UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> … one of the other grad students just compared me to nomal O_o | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<bofh> (well that or PMTs, but those are somewhat of a pain to get cheaply outside of .ru)
* bofh orders a few more LM1875s, b/c why not
<Ellied> we have some, but eh. They're so big and expensive and fragile and free-electrony that I don't wanna work with them too much.
<bofh> Pfft, free electrons is best electrons.
* bofh glances at vacuum tubes on desk
* egg|zzz|egg pokes bofh with a pentode
<Ellied> I probably *should* get some experience working with them, just since I already spend so much time being a move-fast-and-break-things kind of experimenter
<Ellied> good to get some time doing the other thing
<Ellied> (namely NOT breaking things)
<bofh> egg|zzz|egg: 12BY7A okay? :P
* UmbralRaptor ? whoever is running @fairfaxjustin's social media campaign.
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn hattivat
* Qboid gives hattivat a soap
<hattivat> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a pulsed chlorofluorocarbon
<Ellied> I guess the general case of what I've been building is more of a current-to-frequency converter. IFC?
<bofh> UmbralRaptor: @fairfaxjustin?
<UmbralRaptor> There's an election on the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution.
<UmbralRaptor> o_O
* egg|zzz|egg pokes the principia forum thread with a stick
<UmbralRaptor> egg|zzz|egg: the stick is eaten by crepescular demons.
<bofh> those different from nasal demons how?
<egg|zzz|egg> oh very
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: UmbralRaptor: #1272, fixed by #1275
<Qboid> [#1272] title: Current build of Master branch broken | I've built the current Master branch using VS2015. I'm on KSP 1.2.2. Solar system is scaled to 10x, I also used the Kopernicus config given in the Principia docs (and 10x-ed the semiaxes in there).... |
<Qboid> [#1275] title: Dämmerungsgötterdämmerung | Fix #1272, and probably our handling of airless worlds too. |
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: I like the name of that pull request ^
<Ellied> my initial shift from TIAs to IFCs resulted in the most frustrating conversation I've had to date on freenode/##electronics, wherein several people explained to me that a) the best way to do what I wanted was the classic integrator circuit with a transistor to reset it (wrong) and that my design using a transistor's parasitic capacitance wouldn't work for nonlinearity reasons (also wrong, total
<Ellied> charge is quite constant)
<Ellied> and when I mentioned these, they waved me off with "no, pretty sure I know more about op amps than you do" which fuck that
* egg|zzz|egg keeps hearing about Ellied's experiences on a bunch of freenode channels and stays clear of them
<egg|zzz|egg> (##openfpga seems fine)
<egg|zzz|egg> (that's the only one I'm on on freenode)
<Ellied> ##electronics is actually fairly good for a freenode channel, which I realize isn't saying much, but there are a few active mods with their hearts in the right place
<UmbralRaptor> That's the one about anime and numerical silliness with occasional off-topic CPU design?
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: openfpga? kinda (though I did get whitequark in here so we could make silly jokes without leading it too far from its stated topic)
<bofh> Ellied: like admittedly it doesn't *seem* like using transistor parasitic capacitance would work b/c it strikes me as highly nonlinear, but admittedly I'm not familiar enough to suggest that to anyone.
<Ellied> I deliberated over it for a while, but one key characteristic of the circuit is that it uses a comparator that's always set to the same level during the cycle, so no matter how nonlinear the capacitance is, the total charge should always be the same unless it's *really* weird in ways which I have reason to believe it's not
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: but I think was done in openfpga
<kmath> <eggleroy> *voit un couple* Laquelle d'entre vous est le singleton et laquelle est la paire?
<UmbralRaptor> egg|zzz|egg: do DOIs need to go to IRC channels?
<bofh> Ellied: OH, yeah, in that case you're fine.
<Ellied> and I wanted the lowest capacitance I could reasonably manage there bc lower capacitance = higher frequency, easier to measure with a counter
<Ellied> although eventually I will develop a suitable TDC and be able to measure low frequencies accurately, at which point the frequency stability will likely improve a lot with higher capacitance
<kmath> <Viss> wow, domain registrars to NOT KNOW what to do with a thousand eggplant emojis either. This is great :D
<bofh> and yeah, lower capacitance is very much better in that circuit for the reason exactly stated
<Ellied> I don't have a good way to measure low frequencies that accurately at all right now, so I don't know what the optimum is, but I'm expecting to be able to get really excellent sensitivity and dynamic range with these
<Ellied> meantime I need to try using a JFET as the switching element, because those have really good frequency response and the lowest output capacitance I can find
<bofh> Yep. I personally recommend 2N3819s or NTE451s (MPF102 replacement).
