ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Starwaster> o/
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<Bornholio> rokker i saw all kind of jealousy inducing sights last couple of days
<Rokker> Bornholio: i wasnt allowed in the 52 :(
<Bornholio> bummer
<Bornholio> i went in skylab
<Rokker> Bornholio: ugh I wasnt able to go in when I visited
<Rokker> line was too long
<Rokker> Bornholio: the 52 was 60-001
<Bornholio> space toilets!
<Bornholio> that thing was frigging huge
<Bornholio> cool Uno showed up
<Bornholio> whats did it have for nose art
<Rokker> a very faded Memphis Belle 4 or 5
<Rokker> IV or V rather
<Rokker> Bornholio: got to sit in the refueled seat on the KC-10 and lay down in the refueled position in the KC-135
<Rokker> refueler's
<Bornholio> great, either have baskets?
<Rokker> or boom operator I suppose
<Rokker> the 10 did at least
<Bornholio> i've only ever played around in 135's since that what we had on base . every once in a while the would drag baskets out. Rudely calling them donkey dicks, to fuel marine and navy guys
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<Starwaster> Bornholio hey found another ModuleResourceConverter / ModuleCoreHeat bug! When time warping 1000 or higher and adding core heat, MCH doesn't want to use the full time delta so it breaks it up and plays catch up. It does this even if its converters are all turned off so if I time warp at maximum speed and then shut it off (converters are not on yet either, remember that part) it STILL has not fully caught up... even for several seconds or maybe even
<Starwaster> minutes
<Bornholio> how did that get so buggered up
<Starwaster> it STILL isn't caught up and then I turn on the converters and it adds all that heat in one massive chunk. (which presumably it was trying to avoid by splitting up the delta time)
<Starwaster> you know how
<Bornholio> the Dude?
<Starwaster> yup
<Starwaster> he can clearly code so I have no idea how he manages to so savagely screw up core heat mechanics
<Bornholio> cheating
<Starwaster> lol
<Bornholio> that is how good coders go awry
<Starwaster> this is seriously screwing me up in trying to properly configure the ISRU nuclear reactors (the Kilopower ones)
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<Starwaster> I could just throw the heating portion out of it entirely I guess
<Starwaster> just basic U235 - electrical conversion
<Bornholio> i can't imagine how you haven't just written your own at this point. Sounds seriously frustrating
<Starwaster> no time
<Starwaster> I'm behind in updating the mods I'm already responsible for :(
<Bornholio> you should poke others and have em give you something to PR :P
<Starwaster> aaaaand I think one of my hard drives is going.... doing a detailed scan of it now because it can't doa basic scan
<Starwaster> and suddenly Notepad++ is telling me this or that file is no longer available.
<Starwaster> I HOPE it's because the scanner has locked them while scanning the drive
<Bornholio> good luck on that front
<Starwaster> getting really jarateed off
<Starwaster> hey let's scale the heat output by RoverDude's magic number! See if that fixes the heat problem
<Bornholio> fiddy!
<Starwaster> bornholio I need tree fiddy
<Bornholio> saw money that went to the moon yesterday does that count?
<Pap> Tree fiddy, are you rich?
<Bornholio> .poke a live pap!
<Pap> lol
<Pap> I get poked anytime "tree" is used from when I was working on the tech tree
<Bornholio> ooh now i know the summoning ritual!
<Starwaster> goddamit no matter WHAT I set the reactor thermal output to it reaches its goal temp in exactly the same amount of time.... wtf is he DOING in that code?
<Pap> I also get poked by my name
<Pap> How is the KSP and RO community these days?
<Bornholio> no action on RP-0 front, RN has been pushing things on RO
<Pap> RP-0 was left too half finished by NK to release I think :(
<Bornholio> long suffering Starwaster is fixing the RealISRU correctly in the face of evil x50 /50 rover dude code
<Pap> No one is able or willing to divie into the code
<Bornholio> I think it should just get pushed out
<Pap> I agree
<Bornholio> Works fine as is
<Bornholio> just needs a 1.3.1 and 1.4.4 updates
<Pap> I am too far removed at this point to push out a release though. It would take me too long to even get the development environment setup correctly
<Bornholio> wish i could and had the time to help there, but gainful employment is good also, specially with a boss who gets me into see the spacex plant
<Starwaster> bornholio I hate you :(
<Starwaster> have they started on the BFR yet???
<Bornholio> sounded like they have a team or more on things. but they are also being tight lipped. I did see USAF is buying a Heavy mission
<Rokker> Bornholio: they technically have one already
<Rokker> but it's just a qualifier mission
<Bornholio> 130m for that payload is going to bust a few nuts, looks like its 6.5t to GTO
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<Starwaster> bornholio ok roverdude fucking wins. He has forced me to have to come up with some kind of goddamn replacement for core heat which I really do not want to do so screw him.
<Starwaster> asshole :(
<Starwaster> on the plus side I think he's not really destroying heat like people thinks he is... he just... defers it. And it might never ever catch up... but it's still there. somewhere.
<Starwaster> ah no wait... yeah it is getting destroyed.
<Starwaster> I swear every time I look at this crap I find some new reason to get pissed off. It's like the Necronomicon of thermodynamics
<Bornholio> mind boggles at that last statement
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<Rokker> hehe roverdude
<Rokker> I've heard... things about him
<Rokker> Starwaster: also, BFR isnt gonna be produced at the SpaceX plant
<Bornholio> peir 240
<Starwaster> screw BFR let's skip right to RBFR
<Bornholio> sure back to ITS?
<Starwaster> yeah baby!
<Starwaster> ok so every time you timewarp really fast it causes MCH to start removing MORE heat from the core than it sends to the part (assuming the core is hotter than the part, obviously)
<Starwaster> and it keeps doing that until it catches up with the extra time that it thinks has accumulated
<Bornholio> if they just vertical launch test the thing over to the new texas launchpads shipping would be faster :)
<Starwaster> oh hell yeah that's a sensational idea
<Starwaster> and if it crashes then it fails the test
<Bornholio> not like other reusable craft haven't done that over texas
<Bornholio> so recently i've been informed that BFR may stand for something other that the official meaning, so i looked it up Big Fishing Reel !
<Starwaster> and FUCK. My drive has bad sectors that cannot be repaired
<Starwaster> can't be marked bad? wtf?
<Bornholio> google study says replace that scab
<Starwaster> replace
<Bornholio> looking at a pair of 8's myself reduce my drive count to one and one from 4 and 2 in backup. retire the old ones to long term backup
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