raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Solar_Oracle> Idling hard or hardly idling?
<Alanonzander> Both?
<Solar_Oracle> The IRC paradox!
<raptop> work hard, idle hard
* raptop will not be watching the solar eclipse because 6 am is a bit too late to stay up
<Solar_Oracle> Won't there be a Solar eclipse when I leave the channel?
<raptop> I think that's just night?
<Solar_Oracle> From a certain point of view!
<Solar_Oracle> How do I know you're not on some sort of weird, tidally locked world?
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<Solar_Oracle> Or one of those weirder ones orbiting one star in a multiple star system where the other is really bright.
<raptop> Ah, Interstellar Relay Chat
<Solar_Oracle> Amazing how they fixed it so quantum entanglement finally transmits information and we don't get much latency anymore.
<raptop> :D
<Solar_Oracle> Causality shmaulsality!
<Solar_Oracle> I suppose that also means I could transmit all of us a copy of KSP 2 from the future.
<raptop> Also, can play an arbitrarily good game of chess
<raptop> I think
<Solar_Oracle> The only reason anyone should ever play chess is so they could get a good laugh in Aliens when Queen takes Bishop.
<Solar_Oracle> You would've thought that Ripley would've known better to assume it would just end once they landed on the Sulaco. I mean, she was literally the sole survivor of a slasher movie.
<raptop> hah
<Solar_Oracle> I suppose we can't all be as self aware as Laurie Strode.
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<Solar_Oracle> Also, is it just me or does Battlefield 6 look suspiciously similar to Black Ops 2?
<Solar_Oracle> And didn't we already have a Battlefield game set in the future, replete with BattleMechs, floating fortresses and drop pods? https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51KlT8h8DGL.jpg
<raptop> Sure, but AAA gaming has no institutional memory
<raptop> Like, I wouldn't be surprised if >80% of the people involved in that game are no longer in the industry
<Solar_Oracle> They were drained of their life essence and thrown into a charnel pit.
<Solar_Oracle> There aren't really many big name, "Rock Star" type developers left around in the modern era, anyway. David Braben of Elite 1984 and Chris Roberts of Wing Commander are the only two I can think of, but the latter hasn't really had a game go to release since, like, Freelancer or something.
<Solar_Oracle> But Peter Molyneux, Will Wright, and Sid Meier? Psht.
<Solar_Oracle> It's like modern astronomy: All the biggest papers are published by gigantic teams working across the globe. We remember Eddington, but who remembers any single person who has worked on something other than a one person Indie title?
<Solar_Oracle> Though we do get really weird things where very old developers from teams like Relic and Bullfrog have just reunited with their former coworkers.
<Solar_Oracle> Just under a different company
* raptop is rather unlcear as to what eg: John Romero and John Carmack are doing these days
<Solar_Oracle> John Romero spends his days playing Doom 2016 and Life is Strange.
<Solar_Oracle> Also showing up and being pretty chill, which is pretty funny for us that remember the magazine adverts for Daikatana.
<raptop> hah
<Solar_Oracle> His legendary hair also probably demands most of his attention.
<Solar_Oracle> Though game development really has changed a lot since the 90s and even the 2000s, wouldn't surprise me if people left simply because they couldn't keep with the changes in technology in addition to the work environment.
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<raptop> fair enough
<Solar_Oracle> Remember how long it took for gunsmiths to replace slow matches with flintlock triggers!?
<Solar_Oracle> And back in 1993's nausea inducing take on the FPS, you didn't even have up or down. In 2016? You can jump on a Cacodemon, and pop its eye out with your fist.
<Solar_Oracle> Hopefully games actually end up plateauing and we don't end up with fully immersive MMOs like that one from Black Mirror, though.
<Althego> or sword art online :)
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<Solar_Oracle> The only thing worse than being trapped into a space MMO would be being trapped in a MMORPG.
<Solar_Oracle> Ten minutes of World of Warcraft was enough, thank you very much.
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<Althego> we havea tiny solar eclipse
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<darsie> Althego: What's eclipsing the sun?
<Althego> the moon
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<kubi> or the edge of our disc
<kubi> it will fold on us and all will die
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<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRVkWtXhj6E such steam, much wow!
<Althego> nsf doesnt cover these tests
<Mat2ch> yeah, well, they would make a five hour stream for that. :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> if not 1
<Althego> 0
<Althego> 10
<Mat2ch> today is probably lifting of OLIT part 4.
<Mat2ch> So another live stream ;)
<Althego> and streaming of ollie in 7 minutes
<Althego> oh no it is starting and i still havent finished the kiara-calli rpg tutorial
<Mat2ch> how do you get any work done this way?!
<Althego> they are overlapping because at one point i forgot to unpause the video
<Althego> for hours
<Althego> and it seems now the conference successfully generates receiver reports
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<Althego> you mean unveils the cgi
<Althego> but looks like a starship copy cat
<Mat2ch> In three years?!
<Mat2ch> SpaceX is on it for almost five years now
<Mat2ch> and they haven't achived orbit yet
<Mat2ch> this is a scam.
