UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> … one of the other grad students just compared me to nomal O_o | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
rqou: yeah, but I would be willing to believe that that's accurate
the "square shape" is in the lower-left for zh-hans, zh-hant, and ko on my machine
it's in the lower-right for ja and vi
afaik that's totally wrong
rqou: ok, it's broken on your machine in all but ja and zh-Hans
but vi is picking a unique serif font
yeah but that's just because it's completely broken :-p
ironically, i usually prefer serif fonts for chinese, but my machine doesn't want to do that apparently :P
on my machine it's ok except vi (which, well, always gets the long end of cjkv as I said)
but this is how capitalism works: zh-hans -- #2 economy in the world, our shit better work; ja -- #3 economy in the world, definitely not china, also weeaboos
zh-hant -- that rogue province that is going to stop existing as soon as we can figure out how to do so without starting wwiii; ko -- you guys use chinese?; vi -- you guys exist?
egg|zzz|egg: there's also the "very formal, not distinctively cantonese" dialect used for official business in HK
huh, you also have a sans-serif zh-hans font
er, wait. the table explicitly requests that
I have windows's default
huh, there's sans-serif zh-hans? bleh.
rqou: also a sans-serif zh-Hant font evidently
zh-Hant is the biggest cluserf*ck ever
Note to self: vi ≠ vi
zh-Hant can be basically anything
granted, I've gotten weird stares for thinking SimSun is a good font, but that's b/c it's easy for a foreigner like me to distinguish glyphs in, especially at small font sizes.
fun zh "feature":
rqou: well yeah, it's the thing whence the others originate (which also means vi should fall back to that for half-decency rather than zh-Hans with serifs!??#@$)
because there's multiple groups at this point
isn't it great? /s
geopolitical drama for everyone!
conclusion: egyptian hieroglyphs are simple
also akkadian-sumerian identification
at least it's a dead language and can't grow new warts and "features" over time
egg|zzz|egg meant to say: also akkadian-sumerian-hittite identification
rqou: well for hieroglyphs we can discover new stupid ways of laying them out
"I'll just stick that egg on the back of the ram where there's some room"
but you don't need to decide "how do i write 'computer' in hieroglyphs"
00:21 <@rqou> yes, changing simplified/traditional (indirectly) changes the meaning :P
yaey </sarcasm>
bofh: yes, it complexifies the vector space,
bofh: you should do that if you teach linear algebra
also, because CN tries to get people to not use english, and because HK tends to need to use _both_ chinese and english, we've now got an amazing pile of chinese-ified english computer terminology
e.g. "美國信息交換標準碼"
which means "ASCII"
... y'all chinese people need acronyms
ironically, the chinese term for "Unicode" is actually much shorter -- "統一碼"
so that's actually sensible IMO :P
Iskierka: we have acronym-like constructs too
usually used in article titles
* Iskierka
is presuming the full thing means the full spelling of ASCII, so unsurprising unicode would be shorter
rqou: so is there 美國信息交換標準碼 art
yes, it's literally "United States information exchanging standard code"
bofh: I had never heard the term scalar product for multiplication of a vector with a field element and I find it abhorrent
egg|zzz|egg: SAME, that confused the fuck out of me
bofh: because in french produit scalaire is the inner product (the one that gives you a scalar)
scalar product is an inner product damnit
egg|zzz|egg: yeah, I know, same for libavcodec
scalarproduct_float_sse is the dot product :P
except now you're working with libav
was it written by french people
iirc approximately tied with imagemagick for number of security vulnerabilities
egg|zzz|egg: I think that bit of lavc dates back to Fabrice Bellard code
okay so that explains the terminology :D
rqou: uhm, ffmpeg lavc is nowhere near as bad as imagemagick.
bofh: also fields should be called K, not F, what is this degenerate notation :-p
bofh: more seriously, it seems very coordinateful
okay, I've never seen K used until you brought it up :P I think F is an America-ism, inspired by Dummit&Foote.
bofh: it's an english thing
egg|zzz|egg: it starts coordinateful and becomes less so as it goes on, which is the opposite way from I'd do it, but again - this was aimed at second-year undergrads
what with fields being called fields and weder Koerpern ni corps
egg|zzz|egg: I mostly just rediscovered it just now and was curious what you thought.
