Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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<Althego> heh. irc.esper.net certificate expired...
<raptop> *sad trombone*
<umaxtu> can't lets encrypt certs be renewed automagically?
<kmath> YouTube - Ok ? 😂 I would like to know what she said to her 😂
<Althego> sadly the tank test still didnt happen. maybe in the next 24 hours
<raptop> Ah, cicadas
<Althego> with on off switch
* raptop sprays coffee at them
<Althego> supposedly they live all over the earth. never heard one in real life
<raptop> They're *loud*
<Althego> aside from the same recording present in most of anime
* raptop hears them every summer, especially in the latter parts. Also, it seems like there are rather different sounds in the impact bay area, vs kansas city
<Althego> ut that is not real life either
<raptop> anime cicadas sound ~close enough
<umaxtu> wasn't this year supposed to be a pretty bad year?
<umaxtu> when it comes to cicadas I mean
<raptop> not sure
<raptop> I think some major brood was in one region?
<umaxtu> brood 9
<umaxtu> which sounds like a band
<raptop> biopunk noise band
<Althego> vault 13
<raptop> Pip Boy and the GECKs
<umaxtu> now that you mention it, I don't think I've heard any this year
* raptop grumbles about how few fireflies there are here vs in the midwest
<hoglahoo> I remembere there being a lot more when I was a kid (oklahoma) - I could fill a jar with them in a few minutes on a summer evening
<Althego> another insect that supposedly lives all over the globe but i havent seen one
<Althego> i guess all over the globe except cities :)
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<Althego> it seems it really is snowing in wyoming
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<Mat2ch> Althego: time to get the christmas decoration out!
<Althego> maybe too early for that but i heard some stores in the us are already setting up for halloween
<kubi> yes, christmas is right in between halloween and valentine's
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<Mat2ch> Althego: uhm, I saw the first posts of stores here that sell christmas cookies...
<Mat2ch> also the heat shield tiles on SN6 didn't make it.
<Althego> what happened to them?
<Mat2ch> they fell off.
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<Mat2ch> looks like they tried to glue them on this time.
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<darsie> I used hot glue to seal a hole I made in a solar panel. Not sure if it will melt in the sun.
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<Mat2ch> It will melt in the sun.
<Althego> since the solar panels absorb sunlight, they probably get quite hot. they dont like to be hot, but it just happens.
<Mat2ch> well, since they absorb some some of the light it wont get as hot as something that just sits there.
<Mat2ch> And hot glue isn't a particular good thing to use for anything else than hobby stuff.
<Althego> supposedly they are around 20 C warmer than ambient
<Althego> is 60 C enough to melt the hot glue?
<Althego> that is why all chinese factories use them in all products you buy :)
<Mat2ch> the ambient temperature is not the problem, but the direct heat induced by the sun.
<Mat2ch> Althego: hobby stuff :D
<Mat2ch> it's good enough as replacement for cable ties, but nothing I'd use in serious applications
<Mat2ch> if it gets hot, it gets soft
<Mat2ch> I'd use some high temp silicone to fix outside things
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<darsie> I tried silicone, didn't stick well to the TPE-V (thermoplastic elastomer vulcanized). Neither did contact glue, which I tried to glue a piece of bicycle hose to it. Now I used hot glue, which I hoped might mingle with the thermoplastic. Even if it melts some layer might still remain and seal it from rain.
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<Mat2ch> darsie: did you sand the plastic before applying the silicone?
<darsie> no. I cleaned it with IPA, IIRC.
<Mat2ch> silicone needs a coarse surface to stick to
<darsie> I didn't think of roughening the bicycle tube.
<Mat2ch> but with TPE you might need something that vulcanizes to
<Mat2ch> well, you could just add more TPE-V and melt it with a heat gun ;)
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<Mat2ch> but that's industrial stuff and probably hard to get to.
<darsie> I tried melting a TPE-V crumb, but it wouldn't. Probably because it's vulcanized.
<darsie> But on teh molecular level the hot glue might still seep in.
<Mat2ch> but also costs around 12 EUR, so... hm
<darsie> Hmm, I could cut away the TPE and glue to the hard plastic below it.
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<packbart> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/196782-110x-kerbal-synth-synthesizer-in-ksp/
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<Mat2ch> Probably the most useless, but greatest mod of them all :D
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<packbart> well, I guess you could build some sort of marble machine in KSP with it. huh, interesting
<Althego> there is the dumpling tank or what is its name
<Althego> anyway, the golden spherical thing
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<Althego> i saw some machine that used them
<Althego> moved them up with telescoping things
<Althego> and then let themm roll down
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<Althego> that ocean drill under it is still insane
<Mat2ch> That guy has some weird contraptions
<Althego> this is cool
<Althego> with a single engine you could shoot out the kerbal
<packbart> my dumpling machine even failed at decoupling the dumplings. I might have to patch a stack node into the tanks if I don't have a better idea
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<Althego> closure cancelled
<Althego> so no poof today
<Althego> ebcause ithink it makes a sound like poof
<Althego> and no new public date
<Althego> some operation ongoing on the tank
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<kmath> <ivan_mks63> The moment you realize that the many-thousand-year theory of your existance crashes :) It’s never too late to learn… https://t.co/g0JHUUIPro
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<UmbralRaptor> 🌍🐢❕
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<Deddly> Nice unicode
<raptop> emoji are fun, okay
<raptop> hrm, Mod9000 doesn't deal with UTF-8 nicely
<Althego> writing went full circle
<Deddly> It doesn't?