<kmath> <FioraAeterna> @tjh_tech cc @stephentyrone this is to torture you
* egg|zzz|egg pets Atlas
<Ellied> lol, we have a drawer full of those old metal can 741s
<Iskierka> ... welp that's the first C program to completely lock up the computer
<Iskierka> not a feckin clue where the infinite loop is
<Iskierka> okay, maybe one idea, but I don't know why it's non-terminating. So after reboot, let's add a definitely-terminating counter to keep an eye on it
<bofh> Ellied: those are *awesome*
<bofh> I have a metal can LM565 here somewhere
<Qboid> 3d 0h 0m 0s left to event #13: MN35-13/Vega VV11 [at 2017-11-08 01:42:30]. Say '!kountdown 13' for details
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<Ellied> nice
<Ellied> we have LM565s it looks like but only in CDIP
<bofh> CDIPs are pretty awesome too
<bofh> and IME getting harder and harder to find.
<bofh> (by CDIP I assume you mean CerDIP)
<Ellied> yes, that
<Ellied> they are hard to find, but I love them
<Ellied> we have some that have the copper plate on top
<bofh> those are goofy. I assume it's for heatsinking?
<whitequark> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a pharmacological solenoid
<whitequark> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a germanium extension/table hybrid
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark an underclocked 2N2222
<Ellied> whoa, just discovered we have some LMH6702s. two of them, to be precise, in SOIC.
<Ellied> 1.7 GHz gbp.
<bofh> Not bad.
<bofh> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark a feather which vaguely resembles a point
<Ellied> we also have metal can CA3140s, which are apparently MOSFET-input op amps?
<Ellied> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark a nonsteroidal flux
<Iskierka> ... at least this time when the infinite loop returned it wasn't mallocing
* egg|zzz|egg likes how котя and the kitten look aligned in that picture
<bofh> MOSFET-input? jfc why.
<Ellied> apparently common-mode range. You're supposedly able to take the inputs 0.5V below the negative rail.
<Iskierka> ... aaaaaAAAAAAAAA
<Iskierka> oh, right. that char* was being used, shouldn't free it
* Iskierka whistles away
<bofh> Ellied: yuck.
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<Iskierka> ... uh, valgrind? I know that's not freed in the same function but I'm pretty sure I am freeing it
<Iskierka> or maybe there's one bit I missed
<Iskierka> C is hard
<UmbralRaptor> ^
<UmbralRaptor> Please remember to change your phone number every 3 months for security.
<Ellied> you laugh, but if doing so were easy I probably would just to stop getting spam calls.
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<UmbralRaptor> That makes a certain amount of sense.
<Iskierka> or just don't have a phone number. have a data-only sim and use all the other contact methods
<Ellied> that'll be me soon
<Ellied> the data-only SIM will likely be in a laptop, too.
<Ellied> bofh: what's wrong with MOSFET-input?
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<UmbralRaptor> Iskierka: annoyingly, one parent insists on voice communications.
<Iskierka> my laptop needs the 4G adapter before it can take a SIM
<Iskierka> UmbralRaptor, plenty of data options for that
<UmbralRaptor> Iskierka: You'd be surprised. Google Voice started eating minutes again like a year ago.
<UmbralRaptor> Well, voice/hangouts
<UmbralRaptor> "Minimum requirements are a Master’s Degree in astronomy or related field with five (5) years of professional experience related to the standard duties as outlined. A Bachelor’s degree in a related field and seven (7) years of hands-on observing experience with modern astronomical spectrographic and/or imaging instruments, moderate to large telescopes, and astronomical data reductions with demonstrated successes in astronomical rese is equ
<UmbralRaptor> I feel like a sentence is missing?
<UmbralRaptor> Ah, just oddly phrased.
<UmbralRaptor> MSc+5 || BSc+7
* egg|zzz|egg observes UmbralRaptor
* UmbralRaptor hands egg|zzz|egg a spectrograph plate.
* egg|zzz|egg looks at the time
* egg|zzz|egg ponders sleep
<UmbralRaptor> ;8ball Does sleep eggsist?
<kmath> UmbralRaptor: Most likely
<egg|cell|egg> 貓
<egg|cell|egg> 喵
<UmbralRaptor> !u 貓喵
<Qboid> U+8C93 CJK IDEOGRAPH-8C93 (貓)
<Qboid> U+55B5 CJK IDEOGRAPH-55B5 (喵)
<UmbralRaptor> … is that a mouth on the left side of "meow?"
<awang> Yep
<UmbralRaptor> awang: Yay for something making sense.
<kmath> <rhaegal> @Astro_Wright @emsque Journals are the worst. I had one remove all the minus signs from my equations once. I needed those!
<kmath> <Astro_Wright> @emsque @rhaegal A journal once changed all of my nu's to v's and I had to try to change them all back in proofs—an…
<bofh> I would use literally anything other than nu and say so upfront.
<bofh> (tj
<bofh> (tho almost always for me frequency winds up being ω or f anyway)
<UmbralRaptor> egg|zzz|egg:
<UmbralRaptor> Now, will they have a joint meeting with the American Astronomical Society?