<Althego> more optimistic than elon time
<Mat2ch> Well, full Starship flight could be still possible in June. ;)
<FLHerne> It's only F9-sized, not Starship-sized
<FLHerne> But yes
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<FLHerne> I think Neutron's 2024 is optimistic, and that's a less ambitious concept while Rocket Lab already have a working vehicle
<Althego> needs different, newly developed engines
<Althego> so it will take some time
<Althego> even if they know how to space already
<Althego> i wonder what the problem with the last launch was
<Althego> they just said they managed to reproduce it
<Althego> not what it was
<umaxtu> FAA already signed off on a reflight right?
<FLHerne> Yes, but they didn't say what it was either
<umaxtu> probably plugged something in backwards. that seems to be a popular thing for rocket builders to do
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> you cant plug in anythin backwards in a pc
<Althego> why is it possible in a rocket
<darsie> Perhaps because dump ppl use PCs.
<darsie> and rocket scientists are supposed to be smart.
<darsie> dumb*
<darsie> I've put RAM in the wrong way in the dark.
<umaxtu> I would hope that rocket builders would have sufficient illumination
<darsie> It didn't fit, which I didn't notice, and it blew a power trace, which I soldered and then it worked.
<umaxtu> with improved memory overclocking afterwards right?
<darsie> I don't OC.
<umaxtu> lame :P
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> I don't need it, it's risky and cumbersome.
<umaxtu> my overclocking right now is limited to enabling XMP
<darsie> whatever that is.
<FLHerne> !stupid dremel
<LunchBot> FLHerne: "Ohh yeah, my in-law said that RAM makes computers faster and so i bought some laptop RAM. But it didn't fit so I used a dremel to make it fit."
<umaxtu> basically XMP is an overclock stored on the RAM by the manufacturer
<Althego> i though overclocking these days are mostly pointless, since the devices do it already on the fly
<sandbox> I don't know if I trust XMP on this
<darsie> I got a cheap HP office PC, i7-3770, 16 GB, with a 6 or 8-pin CPU power connector. I fortunately the powersupply circuit board had holes for another connection so I could solder in one with graphics card connectors. Had to drill the holes a bit wider.
<darsie> s/CPU/mainboard
<sandbox> I usually have it enabled
<darsie> used. I disassembled the CPU fan/heatsink and removed the dust.
<umaxtu> Althego, for cpu and gpu, pretty much without exotic cooling. Not so much for memory, cause the official JDEC speed is a measly 2133mhz
<umaxtu> and Ryzen cpus love faster memory because their infinity fabric is tied to the memory clock
<umaxtu> comparison of the JDEC profile with my RAM's XMP profile. https://mars.umaxtu.space/ShareX/BURAN/2021/06/cpuz_E5swKLFOFz.png
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<Althego> hehe a video about not knowing what a tree is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSmurp1xOkQ
<Althego> as we learned here not so long ago
<raptop> So I should expect my bases to evolve into trees, much like my vehicles should evolve into crabs?
<Althego> hehe
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* raptop grabs the copy of Control that's free on the Epic store
* raptop should play it some day
<packbart> last update to KSP 1 coming soon. So, KSP 2 ist getting nearer
<packbart> On Final Approach is the last major planned release for Kerbal Space Program. Squad’s efforts will now shift towards joining Intercept Games in the development of Kerbal Space Program 2. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/202965-ksp-loading-getting-ready-to-celebrate/
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<Solar_Oracle> Given Elite Dangerous' Odyssey's catastrophic launch, can we expect the launch of Jurassic World Evolution 2 to involve dinosaurs jumping from monitors and eating people?
<Solar_Oracle> Though it's not like Evolution 2 will involve fitting a FPS into an existing framework with people who have just taken a crash course in how to work with the game engine.
<packbart> it did improve a bit with the latest bugchanges
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<Solar_Oracle> The terrain still needs a lot of work to return it to Horizons-era quality.
<umaxtu> that bad huh?
<umaxtu> uh, wtf?
<Solar_Oracle> From what I understand, a fair amount of this has happened because a lot of the talent used for the expansion was new and not familiar with how the game's engine (Cobra) worked. As it was in house, it also lacked documentation.
<umaxtu> in-house tech isn't always the most user friendly either
<Solar_Oracle> At release, the game didn't even perform culling despite that being implemented since Elite Dangerous originally came out, resulting in huge frame rate losses during FPS portions as all the new clutter was simultaneously processed regardless of whether or not you could see it anyway.
<Solar_Oracle> No, but Cobra isn't a bad engine. I mean, pretty much all the games built on Cobra have been stunning, and Jurassic World Evolution has some fantastic rain effects.
<Solar_Oracle> But it's not like, say, getting someone up to speed on a particular version of Unity or Unreal, which anyone and anyone's mum could find documentation for.
<Solar_Oracle> And then there'd be all sorts of support.
<Solar_Oracle> Instead, it's like a Medieval apprenticeship program.
<Solar_Oracle> Only if your apprentices don't even make it to journeymen before they're expected to take on their own apprentice.
<Solar_Oracle> And one in three of them die in horrifying accidents.
<umaxtu> lol
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<transit> Loading asset bundle is taking fogever
<transit> Did not change anything in the game previously
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<packbart> maybe check the log for errors? it's one of the last steps in loading, I think
<packbart> ah, gone already
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