<raptop> [15:55:46] <UmbralRaptor> ðŸŒðŸ¢â•
<Althego> haha
<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Deddly> Oh noes
<raptop> yay, I found a bug
<Althego> seems to be a text file, without encoding
<Althego> but probably already broken before writing out
<Deddly> I wonder if it likes Swedish characters äöåÄÖÅé
<Althego> árvíztűrő tükörfúrógép
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<kubi> :)
<Althego> ő and ű were notoriously broken before utf-8 came along
<Deddly> One day I might get around to upgrading the bot to 1.8
<Deddly> Looks like we're not the only ones https://github.com/eggheads/eggdrop/issues/4
<Althego> i remember in the old days i had to patch eggdrop to have correct unicode handling
<Althego> it was some how to handle tcl arrays or something issue
<Althego> but current ones already work fine
<Deddly> Also, do you have a flood-resistant mirror drill?
<Althego> no, i dont even have a regular drill
<Deddly> I'm just wondering what an earth it is
<Althego> nothing. it is a phrase to test utf8
<Deddly> I mean, it's obviously common enough for Google to have a confirmed translation
<Althego> or charset
<Deddly> Figures
<JVFoxy> .... oh ya, fun with computer character/fonts.
<Deddly> For more fun, see the international section on the forum
<JVFoxy> mean while, I'm slowly building a computer project from scratch...
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* raptop is reminded of an old joke
<raptop> "Do you think there are any martians?" "Yes, but we prefer to call ourselves hungarians"
<JVFoxy> not at that stage yet but.. do sometimes wonder how I'm going to do some character mapping. c.c;
<Althego> you take one already existing set
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<JVFoxy> say I'm not at that stage yet because I've not decided on my form of display
<JVFoxy> I originally threw something together to test some vintage memory chips. I guess I got a little.. carried away
<Althego> nice
<JVFoxy> Doesn't show the sub boards I also made that tells me the status of the buses with LEDs
<JVFoxy> next step, to make a clock board, then maybe give the project a rest till I do some studying on the subject
<umaxtu> JVFoxy, you watch any of Ben Eater's stuff?
<Althego> there is a channel where a guy builds stuff like this
<Althego> probably that
<JVFoxy> umaxtu where you think I got the inspiration?
<Althego> yes that was the guy i thought of
<JVFoxy> that, and electronics shop dumped their surplus parts, closing down. Ended up getting 70 of the old 2112 memory chips from tem
<JVFoxy> board has 2 of them, upper right.
<Althego> some days ago on the curiousmarc channel they fixed the russian space clock jitter
<JVFoxy> I've been considering taking some ideas from the Apollo/Early shuttle era, making my rom out of rope core memory' :)
<kmath> YouTube - Taming the Glitches in our Soyuz Space Clock Crystal Oscillator
<JVFoxy> Althego said they had comments asking about the jitter. Tried to see what it would take fix it. Decided not to, since the clock would have flown with the defect anyways. Was still in spec
<JVFoxy> neat part where they decapped a Russian IC chip
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<umaxtu> i've got a half-finished version of his 6502 build that I need to get back around to working on
<Althego> "Listen, and understand. That rtx 3090 is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until that rtx 2080ti are dead."
<umaxtu> I was trying to convince my sister to order a 3090 to heat her Beardie's tank
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> well, you should wait for AMDs answer. Could create even more heat ;)
<Althego> i wait until next year anyway
<Althego> but this system is aging fast because 4 cores today is now laptop entry level or something
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<JVFoxy> umaxtu a friend did something along a lines of a 6502 as well. Seems rather popular.
<JVFoxy> oh doh.. poofed just as I said something. Eh well
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> oh.. you back.
<umaxtu> me?
<JVFoxy> umaxtu [seems I said something to ya, just as you dropped off] a friend did something along a lines of a 6502 as well. Seems rather popular.
<Althego> you back. hulk chip :)
<umaxtu> I had to reboot. I'm in the process of migrating to WSL 2
<umaxtu> I would assume that part of the 6502's continued popularity in electronics projects is that its still being made
<JVFoxy> oh... oof, despite an extra large cup of coffee this morning, brain still wanted to force me into nap mode for a few moments.
<JVFoxy> that and the Z80... though did it end up becoming the Z81 or am I remembering wrong?
<umaxtu> is some form of the z80 still being made?
<umaxtu> the form of the 6502 that is made these days is the 65c02
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<JVFoxy> oh wait...
