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<Solar_Oracle> Let's read?
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<Solar_Oracle> Oh boy, discussions on military uniforms! Gee, I'm glad we're reading about this instead of space combat and stuff.
<Solar_Oracle> Even when we're on spaceships, we're still stuck with talking about training instead of saying, "Oh, yeah, and several months passed and they were landed into enemy territory".
<Solar_Oracle> And another chapter bites the dust.
<raptop> synthesis: concerns about clothing degrading unusually fast in the swamps of purple dagobah
<Solar_Oracle> Unfortunately, it's about uniforms aboard a troop transport.
<Solar_Oracle> Actually, it'd be kinda wild if the uniforms on Purple Dagobah had gotten eaten by space moths and they all fought naked.
<umaxtu> Solar_Oracle, you've sold me on this series. granted, the first book is free, but still...
<Solar_Oracle> But that kind of stuff is for bad fantasy books, like The Sword of Truth series.
<Solar_Oracle> Oh dear, it appears the gravity guns do indeed fire rounds fast enough to be considered relativistic.
<raptop> Ah, good. Every infantry squad needs a support weapon capable of taking out a dozen tank divisions
<Solar_Oracle> I did the math: Assuming 1 gram projectiles with speeds at 2% C, you get 17,980 megajoules a pop.
<Solar_Oracle> Or 4.3 tons of TNT in every round.
<Solar_Oracle> And that's not their support weapon: That's their standard firearm.
<raptop> I guess they don't need to aim
<Solar_Oracle> Somehow, the soldiers armed with relativistic, rapid fire weaponry lose against a mere few thousand Posleen in a simulation.
<Solar_Oracle> That . . . Should not be possible.
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<Solar_Oracle> And that's another one down.
<Solar_Oracle> And it for the day.
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<darsie> bernhard@b:~/src$ echo `./kspconverttime 3 29 51`-`./kspconverttime 15 27`|bc|./kspconverttime `cat /proc/self/fd/0`
<darsie> 0d 3:14:24
<darsie> converts between d h m s <-> s
<Althego> but 6 hour days?
<darsie> yes
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<UmbralRaptop> If a 4-sided earth sees 24 hour days, does kerbin's 6 hour day mean it's one sided?
<Mat2ch> Althego: well, considering is not deciding ;)
<Althego> yes, we still dont know how a mars mission is going to look like
<flayer> UmbralRaptop, i'm pretty sure earth is 24-sided and kerbin is 6-sided
<UmbralRaptop> timecube, see…
<UmbralRaptop> (either way, this implies that Mars has a fractional number of sides)
<darsie> I guess Mars is mostly polycrystalline, so it has lots of sides.
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<minas_tirith> UmbralRaptop, hi
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<UmbralRaptop> \o
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<Eddi|zuHause> UmbralRaptop: i'm fairly sure that both the surfaces of mars and earth have a fractal dimension
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<Eddi|zuHause> i'm not convinced this thing flies
<Eddi|zuHause> well... at least i can't manage to even get it to drive along the runway
<darsie> Eddi|zuHause: Why 3 engines?
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<Eddi|zuHause> i need to get to 13000m altitude to test the small engine
<Eddi|zuHause> the big engine i need to test while landed, which is trivial
<Eddi|zuHause> i actually managed to get it to fly... was a bit reactive on roll input, but fairly stable to fly otherwise
<Eddi|zuHause> but when i got to the moment to test the engine, i lost controll and couldn't regain it, so i ejected and took the personal chute
<Eddi|zuHause> contract fulfilled. kerbal lives... success? :p
<Eddi|zuHause> and i forgot to take eva report while "flying"
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<Eddi|zuHause> landing still not happening
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<Eddi|zuHause> i have no clue what horizontal or vertical speeds are safe for landing...
<flayer> it depends on your landing gear
<flayer> the lightest wheels - 40-50m/s
<flayer> bigger wheels 100m/s is doable
<Deddly> What's the channel log
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: http://bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Deddly> thx
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<Deddly> Eddi|zuHause, actual landing gear don't have a maximum rotational speed. It's all about how hard you hit the ground and how heavy the craft is.
<Eddi|zuHause> yes.
<Eddi|zuHause> but i tried like 10 times now
<Eddi|zuHause> and vertical speed is <6m/s
<flayer> what happens? do you bounce? nosedive into the ground? flail and crash?
<Deddly> A pic of the craft would be very helpful. Also, what are you landing on?
<Eddi|zuHause> grass near KSC
<Deddly> OK so you're landing on perfectly flat ground, so that's not the issue. Can we see the craft?
<Eddi|zuHause> hold on
<Deddly> I never actually paid attention to my vertical speed on landing, but 6 m/s sounds pretty fast. I usually come in so gradually that the craft gently squeezes its wheels against the runway.
<Deddly> 6 m/s is nearly 22 kph
<flayer> yeah, 6m/sec seems fast for landing an aircraft
<flayer> i usually land by going slow and pointing the nose up just as i land, causing the rear-wheels to hit the ground first
<Deddly> ^^
<Deddly> Basically, you stall just above the runway
<Deddly> Thanks Eddi|zuHause
<Deddly> Ah, *those* landing gear. They are extremely fragile. You'll definitely need to touch down much more softly using the method described by flayer above
<flayer> yeah, going faster than 40m/sec horizontal doing anything but the lightest descent is going to wreck your plane
<Deddly> That will be difficult with that configuration without knocking your tail off
<Deddly> I would like to see those landing gear moved down - put the front one on a strut if you have to, but you need more ground clearance unless you enjoy lightening your craft considerably on landing :)
<Eddi|zuHause> it's hard to change this while flying, though :p
<flayer> this is my low-tech science plane: https://i.imgur.com/QfE1bwT.png
<Deddly> Ah... well that is more difficult yeah. Well, try and fly just above the ground and with the throttle off or low, keep your altitude steady by raising the nose as you slow down. At some point, you'll stall out and gradually ease the rear wheels down, hopefully without losing the tail.
<Deddly> My low tech planes land on skids
<Eddi|zuHause> i can't do it...
<Deddly> Sure you can! :)
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<Deddly> My low-tech plane https://imgur.com/a/HRf2BkD
<Deddly> Coming in to land https://imgur.com/oEZNv1i
<flayer> lmao
<Deddly> I flared at around that point and landed without losing any bits, and this was on a permadeath game :)
<Deddly> I think I named it Finstrocity
<Deddly> That was a fun game. I was sharing a save with a friend and we divided KSC so that he had the VAB/Launch pad and I had the SPH/runway.
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<Eddi|zuHause> I'm not even seeing any progress :/
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<Deddly> Have you knocked the tail off yet? If not, you're not flaring enough
<Deddly> Your vertical speed needs to be close to zero
<darsie> Airplane control is tricky, because you need to PWM wasd.
<Eddi|zuHause> i'm not getting steep enough for this... at speeds low enough...
<darsie> You could use larger landing gear or lower it with a small hardpoint.
<Deddly> If in doubt, you can sacrifice the tail in order to survive the landing. You should be able to get down to maybe 20-30 m/s airspeed that way
<Eddi|zuHause> i now tried watering... this shatters parts off the plane, but the cockpit and some other parts survived
<Deddly> darsie, the issue is that he is already airborne
<Deddly> Good point, water landing might work
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<darsie> Milming Kerman didn't know how to throw the chute and survined splash down.
<darsie> How can I throw the chute? Does it require qualification?
<Althego> hehe. kerbal power, not knowing and still succeesinf
<darsie> I just saved him from orbit.
<darsie> Milming takes some parachute training ... https://i.postimg.cc/L4hJxF9f/screenshot112.png
<darsie> Now he can throw chutes.
<darsie> There was no deploy chute button before.
<darsie> Environmentally friendly, electric parachute training: https://i.postimg.cc/rccGTDmZ/screenshot116.png
<Althego> hehehe
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<darsie> What's draining my battery? https://i.postimg.cc/4fJCkpSb/screenshot120.png
<Althego> click everything to see?
<darsie> Hmm, science research.
<darsie> Gotta send them on EVA to stop that.
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<Mat2ch> darsie: or more solar panels.
<Mat2ch> and batteries
<darsie> yeah
<darsie> But I needed the scientists to go on EVA so the station gets enough power to be controllable.
<darsie> Hmm, maybe I can send an engineer to attach a gigantor or two.
<Mat2ch> Make it two. :D
<darsie> Hmm, cargo storage unit says "construction only part".
<darsie> Can it be done? Without docking?
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<darsie> Yes
<packbart> We have the technology!
<packbart> darsie: "There was no deploy chute button before." - only pilots have chutes at zero stars
<darsie> I rescued a scientist an upgraded her in the orbital lab.
<darsie> There was a chute in the inventory.
<darsie> I couldn't see it well on the back, though.
<packbart> hm. in that case, she should have had the ability. weird.
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<darsie> An engineer put two Gigantors on the station and flew back down.
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