<kmath> <emsque> Apparently AAS = "American Astronomical Society" AND "American Arachnological Society" #arachnoastronomy…
<kmath> <MorehouseLab> @Cataranea @emsque @Dingbat1477 @PlanetDr @nhuntwalker @dalcantonJD @jrlomax So did some back of envelope calcs. Th…
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<UmbralRaptor> bofh: but can they use interferometry to improve their angular resolution?
<bofh> UmbralRaptor: good question, actually. I don't know.
* UmbralRaptor is being somewhat silly, though.
<UmbralRaptor> (see /topic)
<bofh> LOL. Right.
<FluffyFoxeh> Iskierka: I have a data-only plan
<FluffyFoxeh> my phone is for IRC, email, and browsing on the rare occasion that I'm out of WiFi range
<FluffyFoxeh> well, within WiFi range too, but I don't need the cell network in that case
<FluffyFoxeh> this song has no lyrics why does every lyrics site claim it does
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<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn hattivat
* Qboid gives hattivat a cohomology
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a selenium non-conforming ㎭
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a snowy emitter
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<egg|zzz|egg> oh crap who exposed the pseudoloc
<kmath> <DankParrot> @FakeUnicode Android appears to have somehow made up a language also featuring Arabic written backwards in English
<egg|zzz|egg> fuck, also \u200f\u202eArabic\u202c\u200f
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: ^ joy
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<hattivat> :D
<hattivat> RTL English FTW
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: user is in dev mode, possibly WAI
<kmath> <DankParrot> @FakeUnicode appears to be that I turned on dev mode ages ago and that's where these bois came from
<hattivat> egg|zzz|egg, yeah, seen it
<egg|zzz|egg> this should *probably* say "pseudolanguage" in the selector though, precisely to avoid that confusion >_>
<hattivat> pity they don't have a top-to-bottom English as na option for testing ;p
<egg|zzz|egg> well that wouldn't be at the level of the strings
<egg|zzz|egg> the Bidi algorithm is 1d only :-p
<hattivat> Mongolians need to channel their inner ᠴᠢᠩᠭᠢᠰ again, perhaps if they reconquer a bit of Eurasia it will convince the consortium that it's time for a Tridi algorithm
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: well they could just make their national body at ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 more persuasive :-p
<hattivat> just look at how pitiful Тэмүжин looks in horizontal script, vertical is clearly necessary to give it enough space
<hattivat> egg|zzz|egg: but that would involve scholarship and not looting and pillaging, travesty!
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: just send ᠴᠢᠩᠭᠢᠰ, representative for MN, to WG 2 :-p
<hattivat> ;D
<egg|zzz|egg> is he in there somewhere,
<hattivat> the dharmic circle has not been kind to him if he is
<hattivat> s/dharmic circle/Tengri
<Qboid> hattivat meant to say: the Tengri has not been kind to him if he is
<hattivat> forgot it was pre-conversion
<hattivat> I mean no disrespect to these fine folks, but their bodies don't exactly look like fit vessels for the reincarnated Great Khan ;)
<kmath> <BabelStone> On Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons a bot went and changed all NNBSP in Mongolian and Manchu text to an ordinary spa…
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: but look at those savage WG 2 comments!
<hattivat> I see there is a Bok Choy Posse there ;d
<hattivat> "durian should be added for completeness"
* hattivat approves
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: so that colleague with whom I disscussed hieroglyphic cats and cuneiform lgtms sent a mail with ? the other day :-p
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: I wonder whether I should reply to that with a mail that uses hieroglyphic determinatives after each english word :-p
<egg|zzz|egg> there was also a ? in that email
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<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: apocryphal?
<kmath> <Newpa_Hasai> If canonical momentum is a thing, why not heretical momentum?
* soundnfury gives egg|zzz|egg some Galilean circular inertia
<hattivat> egg|zzz|egg: if you have a time, why not
<hattivat> at a minimum, i'd use it in the signature ;)
<hattivat> s/a/the
<Qboid> hattivat meant to say: thet a minimum, i'd use it in the signature ;)
<hattivat> s/a time/the time
<Qboid> hattivat meant to say: egg|zzz|egg: if you have the time, why not
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: yeah I might have already written that mail :-p (will it monday)
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: also referring to myself as grb[egg], ????
<hattivat> egg|zzz|egg: that's just beautiful
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<egg|zzz|egg> !u 南芳
<Qboid> U+5357 CJK IDEOGRAPH-5357 (南)
egg|phone|egg has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Qboid> U+82B3 CJK IDEOGRAPH-82B3 (芳)
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<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: hattivat: oh I just realized that my third first name has a grass radical :D
<soundnfury> is a grass radical a kind of political straw man?
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn hattivat
* Qboid gives hattivat a float polytrope
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn rqou
* Qboid gives rqou a promethium piston
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<soundnfury> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg an eta polenta
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<UmbralRaptor> egg: yeah, apocryphal momentum also works.
<kmath> <FioraAeterna> update: after another round trip we're now in oakland!
<egg|zzz|egg> Fiora: re., do you know about Mersenne's harmonic, perfect, perfect, and very-perfect keyboards?
