raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<packbart> who's Sneed?
<packbart> ah, Simpsons, I see. I signed a piece of paper that says I'll never ever watch the Simpsons again, anyway
<packbart> got caught file-sharing, cost me 1000€
<packbart> Family Guy is much better, anyway
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<Althego> hehe the comments on scott's video on the 28m seatr action
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<Althego> guh
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<Guest77237> hmmm i am soubtime
<Althego> interpreting failed
<Guest77237> soub
<Guest77237> soub moment:
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<Althego> not even google and urban dictionary could tell me what soub is
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<Althego> hehe other comments on the angry astronaut's video about the 28m seat. stuff like, maybe elon bought it so send branson. or maybe elon bought it to send somebody in a clown suit
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<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Pegasus - TacRL-2 - Sun Jun 13, 2021 07:39:00 UTC (L-00:39:05) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/tacrl-2 for info/stream
<Althego> in less than an hour, but no video
<Althego> hmm it is the dying pegasus, probably one of the last launches
<Althego> hmm it may be the very last
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<Guest77306> soub is back
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<a_flayer> hrm, one wheel burnt off during descent to the surface of Eve
<Mat2ch> get an engineer out in flight and repair it. :D
<a_flayer> it is a robotic mission
<Althego> at least i am not alone here anymore with an alien who speaks only soub
<a_flayer> and like, the wheel is entirely gone
<a_flayer> it is also very dark
<a_flayer> it is going to be a hassle to find a thing to scan
<Althego> you can attach a new wheel
<Althego> and eve rotates slowly, so it may be dark for quite a long time
<a_flayer> no, its midday, clouds make it dark
<a_flayer> either way, sending a manned mission to Eve to repair the rover isn't happening
<a_flayer> i managed to find a volcanic rock!
<a_flayer> finally enough science to unlock another 160 node
<a_flayer> now i can deorbit all the thing!
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<Althego> you couldnt before?
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<Althego> if it is the grabbing thing, you can grab objects by landing legs
<a_flayer> XD
<Althego> hehe all caps remind we, have to check if the zombie said anything
<Althego> yes, she said this: BUT CAN YOU GUYS LIKE IMAGINE-- WATER BUT DRY???
<Althego> btw i know exactly how dry water looks like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbNF8k-gFeY
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<darsie> Anarchy has been revolutionizing EsperNet since August 8th, 2014!
<darsie> Policies, rules, etc: All users must follow the guidelines set forth in the Esper network charter: http://esper.net/charter.php
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<a_flayer> nice
<darsie> :)
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<Mat2ch> darsie: "You have requested a site that is currently offline." :D
<darsie> :)
<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> .
<Mat2ch> Someone paid 28 million to fly on Bezos rocket.
<Mat2ch> That's crazy if you think about it that a new F9 costs around 90 mio
<Althego> that is half of a price of crew dragon ticket
<Althego> and with that you get several days in orbit
<Mat2ch> yes!
<Mat2ch> DAYS
<Mat2ch> not minutes in something that only goes straight up and back down again
<Althego> as i mentioend this morning there are hilarious comments about this on scott's and angry astronaut's latest videos
<Althego> hehe, spice up an edeka ad with music from initial d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smy86IB9IIg
<Mat2ch> I didn't watch the video from Scott, because I don't care about Bezos
<Althego> yes, bezos hasnt done anything for space
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<darsie> But can you get on a Dragon for money?
<Mat2ch> Is there Edeka outside of Germany?
<Althego> darsie: first full commercial flight in a few months
<Althego> 55 million usd for a seat
<darsie> Why so much? Market?
<darsie> Should be 55 MUSD per launch or so.
<Althego> with this they are the cheapest manned launch provider
<darsie> Rendezvous with a satellite, spent rocket stage, space debris or so would be nice.
<Althego> even starliner will be more expensive when it is finished (but who would want to ride in that thing)
<darsie> They should have an airlock for EVAs.
<Althego> the iss has
<Althego> and it can dock with the iss
<Althego> if there is an open parking spot
<Mat2ch> darsie: Probably the market. SpaceX takes as much money as they can
<darsie> But I want to do an EVA at some other space object.
<Mat2ch> they're a company, not a welfare.
<betelgeuse> ksp question:
<betelgeuse> i am going directly up, 90°.
<betelgeuse> how much deltaV do i have to burn on my apoapsis to reach circular orbit?
<betelgeuse> please give me a link or a search term
<betelgeuse> after extending my apoapsis to 100km, i stop.
<darsie> Put an airlock in the trunk and either use it there, or release it and dock with it.
<Mat2ch> But they don't just sit on the money. They invest it in Starship.
<darsie> betelgeuse: 2300 m/s, IIRC.
<betelgeuse> how did you get that number
<darsie> Experience.
<darsie> I was in orbit many times.
<betelgeuse> alright, i am looking for an equation valid for any arbirary case
<Mat2ch> 2300 to 2400 m/s is your orbital speed in low Kerbin orbit.
<darsie> OTOH you have some lateral velocity due to Kerbins rotation.
<darsie> So it depends which way you want to orbit.
<Mat2ch> have fun
<Mat2ch> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/611-table-of-orbital-speeds-orbital-calculators/
<Mat2ch> here's a whole thread about this.
<betelgeuse> hah, thanks
<darsie> Also note that KSP doesn't have unlimited thrust, so you'll have to burn for a while, which will not get you into circular orbit like that.
<darsie> You will fall down while you burn.
<darsie> Unless you burn in a way that makes you stay on your Ap.
<darsie> I think that would be the case if you are at Ap and burn so your vertical component of thrust cancels gravity.
<darsie> You can get circular that way.
<darsie> Just angle your craft so Ap stays with you.
<darsie> Good luck with that equation.
<darsie> This is actually how you'd burn to orbit most efficiently form a spherical body without atmosphere.
<darsie> Without flying up first, though.
<darsie> Do wheels have angular momentum?
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<darsie> or ... angular inertia?
<Althego> nobody calls it angular inertia
* darsie is nobody.
<Althego> but they have an inertia matrix :)
<darsie> most accurately, rotational inertia,
<darsie> Althego: You mean in KSP?
<Althego> i am not sure how ksp handles them
<Mat2ch> darsie: well, with enough TWR you can get into orbit this way without falling down... ;)
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<darsie> betelgeuse: With this rocket https://i.postimg.cc/Qj437JwC/screenshot507.png I flew straight up with the Thumper and at Ap (~79.5 km) I burned so I would maintain the altitude and achieved circular orbit with 2225 m/s delta-v. Final velocity was 2280 m/s.
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<darsie> .
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<Althego> hehe tomorrow morning zombie manga reading
* raptop feels like I missed something, was the diff eq stream not achived?
<Althego> never happened
<Althego> i wanted it so badly
<raptop> =(
<Althego> but will happen on some other day
<Althego> meanwhile kiara's hosrt stream passed 6 hours and i have to go to bed
<Althego> short
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