raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<flayer> sigh
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<RoboFreak> i would be so happy if these enforced disconnects happened 3 in th morning when i am not awake
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<Althego> all those thrusters firing
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<Althego> double combo. watching a spacecraft dock live while listening to a falt earth "debate"
<Althego> why do i write flat as falt this often
<flayer> poor motor control
<Althego> finally summer set in. some people have serious fun. they put out a grill, tent, tables, benches, and even a bouncy castle. never seen this happen in the 35 years i lived here
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<flayer> i'm gonna head to the store for candies and alcohol (and also proper food/drink)
<Althego> docking always happens in the dark
<Althego> in real life too :)
<flayer> teehee
<Althego> you can barely see anything in the stream
<Althego> wait, sun can bounce off radar? i thought plasma would absorb it
<flayer> any matter
<flayer> clouds deflect radio
<Althego> yes, but there is the plasma blackout during deorbit, and i think there is some stealth tech developed based on plasma
<flayer> plasma blackout just stops radio signals
<flayer> probably because the plasma deflects the radio..
<Althego> hmm i never thought of that. not absorb but reflect
<Althego> can be
<flayer> i don't understand anything written there but maybe it makes sense to you
<Mat2ch> oh, I have something fun for you
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> the worst part: They make some good assumptions :P
<flayer> i skimmed over some bits
<flayer> they make some good assumptions about intelligent life being out there
<flayer> but if they draw the conclusion that things that people on earth see are in fact aliens, then they draw ridiculous conclusions
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<Mat2ch> flayer: the argument is something like: The most detailed sightings are from the 2000. If someone on earth hah this technology at that point, they would have started to develop it at least 20 years earlier. So in 1980. They would have had to make prototypes 20 years earlier from that, we are talking about 1960 now. And that means that they would have had the theory at least 10
<Mat2ch> years earlier, so in 1950.
<Mat2ch> This is possible, but very unlikely.
<Mat2ch> It is entirely possible that there's another intelligent species on this planet hiding in the oceans that developed earlier than we did
<flayer> i believe in an ancient crab society that lived like the romans did, dozens of millions of years ago
<Mat2ch> possible.
<flayer> at the bottom of the ocean
<Mat2ch> Entirely possible.
<Mat2ch> We know nothing about the depth of our ocean
<flayer> indeed
<flayer> and there would be almost no proof of it, due to erosion
<Mat2ch> jep
<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> I'm not sure how good erosion works underwater.
<flayer> i'm pretty sure ancient roman crab society will have been buried in mud either way
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<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Falcon 9 - SXM-8 - Sun Jun 06, 2021 04:26:00 UTC (L-15:07:41) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/sxm-8 for info/stream
<Althego> but no stream yet
<a_flayer> my low tech ssto spaceplane is really quite easy to fly and reliable now
<Althego> nice
<Althego> easy to fly ssto sounds an oxymoron
<a_flayer> you just pop it on the trajectory and hit spacebar at 800m/s
<a_flayer> it lifts off quite easily as well
<a_flayer> can bring 5 tons into orbit a fairly spacious cargo hold
<a_flayer> and i can use it for polar excursions too!
<a_flayer> it flies almost just as stable going at x4 speed as it does at x1
<a_flayer> whoops burnt off the engines somehow
<a_flayer> (I wasn't looking at it fly at all lol)
<a_flayer> i'm gonna add some hotkeys to set the flaps to aerobraking
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<a_flayer> lol, easily reached 40 km by flying straight up on just the panthers
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<raptop> SSTOs can be easy to fly if you just skip on the whole jet engine thing
<a_flayer> nah, i needed this one to be a plane
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<a_flayer> nice, 90 days of snacks left after arrival at duna, that's a good margin
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<a_flayer> aha, successful landing!
<a_flayer> 250m from the base
<Althego> quite close
<Althego> nice
<a_flayer> yeah, i used 300 dv to do it
<a_flayer> or maybe 250
<a_flayer> but i think i need a bigger fuel transport
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<Althego> stream for the launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgtDRR2F2wA
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