raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
* raptop has heard basically nothing good about Smoke Jaguar, really
<Solar_Oracle> Which is perhaps why the other Clans were so quick to leave them to die.
<Solar_Oracle> They treated their civilian castes the worst, too.
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<Solar_Oracle> We should colonize THE SUN.
<flayer> we should colonize your mom
<bees> given that he exists, it already happened
<Solar_Oracle> Jokes on you: I'm a Population III star!
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<Solar_Oracle> I think Minas Tirith has finally fallen. All hail Sauron!
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<Solar_Oracle> Because I don't know how to link to Steam images like a pro, here's a closeup of the Doomwheel's propulsion system https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1731052851323091235/48FE1B28255BFEBBBF9AB696C0248580A9F40965/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false
<raptop> this kills the hamster?
<raptop> (well, rats)
<Solar_Oracle> Well, it's supposed to kill the enemies of the rats, but often one doesn't care if one or two hundred skavenslaves die when you're charging in.
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<Solar_Oracle> You can always get more skavenslaves!
<raptop> Seems convenient
<Solar_Oracle> Skaven and undead factions all thrive on expendable infantry. The Tomb Kings even have a mechanic which encourages you to keep a certain number of expendable units so that they can fill the Realm of Souls meter and heal/revive your army.
<Solar_Oracle> The Vampire Counts can just go ahead and raise zombies and skeletons whenever, and they recruit their best units from battlefields.
<Solar_Oracle> The more dead in battle, the better the units.
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<raptop> "we have reserves" trope, but it's a good idea
<Solar_Oracle> Tomb King spear skeletons and sword skeletons are also completely free and do not obey any unit cap. You can literally have as many as you have recruitment slots and army space for.
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<Solar_Oracle> One more day,
<Solar_Oracle> One more day until we all get Rick-rick-rick-rickedy wrecked.
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<raptop> ?
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Kerbot364 is now known as Kerbot
* raptop pokes kerbot with a vtuber
<Solar_Oracle> New season of Rick & Morty
<raptop> not my thing, but enjoy
<Solar_Oracle> I like it when fans actually try and think of Rick as a hero.
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<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You try to raise money to upgrade your computers on the ground and on your craft. You are banned from calculating probability distributions for continuously being indiscreet.
<raptop> Oh, come on. My integrals weren't *that* improper
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<Althego> lol ame dit a 3d debut with smol ame
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<flayer> nice
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* darsie would like to post a 1337 pic, but is unsure if it's allowed. I'm in underwear in it.
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> unarchived karaoke
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<Solar_Oracle> I return, at last!
<Solar_Oracle> Close, but I was really thinking of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCOSvLu8ZLY
<Mat2ch> Batmetal forever is a so much better video ;P
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<Solar_Oracle> Results of Stalker LRM Boat study: Our analysis indicates that replacing all weapons and armor for 4xLRM-20s produces an effective long range artillery system . . . So long as nothing shoots at it.
<Solar_Oracle> One ton of armor is simply insufficient for anything other than protection against rust.
<Solar_Oracle> The 'Mech also tends to overheat and auto-shutdown after firing two salvoes in quick succession, but this drawback is deemed tolerable.
<raptop> Just don't let anyone get nearby, simple!
* Solar_Oracle VTOLs in VTOLs.
<Solar_Oracle> And Stalkers are about as slow a 'Mech as you can get.
<Solar_Oracle> Sadly, MechWarrior 5 doesn't allow for the levels of cheese that BattleTech does, where you can build the famous Siestanator Awesome.
* raptop was expecting 6 PPCs for some reason
<Solar_Oracle> Don't have a picture of that one.
<Althego> somehow kiara learned to sing. mostly
<Solar_Oracle> But the Siestanator does have 6xPPCs, and it WILL shut down after a single salvo.
* raptop remembers trying to cheese MechWarrior 2 ages ago, and finding that nominally heavier assault mechs could fit 4 PPCs with enough heatsinks for continuous fire
<Solar_Oracle> Heatsinks are half-measures!
<Solar_Oracle> Don't need to waste time cooling down for a second shot if your enemy died in the first shot.
* Solar_Oracle taps forehead.
<raptop> To be fair, that was a game where occasionally you'd be alone against a trinary of assult mechs
<Solar_Oracle> Shouldn't have bid so low.
<Solar_Oracle> Rollout of rollout photovoltaics https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/#public
<raptop> ...come to think of it, a game that uses bid mechanics sort of like gratuitous space battles would be interesting
<Solar_Oracle> While I think the Clans should all be condemned to the black void of distant space, the whole ritualistic combat system would work very well with a game and be a bit more easy to design than a more open-ended title.
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<raptop> yeah
<raptop> huh, I didn't realize that you could clip mirrors onto EVA suits, but that makes sense
<Althego> i think they had mirrors for a long time
<Althego> maybe from apollo
* raptop wonders if eg: Grissom first suggested them, then
<Solar_Oracle> Sounds like a Grissom thing.
