raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Dread Pirate Bezos unambigiously reaches space
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<TwistenX> Im on vacation again :/
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<Althego> ohayollie
<Althego> (it wasnt zombanwa this time)
* raptop assumes that kureijiwa will happen at some point
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<raptop> kurenijiwa?
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<Mat2ch> Oh, wait
<Mat2ch> That's Nauka, the new ISS module!
<Althego> a module has run out of charges
<Mat2ch> wait, what?
<Althego> in eve when something, most often a weapon runs out of ammo
<Mat2ch> ah
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<Mat2ch> capture of Crew Dragon.
<Mat2ch> aain
<Mat2ch> *again
<Althego> what, why
<Althego> didnt even launch
<Althego> do you even launch, bro?
<Mat2ch> Althego: relocated
<Mat2ch> ah, to clear the way for starliner. (Will we see another fail there? ;)
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<darsie> stream live
<Althego> but about 1.5 hours of russian
<Althego> until lauinch
<Althego> at least it is not cringe inducing as with virgin galactic, because i dont understand it :)
<Mat2ch> hrhr
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<Althego> an english stream from nasatv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA9UZF-SZoQ
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<Mat2ch> oh no, just missed the launch
<Mat2ch> but I can watch the flight
<Althego> they have speed and altitude readouts
<Mat2ch> sadly no onboard cam :(
<Mat2ch> oh, wow, the module itself has to do more than 1000 m/s dV itself now
<Althego> that is huge
<Mat2ch> yeah, they stopped a bit short of 8000 m/s
<Mat2ch> and iirc you need 9400 m/s?
<Althego> why?
<Althego> that is huge
<Mat2ch> I could be wrong here
<Mat2ch> I have those numbers from my memory
<umaxtu> I thought it was closer to 8k
<Mat2ch> Wikipedia says 9.3 to 10 km/s
<Mat2ch> I think for RSS+RO I always calculated with 9.6 km/s to get there safely.
<umaxtu> I'll take your word for it
<Mat2ch> oh no, Martin is falling for the blockchain trash :(
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: don't do that. I haven't played RSS+RO in years. It was real fun, but the performance of KSP just made it unplayable :(
<Mat2ch> Yes real life rockets are far more efficient than the KSP rockets. But to get anywhere you need to carry so much more fuel, think of so many other things. It's exhausting (at least for me)
<Mat2ch> But I made a Moon landing. With Kerbals. :)
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<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, are the kerbals rejoicing?
<Mat2ch> And I remember playing KSP the first time. Getting to space, seeing the vastness of it all. Blew my mind. Then I tried RSS... whole new level
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: they were. :)
<raptop> minas_tirith: it is a rocket of the finest craftkerbalship
<minas_tirith> raptop, a most excellent term
<deadmind> kebtsmanship
<deadmind> kerfstmanship?
<Mat2ch> .oO( why do I have to think of kebab now? )
<deadmind> you mean kerbab? :D
<raptop> hmm... kebabs...
<deadmind> mmmm
* raptop is occasionally tempted to try making falafal, but effort...
* packbart is occasionally tempted to buy Falafel but usually decides on Döner instead
<umaxtu> I'd probably just buy it, there are a couple of awesome Middle Eastern restaurants near me
<minas_tirith> umaxtu, can you read perso-arabic scripts?
<umaxtu> no unfortunately, probably wouldn't be a bad idea considering how common Arabic is in some parts of Michigan
<umaxtu> not quite as common as spanish, but still fairly common
<minas_tirith> umaxtu, its a very poetic language
<minas_tirith> But the script is very difficult
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<FLHerne> So a friend just released their game on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1482750/Waves_of_Steel/
<FLHerne> You can custom-build warships KSP style, and then shoot at enemies in a fairly silly way
<FLHerne> This concludes the spam :p
* raptop messed around with some of the demos. It's a nifty game
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<Althego> "of course i read the instructions"
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* darsie can read some cyrillic.
<darsie> and some even makes sense.
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