<kmath> <FioraAeterna> @LiaSae it sounds like someone's clavier isn't so well-tempered huh
<egg|zzz|egg> :D
<egg|zzz|egg> cc bofh ^
<Fiora> lol
<egg|zzz|egg> Fiora: I know about those because John Barnes gave me a photocopy of that thing which he was looking at while doing his research for Nice Numbers (isbn 978-3319468303)
<egg|zzz|egg> iirc John found you can actually do better than his keyboards, he missed a nicer ratio
<Fiora> oh, like 69/42?
<egg|zzz|egg> :-p
<egg|zzz|egg> hm, I'm not sure I actually have a copy of Nice Numbers
<egg|zzz|egg> I seem to have two copies of Gems of Geometry? Ꙩ_ꙩ
<kmath> <mrkgnaow> I've always thought the national language of France is some weird mixture of OCaml and topos theory
<egg|zzz|egg> yeah both editions
<bofh> also rofl, Mersenne's keyboard.
<bofh> it's... kind of amazing honestly
<egg|zzz|egg> Fiora: for context, this is the same John Barnes as Programming in Ada, Programming in Ada 95, and Programming in Ada 2005; he sat on the ARG (and with my father was one of those who pushed to get π in Ada.Numerics), which is why I know him
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: << we need more swearing in programming languages
<kmath> <julienXX> @mrkgnaow @leonidasfromxiv It is like OCaml except you have to replace “let” by “putain”
<icefire> ksptwittershare channel
<bofh> egg|zzz|egg: had to look up "putain", ROFL
<egg|zzz|egg> oh right, it's not a thing in canadian
<egg|zzz|egg> it very much is in fr-FR
<bofh> "tabarnak de câlisse" would be an extremely strong swear for example
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: yeah, it has the same composability, but the words are weirdly liturgical
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: also the use of "char" for car is extremely confusing (char means tank---or chariot---in fr-FR)
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: for a familiar version of "voiture" you could use "bagnole", "caisse", etc.
<hattivat> egg|zzz|egg: "my third first name" is a perfect parody of the English way of describing personal names
<hattivat> would it also work like that in French?
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: well my third prénom
<hattivat> ok, so it wouldn't, just as I thought
<egg|zzz|egg> you have a bunch of prénoms, and a nom
* egg|zzz|egg is Robin Charles Nam Phương Leroy for instance
<Iskierka> nomnomnom
<bofh> egg|zzz|egg: <shrug> Québécois is weird like that :P
<egg|zzz|egg> (which is probably administratively counted as 4 prénoms rather than 3, also I am missing the diacritics on Nam Phương)
<egg|zzz|egg> but at least it's *supposed* to be 3, Robin, Charles, Nam Phương
<hattivat> in Polish you have a bunch of imię (the plural is irregular, imiona, welcome to Polish grammar) and then the nazwisko (surname)
<egg|zzz|egg> yeah so like french
<hattivat> so there is no way to confuse "name" and "surname" and "third first name" sounds ridiculous
<hattivat> it's also like that in Chinese IIRC
<bofh> it is.
<hattivat> even the verb you use is different
<bofh> (also order is reversed)
<egg|zzz|egg> well third first name is the only reasonable way in which I can translate "3e prénom" :-p
<hattivat> as, in "My name is Jan" and "My surname is Janiczek" use different verbs
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: same in viet of course
<hattivat> as expected :)
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: nah the thing that drives me insane is "middle name"
<egg|zzz|egg> at least if you have two prénoms it's easy, plonk the least-used one there
<egg|zzz|egg> but I have three :D
<hattivat> middle name is stupid as it presumes how many prénoms you have
<hattivat> in Poland it's also normal to have three, for religious reasons
<egg|zzz|egg> when I joined google I got a temporary badge where they had somehow decided to write all of Robin Charles Nam Phương Leroy (which of course overflowed so it was missing my last name :D)
<hattivat> ...which is why I only have two ;D
<hattivat> Jan Grzegorz Janiczek to be exact
<hattivat> (fricative power)
<egg|zzz|egg> but the Nam Phương is quite nice to avoid having to teach viet speakers to say Robin (also I guess if I went to china I could use sino-vietnamese, 南芳 :D)
<egg|zzz|egg> I unfortunately have no such workaround for the inability of most non-french/portuguese europeans (and americans) to pronounce the nasal vowel in Robin
<egg|zzz|egg> well, there's "egg" I guess :-p
<hattivat> a nice superpower to have
<hattivat> I had to go through to common ritual of getting a "Chinese" name assigned when I studied Chinese
<hattivat> because Chinese teachers can't be bothered to learn to pronounce your actual name
<hattivat> pretty much the standard among them, as far as I know
<egg|zzz|egg> yeah, no need for that crap for me, I have one; I can only pronounce it with in its sino-vietnamese reading with a southern vietnamese accent, but I have one :-p
<hattivat> nice
hattivat is now known as hattivat|nomz
<egg|zzz|egg> seems it's not *too* far off though, [naːm˧˧ fɨəŋ˧˧] instead of (IPA from wiktionary) [nan³⁵fɑŋ⁵⁵] in 北京
<egg|zzz|egg> oookay, [laŋ²⁴faŋ³¹] in 南京, that's weirder
<egg|zzz|egg> and as usual closer to cantonese, [nam²¹fɔŋ⁵⁵] in 香港
<bofh> okay I kinda like this cover of Thriller.