<Solar_Oracle> I recall mirrors being used on Mercury to help, "feed" instrument readings into a camera.
<Althego> so not exactly new thing
<Althego> no bird for 6 days. no kikkerikii
<raptop> Tests show that she is not a corvid
* flayer feels like a pie
<Solar_Oracle> Why would you mince yourself and place yourself in a pastry shell!?
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<FLHerne> !stupid eating yourse
<LunchBot> FLHerne: No stupid quote found matching "eating yourse".
<FLHerne> er
<FLHerne> !stupid eating myself
<LunchBot> FLHerne: "I just tried eating myself, and that doesn't let me fly. Your comparison is inaccurate."
<sandbox> how much of you brain could you eat before you lost the ability to eat any more?
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<FLHerne> Well, it would depend where you started...
<FLHerne> And probably the definition of 'eat
<FLHerne> I assume the swallowing reflex relies on less brain function than the whole scooping-brains-out process
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<packbart> !mission
<LunchBot> packbart: You perform percussive maintenance on your rocket. You get hit by fireworks and lose 70% of your hair.
<packbart> ooh, well. we'll get fireworks in 1.12 :)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> percussive maintenance
<packbart> according to my father, the secret in operating a Zuse Z22 lay in knowing where to kick it
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<Solar_Oracle> Has everyone paid tribute to the progenitor organism today?
<Solar_Oracle> Trueborn Clanners excluded.
<Althego> not a thing here
<raptop> hah
<raptop> Althego: ...I wonder if Callie or Botan is getting Father's Day wishes
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> shark is going to watch jaws
<raptop> heh
<darsie> sandbox: Would you have to cut open your skull and get brain yourself? Or would someone feed you?
<sandbox> darsie, you choose :)
<darsie> Videos of people who are awake during brain surgery are interesting.
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<Solar_Oracle> Day 158: Integration in to the human community goes well. None suspect my true purpose, even when I openly declare myself and walk among them without a disguise.
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<raptop> greetings, nuclear prophet
<Solar_Oracle> Only for proton chain reactions. I don't go past helium fusion.
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<Solar_Oracle> Now someone's following me on Reddit. This has gone too far!
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<Solar_Oracle> Is this thing still on?
<sandbox> thing
<Solar_Oracle> Splendid.
<raptop> on
<Solar_Oracle> Reactor: Online. Sensors: Online. Weapons: Online. All systems nominal
<Solar_Oracle> I wish they had a sound effect in MechWarrior 5 for cockpit destruction like they did in BattleTech.
<Solar_Oracle> Or at least played, "BOOM! Headshot!" everytime some poor MechWarrior got reduced to a greasy stain.
* raptop imagines some one of the Unreal Tournament announcers saying "headshot"
<Solar_Oracle> Or have Duncan Fisher return and narrate the whole thing.
<Solar_Oracle> "Man, that kid was on fire! He went the distance longer than any of us could expect. Of course, now he is literally on fire, but, hey, that’s the nature of the game."
<sandbox> I used to know someone called Duncan Fisher
<Solar_Oracle> Hehe.
<sandbox> he's dead now, so I'd be shocked if he returned
* raptop tosses sandbox a USB stick with a PDF of the necronomicon
<Solar_Oracle> Don't go down to the old Indian burial ground, though. What comes out of the ground, aint the thing you put in.
<raptop> If that thing isn't called a katyusha, something has gone terribly wrong
<Solar_Oracle> Sadly, it's the Yeoman.
<Solar_Oracle> And, in case you're wondering: No, it does not have any other weapons. It's literally just LRM tubes on legs.
<raptop> hah
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<Solar_Oracle> Beats the Hollander, which was essentially a single gauss rifle on legs https://cfw.sarna.net/wiki/images/8/87/Hollander.jpg
<Solar_Oracle> And the appropriately named Blitzkrieg, which was a medium 'Mech with a single Ultra Autocannon/20 on its, uh, back https://cfw.sarna.net/wiki/images/1/1e/Blitzkrieg.jpg
<Solar_Oracle> Even the humble Hunchback had backup lasers!
<raptop> o_O
<Solar_Oracle> Though all the above are still preferable to the Assault 'Mech that was built with small lasers and ONLY small lasers.
<Solar_Oracle> And I'm not talking about huge banks of small lasers. Oh no, just FIVE small lasers. On a 80 ton 'Mech.
<raptop> ...why tho?
<Solar_Oracle> It was designed as a scout 'Mech and, indeed, it actually had a top speed comparable to the fastest light 'Mechs of the era.
<raptop> So actually useful, albeit in situations that are basically never simulated in the games
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<Solar_Oracle> Well you want scouts to be cheap so you can have more of them, so a handful of expensive scouts don't make much sense. The Charger 'Mech only survived into the 4th Succession War precisely because it withdrawn from service.
<Solar_Oracle> And then dragooned back into the field when 'Mechs were rare.
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