raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<Mat2ch> raptop: they are already the monopoly... and show a capital flaw in a finance system we all use but are not allowed to discuss here ;)
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<Althego> hehe, sodafunk. freetalk, not a debut. sure...
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<Althego> haha papers please music instead of the usual intro
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<raptop> Apparently GOG has a free game where you ride the trans-siberian railroad
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<Mat2ch> not really "ride"...
<Mat2ch> just some pictures
<Mat2ch> and some buttons to click on
* flayer is tired
* raptop caffinates flayer
<flayer> ty
<flayer> i really hope spacex can make that thing land on the moon
<flayer> it seems exceptionally difficult tho
<Althego> it didnt get easier since 69
<flayer> and landing that huge tall rocket on the moon... i dunno
<Althego> i would never do that in ksp
<Althego> it would flip instantlu
<flayer> indeed
<Althego> maybe if something landed before and made a flat horizontal landing pad
<flayer> yeah, i'm thinking that too
<flayer> but we'll see
<Althego> that can be small and unmanned
<flayer> they gotta get to orbit first!
<Althego> land during the day, operates from solar, and it can make a flat surface in a few weeks before the sun sets
<Althego> so what is this gao?
<Althego> does this mean there will be no second contract, only spacex?
<Mat2ch> Althego: it is possible, but... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dICrBvTlqsg
<Mat2ch> and with the fixed landing legs in KSP it should be possible to land such a tall thing now
<Mat2ch> and don't forget: Very low CoM.
<Althego> i see several problems with the spacex ship. one is that it is so tall. other it uses methane because it is designed for mars. should be hydrolox for moon
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<Althego> but since it is ultimately moving between earth and the moon, this is not that big of a problem
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<Mat2ch> Althego: Do you see a problem with methane?
<Althego> there is water on the moon. not much carbon
<raptop> ^the boring but reasonable answer
<Althego> as i said the whole methane engine is tuned for mars refueling
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<Mat2ch> there will be no refueling on the Moon...
<flayer> i'm not sure how well it will work on mars either
<Althego> but there could be with hydrolox
<flayer> is the space station safe again?
<raptop> Unfortunately, this incident means that Nauka is now classified as Euclid
<sandbox> C-Finder
<Mat2ch> you could crush minerals on the Moon to get some carbon...
<darsie> Mat2ch: Carbon?
<darsie> I haven't heard of carbon on the Moon before.
<Mat2ch> darsie: maybe in minerals
<darsie> [citation needed]
<darsie> ;)
<Mat2ch> maaaaaaaaayyyyyybbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;P
<raptop> So much aluminum and oxygen to sort through...
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<Althego> if you find sometihng that contains carbon
<Althego> there may be some, but rare
<darsie> Maybe more water than carbon.
<raptop> contrast with Mars where I want to say that the carbon per cubic meter of atmosphere is higher than on Earth
<Althego> not if we can help it :)
<Althego> by of course increasing it here
<raptop> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
<raptop> (not so much imitating Gura as screaming in terror)
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<Althego> wah
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<packbart> aaand it's gone
<packbart> ah. weird
<Althego> ah i forgot about this
<Althego> disappeared into the clouds in seconds
<Althego> that is it for the live part. enjoy watching the cg
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<Mat2ch> the quality of ariane space can be seen in the countdown, which is filmed from a display.
<Mat2ch> and therefore fuzzy.
<Althego> lol
<Alanonzander> Does that mean they are all CGI ? :P
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