<kmath> YouTube - Google Translate Sings: "Thriller" by Michael Jackson
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<egg|zzz|egg> [moving here from private messages where a conversation instantly turned to linguistics] [on vietnamese] <bofh> but yeah, so it's more like some weird dialect continuum with three major dialect classes?
<egg|zzz|egg> I find very good at clarifying things
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: it shows, for every word, six pronunciations
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: and compare with
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: ư is [ɨ], and in theory i is [i], but in a whole bunch of words the southern accent pronounces i [ɨ]
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: and finals get distorted (final t becomes [k], final n becomes [ŋ], etc.)
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: the *very obvious* things with the southern accent is that there are only five tones instead of 6, and d and v are both pronounced [j] instead of [z] and [v] respectively
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: but there are actually plenty of more subtle differences :D
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: note in particular that there is a v in viet, so it's pronunced [j] in the south
<egg|zzz|egg> (and the final is [k], not [t])
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: it's weird how many of those quirks of southern pronunciation I actually know, even though I never learned them formally
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: e.g. the final "n" in Sài Gòn is "obviously" pronounced [ŋ], and that's how I pronounce it, but I had never realized before now :D
<egg|zzz|egg> (and thinking about it, pronouncing it [n] would sound eggstremely weird)
<egg|zzz|egg> (that's how it's pronounced in the north of course)
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: but the writing somehow manages to carry enough information that you can read things is all dialects
<egg|zzz|egg> huh, apparently final "nh" is read [ŋ] in the north? TIL
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<egg|zzz|egg> oooh that also makes sense wrt the pronuncation of 京 (kinh)
<bofh> egg|zzz|egg: oh wow that is actually extremely detailed/useful.
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: yup
<bofh> unrelated, but aside: "the most secure PC is the one not connected to the internet. therefore, I recommend Comcast® high-speed internet service(TM)"
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: and you see that you have one northern, one southern pronunciation, Huế, and then "three provinces where they speak their own weird variant"
<bofh> ahh.
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hattivat|nomz is now known as hattivat
<hattivat> bofh: If you eve come to visit Poland and want to keep your guard up, I wholeheartedly recommend my ISP, Inea
<hattivat> they'll keep you very secure
<hattivat> s/eve/ever
<Qboid> hattivat meant to say: bofh: If you ever come to visit Poland and want to keep your guard up, I wholeheartedly recommend my ISP, Inea
<hattivat> two weeks ago I was so "secure" I had to use my phone as an access point to be able to work
<APlayer> Ellied: Okay, I think I've compiled a small list of MOSFETs that fit my needs. Would you mind going through it and just counting how many of the names seem familiar to you off the top of your head?
<APlayer> (If any)
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn hattivat
* Qboid gives hattivat a vertical (with ground plane)
<hattivat> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a Brillouin circle-like tetrode
<e_14159> I just found an atom plugin which enables two-finger scroll through time instead of space.
<FluffyFoxeh> wrote a post with instructions for running Steam games outside Steam (for debugging purposes)
<hattivat> is atom becoming the new emacs?
<e_14159> hattivat: I can write "vim" in it without it formatting my disc, so I guess not :P
<FluffyFoxeh> "Atom is a desktop application built with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Node.js integration. It runs on Electron, a framework for building cross platform apps using web technologies."
<FluffyFoxeh> jej
<e_14159> Speaking of linux gaming, I'm still waiting for readily-distributed docker images for running games using WINE.
<hattivat> e_14159 that sounds like an awesome idea
<FluffyFoxeh> not sure what docker adds to the equation
<FluffyFoxeh> isolating wine prefixes maybe?
<bofh> hattivat: gotcha, I'll keep that in mind.
<hattivat> e_14159, regarding atom, to my eyes the "eight megabytes and still swapping" is kinda similar
<hattivat> not as bad as bloated IDEs, but still infuriatingly slow in comparison to Sublime Text or Vim
<soundnfury> hattivat: s/still/constantly
<Qboid> soundnfury thinks hattivat meant to say: not as bad as bloated IDEs, but constantly infuriatingly slow in comparison to Sublime Text or Vim
<e_14159> FluffyFoxeh: Ensuring repeatable configurations and significantly reduced setup time.
<soundnfury> (or other word beginning with C)
<soundnfury> also, gah unintended matches
<soundnfury> (gah race conditions)
<hattivat> oh, right, yeah, I mangled that joke
<e_14159> Oh, I primarily want a markdown editor with a preview and found it to work acceptably for that.
