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<Solar_Oracle> It's time to suffer . . . again.
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<Solar_Oracle> I'm back.
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<Althego> heh, "certificate has expired" error
<umaxtu> haven't you heard of certbot?
<Solar_Oracle> That'd be a sweet one liner for a cheesy action movie.
<Solar_Oracle> "Your security certificate has expired!" BLAM!
<Althego> diplomatic umminity!
<umaxtu> might even be worthy of a demolition man 2 if they ever made such a thing (not that they should)
<Solar_Oracle> Demolition Man is already perfect as it is.
<Althego> anyway the operators of the server need to fix it, not m
<Althego> e
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<raptop> certificates revoked by commisars?
<umaxtu> have they heard of certbot?
<raptop> Thinking machines? HERESY!
<Solar_Oracle> "On charges of creating abominable intelligence, you are sentenced to DEATH!"
<Solar_Oracle> Or would you be turned into a servitor instead?
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* raptop >_>
<Althego> luckily no thinking machines have been made by humans yet
<Althego> and you can question the existence of human intelligence too
<Solar_Oracle> We should keep it that way. I've played enough RTSes to know I would never trust Skynet with anything that requires decent pathfinding.
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> hah, 3d smol ame is in action again
<Solar_Oracle> FINALLY, after getting 19 chapters into this so-called, "military science-fiction action novel", we get a combat scene.
<Althego> lol
<Solar_Oracle> I'll upload the completed chapters as part of a new thread tomorrow.
<Solar_Oracle> I'm too drained right now.
<Solar_Oracle> I feel . . . Empty.
<raptop> putting your soul into the let's read?
<Solar_Oracle> I already exchanged that for a couple of Steam pre-orders.
<Solar_Oracle> Sadly, the one I really want isn't available for pre-order yet https://store.steampowered.com/app/1113120/IXION/
<Solar_Oracle> Mmmm, space station city builder.
<raptop> interesting
<Solar_Oracle> Technically it's a starship, but close enough.
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<Althego> even better
<umaxtu> do you know where Solar posts his torture diary?
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<darsie> .
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<packbart> umaxtu: in the reddit PoS book club
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<Althego> about raptor engines
* Mat2ch got his first shot
<Mat2ch> and now I wait for things to happen
<Althego> waiting forwhat
<Mat2ch> immune system to react to it
<Althego> ah, vaccine. i thought you were drinking
<Althego> still waiting for the second, about 3 weeks to go out of the 3 months of astrazeneca
<Mat2ch> I got Biontech, so 6 weeks it is
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> https://i.postimg.cc/54crrNxM/screenshot99.png What is 0.8 t, 12.6 m * 5.1 m * 5.1 m?
<Mat2ch> that's the dimensions and weight of the part to get
<Mat2ch> so you can calculate how much fuel to bring
<Althego> quite long
<Althego> probably empty booster?
<Althego> or tank
<flayer> darsie, fly over and find out!
<Althego> if you go closer, it starts rolling on slopes
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<darsie> Nothing fits.
<darsie> Hmm, I have ppl on Minmus.
<darsie> Usually I can ID the part from it's data.
<darsie> Clydesdale is 3.5 m diamete.
<Althego> lol
<Althego> at least this is not rolling
<Althego> still better than a decoupler which is empty in the middle
<darsie> The VAB engineer says it's 12.6 m high, even without fairing.
<flayer> ah, they cheated lol
<darsie> even with short fairing, still 12.6 m high.
<darsie> And it's one of these fairings you can't initially bend inwards or it collides with itself.
<darsie> Are there ropes/winches? Where?
<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> are there?
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<Althego> oh no i missed the guh
<Althego> i guess i have to watch that back later because soon kikkerikii
<theholyduck> i really am pretty exited for ksp2. too bad im going to have to wait like a year for it
<theholyduck> but they seem to want to add a lot of the things i used to use mods for in ksp
<theholyduck> like extraplanetary launchpads
<Althego> yes, it is exciting
<theholyduck> and procedural parts
<theholyduck> etc
<Althego> better looks, other star systems
<Althego> i hope it will have everything ksp has
<Althego> not a cut down ksp plus colonies
<theholyduck> Althego: i mean. i imagine they would just keep more or less the entire part library they allready have at this point
<theholyduck> and just add to it
<theholyduck> they allready revamped all the parts once for ksp (more or less)
<Althego> that measn not only parts
<Althego> all gameplay
<theholyduck> i mean i see no reason why they wouldnt keep everything else either
<Althego> because they rewrite it ocmpletely
<Althego> now the second time
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<packbart> the only thing I am sure about KSP2: Some will be disappointed because it isn't exactly what they dreamed of
<packbart> being a game developer is an ungrateful job :)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the bigger the hype, the bigger the disappointment
<Althego> kikkerikii
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* darsie recovered the fairing: https://i.postimg.cc/NBhtZN2v/screenshot101.png
<NGC3982> haha, what
<NGC3982> i created this jool rocket with five rockets for each moon
<NGC3982> succeeded with everyone besides thylo (not enough twr as usual) and vale (used the fifth vehicle with better twr for thylo attempt #2 but failed that one too)
<Althego> lol the ship is so tiny
<NGC3982> i have no idea how to solve a thylo landing ;_;
<Althego> but the fairing can work as a heat shield too
<Althego> tylo landing , hight thrust high delta v
<NGC3982> darsie: are the shutes 50% of the vehicle weight?
