ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Starwaster> bornholio: so Real ISRU liquefaction part is at the point where it can recover and re-liquify tank boiloff
<Bornholio> okay now you get a high five
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<Bornholio> starwaster is that in the github now?
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<Starwaster> bornholio I think so... I'm not sure if I have any significant changes to the refrigeration stuff needing committing
<Starwaster> tell you one thing, having multiple harvesters and converters chaining off each other is problematic when they have to play catchup.
<Starwaster> not sure if everything gets properly caught up in that situation.
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<Rokker> Bornholio: no refueling for the new SAM XX000s
<Rokker> aerial refueling that is
<Rokker> just found that out
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<Bornholio> rokker looks like thats a Offut squirrel they gave fuel. Talk about giant white billion dollar planes. watched a one of each AWACS, JSTARS, RIVET JOINT, COBRA BALL fly in the last couple days. over my back yard
<Rokker> :(
<Rokker> Bornholio: why cant they do that over my back yard
<Bornholio> why you no have offut a few miles away
<Bornholio> whats this sam your talking about
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* soundnfury is finally running that lunar fly-by I keep talking about
<soundnfury> the spaceplane and the Delta Taxi are parked at the Station,
<soundnfury> and the Earth Departure Stage is sitting on the pad ready to go
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<Bornholio> soundnfury good luck with the intercept and burns
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<soundnfury> rendezvous achieved, now flying the Taxi across to meet with the EDS about 500m away
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<soundnfury> docked, preparing for TLI burn
<Bornholio> screaming me-me's in 10
<soundnfury> we have ignition on the TLI
<soundnfury> 0.6g of acceleration (it's only a single RL10 and there's 7 minutes of fuel in there, plus the Taxi itself ;)
<Bornholio> gravity losses here you come, hope you have a correction burn planned :P
<soundnfury> it's ok, I planned the burn with Konrad which takes the TWR into account
<soundnfury> (it's basically like Principia's burn planner but with worse integrators)
* soundnfury gives egg a forward-step Euler.
<soundnfury> we just passed through 1g. Unfortunately the pilot experiences it in the -Z direction, so he feels like he's standing on his head.
<Bornholio> yeah and he just said f-u to the manual and now sits upside down in his seat
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<soundnfury> heh maybe
<soundnfury> I like to think that whoever designed the cabin took into account that it needs to work upside down
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<soundnfury> passed GEO altitude, science scienced
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<soundnfury> through perilune, on the way home now
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<soundnfury> and departed lunar SOI
<Bornholio_> imaginiary spheres for science!
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<soundnfury> now I have to restart ksp 'cos it's getting a bit full of garbage
<soundnfury> ahhh, this time the 1g is in the *right* direction (braking into LEO)
<Bornholio> lol
<soundnfury> ok, taxi is back in LEO, now to re-rdzv with the Station
<Bornholio> what is the inc of you station , lined up with lunar?
<soundnfury> yeah, pretty much
<soundnfury> 28.6° so reachable from the Cape
<soundnfury> (0.3° away from lunar)