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<Althego> lol scott about astra. call the next one rocket 3.11 for workgroups. they missed the windows of opportunity with this one
<UmbralRaptop> nice
<UmbralRaptop> But this also means that they need to skip 4 through 94
<Althego> i think there were version numbers windows 7 was 6.x
<Althego> and this is continuous
<UmbralRaptop> Okay, just need to do very out of order numbers
<Althego> just roll 2 10 sided dice for each one
<UmbralRaptop> heh
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<kmath> YouTube - The Martian Moons eXploration (MMX): Exploring the Mars system with Super Hi-Vision (8K) Cameras
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<kmath> YouTube - REMASTERED!! Life discovered on Mars in 1976! An exclusive interview with Dr. Gilbert Levin
<Althego> mars is hot in this decade
<Althego> (figuratively)
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<Althego> hehe, vacuum cleaning on the iss https://twitter.com/ivan_mks63/status/1304783116347768833
<kmath> <ivan_mks63> Saturday at the @Space_Station is for maintenance and cleaning. ⏎ ⏎ We do vacuum cleaning, washing and tidying. We va… https://t.co/CLrbP1jEoR
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<packbart> so I had a group of tourists booked for a tour of the Mun - the pilot had the wrong flight plan and went to Minmus instead. how embarassing
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<Althego> hehehe
<flayer> a common mistake
<Althego> it does happen in real life
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<darsie> A rocket thought it was at a different space port than it actually was.
<Althego> the missile knows where it is, at all times. it knows this because it knows where it isnt
<darsie> This happened in Russia, IIRC.
<Althego> ah i think i rememberthat
<darsie> Ahh, it made (wrong) orbit.
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<flayer> i want to buy an old factory one day
<Althego> almost none remains here from the age of socialism
<Althego> a few are still around
<Althego> but usually they were torn down and there are new office buildings in place
<darsie> flayer: What for?
<flayer> to live and build in
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<Eddi|zuHause> <Althego> the missile knows where it is, at all times. it knows this because it knows where it isnt <-- how very pratchett
<kmath> YouTube - The Missile Knows Where It Is...
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm fairly sure i've seen this before
<Althego> once during work we tried to figure out what this was saying for around an hour
<Althego> ultimately i think it cant be serious because it is impossible to derive anything sensible from it
<Eddi|zuHause> hence pratchett
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<flayer> the only thing faster than the speed of light is the speed of dark
<flayer> cause dark is everywhere light hasn't been yet
<darsie> Distant galaxies are FTL.
<darsie> Distant galaxies are faster than the speed of light.
<Eddi|zuHause> there's a few asterisks involved in that statement
<darsie> Not necessarily faster than light.
<Eddi|zuHause> no. their distance from us increases faster than the speed of light. from their point of view, they're standing still.
<darsie> If you pull that card, then nothing is moving.
<Eddi|zuHause> that'S the space between galaxies increases even when all involved parties are stationary
<Althego> as lawrence krauss says. objects cant move faster than the speed of light, but space between them can do whatever the f it wants
<flayer> i wouldn't be surprised if there were entirely different explanations for some of the specific things we are observing
<flayer> with how fast things are moving, a hundred years from now these kind of conversations will appear like monkey sounds
<Althego> since humans are still old world monkeys...
<Eddi|zuHause> darsie: there's still a few bits of physics that are technically, from a mathematical standpoint, solutions to einsteins relativity equation, that haven't been actually observed
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<Althego> closed timelike curves
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<JVFoxy> bleh... been on a sort of sabbatical from KSP for nearly a month and a half. Get back into it, 'wait.. what was I doing again?' >_<
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<JVFoxy> umm.. wee?
<JVFoxy> stupid builds: rocket powered craft that cruises across the sky at high altitude for those 'above 18km' points.. or at least a test thing. Not sure I can qutie get over to the points, and get the trajectory turned enough to hit them all in one go
<bees> steam powered boosters in KSP when
<JVFoxy> fl-t800 tank with a trio of spark engines half way up, probe core on top with battery and chute. I might be able to get away with only two sparks? It cruises along ok, but keep ending up climbing despite twr says 1. I'm guessing it gets a little confused when you that high up but not past the 70km mark
<raptop> bees: now filing a trademark, so that the exhaust products of the RT-10 (and perhaps RT-5) are considered Steam
<JVFoxy> lol.. technically the shuttle main engines just fired off steam as well. I mean.. H and O together...
<Althego> steam rockets wouldnt be efficient
<bees> Althego: have you heard about Green Steam Rockets(tm)?
<raptop> something something not stochiometric something Isp vs total energy
<bees> also known as ARCA?
<bees> or was that another rocket company?
<darsie> JVFoxy: IIRC I can get to 24 km or so with a little Juno plane.
<raptop> That was ARCA
<Althego> ah the company that started with aerospike
<darsie> No sensors, though.