<Althego> i usually do satages even going down
<darsie> 200 kg ..., almost :)
<Althego> the only body that requires staging for landing
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<NGC3982> this wasnt even meant to be a return trip :(
<darsie> i tried using the fairing as heat shield, but it flipped over.
<darsie> Nothing exploded.
<darsie> I regrabbed it in orbit.
<Althego> then used it as an airbrake
<Althego> either way it is useful
<darsie> Yeah, it was a great air brake.
<darsie> I wondered if the small RW was enough to turn it over, and it was.
<darsie> On Minmus.
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<transit> Rip ksp 1!
<Althego> why rip
<Althego> it is going to exist
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<Althego> we may say it helped a new era os spaceflight
<Althego> of
<transit> End of development tho
<transit> 😔
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<Althego> at least modders can catch up
<Althego> mods can keep it alive forever
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<flayer> i definitely need KSP2 to not be such a CPU hog
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<JVFoxy> ugh.. and now with the whole win11 kerfuffle going on...
<JVFoxy> hopefully things will have settled down by the time KSP2 comes out
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<Althego> which one do you mean with win11?
<flayer> it exists
<JVFoxy> ugh.. all of it? I mean... it wants you to have an active TMP, one of the listed CPUs they approved.. for starts..
<Althego> tmp?
<Althego> wasnt it tpm?
<Althego> 2.0
<Althego> whatever that is
<Althego> they basically discard hardware compatibility with this with no reason
<JVFoxy> ah ya TPM.. ugh. I only learned of them a few days ago myself. My board has a plug but nothing on it.
<Althego> also the ugly mac look
<JVFoxy> even then, my CPU's family isn't even on the Win11 radar so..
<Althego> home versions will operate only with onlin ems account
<flayer> i haven't used windows in my private life since 2007 or so
<flayer> i never will again most likely
<flayer> its a relief
<Althego> there was some news in some countries it is going to work without the tpm
<JVFoxy> a few of my friend's saying they'll switch to linux
<Althego> so it is absolutely not a requirement
<Althego> just another tech nonsense they want to push on the users
<JVFoxy> roommate was pretty sure Win10 was going to be the final version...
<Althego> and i presume none of these tpm things actually helps with any security but can be used as attack vectors
<Althego> yes ms said so
<Althego> guess they needed more money
<Althego> actually upgrade would be free, but you cant since tpm 2.0
<JVFoxy> well.. TPM thing was something they were looking into with Win10 but didn't push its requirement. It was added to newer boards but wasn't enabled. Users had to go into Bios and set it...
<Althego> supposedly you can add it as an add on somehow
<Althego> cant imagine how
<Althego> oh no there is a broken silicon too, 2 hours
<JVFoxy> sad thing is, those modules, soon as hardware requirements were announced, everywhere sold out over night. something that went for 15-30 bucks, started showing up on ebay for 80, someone even had listings for 500
<Althego> yes i know
<Althego> but video card prices are going down
<JVFoxy> I went looking for it for my system, but gave up because the new Win won't even support the CPU family. so.. in a few years, hope I can scrounge enough for a compat system
<JVFoxy> friend and I were pricing out a new system, nearly $800, that wasn't even including GPU.. since we coudln't find anything at the time
<Althego> at this point this machine has to go anyway. 6 years and still needs to hang on for one more
<JVFoxy> just glad KSP runs good on mine. CPU from 2014 is newest it can support. Some Octo black FX thing
<theholyduck> windows 10 is going to be supported until late 2025.
<JVFoxy> right now its just the quad 4130
<theholyduck> soo. if your pc doesnt have the TPM stuff. you can still use it for 4 more years
<theholyduck> and still get security updates
<JVFoxy> I know..
<JVFoxy> provided they don't decide to just dump support suddenly. -shrug
<theholyduck> at that point. the computer is going to be like 7-8-9 years old and its not that unreasonable.