<e_14159> And I only care about efficiently using GPU-RAM :-)
<hattivat> I've heard good things about Brackets
<hattivat> although I heard it from a hipster front-end dev, so take it with a tanker of salt
<e_14159> (I just thought "hey, let's look for it in Wikipedia", and was actually surprised being redirected to a page about {[(brackets)]}.)
<hattivat> e_14159, I imagine atom is good for these purposes, but for me a text editor that cannot open a big log file is not fully functional
<e_14159> hattivat: How big is big?
<hattivat> a few hundred megabytes?
<hattivat> mind you, not being fully functional is fine, PyCharm is not fully functional in these sense either, yet I still use it
<hattivat> s/these/this
<Qboid> hattivat meant to say: mind you, not being fully functional is fine, PyCharm is not fully functional in this sense either, yet I still use it
<e_14159> Yeah, it definitely cannot do that, as I'm just noticing.
<e_14159> Speaking of programming, I used Tensorflow Eager for the first time on friday. It's heaven.
<FluffyFoxeh> 3321231323
<FluffyFoxeh> 0036
<rqou> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg an unitary nitrated pharmacy
<hattivat> e_14159: woah, thanks for accidentally letting me know that it'sa thing
<e_14159> hattivat: Not yet in the non-nightly builds.
<e_14159> But I have a singularity image with that. Speaking of which, do you know singularity?
<rqou> egg|zzz|egg: your vietnamese name is 南芳? that looks really weird to me if read as CN instead
<rqou> in CN it's a homophone with "the southern part of a country"
<hattivat> e_14159: but it soon will be, and that's good to know
<hattivat> and no, I don't know singularity
<e_14159> hattivat: Imagine docker but for HPC. Without things like privilege escalation and native GPU support.
<hattivat> I barely know anything about deep learning and stuff, but it's something I'll have to dive into sooner rather than later, so it's good to know that there will be a de-facto REPL for Tensorflow
<hattivat> "sooner rather than later" in this case means "as soon as I implement everything with decision trees and XGB as a stopgap measure, and also as soon as business pressure to be more trendy and funky and sound better to investors becomes unbearable)
<e_14159> What's your data?
<hattivat> classifieds, tons of classifieds
<FluffyFoxeh> being trendy is boring. investors are boring
<rqou> egg|zzz|egg: also, i don't know anything about initial [l] instead of [n] in 南京, but that's definitely a change that's possible in 香港
<e_14159> hattivat: Because chances are high you don't need NNs. Unless, of course, to sound trendy and funky :-)
<hattivat> e_14159: "docker for HPC" with "HPC" as in a supercomputing centre, or HPC as in a largish Spark cluster?
<FluffyFoxeh> I thought it meant "high performance computing"
<hattivat> e_14159: I'm almost sure I don't
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: nah in 香港 it's n (and with a final m even!), much closer to the viet
<hattivat> which is why I want to implement it properly first
* e_14159 nods
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: (dixit wikipedia at least)
<rqou> egg|zzz|egg: "Merging of /n/ initial into /l/ initial." is a HK cantonese sound shift
<egg|zzz|egg> fun
<e_14159> hattivat: High-performance computing, as in "I actually even use it on my notebook"
<hattivat> ok, so likely worth looking into for me, thanks!
<e_14159> hattivat:
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: yeah I was going by the dialectal data in
<e_14159> hattivat: Also,
<rqou> interestingly, my father seems to have _picked up_ "Merging of /n/ initial into /l/ initial." over the years
<rqou> while i seem to have some recollection of being corrected to not have "Merging of the two syllabic nasals, /ŋ̩/ into /m̩/, eliminating the contrast of sounds between 吳 (surname Ng) and 唔 (not)."
<rqou> sound shifts for everyone!
<rqou> "Prescriptivists who try to correct these "lazy sounds" often end up introducing hypercorrections"
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: btw the pronunciation of 京 is entertaining, [t͡ɕiŋ] in 北京, [kiŋ] in 香港, [kïŋ] in Hà Nội, [kïn] in Huế, [kɨn] in Sài Gòn :D
<rqou> also kyō in JP?
