Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "Beardy Branson" shoots himself into space
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<raptop> !outcome add Oh no, it worked.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Oh no, it worked.
<raptop> !outcome add You succeed beyond your wildest nightmares.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: You succeed beyond your wildest nightmares.
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<raptop> !outcome add Years later, you sometimes wake up in a cold sweat from the memories of their screams.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Years later, you sometimes wake up in a cold sweat from the memories of their screams.
<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: TD-12 Decoupler collided with Jebediah Kerman. You look over your shoulder for moderators.
estorado has joined #KSPOfficial
<raptop> ;outcome add everyone's SAN score goes negative.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: everyone's SAN score goes negative.
<raptop> ;outcome add The Explodium Sea lives up to its name.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: The Explodium Sea lives up to its name.
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<raptop> !outcome add You fill up every room in the Hilbert hospital.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: You fill up every room in the Hilbert hospital.
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<TwistenX> Do you guys consider KSP a Light-Theme, or Dark-Theme game?
<Deddly> hmm
<Deddly> I never thought of that
<Deddly> It's a bit of both, isn't it?
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<Deddly> Bye
<Althego> heh
<Althego> never occuredto me
<Althego> but since ven the deaths are funny
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<Althego> it is more light
<TwistenX> How so
<flayer> the deaths are funny
<flayer> lol
<flayer> "poof"
<Althego> more like ka.boom
<flayer> yeah but when the kerbals themselves go its "poof"
<TwistenX> haha kerbals go dust
<flayer> its a funny sound
<flayer> and they scream all funnily as they plunge to their deaths
<Althego> it is rare tha i see a kerbal die outside
<TwistenX> "scream" when they dont have voicelines during flight
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<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Deddly> My battery just went from 40% to nope
<TwistenX> also how do you guys think that the stranded Kerbals from contracts go there in the first place?
<Althego> yes, i never trust any reading below 50%
<Althego> usually dont even let it go below 50%
<Deddly> TwistenX, I usually imagine that some other space company needs help
<Deddly> As for light/dark theme, I thought you were asking about colours
<TwistenX> But, what other Agencies are there besides the KSP?
<TwistenX> I just mean, do you think it's a brighter or darker game in colors and brightness.
<Deddly> TwistenX, there are lots of agencies that you have to deal with - there's Kerbodobodyne, Jeb's Kunkyard etc. None of them are modelled, but they exist in game
<TwistenX> oh
<Deddly> TwistenX, as for bright/dark, I'd go with in the middle. But between the two, I think it's more dark
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<TwistenX> Also did you know that Kerbin ACTUALLY HAS A FLAT KERBIN SOCIETY
<Deddly> Someone offers you a contract to rescue a stranded Kerbal - well, who's offering the contract? Perhaps it's another space agency, or maybe it's one of the other agencies you deal with regularly and some other player left a Kerbal up there they want you to rescue
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<TwistenX> bro wdym the kerbin is flat
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<Althego> in surviving mars there is a small event with flat mars society
<Deddly> LOL
<TwistenX> also gravioli doesnt exist
<TwistenX> nice timing
<Deddly> Next you'll be saying that mystery goo isn't mysterious at all!
<Althego> hehe zombie won against the first opponent in chess
<TwistenX> its not
<TwistenX> it's literally goo
<flayer> my whole kerbin-view has shattered
<Althego> negative gravioli particles. warranty void if used with positive gravioli particles
<Deddly> One thing we can all agree on, ravioli DOES exist
<TwistenX> BUT GrAvIoLi DoEsN't ExIsT
<Deddly> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Deddly: Marmalade toast.
<Althego> oh scott
<Deddly> My goodness. Your alternating caps are overwhelmingly convincing.
<Althego> have to queue that
<Deddly> Althego, Is that the one about Apollo 11?
<Althego> yes
<Deddly> It's a very interesting video
<TwistenX> also the reason is that there's only Kerbals on Kerbin is because all the rest fell of the edge
<TwistenX> smort
<Deddly> Can't fall off the edge if there's an ice wall around it. Checkmate
<Althego> hehe, forehead tapping
<TwistenX> they climbed it
<TwistenX> :)
<TwistenX> you clearly dont understand that youre pictures of kerbin are faked
<TwistenX> you're using fish-eye lenses
<Deddly> They would asphyxiate before reaching the top. The wall is keeping in the atmosphere, remember? <Head tapping intensifies>
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<TwistenX> There's no atmosphere, the oxygen just exists
<Deddly> Also, can't use fisheye lens if all the fish swam over the ice wall <forehead tapping becomes painful>
<TwistenX> why not
<TwistenX> who says there was fish
<Deddly> For the fisheye lens
<TwistenX> But what if Kerbals sight are fish-eye?
<Deddly> Then it would be a kerbaleyed lens, silly.
<TwistenX> fine kerbaleyed lenses
<Deddly> How much are you going to fine them?