<JVFoxy> just saw episode of mythbusters (ya I know rerun, I never got to see the last episodes) launching rockets powered by gummy sugar and Jamie's poo powered one.
<JVFoxy> darsie ya but you basically on a ballistic arc. juno's don't exactly preform well up past a certain point.
<darsie> JVFoxy: Yeah, it'll flame out during the fall.
<JVFoxy> darsie could do something crazy in past versions of KSP..
<JVFoxy> I made a stupid craft, pair of Mk1 commands back to back, 6 juno's in a circle around them. Gets up to around 550m/s
<darsie> I circumnavigated Kerbin with a minimalistic Juno plane.
<JVFoxy> musta been slow going
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<raptop> IIRC, you can hit mach 1.3-1.5 with a single juno if you're careful about weight and drag
<Althego> at least kerbin is small
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<raptop> Huh, that guest didn't even ask a question, and there was activity
<Althego> yes
<raptop> and yeah, ~3770 km isn't too extreme of a distance
<JVFoxy> I'm usually aiming for the pole or ice shelf and back at least.
<JVFoxy> I could design stuff, but I'm more of a casual type
<JVFoxy> ok weird.. think weight is bugged
<JVFoxy> with 3 empty mk0 tanks and sparks, weight is 17.396
<JVFoxy> sorry.. 17.861
<JVFoxy> swap them out
<JVFoxy> its 17.396
<JVFoxy> put in 2 sets instead of 3, weight is close to 17.9 so.. umm..
<JVFoxy> how is 2 heavier than 3?
<JVFoxy> oooh.. think someone did a 'whoops'. turns out, pulling an empty tank off, placing it back on, game acts like tank is full despite being drained.
<raptop> hm
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<Althego> lol i started to watch technology connections ced series
<Althego> i didnt know it was so long
<darsie> JVFoxy, raptop: tiny Juno plane goes 674 m/s: https://i.imgur.com/xLxTHKC.png
<raptop> whee!
<darsie> 2 deg AoA. At 3 deg it flies too high and keeps flaming out momentarily.
<JVFoxy> darsie done something similar..
<darsie> lets see how high it can fall :)
<JVFoxy> I've done some simple crafts, piloted, where I have to take care they don't just blow up from heat
<Althego> nice
<Althego> this could make the early career high altitude measurements
<darsie> Not sure how much drag a small sensor would have.
<darsie> Althego: That's easier done with rockets.
<Althego> no, because the points are far away
<darsie> I think. The small nosecone is rather late in the tech tree, IIRC.
<darsie> ahh, high altitude *measurements*. I read records.
<darsie> Also I'm using the okto2+RW. okto might have more drag.
<JVFoxy> got one contract, row of pressure readings above 18km, in a line down south of the mainland tip.
<JVFoxy> haven't accepted yet, been testing design ideas
<Althego> that is the beginning
<Althego> those can be easily done
<Althego> with rockets
<Althego> at the end of day 16 i still miss one node, quite useless, with the highest probe cores
<JVFoxy> well I do have a booster to get this spark thruster type craft up high enough.. its just the flightpath is annoying. get down there, then have to dogleg side ways
<JVFoxy> ok.. took a better look. One point is directly south of the center. Then the other two flank either coastlines almost down towards the mainland tip
<JVFoxy> I guess another way I could try is to do a jet plane, but with rocket booster or something. Try and see if I can ballistic arc the point, if i really wanted to
<darsie> Barometer doesn't seem to cause drag. Got 22 km up with it: https://i.imgur.com/in24rho.png
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<JVFoxy> ah the flat probe core.. though I'd worry a bit about power, no battery
<darsie> Juno makes 1 EC/s.
<darsie> IIRC
<darsie> currently only 0.19 EC/s.
<darsie> okto2 uses 0.03 EC/s.
<darsie> okto2 stores 5 EC.
<kmath> YouTube - A Breakthrough in the hunt for Metallic Hydrogen? [Update 2020]
<JVFoxy> I guess? I just like a little extra as a buffer..
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<darsie> If you don't regenerate it, you'll run out of it. Unless you carry enough for the trip.
<darsie> I save the weight of the batteryi.
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<darsie> I'm about 1/4 around Kerbin now.
<darsie> 29 min MET
<JVFoxy> manual adjustments or use'n one of the auto pilot mods?
<darsie> manual
<darsie> mechjeb would have been useful there.
<JVFoxy> got one of them flyby wire mods.. forgot what it was called. Works.. somewhat. ust being able to maintain a certain altitude did so much to the range
<Althego> oh no 1 hour long everyday astronaut video
<Althego> at most 30 minutes remaining from this day
<Althego> i guess i drop the mentour pilot video and i watch it on 2x speed as always
<Althego> apollo vs artemis
<JVFoxy> huh.. mentour pilot
<JVFoxy> I've poked at a few of the videos, though already know quite a bit about the subject myself
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<Althego> starlink 12 has a launch date now. bit less than 4 days
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