ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
Wetmelon has joined #RO
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<github> [RP-0] mattwrobel pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fhkSE
<github> RP-0/master f28c610 Matthew Wrobel: Part Browser Changes: Added 'Add Part' button for new parts, tech required is now autofilled....
<github> [RealismOverhaul] raidernick closed pull request #1963: Fix voyager antenna size (master...voyager_antenna_scale_fix) https://git.io/fhTgc
<github> [RealismOverhaul] raidernick pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/fhkSw
<github> RealismOverhaul/master e463d09 Mike: Fix voyager antenna size
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 5beee92 raidernick: Merge pull request #1963 from MikeOnTea/voyager_antenna_scale_fix...
<github> [RealismOverhaul] raidernick pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/fhkSr
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 843a949 Bornholio: name not correct to apply engine config...
<github> RealismOverhaul/master 4141c4a raidernick: Merge pull request #1962 from Bornholio/patch-1...
<github> [RealismOverhaul] raidernick closed pull request #1954: Match description of Comm 16-S to config value (master...patch-1) https://git.io/fpQSf
<github> [RealismOverhaul] raidernick closed pull request #1949: Add Speculative NK-9 Configurations (master...nk9) https://git.io/fpo7B
<1NVAAB7OT> [RealismOverhaul] raidernick pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/fhkSi
<1NVAAB7OT> RealismOverhaul/master 9794f84 Tidal Stream: Add Speculative NK-9 Configurations...
<1NVAAB7OT> RealismOverhaul/master c35ff7f raidernick: Merge pull request #1949 from Tidal-Stream/nk9...
Bornholio has joined #RO
<KevinStarwaster> ... I still don't know wtf glimmeroids are supposed to do
<KevinStarwaster> do they give free tech?
<github> [RealismOverhaul] Bornholio opened pull request #1964: Update RO_FASA_LEM.cfg (master...patch-2) https://git.io/fhkQ2
<github> [RealismOverhaul] raidernick closed pull request #1941: RO v13 for KSP 1.5.1 (master...master) https://git.io/fxhgf
xShadowx has joined #RO
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<github> [RP-0] pap1723 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/fhk7N
<github> RP-0/master 7afbd68 Dan Paplaczyk: Create TreeYears.csv
<github> RP-0/master 6881b1d Dan Paplaczyk: Update EntryCostModifiers.cfg...
<github> RP-0/master 97a5140 Dan Paplaczyk: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0
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<github> [RP-0] MikeOnTea opened pull request #958: Add SSTU booster tooling, reimport nose/mount model lengths (master...sstuBoosterTooling) https://git.io/fhkpb
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<Bornholio> KevinStarwaster: they're magically delicious
<KevinStarwaster> sigh.
<Bornholio> I hope they do nothing except be near 100% ore
<Bornholio> if it seems quiet its because discord has borg'd us
<KevinStarwaster> oh my god.... Squad's stock ProceduralCubeMap creates SIX different cameras per cube map (1 per face)
<KevinStarwaster> doods ffs reuse one camera for all six faces
<Bornholio> sounds about right
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<KevinStarwaster> bornholio I'm pretty sure at this point that Squad is yanking our chains about glimmeroid doing anything except looking pretty
<KevinStarwaster> unless.... unless there's something in the expansion code that touches them
<Bornholio> lol, maybe an abandoned mod, actually Scansat has some stuff they do with them that I've never explored, along with monoliths
<KevinStarwaster> when did MH first come out? (as in what KSP version was active)
<Bornholio> not sure i'm post 1.0 myself
Wetmelon has joined #RO
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<github> [RP-0] siimav opened pull request #961: Fix incorrect facility maintenance costs (master...MaintenanceFix2) https://git.io/fhIze
Starwaster has joined #RO
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ProjectThoth has joined #RO
NathanKell|AFK is now known as NathanKell
<NathanKell> Starwaster: you're running KJR now yeah? Had an idea you might be interested in. After physics easing finishes on coming off rails, KJR should check all parts on a vessel, and if >0 of them are clamps, then KJR should force the vessel state back to prelaunch (in case it got shook and is now FLYING)
<NathanKell> Because normally you should not be able to be in anything but prelaunch with clamps on your vessel.
<NathanKell> So if you have clamps, in prelaunch you should be.