<TwistenX> what
<Althego> lol
<Althego> is that a garden path sentence?
<TwistenX> $100 bucks take it or leave it
<Deddly> I'll take it, thanks! What shall I buy?
* Deddly is channelling his inner Red5
<Althego> an elegant weapon from civilized times?
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<Deddly> Since I don't have the force, I am using the farce
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<TwistenX> what the dog doin'?
<TwistenX> answer
<Althego> dog is not streaming at the moment, hard to say
<TwistenX> dang
<TwistenX> thats very disappointing
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<TwistenX> <img src=";usqp=CAU" alt="Found this cursed image on Discord. Proceed with caution.: KerbalSpaceProgram"/>
<Althego> oh the freshly baked bread crunch as kiara bites into it
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<TwistenX> reacton hweels
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<TwistenX> If you believe that Joe Biden is the current USA President, this image will shock you...
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* TwistenX then goes on to commit war crimes and arson
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* UmbralRaptop …
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<UmbralRaptop> okay
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<UmbralRaptop> hm, apparently the zombie did decently at the chess tournament?
<Althego> did mess up several times, lost the queen often
<Althego> but ultimately win in 1 win 1 loss 1 tie (is it what it called), then win in a sudden death because the opponent ran out of time
<Althego> and that gave her the final win
<Althego> as comments say, plot armor anime protagonist
<UmbralRaptop> hah
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<Althego> guh / wah / kikkerikii
<darsie> cryptic
<Althego> quite obvious
<darsie> cryptic
<darsie> obvious if you're Althego :).
<Althego> it is a 6-way stream with reaper-tako-chicken
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* Deddly misses Wintergatan
<Althego> no weekly recaps anymore
<Althego> just irregular looooong livestreams
<Deddly> The only videos he's been releasing lately are live streams. I like his recaps.
<Althego> yes, those weekly episodes were well done
<Althego> but i guess the focus is on finishing it now
<Deddly> Watching someone gradually adjust a screw to just the right amount is like watching someone trying to work out how KSP works. Sure, it can be fun, but I'm not going to spend half my day watching it.
<Deddly> Totally understandable, but still a shame
<Althego> what are you doing? building a machine to play music with metal balls. understandable, have a nice day
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<Eclipser> I too wish they'd at least make short edits of the livestreams
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<Althego> guh
<darsie> hug
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<Althego_> Kikkerikii
<Althego_> Yes I came in from the phone just for this
<Althego_> man that crunchy bread she eats. I want some
<raptop> today in me not understanding how people play KSP: someone calling their game early-career when they've already unlocked Very Heavy Rocketry (550 points)
<Ezriilc> Welcome to my world.
<darsie> You can play much longer after completing the tech tree and do crazy/advanced things.
<darsie> Takes me two days to complete the tech tree and fully upgrade all buildings.
<darsie> Now I'm bored.
<raptop> Yeah, that's also true
<darsie> It was much different the first time I played.
<darsie> I did contracts like test the swivel rocket engine in Kerbin's atmosphere.
<darsie> Before knowing I can go to orbit on the second flight.
<darsie> And complete the tech tree on Minmus wiht the lab.
<darsie> I'd go on EVA and scout for a triple biome border and science the shit out of three biomes there.
* raptop fines darsie one credit for violating the verbal morality statute
<darsie> It's a movie quote ... ;)
<raptop> Also, all hail Minmus' minty science
<darsie> All underage ppl ... don't click this link. It's an excerpt from an evil movie :)
<darsie> Tristen was 12 or 13, right?
<raptop> not sure
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<Althego> hehe it is a movie quote. but because of the age rating, they could use it twice
<darsie> Me or in the movie?
<Althego> the movie
<Althego> use can use it 0 times her
<Althego> e
<darsie> FSK 12
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* raptop vaguely looks at youtube, and sees that there was a stream where a catgirl vtuber was playoung touhou
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<Althego> heh, she just got to the yakuza stream. already going on for hours. not surprising when the first hour wasnt even superchat
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<TwistenX> mmmmmm
<TwistenX> beep
<TwistenX> beep
<raptop> boop
<TwistenX> also Kerbin is still flat
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* raptop blinks
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<TwistenX> I'm going to make a graveyard for any Kerbals that die in my Sandbox File
<sandbox> :(
<TwistenX> not you
<raptop> sandbox: it's fine, we'll just stick post-it notes on you
<TwistenX> I'll make sure Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val have green sticky notes.
<TwistenX> I still gotta wait until Sunday though, I'm on vacation.
<sandbox> it is sunday here
<raptop> Maybe we should try getting everyone on TAI
<TwistenX> Im in America
<TwistenX> Specifically the West Coast so it's 4:10 here
<raptop> Ah, try to avoid catching on fire
<TwistenX> Yeah there's a fairly bad fire going on where I'm at
TwistenX has quit [Quit:]
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