Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "Beardy Branson" shoots himself into space
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<Althego> guh
<umaxtu> yes?
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<Althego> i guess i have to watch irys too. she is just too good of a singer
<Guest40679> Question: Where does one go to file a bug report against the current version of KSP (1_12_1_03142_48467 Linux 64b)? I'm having trouble with the UI inverting the mousewheel scroll. I was able to fix the inverted scroll issue in-game, but the user interface is still goofy footed.
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<Guest40679> Or if you guys know how I can invert the menu scrolling with the mousewheel, that works too, and I can just fix it on mine. It only started this with version 12.
<TwistenX> I have successfully landed on the Mun twice
<Althego> some people had this problem on linux. supposedly you can invert it in the config
<Guest40679> Althego Where would one do that? I didn't see any options. I tried setting the scale = -1 then setting Invert = True in the settings cfg. Both made things work correctly in the game controls, but the menu was still inverted.
<Althego> i dont know for how long they intend to fix bugs, probably not more than a year
<Althego> in settings.cfg, there may be optons there that are not in t he gui. just like long time ago you couldnt set how many patch conics you wanted to see, just in the cnfig file
<Guest40679> Seems like a pretty serious reversion
<Althego> there is like AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL
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<Althego> has an inv
<Guest40679> Althego Yes, that only seems to affect the in-game controls.
<Guest40679> Althego I think the issue is that this is something related to the unity user interface.
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<Guest40679> Althego At least based on what I was reading.
<Althego> hehe i wrote "like AXIS_MOUSEWHEEL" because of sql select
<Guest40679> You must be a database admin
<Althego> no
<Althego> i barely know anything about them. just lately had some issues with them
<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Althego> log-chan
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Althego> hehe still working
<Deddly> Guest40679, you'll be happy to know that Squad is already aware of that bug
<Althego> wait, why twice
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<Guest40679> YEah, I just found it
<Guest40679> Would've been nice if I could browse the bugs without having to register
<Deddly> Yeah
<Deddly> But it's very good of you to be willing to file a bug report, thank you
<Guest40679> I wonder if Unity fixed a bug that KSP was hacking around, or if the hack somehow didn't get included. I suspect it'll get fixed at some point.
<Guest40679> I suppose I could add a comment about it existing on Mint 20 as well.
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<Guest40679> Though the issue is clearly not platform dependent within linuxes
<Deddly> It wouldn't hurt, but I think this is in all distros
<Guest40679> I would have to agree with you.
<Deddly> I'm pretty sure they have everything they need to go on with that one at this point.
<Guest40679> Guess I'll just have to cry in my milk until they fix it. But at any rate I went ahead and added my 2¢ along with a little information for others who can be satisfied with a quick fix just to play.
<Deddly> Guest40679, you
<Deddly> Guest40679, you're right, it was actually a Unity bug all along that got fixed
<Deddly> So all this time, the Linux version of KSP has had it's own built-in fix for Unity's bug.
<Guest40679> Makes sense. Unity has had some wierdness with HID stuff on linux for awhile. I know KSP had trouble with my joystick for a long time, too.
<Guest40679> NITW can't even handle a USB joypad, which would make a lot of sense for that game.
<Guest40679> Anyway, looks like a thunderstorm here, so I better get things shut down.
<Guest40679> Night!
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<Deddly> Seeya
<Althego> heh i missed the zombanwa
<Deddly> The what?
<Deddly> <Googles> Oh
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<Althego> zombie chessw is painful
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* darsie got shot again.
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<Mat2ch> darsie: that sounds awful. And you're not even living in the US!
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Yeah, we have vaccines in Austria, too.
<darsie> This time it's gonna be uncomfortable at least.
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<sandbox> darsie, what's awful?
<sandbox> got shot?
<Mat2ch> But in two weeks you'll be immune. Hopefully.
<darsie> sandbox: It sounds awful.
<sandbox> immune to lead?
<darsie> covid
<sandbox> good luck with that
<darsie> It's ok, I got a band aid: :)
<darsie> thx
<Deddly> The sticky plaster will keep you safe
<Althego> i shot the sheriff, but i did not shoot the deputy
<darsie> Why not?
<darsie> ;)
<Mat2ch> Because he was an antivaxxer and got killed by Covid19 later.
<Deddly> Antivaxxers should be shot
<Althego> or at least in jail
<Deddly> Just like everyone else ;)
<Althego> because they are endangering people
<darsie> Put all antivaxxers in a tight place?
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> In Sweden someone just got in trouble for actually offering fellow workers money if they didn't take the vaccine.
<Althego> they can live on an island as far as i care
<Deddly> This person works in healthcare. Horray
<Althego> then they are safe and we are safe from them
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<Althego> oh no, more chess
<Althego> or not
<Althego> zombanwa
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<Deddly> 1337!
<darsie> .
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<Althego> "you have fallen into an event horizon", 1h8m episode, let's go
<minas_tirith> eriophora
<minas_tirith> Althego, hi
<Deddly> Hello, minas_tirith
<Althego> "hello nurse"
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<darsie> Maneuver planning doesn't change AN/DN of satellite orbit.
<Deddly> darsie, verify files on Steam
<darsie> mhm
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* darsie has a flickering Mun encounter.
<darsie> Mun is nowhere near.
<Deddly> Sounds like your floating point is sinking
<Deddly> In all seriousness, I think I have had something similar. It's some kind of floating point error
<JVFoxy> wasn't 'wings impacting the VAB despite you being 2km out on final' caused by floating point errors too?