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alright, enough distractions from you guys
time for me to do problem sets
bofh: well good, if you have undergrad they are pure and coordinate-free, why show them coordinates
yeah, the latter part looks like how I learned it from skimming distantly at 2:40
<nicklockwood> *sees long discussion thread between smart Swift compiler peeps* this should be good… “Is a spoon of peanut butter a sandwich?” oh.
(I assume that's related to whitequark's result on the nonexistence of sandwiches)
egg|zzz|egg: I'm not sure, but I know ChemTwitter has a lot of "is X a sandwich" memes with the hotdog being the official sandwich of ChemTwitter :P
<NASAJuno> I’m being followed by a moon shadow. #Jupiter’s moon Amalthea casts a shadow on the planet in this #JunoCam image…
UmbralRaptor: apparently not, I should fix that
<ThePatanoiac> Feathers became pages when books evolved from birds. After learning to repeat human speech, printing it out was the next logical adaptation.
<elakdawalla> You haven’t lived until you’ve watched a rap battle about TRAPPIST exoplanets in which one contestant has an outRAGEous French accent #DPS17
hmm, the crazy batshit notation this robotics course uses actually does work out for computing things
it's just that it intuitively makes zero sense
!wpn bofh
* Qboid
gives bofh a triple obsolete macropod
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!tell bofh,ellied so a while back I wanted to link this video (probably in the context of green LEDs or something), finally found it
egg|zzz|egg: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
YouTube - The First Light Emitting Diodes
!wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid
gives egg|zzz|egg a cryo paraboloid-like heptagon
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bofh: there are a lot of videos of WWV around leap seconds on youtube O_o
YouTube - WWV Frequency Reduction Announcement - 1976
people are silly. "upside-down u" to describe the button on a nook ... that is the exact same shape as the n in the "nook" logo
it's an n!
!tell rqou hm, on my work machine seems to work pretty well; they're all in consistent sans fonts, zh-Hans, zh-Hant, ja, and ko are all distinct, and vi seems identical to ja rather than zh-Hans (which I don't believe for a second is accurate, but that's still better than zh-Hans)
egg|work|egg: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
I think I may have installed all of noto on this machine though so maybe that eggsplains things
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huh, we have one principia download from KZ
egg|work|egg: Guess what will be displaying the next Союз launch!
<HumanoidHistory> A cat walks near a Soviet-era Buran #space shuttle at a museum in the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, 2016. Photo…
bofh: egg|zzz|egg left a message for you in #kspacademia [20.10.2017 06:47:15]: "so a while back I wanted to link this video (probably in the context of green LEDs or something), finally found it"
<Chritchen> @1011XX @whitequark Monads don't exist. Problem solved. Everyone back to normal life
Ah, a sandwich then.
a ppc_f128 sandwich?
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!wpn egg
* Qboid
gives egg an atomic uranium dynamo
!wpn APlayer
* Qboid
gives APlayer a soft inverse ⚠
Sounds fun
!wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptor an icy trie/set hybrid
* Ellied
is vaguely given to wonder why laptop headphone DACs go high-impedance when nothing's playing, inviting all sorts of crosstalk to yell out of the speakers/headphones
Ellied: egg|zzz|egg left a message for you in #kspacademia [20.10.2017 06:47:15]: "so a while back I wanted to link this video (probably in the context of green LEDs or something), finally found it"
my right channel buzzes whenever I move the trackpoint with nothing playing
* APlayer
found a game where you have to land things. Interestingly, fuel tanks located pretty much in the middle of the landing platforms tend to explode and destroy your ship
you can fairly easily fix that by just setting up a service to launch aplay /dev/zero in the background (other audio has no trouble playing over it) but it's still strange
Also, Ellied: shipping costs were 20€ to Germany, in case you are interested :P
wheee alright probably better look for something more local
There must be some component distributor close to home over there, no?
