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flayer has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<darsie> 1033 science
<darsie> packbart: Did you try on Minmus?
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<raptop> ;outcome add Your costs slip up, and your schedule slips to the right.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Your costs slip up, and your schedule slips to the right.
<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: KSC staff swear too much on the job. The mission is deemed a complete success!
<raptop> Fixing problems by yelling at them?
<raptop> ;outcome add Your rocket clips into The Backrooms.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Your rocket clips into The Backrooms.
<raptop> ;mission add You use SCP-[REDACTED] to improve your craft's performance.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You use SCP-[REDACTED] to improve your craft's performance.
<raptop> ;outcome add Your rocket is classifed as a new kind of SCP.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Your rocket is classifed as a new kind of SCP.
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<pikapika> raptop, hi
<raptop> \o
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<Althego> i didnt know there are new launch sites
<Althego> hah there will bea patch
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<Althego> there are new easter eggs too?
<pikapika> hey Althego
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<pikapika> Do americans consider california a hot or cold state
<Althego> how should i know
<pikapika> Are you american
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<Althego> no
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<raptop> pikapika: depends on the location, but mostly medium to hot
<pikapika> raptop, I knew it
<pikapika> America is a cold country
<Althego> somehow because of global warming usa gets colder
<raptop> Apropos nothing, it turns out that 295 K is actually pretty miserable when the humidity is ~90%
<Althego> replace humid air with water of the same temperature. all better
<raptop> uh
<raptop> Also, note that I'm like 3000 km away from the parts that might see a bunch of record highs
<Althego> heh i still have 10 hours of flat earth videos. 5 hours with double speed
* raptop flips open youtube subscriptions, and sees that a duck and a rabbit are live right now
<pikapika> raptop, do you like death metal
<raptop> pikapika: some, yes
<pikapika> raptop, how about war metal?
* raptop isn't sure what that genre is. Like Sabaton?
<pikapika> Like Blasphemy
<pikapika> raptop, what dm do you like
* flayer tickles pikapika
* pikapika jumps on flayer
<pikapika> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, pikapika
* raptop has unfortunately drifted away from listening to much metal, so needs to refresh >_>;;
<Althego> security to isle 5
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<flayer> hey darsie
<darsie> hi flayer
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<Mat2ch> so, the ufo report is out? Any good things in it? :P
<Revelator> Watershed U.S. UFO report does not rule out extraterrestrial origin
<Mat2ch> but what about new cases?
<Mat2ch> I only know of two or three
<Mat2ch> I need moar :D
<flayer> Most UFOs remain unidentified. One was a deflating balloon.
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<Mat2ch> wait
<Mat2ch> 9 pages for 140 incidents?!
<Mat2ch> I thought we might get a list of something
<Althego> lol
<Mat2ch> This is sad. If you want to find the needle in the haystack you better use the full potential of this billion people neural network!
<Althego> "Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus"
<Althego> ok i had to look it up, but still
<Mat2ch> It is labeled as Preliminary Assessment
<sandbox> prelimary
<Mat2ch> hm
<Mat2ch> "The limited amount of high-quality reporting on u nidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) hampers our ability to draw firm conclusions" in other words: GIVE US MOAR MONEY
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> It's the first sentence!
<flayer> its just not interesting at all, is basically the conclusion I've drawn from this
<Mat2ch> you mean that they remain unidentified?
<flayer> i mean it's completely uninteresting
<flayer> in terms of 'aliens'
<Mat2ch> Well, I'm more in for the technology. If something can move fast in air, water and space then I want to know hwo.
<Mat2ch> *how
<flayer> sure
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<flayer> i think we'll get more info on the tech in ways other than a 'UFO report' tho
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* flayer tackles Fluburtur
<Althego> immune
<Mat2ch> flayer: better cameras could help. :D
<Mat2ch> In addition to the radar and ir equipment
<Mat2ch> a part of the crew has the task (and is trained to do so) to film these events
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<Mat2ch> Althego: this is biased. The sightings are mainly in great heights or at night.
<flayer> Mat2ch, it is more likely that information will come out in the form of investigative journalism in the tech sector
<flayer> there are companies that are developing and experimenting with this kind of technology
<Althego> i thought investigative journalism is dead in the post truth alternative facts era
<flayer> that notion is the result of sensationalism in clickbait media
<Izaya> it's not dead, but it is less profitable
<flayer> yeah, and reporting on the idea that there are 'alternative facts' is profitable, so that idea that spread far and wide
<flayer> its so weird how there's layers of nonsense
<flayer> and new layers get added on top of it
<Mat2ch> flayer: this kind of technology has to be around since the 1950s.
<Mat2ch> otherwise some of that stuff is hard to explain
<flayer> nah
<Mat2ch> oh yes.
<Mat2ch> Some of the sightings report swarms of flying objects.
<Mat2ch> Not a single experimental craft.
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<Mat2ch> Think about it how long it takes to develop a new aircraft. We are talking about 20 years or so
<Mat2ch> before that there are at least 10 years of test and experimental crafts
<Mat2ch> they had to start in 1990.