<theholyduck> JVFoxy: i doubt they will. microsoft has made a good name for themselfs in keeping support going forever
<JVFoxy> Lol.. it'll probably end up sitting with my previous systems that I use for retro gaming
<Althego> not unreasonable, but all this win11 is a "bad pr" move from ms
<Althego> everybody hates it
<theholyduck> windows 7 got 5 years of support after the launch of windows 10 for instance
<JVFoxy> this whole windows thing just kind of came out of no where... already its causing havoc
<theholyduck> JVFoxy: i mean microsoft has been requiring manufacturers include TPM support
<theholyduck> for many years now
<theholyduck> presumably so they could eventually do this
<theholyduck> Althego: i mean. it makes sense to me. microsoft has a security issue compared to the much more tightly integrated macos and chromeos
<JVFoxy> I had no idea it was a thing up till a few weeks ago..
<JVFoxy> though friend who runs servers knew about it for years and been using it since.
<theholyduck> both those allready use some TPM like stuff in their boot and security
<Althego> yes i havent heard of it ever
<Althego> i guess it was mostly server thing
<theholyduck> it was mostly just a OEM thing aswell
<theholyduck> i think they required all OEM computer sold to have it enabled
<theholyduck> to qualify for a microsoft oem liscence
<JVFoxy> my system board around early 2014, it has a plug on it for a TPM thing it turns out
<Althego> amazing
<theholyduck> mostly the people who are going to suffer are people who build their own computers and whos manufacturers didnt include TPM stuff just on the mobo
<theholyduck> as a cost cutting measure
<JVFoxy> I'm more wondering about this list of accepted CPUs they have out
<Althego> this i a hg end motheoardit may have it. bt i just on care
<theholyduck> JVFoxy: i think part of it is to mitigate some of the CPU level attacks
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<JVFoxy> when I finally got win10 going on this system board, I switched the bios from that old school version to the more secured one.
<theholyduck> anyways i dont think its too unreasonable. i got my first compute just for me in like 98 or 99
<theholyduck> the fact that a computer made 5 years ago is even remotely usable today is honestly sort of a miracle
<theholyduck> compared to how things used to be
<theholyduck> i built a top end gaming computer in 2004 and by like 2005 it was out of date adn by 2006 it was obsolete
<JVFoxy> lol... 5 years, be glad they not being treated like cellphones. Getting pressured to update 4 times a year
<theholyduck> i mean i think the cellphone game has somewhat calmed down
<Althego> actually less is changing in 5 years now than in the 90s
<theholyduck> Althego: oh definitly. less is changing.
<theholyduck> but also we are getting cpu power especially that you cant relaly use
<Althego> i mean it is still x86
<JVFoxy> depends on what sorta gaming you do. I hear the retro market is seeing quite a bit of activity. And I'm not talking about remakes on steam
<Althego> back in the 90s
<Althego> it was different architectures
<theholyduck> like i have a ryzen 3600 and theres very few things i do on my computer that remotely maxes it out
<flayer> i definitely have no desire whatsoever for a 'better' video card
<flayer> the one i bought 5+ years ago is fine
<theholyduck> even like videogames and CAD rarely get even close to full utilization
<JVFoxy> I wouldn't mind a slightly better card than my 7790.. spread a bit of the load for when I record.
<theholyduck> in part. cpus arent getting that much better year over year
<flayer> i got the earliest generations i5
<theholyduck> but in part. programmers arent comming up with consumer things that require that much cpu power
<theholyduck> year over year either
<Althego> yes they manage to make everything slwoer and more bloated every time
<flayer> mostly just shoddy interfeces and ads that take up CPU
<theholyduck> i mean even then. it rarely actually matters
<theholyduck> :P
<theholyduck> i went from a intel i7-3770k
<flayer> or bugs like scene changes in ksp1
<theholyduck> to a ryzen 3600 and i barely noticed
<theholyduck> thats a 7 year gap between those 2 cpus
<JVFoxy> cough-or all the network security features they keep cramming into things-cough
<Althego> because that was the 7 years when amd caught up with intel
<Althego> so now there is actually some change again
<theholyduck> Althego: i mean my ryzen is signficantly more powerful than the i7
<theholyduck> was
<Althego> btw intel bought 3nm capacity from tsmc
<theholyduck> i saw :P
<theholyduck> Althego: but like almost nothing i do on my computer can use the 6 core/12 thread setup
<theholyduck> fully
<theholyduck> if i was a streamer or did like rendering or something
<theholyduck> that might not be the case
<theholyduck> but basicly no video games. are that well multithreaded
<Althego> yes, many cores? finally something changed. thanks to amd. but it doesnt help you. it would help you if you are a programmer, or a video editor, or 3d artist
<Althego> but otherwise, not really
<JVFoxy> gaming industry having a hard time playing catchup with CPU tech I take it?