There should be shop loacted about 100 m from me, but it's a private business and they are closed by the time I return from school
I'll have a look during my vacations in two weeks, if my father does not obtain the parts from his work by then
actually those MOSFETs I recommended (IPP80N06S4L-05 and IPP80P04P4L-07) are Infineon, which is based out of Germany :P
you might be able to get them more easily than I can
It's just a matter of finding the correct vendor
* egg|cell|egg
pokes GreeningGalaxy with a green diode from the seventies
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Ellied: Uh, the MOSFETs you recommended seem rather over-engineered for this task, don't they?
It's just that I am a bit on a room budget
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I have about 15 * 18 * 22 mm of space for the whole circuit, and it'd be nice if I didn't have to switch to this "large" sort of MOSFET and be able to use the "small" one
Well, no, I can extend the 18mm dimension somewhat, but not unlimited
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg
!wpn Ellied
* Qboid
gives Ellied a Legendre ネコバス
!wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptor a solvable vibrator
!wpn APlayer
* Qboid
gives APlayer a furious-sounding nabla
!wpn whitequark, котя, and порошок
* Qboid
gives whitequark, котя, and порошок an infinite diagonal cardinal
"Im Englischen wird der Operator als „del“ bezeichnet."
Vector calculus fun. Blame Oliver Heaviside.
That moment when you manage to achieve something in about 1/10 the time it would normally take you to do, and you have no idea how you did it...
I've got to go for now... Be back soon!
* UmbralRaptor
pokes egg with snapseed for cropping photos.
UmbralRaptor: but there are two diapsids! also the landscape is pretty
APlayer has quit [Ping timeout: 204 seconds]
Also a crane in its natural habitat?
regex has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptor: yup
!wpn whitequark
* Qboid
gives whitequark a signalling motor
APlayer has joined #kspacademia
* egg
pets UmbralRaptor with a kitten
!wpn APlayer
* Qboid
gives APlayer a skew tube
!wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptor an Apollonian bracket
Presumably that is used to mount an Apollonian gasket.
* egg
ponders food
Qboid gives us so much stuff, I wonder if there was enough distributed to build something complex
Oh well, I am off for chess club. Friday night is relaxing time :D
* Qboid
gives Qboid a theory with a cylinder attachment
rqou: egg|work|egg left a message for you in #kspacademia [20.10.2017 10:03:27]: "hm, on my work machine seems to work pretty well; they're all in consistent sans fonts, zh-Hans, zh-Hant, ja, and ko are all distinct, and vi seems identical to ja rather than zh-Hans (which I don't believe for a second is accurate, but
that's still better than zh-Hans)"
what's the point of !tell?
bouncers are superior
APlayer has quit [Ping timeout: 383 seconds]
rqou: well I don't have one, also sometimes I don't catch up with the whole backlog
the latter, mostly.
egg: You might not have a bouncer, but your mean presence-ness is about 2.3.
* UmbralRaptor
would have eggspected egg yo understand resonances. >_>;;
UmbralRaptor: can you eggsplain them to me?
No. :(
"Similarly, Mimas is in a 1:3 resonance with stuff in the the gap between Saturn's B and C rings." this is always disorienting.
I assume something with perturbations.
yeah if you're in a resonance then you're getting a repetitive series of gravity assists no?
which then changes your period slightly, alters the next gravity assist, and depending on some hessian somewhere is either a stable or unstable resonance
<SamusAranX> @FioraAeterna I can't wait for the first millenial scientist to invent something important then name it Background…
<sarahkaplan48> Do you love science? Do you want to write creatively and cover breaking news? Are you a vampire and/or coffee addic…
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10d 0h 0m 0s left to event #12: 무궁화 5A호/Falcon 9 v1.2 [at 2017-10-30 19:34:00]. Say '!kountdown 12' for details