<bofh> 18:53 <@rqou> egg|zzz|egg: "Merging of /n/ initial into /l/ initial." is a HK cantonese sound shift
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: which means the only reading of 南京 that I actually know is [naːm kɨn] :D
<egg|zzz|egg> but then the dialectal data says that it's pronounced [t͡ɕin] there, so at least the final is (coincidentally?) right :D
<rqou> it's disappointing that the chinese sphere of influence never had a "western capital" :P
<rqou> they got all the other cardinal directions
hattivat is now known as hattivat|ikea-solving
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: it's weird, the dialectal data on the wiktionary seems to consistently attribute the n->l shift to 南京 and say that 香港 keeps it n
<rqou> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<rqou> chinese is hard
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: yes, but whom to trust :-p
<rqou> "just follow the official beijing dialect and insert frivolous r sounds everywhere" :P
<egg|zzz|egg> unrelated, whitequark's retweet of prompted me to try looking at guild wars 2 again, I don't recognize anything >_>
<kmath> <mnxmnkmnd> @whitequark @FioraAeterna @brouhaha @encthenet @evilgaywitch i had to save this one
<rqou> lol
<rqou> try looking at modern runescape :P
<egg|zzz|egg> have never played that, so no idea
<rqou> lame :P
<rqou> you weren't an elementary/middle-school student here in the US around my age group :P
<egg|zzz|egg> I think I saw a rock paper shotgun article mentioning that they had redesigned lion's arch so that probably explains things
<rqou> although iirc whitequark mentioned they had played runescape
<rqou> runescape's new community is so weird now
<FluffyFoxeh> I played it in 2007-2010 or so
<rqou> it's an interesting mix of people who like grinding and people who play it for nostalgia
<rqou> although i tried to follow the runescape subreddit and i have no idea wtf is happening in any of the posts
<rqou> afaict there's a ton of new content but if you just came out of a timebubble like me you haven't unlocked any of it
<FluffyFoxeh> they sort of added pay-to-win elements didn't they
<rqou> idk
<FluffyFoxeh> I remember some fortune wheel thing where you bought tokens with real money
<rqou> yeah, there was something like that
<FluffyFoxeh> I left around when they started pulling that shit
<rqou> but afaik you didn't have to use it to actually win
<egg|zzz|egg> yeah that article mentioned a redesign of lion's arch
<rqou> they put the wilderness back to normal now
<FluffyFoxeh> yeah, I actually liked when they disabled PvP in the wilderness, so I wasn't pleased with that either
<FluffyFoxeh> :p
<rqou> afaict jagex realized that nostalgia wins over protecting annoying little brats :P
<rqou> so pvp wilderness and unbalanced trades are all back
<rqou> also the new account intro got redone a whole bunch of times
<FluffyFoxeh> I remember tutorial island :p
<rqou> apparently being dropped in lumbridge right after tutorial island and then getting killed by a cow had a significant impact on conversion rate :P
<rqou> yeah, idk what era of tutorial they're on now
<rqou> first there was "make lumbridge the tutorial area (dropping the island)"
<rqou> then they hijacked taverly into a tutorial area (making it open to f2p)
<rqou> and then they made a completely redone tutorial island that wasn't called tutorial island anymore
<rqou> oh, also, they finally dropped Java
<rqou> it's now a native application
<FluffyFoxeh> cool
<rqou> so the last remaining steps to kill java on the desktop are a) Minecraft b) undergraduate physics demos
<FluffyFoxeh> death of java minecraft is the death of minecraft on linux
<FluffyFoxeh> so f that
<rqou> it's also much better now that minecraft started bundling their own jvm
<rqou> rather than requiring a system jvm
<rqou> so now somebody just needs to port the long tail of undergraduate physics demo applets
<rqou> :P
<FluffyFoxeh> port them to what
<rqou> html5? idk
<rqou> something that isn't java
<rqou> so probably html5
<FluffyFoxeh> what's wrong with java
<rqou> java applets are super slow to launch and had a huge string of security vulns a while back
<rqou> also, java just isn't a good language
<FluffyFoxeh> I thought it was fine when I used it
<rqou> ah, you must have been working on data structures or something similarly sane
<rqou> and not something enterprisey :P
<rqou> so no AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean for you
<rqou> java the language is "fine i guess" but not particularly powerful, but the culture is a whole different beast
<soundnfury> rqou: also, IPKVMs serving Java VNC viewers
<rqou> wat really?
<rqou> i've never encountered one of those
<soundnfury> very common for iLOs
<soundnfury> *too
<rqou> iLO?
<soundnfury> not sure what it stands for, but, management interface accessed over HTTP, separate processor from the server itself (so you can e.g. use it to power the server on and off)
<soundnfury> and usually has a java crapplet to connect to the built-in KVM
APlayer has quit [Ping timeout: 204 seconds]
<rqou> oh those things
<rqou> i forgot about those
APlayer has joined #kspacademia
<egg|zzz|egg> awang: looking at that RO spreadsheet, there are some things that are 1.3.0 yes and 1.3.1 no, is the plan to head for 1.3.1 directly, or is a 1.3.0 still being considered?
<kmath> <chordbug> mothematics
<rqou> i just looked through the scrollback some more, and egg|zzz|egg wtf is up with those diagrams of keyboards?
<egg|zzz|egg> Mersenne getting excited about ratios! :D
<kmath> <FioraAeterna> i just fell deep into the rabbit hole and have discovered what happens if you let mathematicians design keyboards
<egg|zzz|egg> it's odd that the halloween thing is still going in guild wars 2 too
<rqou> why are those keyboards "better?"
<rqou> also, why does western music notation suck so much?
<soundnfury> it doesn't
* soundnfury gives rqou a tenor clef
<rqou> oh wat
<rqou> i've never seen that before
<soundnfury> it's somewhat rare nowadays
<soundnfury> alto clef is better known, because it's what violas play off
<rqou> i've never seen C clefs at all
<rqou> so first of all, what's the point of clefs?