<theholyduck> Althego: the single core performance is also up quite a bit
<theholyduck> JVFoxy: more like. theres not THAT much cpu stuff to do on most games
<Althego> yes. i am excited about the new integrated cache. that would boost the single thread performance too
<theholyduck> you are usually gpu bound anyway
<JVFoxy> seem to recall some 64core cpu making a bit of a 'blip' into existence a while back...
<theholyduck> yes amd makes a few 64 core cpus
<theholyduck> threadripper/epyc
<Althego> i am sure server people are thrilled by the next geeneration amd chips too
<Althego> and i want to buy amd for the next one
<Althego> but still, at this point the growth is incremental with more and more architectural tricks
<theholyduck> anyways if memor yserves in synthethics i saw like a 30% boost in single thread performance over my 7 year old cpu. and in like a 300% boost in multi-threaded performance
<JVFoxy> gotta be some sorta draw back.. how much more heat does it end up dishing out?
<theholyduck> JVFoxy: a little bit more. but not like. noticable?
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<theholyduck> JVFoxy: just architechutal improvements
<theholyduck> and smaller node
<JVFoxy> ok'
<theholyduck> the ryzen 3600 was tsmc 7nm where as my 7 year old i7 was 22nm intel
<JVFoxy> oh.. different chip. I was thinking they managed to find a way to better utilize things, which would be nice too
<theholyduck> JVFoxy: my point was that the 30% in single threaded performance is hardly noticable when using the computer :P
<theholyduck> and i never really get to utilize the 300% or whatever theroetical boost in multithreading
<theholyduck> it does impact the fps a bit in some games. if you are looking at the counter ofcourse. but. its not some extreme upgrade
* flayer giggles
<JVFoxy> well ya, the 300 is probably just full on raw processing in testing conditions
<JVFoxy> in reality, there's a lot more going on the system has to manage
<theholyduck> JVFoxy: as i said i used a cpu synthethic benchmark before the upgrade and after
<theholyduck> out of curiosity
<theholyduck> i also ofcourse put much faster ram in the new machine and other variables
<JVFoxy> lol.. its like saying your car can do 60mils to gal, but its doing it on dynamo and not actually going anywhere :)
<JVFoxy> when I get my new system in a few years, wondering what I can do with DDR3 ram.. probably not good to just toss in trash.
<JVFoxy> at least i can reuse the case, power and drives
<Althego> have you noticed, basically all cases have that stupid window
<Althego> on the side
<Althego> so maybe i have to reuse the caase
<theholyduck> its the new trend :;P
<flayer> if i go through with building a new computer, i'm going to build a wooden case for it
<Althego> at least then it would take less space
<Althego> i meant the remaining parts would take less space
<JVFoxy> mine doesn't have the windo
<JVFoxy> think its more for those that wanna add lights
<Althego> is still have a functional pc with win7. just to run prototype on. because i bought it and didnt pirate it, the drm doesnt let me run it on windows 10
<flayer> lol
<flayer> serves you right for paying for stuff
<Althego> show how disgusting drm is
<JVFoxy> ... I have a machine that still has Win98SE, another with XP, and another with 7... oh much fun
<JVFoxy> well ok.. the 98SE drive is in the XP for the time being... but the cases sit pretty much side by side
<Althego> 95-98 was horrible
<JVFoxy> heh.. I got 95 on an old ex-CNC machine terminal with built in touch screen
<JVFoxy> although, touch screen haven't figured out how to get working agani
<JVFoxy> added a video board, played original Warcraft on it for kicks
<Althego> this year these small brown bugs appeared. about 2mm. annoying. http://warpology.com/x/brownbug.png
<JVFoxy> er.. sorry added audio board.. derp
<JVFoxy> althego biscuit beetle?
<Althego> hmm maybe
<Althego> i dont knwo what that ys
<JVFoxy> just a rough guess... seems to be a common search resuilt
<JVFoxy> thankfully no bedbug
<Althego> the wiki image has similar shape and size, but that is hairy. these have shiny surface
<Althego> but still may be the same
<JVFoxy> hairy? I thought it was more just texture of the shell
<Althego> store food. maybe in some rice
<Althego> if they eat dry rice
<JVFoxy> to be honest though, pic is kind of grainy
<Althego> yes because it is tiny
<Althego> i tried to use a 3x magnifying lense
<Althego> -e
<JVFoxy> eh.. I might be spoiled. Camera has a good macro lens
<Althego> supopsedly it has
<Althego> i tried to get a better image it didnt really do anything
<JVFoxy> sometimes they can be a pain with the automatic zoom I find
<Althego> cigarette beetle is shiny. it can be a cigarette beetle
<JVFoxy> er.. focus.. derp
<JVFoxy> ya.. looks pretty close. I can tell the split shell in your pic
<JVFoxy> even wiki says they look similar to the drugstore//biscuit beetle
<JVFoxy> any case.. gotta drop off, lates
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