<darsie> reacquiring 91 files ...
<darsie> all validated
<JVFoxy> o....k...
<darsie> Deddly: Still no AN change:
<Deddly> Uh oh
<Deddly> Mods?
<Deddly> JVFoxy, never heard of that one
<darsie> Deddly: EEX, KER, dated quicksaves, picoport
<JVFoxy> Deddly: was way back.. launch spaceplane into orbit. Stay up there for a while. Coming down to the KSC runway, suddenly a wing section gets blow off for no reason. Looking at logs indicates impact with VAB. Then another wing section explodes... ya well.. trouble was, didn't /always/ happen though.
<JVFoxy> usually when you were about a 1km or so from landing on the runway. I think I caught some saying it was a rounding error or something
<Deddly> lol, nice bug, JVFoxy
<Deddly> darsie, the first thing to do it to see if any of those mods are causing the problem by trying a new game with no mods
<Deddly> it/is*
<darsie> *yawn*
<JVFoxy> Deddly no.. not nice, very annoying. It was semi common. Enough it got into the forums back in 2014:
<JVFoxy> I don't recall the exact version we had back then
<Deddly> In retrospect, I think I remember that one.
<Deddly> I must have been pretty new to the game at that point.
<JVFoxy> no worries
<JVFoxy> I'm a little hurt, friend showed me KSP back in 0.18, but I didn't manage to get it for myself till 0.21, so I missed the free DLC for early backers
<Deddly> Aww
<Deddly> I was going to play around with the demo a while longer before getting it, but when I saw that announcement I got it ASAP, so I was just about inside the window
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<Deddly> I think Making History is overpriced, but Breaking Ground is well worth it. Both are on sale, by the way
<sandbox> my mum has a book called Broken Ground
<JVFoxy> through steam only though right?
<JVFoxy> I got KSP from squad.. never got a steam account
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<Deddly> JVFoxy, yeah that particular offer is for a Steam key. I'm actually not sure if you can get the Steam expansion without the Steam version of the game.
<Deddly> Your account is probably old enough to migrate it to Steam, if you want. Beware, though, that it's a one-way move.
<JVFoxy> its ok I'm good but thanks
<JVFoxy> that aside, I ran across someone saying 'Making History' didn't really add a lot to the game or something?
<Althego> yes, making history was kind of annoying
<Althego> it has some few nice tanks and engines
<JVFoxy> I'm a bit of a fan of the Gemini program, so was a little sad that KSP didn't have an intern pod for just two people.
<Deddly> Aside from the extra parts (which are nice parts, by the way), Making History's main thing is the mission maker. You can use a point and click interface to make missions, and you can run missions that others have made. There are also a bunch of included missions to play with.
<JVFoxy> might be a bit of fun... but those more for sandbox or can they be career invoked?
<Deddly> Making History includes a lot of historic parts, and also some 1.8m parts that are very useful for, e.g., shuttle booster replicas etc. Nice folding rover wheels too
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<Deddly> JVFoxy, each mission is a stand-alone game if I remember correctly.
<JVFoxy> Deddly ah right, got you. Kind of like the training missions
<Deddly> JVFoxy, for example, there's an included mission reminiscent of Apollo 13 with a bunch of failures you have to handle on the fly.
<Deddly> So it's a great add-on if you want to play but are lacking inspiration for exactly what to do.
<JVFoxy> heh.. its cool Coming up with things to do not too hard for me. I had wanted to do a series of videos on a few missions of my own. Turns out I needed a better GPU for recording so.. things went on hiatus
<JVFoxy> then having so many updates going through, changing things
<Deddly> If you don't have either of the DLCs, I personally appreciate having both of them, but of the two, I can wholeheartedly recommend Breaking Ground if only for the hinges, rotating parts and pistons. It opens up an entire set of new possibilities.
<NGC3982> moar content
<Deddly> But if you've had a hiatus, so much new content has been added to the main game recently that you probably don't "need" any of that for quite some time. I mean, just the EVA construction mode makes it an entirely new game.
<JVFoxy> well pause was more in relation to doing actual recording, not game play. any time a new version came out, new folder, restart career over again..
<JVFoxy> btw.. which had rotors? Was it breaking ground?
<JVFoxy> I seem to recall airplanes+ had a rotating beacon part, but was reliant on people having breaking ground for it to work properly
<Deddly> Breaking Ground is the one
<JVFoxy> ok
<JVFoxy> mm.. heli's
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<Althego> guh
<JVFoxy> ?
<Revelator> xD
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> classical toon pose
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<JVFoxy> oops
<flayer> executed perfectly
<JVFoxy> kerbal didn't go poof so.. good chance still alive
<NGC3982> darsie: lol
<JVFoxy> ah the memories... sadly my 'ksp derp' files on another drive that isn't connected at the moment.
<packbart> Kerbal helmets are pretty much indestructible, aren't they?
<JVFoxy> well.... it may seem that way
<JVFoxy> certain command pods can seem that way too. crash land a certain way, only to have the pod the only thing surviving and tumbling along the ground a short distance
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<darsie> I wish RWs wouldn't overshoot at lower setting.
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* darsie coincidentally landed in walking distance of a Mumbo Jumbo tree and climbed it:
<darsie> Baobab tree*
<Althego> wait, you can climb it?
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> It's not easy.
<darsie> I found out when headbanging it.
<darsie> said "[U] climb" or so.
<darsie> They are real trees. Not like those usual VR trees you can walk through.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> baobab headbanging, must be some kerbal dance
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