ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<TaggedYa> Anybody home?
<Pap> Hello
<soundnfury> eyup
<TaggedYa> hi
<TaggedYa> was on the git page a while ago and saw that all of dev was merged. Is there a rp-1 release?
<TaggedYa> I am reading the forum threads and nada yet.
<TaggedYa> is of note I am WAY behind.
<soundnfury> AIUI we're in the final stages of gearing up to release rp-1 for 1.3.1
<soundnfury> Pap confirm?
<soundnfury> after that we will start targeting 1.5.x
<TaggedYa> While with someone who might know. Is FAR no longer supported? that would be bad.
<soundnfury> not a clue I'm afraid
<soundnfury> was there some drama, perchance?
<TaggedYa> I don't know. Just a comment from someone I don't know on one of the threds I am trying to catch up on.
<Pap> Far is supported by RO. It is completely required.
<Pap> Farram hasn't been around to update past 1.3,but someone has forked it
<Pap> We will release within the week for RP-1
<soundnfury> Pap: who did the fork?
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<AmbulatoryCortex> The latter has happened
<AmbulatoryCortex> former, rather
<AmbulatoryCortex> bah
<Pap> soundnfury: I do not kniw
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<github> [TestFlight] pap1723 opened pull request #187: Merge Dev TestFlight Branch into Dev (dev...dev-settings) https://git.io/fpXCQ
<github> [TestFlight] pap1723 closed pull request #187: Merge Dev TestFlight Branch into Dev (dev...dev-settings) https://git.io/fpXCQ
<github> [TestFlight] pap1723 deleted dev-settings at 2ed8360: https://git.io/fpXC5
<github> [TestFlight] pap1723 opened pull request #188: Dev to Master for 1.3.1 v1.9.0.0 (master...dev) https://git.io/fpXCN
<github> [TestFlight] pap1723 closed pull request #188: Dev to Master for 1.3.1 v1.9.0.0 (master...dev) https://git.io/fpXCN
<github> [TestFlight] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fpXW4
<github> TestFlight/master 6c7aa91 Pap: Update TestFlight.version...
<github> [TestFlight] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fpXWB
<github> TestFlight/master 69747cd Pap: Update TestFlight.version
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<github> [TestFlight] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fpXll
<github> TestFlight/master 4cb13da Dan Paplaczyk: Update RELEASE_NOTES_RAW.txt
<github> [TestFlight] pap1723 deleted at 436d723: https://git.io/fpXlR
<github> [TestFlight] pap1723 tagged at master: https://git.io/fpK99
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<Starwaster> Pap: 4696 patches applied!!!!!!!!!
<Pap> Starwaster: minimalistic :)
<Starwaster> yeah, it's just an RSS only testing environment. Not even a real play environment
<Starwaster> except it's throwing some goddamn LateUpdate exception in Kopernicus.... must have forgotten to install something
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<hoglahoo> what's a good replacement for RSSVE that I don't see any updates for past ksp 1.2.2?
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<Pap> hoglahoo: There is a release for 1.3.1, you just have to go directly to the github for it
<Pap> Starwaster: ModularFlightIntegrator?
<hoglahoo> ah, ty
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<Starwaster> pap: nah, it was missing textures. I used a texture pack that I had downloaded previously, not realizing it was missing Ceres (and maybe others)
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<Starwaster> pap: has anyone previously tried to address the issue of scaled space fade not matching up terrain fade? Looking at the file it seems like one is fading out before the other has faded in. I tried adjusting scaled fade so that it matched up but then I get ocean holes. (just temporarily; they do go away)
<Pap> Yeah, those textures changed with the last release for 1.3.1
<Pap> The terrain transition is incredibly jarring, I don't know enough about the issues with it / how it works / what to fix in order to make it happen
<Pap> I would think PhineasFreak would be our best bet since he is the one that does RSSVE, but as far as I know, no one has done it
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<Starwaster> pap meaning that (as agustin says) everyone just lives with it
<Starwaster> I do not notice that problem at all with just pure 10x scaled Kerbin but those configs don't even manually specify scaled fade at all...
<Starwaster> in fact, the specific nodes don't even exist for scaled/terrain mesh...
<github> [RP-0] lpgagnon opened pull request #926: Tell the player Lunar Rover can be done 3 times (master...patch-2) https://git.io/fp14E
<Pap> I wonder if anyone has messed with any settings to remove all of that stuff
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<Starwaster> pap I've been playing with it for a bit now and I'm not sure any changes I make to it are actually doing anything.... I just tried running it through default RSS settings for fade and I can't even repro the problem anymore..... it used to happen to me all the time.
<Pap> I think looking at the stock visual enhancement and stock terrain enhancement (don't remember the actual name of that one) fixes the scaled space stuff I know
<Pap> But dunno if It works at these sizes
<Starwaster> dammit I think I am confused as to which scaled problem he's having.... the one I was thinking of might have actually been fixed awhile back. the problem apparently is patches of weird terrain tiles showing up when it switches from scaled
<Starwaster> and I *DO* see that...
<Starwaster> DON'T see it when just using Kopernicus and something like Sigma to rescale...
<Starwaster> which makes me wonder if it's a problem with cached bin file for Earth
<Pap> ohhhh, yeah, that is not possible to be fixed from what I understand
<Pap> That is the floating point errors with the heightmap, isn't it?
<egg> meow
<Starwaster> pap, I dunno if it's the heightmap itself... I was thinking more about something in the node that's fucking it up when the cache files are generated
<Starwaster> it's weird that it doesn't happen when it's first loaded in, only when it's unloaded and then loaded back in (i.e. suborbital hops)
<Starwaster> hmmmm it's faded out at a certain altitude but not actually unloaded until higher...
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<Starwaster> launching a SSTU rocket and thinking to myself... those are some realistic stain textures... oops. Monitor needs cleaning!
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fp1bR
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 512b86f MikeOnTea: RCS mass fix and rebalance (#1946)...
<github> [RealismOverhaul] pap1723 closed pull request #1946: RCS mass fix and rebalance (master...rcsFixAndRebalance) https://git.io/fp0aL
<Pap> lol
<Bornholio> eyes bleeding from a mass of activity , or maybe just adjusting from fighting the blrog in the depths
<Bornholio> balrog