Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Delta IV Heavy launch 29/9 04:02 GMT
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<Althego> eh no launch today
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<Althego> (iron musk)
<raptop> something like that
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<kremlin> without FAR, nosecones are pointless right
<UmbralRaptop> post-1.0,they actually work
<kremlin> oh, word
<kremlin> fairings too?
<UmbralRaptop> I'd assume so, though haven't checked, and there have been bugs
<Althego> they do have function
<Althego> also some of them are better at high speeds than others
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Delta IV Heavy launch 30/9 03:58 GMT/UTC
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<kremlin> does the placement of mechjeb make any difference ?
<Althego> never used mechjeb, but seems to be unlikely
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<Mat2ch> kremlin: it gives you another control point from where you can control the craft
<Mat2ch> otherwise: no
<kremlin> hmm
<kremlin> im getting some weirdness i think from the misalignment of mechjeb & command module
<Althego> since you can freely choose the control point, and all it does just takes control instead of letting you control
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<kremlin> seems to be a bug -- if you lose signal transmitting the science from a lab, you won't finish the transmission when it comes back
<kremlin> and if you hit the transmit button again, it gives you an "already attempting to transmit" error
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<Althego> hehe tech jesus talking about capacitors while biking downhill
<raptop> that does sound like a bug
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<kmath> YouTube - SpaceX Crew-1 Mission Overview
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<sandbox> there's a lot of RAF planes flying about at the moment
<Althego> eh i am missing one mun biome landed
<Althego> which one is the southwest crater?
<Althego> i rmemebr somebody made labeled maps for minmus and the mun
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<Althego> eh that is one of the most unfavorable landings
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<Althego> then is still need to hop over to the twin craters for the missing seizmo and surface sample, they were not available at that time. not to mention the gravity scan which is not complete at all
<Mat2ch> Althego: all in the wiki ;)
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<Althego> no, the wiki does not show which one is which
<Althego> only for the old biomes
<Althego> and there ara few missing trhere
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<Althego> ok this specific crater is in it
<Althego> but still it is lame, why noéabeling for the new too
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<Althego> one plane is arriving back from the mun, one needs to slow down to capture around the mun and a mining rig is in orbit around minmus awaiting to land. not enough time, because the landing takes forever in atmosphere and cant switch
<Mat2ch> Althego: huh? There are new biomes?
<Althego> "new"
<Althego> like 2 years old
<Althego> or 4
<Althego> i dont know
<Mat2ch> I'm pretty sure there are maps of them then
<Althego> the biome map with labels on the wiki is the old
<Althego> there is one below it
<Althego> but it is basicvally all blue-grey and you dont know which biome is which
<Althego> currently there are 17 biomes on the mun
<Althego> that is why it is such a good target
<Althego> otherise nobody would bother with it
<Althego> since minmus is easier
<Althego> but that has only 7 or so
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<Althego> oh yes i also forgot there are two easy measurement missions on the mun and minmus just have to go there with a nearby rover probe, and bob is stuck on the south pole because there is no time to fly him back
<Althego> the main battery exploded on the returning spaceplane
<Althego> doesnt matter
<Althego> they got back
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<Althego> the other is probably not going to have enough delta v for the hop to the twin craters
<Althego> but doesnt matter there is a new guy who was found around minmus, need to take that to the mun too
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<kmath> <✔SpaceX> Once this Dragon docks to the @space_station, there will be two Dragons docked simultaneously. Between crew and car…
<Althego> hehe, double dragon (below in the comment)
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