<JVFoxy> lol, my bad, I got ZX81 computer mixed up.. eZ80 is the updated version of the Z80, runs faster. Introduced in 2001
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<Althego> lol, smarter every day.... supersonic baseball cannon
<JVFoxy> Me: Oh, someone did a minecraft game without blocks. Friend: then its not minecraft. Me: <_<
<Althego> when he saw the shockwave on the very first baseball: what have we done
<raptop> logs
<raptop> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<raptop> Hrm, too bad baseballs aren't conductors or ferromagnetic
<JVFoxy> The way the outer coating on the ball goes 'nope!'
<raptop> JVFoxy: is the game infiniminer? >_>
<Althego> 素晴しい
<Althego> (for the unicode :))
<Althego> you want baseball railgun?
<Althego> you can do ball bearings instead
<JVFoxy> Althego: supersonic baseball... well then you need... dare I say it? https://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2020/02/11-Baseball-Team.jpg
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<Althego> hehehe
<raptop> Or a baseball coilgun
<raptop> Althego: 0 days since I failed at reading kanji >_<
<JVFoxy> Raptop: youtube, friend's smart tv, recommending a video from Sam Hogan, "I made Minecraft Without Blocks"
<raptop> ah
<Althego> i connected my bot to an old japanese dictionary file, that typed it in :)
<JVFoxy> Just thinking of how a friend would respond. I told him ages ago, when someone did an add-on for Diablo 1, Hellfire, he went on a rant about how its not official, so he'd wanted nothing to do with it.
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<Althego> actually without the blocks it looks kind of normal
<Althego> even something i would maybe try
<raptop> JVFoxy: I could sort of see that argument 15 or 20 years ago, but Blizzard is a bit fuzzy on the whole idea of canon, so...
<JVFoxy> not seen the video.. just sort of flipping thorugh things.
<JVFoxy> Another from What about it?, "SpaceX Starship Never to Launch From Kennedy Space Center?"
<Althego> er
<Althego> why
<Althego> too big?
<JVFoxy> Offshort launching pad according to preview thumbnail
<Althego> actually a bit biggerthan saturn v
<raptop> Quick, launch it from Wallops!
<Althego> that is for the point to point travel
<JVFoxy> Raptop: I was more about play-ability than canon or not. Diablo more a game to waste time for nothing better to do. I didn't really fall into the other big games they did.
<raptop> I guess for point to point, you'd want to launch from MCO instead of KSC
<raptop> hrm
<Althego> to me diablo was a very weak roguelike
<raptop> I was under the impression that Hellfire was fine as an addon, though for UI, you might want to mess around with some of the emulators (eg: diasurgical)
<raptop> And, of course, the torchlight games exist
<JVFoxy> I've got the CD's still
<raptop> nice
<JVFoxy> have quite a few games from the late 90s or so when net cafe I was helping out a bit closed down unexpectedly. Seems I didn't quite follow up on the gaming industry too strongly since then
<Althego> hehe net café
<Althego> used to be a thing
<umaxtu> might still be worth picking up the GoG versions. sometimes they've done some work to get them to run better on modern systems
<raptop> ^that too
<Althego> there is some bug in the gog septerra core what i didnt have in the original
<Althego> after a while core stops growing in level ups
<Althego> very annoying
<Althego> i dont know what causes it
<Althego> and when i realize it, it is already permanent
<raptop> blarg
<Althego> also the lava boss sound causes crash bug is still there
<umaxtu> I guess they didn't touch that one
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> but how can they fix anything without the source?
<umaxtu> at the most basic, a hex editor
<umaxtu> or they could use some more complex reverse engineering software such as the NSA's Ghidra
<JVFoxy> Althego the place had 8 pentium 2 machines at the time, on a network. Most people just went there to lan game against each other.
<Althego> lol, so because of the noise the superheave cant launch from ksc
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<umaxtu> Althego, an example of fixing Diablo without the source code. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tADL_fmsHQ
<kmath> YouTube - How Diablo was completely Reverse Engineered without Source Code | MVG
<Althego> i saw that
<Althego> they had one version with the debug symbols
<umaxtu> yeah, they got lucky
<kmath> YouTube - Circulating Seal
<Althego> is that a hamsster wheel for seals?
<JVFoxy> Lol, 'Superheave' - Althego 2020
<Althego> i woke up slightly before 4 am
<Althego> heavy obviously
<JVFoxy> just this image of rocket lifting off the pad slower than normal, but thats ok, it'll get up to speed... eventually
<Althego> i cant stop watching the seal
<JVFoxy> water donut
<raptop> Remember: failure to check seals before launch may result in death by pinniped
<Althego> and who keeps a seal in the back yard pool anyway?
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<JVFoxy> I don't know... friend watches so many videos of someone who lives with an otter.
<JVFoxy> maybe regular pets don't cut it for some people... I used to have a fox (well fennec but still)
<raptop> Obviously you should get one of those russian foxes
<umaxtu> the genetically modified ones?
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<raptop> Those are the ones that have been domesticated(ish), right?
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<umaxtu> I think so
<JVFoxy> red fox models need a lot more space. I was living in basement suites at the time
<raptop> ah
<JVFoxy> fennecs are only 3lbs, usually.
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