup.
<darsie> Deddly: Yep, no Ap.
<Deddly> Steam version?
<Deddly> (Thanks for pinging me - I have IRC behind another window at the moment)
<darsie> Tracking Station says "Facility Level 1, Fully Operational, Upgrade 150,000.00 VF, Orbits visible in map, Max DSN Power: 2.00 G"
<darsie> Steam built: Jun 8 2021, at 22:23:41
<darsie> Deddly:
<Deddly> Steam version? :)
<Deddly> OK
<Deddly> darsie, please could you use Steam's built-in "verify local files" feature?
<Althego> hehe it is not that it is missing
<Althego> the line should be blue normally
<Althego> so it doesnt even want to render it
<darsie> The tracking station upgrade failed.
<darsie> It doesn't seem to deducted the price from my balance, but the upgrade price increased to 150,000.00.
<Althego> lol
<Deddly> darsie, can you verify files?
<darsie> doing
<darsie> 11 failed, reacquired ...
<Althego> darsie is not doing :)
<darsie> I am Allah ;p
<Deddly> OK. Crazy stuff can happen if those files are not verified. So it will be interesting to see what happens after reacquiring them. To be on the safe side, darsie, could you verify again after those 11 files have been fixed?
<raptop> darsie: congratulations, you are now doing. I hope you can do all the stuff
<darsie> yes
<darsie> 1 failed ...
<Deddly> 1 always fails, that's not a concern
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> I think the 1 that always fails is the settings file
<darsie> downloading ...
<darsie> all validated
<darsie> successfully
<darsie> I quit ksp during one of the validations.
* flayer farts
* darsie ignites flayer.
<darsie> Ignition ...
<Althego> wasa good game
<darsie> And liftoff!
<raptop> Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space!
<darsie> Hmm, the price for first Tracking station upgrade is 150 kVF. Maybe I didn't upgrade?
<darsie> I was so sure I did ...
<darsie> Deddly: I have Ap.
* darsie hides.
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<Deddly> Ooh, interesting!
<Deddly> darsie, what is especially interesting about this one is that two people experienced the same problem at the same time. What happens if you add in your mods again?
<darsie> We'll see. I deleted my game and start anew with mods ...
<Deddly> Oh. I was going to suggest using the same saved game
<Deddly> It's not impossible that there is something going on that corrupts the save in some way
<darsie> btw, I'm launching the ksp_64 binary directly (from a custom made .desktop entry).
<Deddly> That's fine
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<flayer> what about the scroll stuff
<flayer> it was inverted
<darsie> It still is.
<darsie> And RMB drag turns slower.
<darsie> And MMB zooms slower.
<darsie> MMB drag
<flayer> for me too
<darsie> Dragging KER windows is choppy.
<FLHerne> Hrm
<FLHerne> On my laptop, 1.12 seems to hang on startup
<FLHerne> It's using a lot of CPU while not apparently doing anything [even opening a window]
<darsie> Deddly: I have Ap with mods. I guess I just didn't upgrade the Tracking Station.
<Deddly> Well, verified files for the win :)
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Got bugs? Verify files on Steam for instant happiness.
<darsie> Does the verify conflict with mods?
<Deddly> It shouldn't do but I haven't tested
<flayer> not unless the mods overwrite some squad files in the file system
<FLHerne> Tried under X11 instead of Wayland in case it was that; it isn't
<FLHerne> (I'm on an Ivy Bridge laptop running Arch Linux)
<Althego> hehe i think my own laptop is an ivy bridge too. havent turned it on for years, since i quit my old job and didnt need to travel
<Althego> ran the game very poorly
<Althego> shouldnt be a launch today?
<Althego> ah no video
<Althego> russian military satellite
<Althego> wait, i thought there was one flacon 9 this week too
<Althego> not anymore, on tuesday
<Althego> hah, "am cat in two hours"
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<Mat2ch> linuxgurugamer suprised me a bit in the video
<Althego> rain surprised me too. that it didnt happen
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<Althego> ok, laptop takes only about 8 watts in idle with brightness turned down (12 when not, so significant). it can also run about 2 hours on its tiny battery. so my plan for thursday is to run it 1 hour from the ups, after then unplug it, and let the ups run the routers. after 2 hours when it is close to shutdown plug it back in as a last resort if power did not came back
<darsie> The SI unit for pressure is Pa, not PA.
<darsie> .tell deddly aoeu
<Althego> what would PA be? public announcement?
<darsie> Sound pressure?
<darsie> petaampere
<darsie> But they use kPA.
<darsie> and multiplyin SI prefixes is not allowed.
<darsie> I was wondering what these shperical capsules were about. 4000 kPa=40 bar=400 m under water on Earth. Not super deep.
<darsie> 390 m
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<Althego> those are rookie numbers :)
<FLHerne> Althego: Yeah, I'll try it on my desktop when it's available
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<Althego> "am cat" :)
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<Althego> wah
<packbart> I just updated my Linux KSP and yes, the mouse zoom is inverted. I seem to remember that problem with a previous version, too
<packbart> setting Invert in settings.cfg
<packbart> darsie: how did you overload the Kerbal's inventory?
<darsie> packbart: pick up two things from the ground.
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<packbart> hm. can't pick up the FL-A5 adapter (325l). maybe that's too big
<raptop> huh, 75% off KSP Steam sale
<packbart> hm. can't reproduce with the ground experiment "Pick up part" action. "Picking up deployed part would exceed Kerbal carry capacity."
<packbart> neither in construction mode
<packbart> darsie: your Kerbals have magic superpowers :)
<darsie> Did I do this with 1.12?
<darsie> I think still 1.11.2
<packbart> hm. I only keep a single version on the Linux laptop, so can't test 1.11.2. Kerbal capacity limit seems to work as expected in 1.12
<packbart> clicking "Pickup" while the shutdown animation plays doesn't superload it, either
<packbart> Pressing "F to Interact" opens a status window for the part. That's new
<darsie> I miss 'aim camera here' in 1.12.
<packbart> Works for me
<darsie> Maybe I need to launch for that.
<darsie> nope
<packbart> no, works for me on the launchpad. didn't you already have that particular problem before?
<darsie> no
<darsie> Interesting, Jeb can pilot a rocket from the Mk1 Crew Cabin, while Bob is sitting in the Command Pod.
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<packbart> isn't that the "full control" bug/feature?
<packbart> darsie: I got the "Aim Camera" buttons on all part menus.
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<darsie> idk
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* darsie needed some science and flew a group experience to Minmus with a short orbit at Mun: