Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "Beardy Branson" shoots himself into space
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<TwistenX> I have a theory on how the Mun was created
<TwistenX> So, basically, you know how Kerbin has it's massive freaking crater
<TwistenX> And it has a small island in the center
<TwistenX> I bet that something collided with Kerbin and created the Mun from the debruis
<TwistenX> debris*
<TwistenX> Like the real Earth and Moon
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<Rolf> yeah and minmun is mint ice cream dropped by some huge alien kid
<Rolf> oh left
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<raptop> ;outcome cil
<LunchBot> raptop: You converted Minmus from mint to cilantro.
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* TwistenX gets back home with some eggs, sausage links, and OJ for tomorrow's breakfast.
* TwistenX also can't drive. Legally.
<raptop> bicycle-mobile waffles
<TwistenX> Huh?
<raptop> silliness
<TwistenX> Ok then
<TwistenX> Does the giant crater on Kerbin have an actual name?
<Rolf> yeah and minmun is mint ice cream dropped by some huge alien kid
<Rolf> (you missed that reply)
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<TwistenX> "IT'S 'MINMUS' , YOU [swear word] IDIOT!!! YOU KNOW WHAT? I'VE HAD ENOUGH. WHY DON'T YOU EVER JUST PAY ATTENTION?!" - martincitopants, Kerbal Scuffed Program 3, YouTube
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* raptop wants to say that it's just crater
<Rolf> ok that was interesting reply then leave
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<TwistenX> why does this not have a dark mode my eyes burn it's midnight rn
<raptop> ?
<TwistenX> your name is patrick?
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<Althego> the crater is too small for the mun to originate from there
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<TwistenX> !mission
<LunchBot> TwistenX: You attempt to drive your solar sail vessel with a flashlight. Your actions have mysteriously removed all serifs from existence!
<TwistenX> ok
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<TwistenX> mmmmmmmmm... gravity assists
<TwistenX> i found a ksp mission planner/calculator
<TwistenX> e
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<Rolf> !mission
<LunchBot> Rolf: You replace a Stayputnik Mk 2 with an Arduino. Your rocket falls apart.
<Althego> never trust commercial electronics?
<Rolf> seems so
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<Stelios> Anyone that could help me regarding a graphics issue in KSP? The screen is filled with weird flashing lines
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<Stelios> I got this weird graphics issue shortly after the upgrade to 1.12:
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<packbart> Stelios: stock or modded?
<Stelios> stock
<Stelios> was working fine for a week or so after the update, but suddenly this
<packbart> yeah I just saw the tool bar. odd
<packbart> (although I don't recognize the snowflake icon)
<Stelios> snowflake icon?
<Althego> bottom
<Althego> maneuver node?
<packbart> ah, right
<packbart> thanks
<packbart> see, I'm new to 1.12 :)
<Stelios> aaa yea, it's an alarm with the new 1.12 set for a maneuver node
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<packbart> hm. I don't see anything like it in the bug tracker or forum
<Stelios> well in the forum you can probably see my own post from yesterday I guess
<packbart> huh. in which subforum?
<Althego> if it didnt start like this on 1.12, it can be a video driver
<Stelios> I updated
<packbart> other than "try validating files if installed through Steam", I've got no clue
<packbart> ah, there is your post
<Stelios> have tried that too :(
<Stelios> also removed it from steam and reinstalled
<TwistenX> KSP itself can just be buggy
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<packbart> yeah, but usually not that bad
<packbart> it's buggy in subtle ways ;)
<Stelios> well yea I know, I always say my prayers before switching to a craft that's landed for a long time
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<packbart> the Base Kraken is real, indeed
<Stelios> but never encountered something like this. It's so annoying.
<TwistenX> haha base go die
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<TwistenX> why does IRC keep crashing
<Stelios> I see on steam that it got updated on 15 July, that may be around the time my problems started. Is it possible to rollback to a previous buld?
<Stelios> I mean to still be 1.12 but just a few builds earlier
<packbart> not sure if you can roll back to 1.12.0 but you can check out previous versions via the "beta" tab
<packbart> right click, Properties, Betas -> 1.11.2
<Stelios> but that would mean no alarms and no fireworks!!! :O
<Stelios> how can one continue to play without fireworks?
<Stelios> :D
<packbart> thee doesn't seem to be an option for 1.12.0 (it apparently had a bug that would lock you in the VAB or something)
<flayer> wernher enslaving the engineers, eh?
<packbart> hmmyeah, the fireworks need some new code, so can't just copy the parts
<TwistenX> Nobody ever said Kerbal slavery is illegal
<Stelios> yea, Werner can be cruel like that, but it's all for the good of Kerbalkind
<TwistenX> This gives me an idea
<TwistenX> Im gonna force Kerbals to pull a rocket from the runway to the pad
<flayer> a twisted mind
<TwistenX> Cause like Stelios said, it's all for the good of Kerbalkind
<flayer> they got fuel tho
<Stelios> gonna be hard to control each little slave though
<flayer> why use kerbals :(
<TwistenX> they feel no emotions
<packbart> Stelios: maybe open a new issue on just to make sure it doesn't get lost
<TwistenX> Only sometimes I actually care about them
<flayer> they seem quite happy to be shot into the air
<TwistenX> But sometimes my mind switches from Matt Lowne Kerbalcare to Danny2464 Kerbalcare.
<Stelios> Thanks packbart I will do that now
<TwistenX> I'm also gonna make a graveyard for fallen Kerbals for the sake of """""research""""" and """"""""""advancements in technology""""""""""
<TwistenX> by that I mean they sacrficed themselves for """"""""""science"""""""""""
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<darsie> Fredlong Kerman failed to jetpack to Mun orbit for rendezvous with the rescue probe, possibly due to a ridge that has to be overflown early, which is inefficient. He'll try again half a munar day later in the other direction.
<darsie> I have to send the probe again ...
<darsie> no
<darsie> damn
<darsie> I don't.
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<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> .
<darsie> 3975 m Pe ... gotta fly more efficient.
<Althego> also fly safe :)
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* flayer slaps Althego
<Althego> what's up, slappers?
* flayer shrugs
<packbart> taniwha came over to the Elite side, I see :>
<Althego> as player or dev?
<packbart> player, probably. I recognized the name on the ED forums. it's probably not too common a nick
<packbart> who would want to out themselves as a Frontier Developer right now, anyway. so much mimimi :)
<Althego> what happened? people didnt liek the legs?
<packbart> the loud voices on the forums didn't much. performance bad, no ship interiors, no more VR, more grind. the usual
<packbart> it's the same as any other game forum, tbh
<packbart> Squad gets its share of the same criticism
<packbart> "they don't listen to their players, they never fix bugs" etc
<darsie> Jetpack to Mun orbit 8284 Pe and rendezvous planned.
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<taniwha> yeah, I've been playing Elite
<Mat2ch> Finally part 8 of the orbital launch tower is off the ground. Soon we can go back to the tank watching. ;)
<Althego> hehe
<umaxtu> and soon we should get to see how the hell the catching mechanism is supposed to work
<Mat2ch> oh yeah
<Mat2ch> I'm very curious
<Mat2ch> I still can't believe they are going for it and want to make it work
<Althego> the whole idea sounds like a child's imagination
<Althego> what is it 200 t?
<Althego> just catch it
<Althego> cant be that ahrd
<Althego> or can it
<Mat2ch> More like 300 t
<Mat2ch> but it's not really a catch
<Mat2ch> catching would mean you absorb the energy somehow. But the booster breaks and just sits there.
<Mat2ch> So it's more like a landing
<Mat2ch> you could do the same with a hole in the ground and the landing legs at the top
<Althego> ah yes it can hover because of its size and multiple engines
<Mat2ch> *the booster brakes
<umaxtu> Mat2ch, you'd have to have some way of removing the exhaust gasses I would assume
<Althego> anyway, it sounds obvious, but probably many people are working on it for months now
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: in the hole? Yes.
<Mat2ch> But SpaceX is doing it in the open, so no problems there
<Mat2ch> but I wonder how precise they will be
<Mat2ch> but as Althego said, they can hover for a bit.
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<FLHerne> Mat2ch: It looks like there'll be a part 9 of some kind
<FLHerne> Part 8 has mountings on top of three of the columns, and there are various parts left at the assembly site
<Mat2ch> jup
<Mat2ch> and part 8 didn't include everything because it would have gotten too heavy to lift otherwise. That's why we will see part 9
<FLHerne> I'm not sure that's right?
<FLHerne> Part 8 is a lot smaller than the previous ones
<FLHerne> 2/3rds the size roughly
<FLHerne> Crane capability falls off with height, but it's only one place above 7
<Althego> kikkerikii
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: but it had to be extended to reach so high. So even less load
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<TwistenX> who ate the rest of my cereal
<Althego> the cereal killer
<TwistenX> funny, laughdd
<TwistenX> laughed*
<TwistenX> im leaving vacation today so when i get home i can begin a multi-day long suffering spend naming EVERY LANDMARK in Stock KSP
<darsie> Visiting every anomaly?
<TwistenX> What does that mean\
<darsie> There are anomalies spread throughout the Kerbol system.
<darsie> Like the monolith near the KSC.
<darsie> You can detect them with computers in Kerbnet.
<TwistenX> Thats not what I mean
<TwistenX> I meant like craters, lakes, and mountains
<darsie> Hmm. Like every biome?
<TwistenX> Basically
<darsie> Grassland, mountains, desert, water, shores, ...
<TwistenX> kind of
<darsie> Flats, great flats, greater flats, lesser flats, ...
<TwistenX> kinda
<TwistenX> why has KSP2 been delayed so many times
<darsie> Because Spacex didn't uphold their timeline.
<darsie> coding is tricky. It's often underestimated.
<TwistenX> what does SpaceX have to do with KSP2
<TwistenX> I know coding is difficult, I'm also a programmer. I program Roblox games and animations.
<darsie> Elon also underestimated the efforts for Starship.
<darsie> TwistenX: Do you tend to finish in time?
<darsie> How old are you?
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<TwistenX> darsie: I usually set release dates and reach them on time. I'm also 13.
<darsie> great
<darsie> Do you curse?
<TwistenX> nah
<TwistenX> swearing bad
<darsie> swearing is bad?
<flayer> yes, dammit
<darsie> Or are you swearing badly? :)
<TwistenX> the first one
<darsie> Hmm, I could visit the alternate launch sites.
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<Mat2ch> darsie: Twisten will grow up... don't worry. ;)
<darsie> Just adjusting my use of illegal words :).
<darsie> Somewhere I found there's a toggle key for kerbnet, but I can't find it now.
<darsie> Also I've seen the alternate launch sites already, but now I don't.
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<darsie> It's in the action groups.
<darsie> KSP does unexpected things with my twisted rocket.
<darsie> Everything inside the fairing is upside down, to save space. The rovemate is root.
<darsie> When I root the SRB, the rocket is upright with the SRB to the west. When I root the rovemate again I get this:
<darsie> The rocket is inverted.
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<Mat2ch> oh, I've been there. Just turn it around. Hopefully it'll be fine. You never now with KSP :)
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<darsie> Wow, Kerbin is riddled with anomalies.
<packbart> each of the Commnet stations is an anomaly, too
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> I've been there.
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