<Mat2ch> And usually from theory to full sized experiment takes decades as well.
<flayer> my bread is all stale :(
<Althego> at least you didnt lose a loaf of bread
<Mat2ch> toast it! :)
<Mat2ch> you can also microwave it to make it softer...
<Althego> eh it was leet time and i missed it again
<flayer> Mat2ch, oohh thanks that worked
<Althego> yes, it is a nice trick
<Izaya> too long and it goes rubbery though
<Althego> bring me a (sh)rubbery
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<Mat2ch> flayer: you're welcome
<Mat2ch> and don't ask how I know that.
<Mat2ch> :D
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* darsie does the Mun Walk.
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<Althego> i didnt know zhurong made a video too
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<darsie> I had a thermometer and a barometer overheat in a fairing. Putting it on struts helped.
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<Althego> heat insulating struts. interesting
<Althego> but dont forget, the .1 is coming
<Althego> because matt lowne said so, there is at least one missing part they wanted to add
<raptop> A plush kraken?
* raptop would assume that struts don't so much do insulation as heat transfer
<Althego> no, some ground anchoring part
<darsie> For Minmus?
<darsie> We have teh Klaw for asteroids.
<Althego> for planets
<Althego> base building i guess
<Althego> i vaguely remember the blogs were mentioning that
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<Althego> finally scott made a video about the final release
<Althego> he mentioned the future .1 release too
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<darsie> How can I tell if I've been long enough on solar orbit for it to be recognized?
<darsie> I guess I could temporarily switch to auto upgrade or so.
<Althego> recognized?
<Althego> for mission completion? those are usually within seconds
<darsie> For Kerbal experience.
<darsie> It's not a mission.
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<raptop> Hrm, yeah, the game is subtle about that
<raptop> quicksave and search the file?
* raptop is realizing that what darsie is describing should probably be a feature
<Althego> if you mean standard kerbal experience, it is logged in the kerbal's part of the config instantly. but normally the experience is gained only upon recovering the kerbal, unless set to instant gain in settings
<darsie> I activated 'Kerbals level up immediately' but it doesn't show up. Maybe I have to stay out longer. Or farther.
<Althego> no, not really
<Althego> i usually just poke out of the soi and come back immediately
<darsie> Doesn't (always) work for me.
<Althego> so is it there in the save?
<Althego> you can just search for the kerbal's name
<darsie> Ok, instant level up upgrades the stars, but not the achievement list.
<Althego> because if it is there, the instant leveling mechanism is broken. if it is not there, then the whole experience detection is broken
<Althego> oh my, what a long selfie stick you have
<flayer> when starship orbital
<Althego> what, 3rd launch pad? they dont even have the second operational
<Althego> soon tm
<Althego> possibly next month according to their intentionally leaked out timer
<Althego> at least that is the soonest when the engines can be ready
<flayer> "SpaceX aims to launch first orbital Starship flight in July, company president says"
<flayer> "Elon Musk’s SpaceX is “shooting for July” to launch the first orbital spaceflight of its Starship rocket, company president Gwynne Shotwell said on Friday."
<darsie> Ok, it's in teh save file.
<Althego> i think it will slip into august
<flayer> you will slip into august
<Althego> i expect to
<Althego> i expect about 30 more augusts
<raptop> Don't slip on August, and break something
<Althego> augustus has been dead for some 2 millenia, cant slip on him
<flayer> what are the chances they will make it into space on their first attempt?
<Althego> into space? decent
<flayer> i think its about 50/50
<Althego> making into orbit? now that is harder. making it back? probably not
<flayer> 50/50 that they will launch and get a decent trajectory for space
<Althego> but wone thing bothers me. there is not enough time to test the booster
<flayer> no chance they're getting anything back but rubble
<Althego> i expect at least the heat shield pieces to survive :)
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<Althego> couldnt finish all the flat earth today. continued tomorrow
<darsie> Kerbals were upgraded for the solar orbit.
<Althego> too bad we cant really upgrade humans
<Althego> by adding some radiation tolerance
<flayer> tbh we kinda can
<darsie> We can train them.
<darsie> To be pilots, engineers, scientists.
<flayer> if we get like 400-500 people on regular basis to the moon, we will have an experienced group of space travelers
<Althego> we can rebuild him. we have the technology
<Althego> moon is like an extended earth
<Althego> that is nothing
<darsie> flayer: How long till they exhaust their radiation exposure limit?
<flayer> i think we can give them a year on the moon, two years on earth -- so we'd need about 1500-2500 people, rotating per 500 on a regular basis--this for about 30 years for a full career of space operations
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<darsie> ksp crashed
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<flayer> you sure you didn't accidentally click the close button?
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> Didn't lose anything (important).
Lyneira has quit [Quit: Bye]
* darsie spent 11 years waiting for multimillion VF asteroid detection contracts and upgraded all buildings.
<flayer> !
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