<rqou> why is it helpful to shift around note labels on the lines?
<soundnfury> rqou: to avoid excessive ledger lines
<soundnfury> also, in a few cases, you can fit multiple parts better on a single stave by having them read in different clefs
<rqou> but how can it reliably do that?
<soundnfury> (horn parts used to be written like this, with 1st Horn in treble clef and 2nd Horn in bass clef 8va on the same stave)
<rqou> what if e.g. i'm playing the last "note" of this remix of u.n. owen was her (at 3:10)
<kmath> YouTube - Impossible Piano Song - Death Waltz (U.N. Owen Was Her?)
<soundnfury> rqou: because an instrument usually has a tessitura, a range that it mostly stays in
<soundnfury> and appropriate clef choice means that the tessitura mostly fits in the stave
<soundnfury> pianos are their own crazy shit
<soundnfury> which is why they end up with a split stave
<rqou> and if i'm being a troll weeb and playing every key at once?
<rqou> then it doesn't fit on the staff no matter what
<soundnfury> ledger lines are sometimes needed. That, after all, is why they exist.
<rqou> so clefs are a space saving mechanism?
<soundnfury> well, it's more that reading more than two or three ledger lines is difficult
<soundnfury> because you have to count them and that takes time you don't have
<rqou> but if i needed to play the A0 key on the piano, then it always has ledger lines that i have to count and then fail at playing the note
<rqou> soundnfury: hmm, now i'm even more confused, because no combination of clefs actually covers the full range of piano keys without ledger lines
APlayer has quit [Ping timeout: 383 seconds]
<hattivat|ikea-solving> egg|zzz|egg: looking through scrollback, I've noticed you complaining about lack of workaround for the nasal vowel in Robin
<hattivat|ikea-solving> I'm happy to tell you that due to Polish being rather conservative even by Slavic standards, you don't need a workaround for me
<hattivat|ikea-solving> we still have our nasals, so in our spelling your name would just be "Robę"
<hattivat|ikea-solving> (notice the funny hook)
<rqou> slavic languages have nasals?
<rqou> i only ever noticed insane consonant clusters
<hattivat|ikea-solving> also notice how somehow the creators of our spelling were able of coming up with sane glyphs for these nasal vowels, even while they for some reason failed to adopt sane Southern Slavic spellings for most fricatives
<hattivat|ikea-solving> rqou: for most of them it's "used to"
<hattivat|ikea-solving> but Polish still does, yeah
<hattivat|ikea-solving> ą and ę
<hattivat|ikea-solving> ą is nasal o, but spelt with a for some reason I can't comprehend
<hattivat|ikea-solving> s/able/capable
<Qboid> hattivat|ikea-solving meant to say: also notice how somehow the creators of our spelling were capable of coming up with sane glyphs for these nasal vowels, even while they for some reason failed to adopt sane Southern Slavic spellings for most fricatives
<rqou> hmm, to me polish just looks like an unpronounceable mess with lots of "w"s and "j"s
<rqou> :P
<hattivat|ikea-solving> well, in reality it's a combination of half actually being unpronouncable and half making very weird decisions wrt fundamental spelling
<hattivat|ikea-solving> like all "w"s are pronounced v
<hattivat|ikea-solving> and we have a special letter, ł (l with a dash) to denote what English spells as w
<hattivat|ikea-solving> you might want to ask what we use v for (egg|zzz|egg once did)
<hattivat|ikea-solving> ...we don't
<hattivat|ikea-solving> like, it's never used at all, not even in borrowed words
<rqou> oh right, hence the words that end in -cław which are pronounced nothing like you would expect
<hattivat|ikea-solving> also, a lot of the consonant clusters aren't really as long as they look
<hattivat|ikea-solving> because we have a ton of useless digraphs for sounds that saner tongues (Czech, Croatian) spell with single letters
<hattivat|ikea-solving> rqou: yep
<hattivat|ikea-solving> for example, "szcz" is just "šč" in Czech spelling, and even shorter щ in Cyrillic
<hattivat|ikea-solving> in English spelling that's "shch"
<rqou> english spelling is pretty dumb too
<hattivat|ikea-solving> actually even dumber in my opinion
<hattivat|ikea-solving> Polish is at least regular
<rqou> hence stupid mnemonics like "the magic 'e' that makes the other vowel 'say its name'"
<hattivat|ikea-solving> so once you learn all the unexpected design decisions, the pronunciation of any word is completely predictable to you, even if you've never seen it before
<rqou> which, as stated, is super unreliable and inaccurate (but good enough for first grade i guess?)
<hattivat|ikea-solving> in other words, no "fuchsia" pronounced like "fusion" in our tongue :P
<rqou> or the "ghoti" meme?
<hattivat|ikea-solving> yeah, nothing like that either
<hattivat|ikea-solving> basically, it's phonetic, not as perfectly as Finnish or Indonesian, but close enough
hattivat|ikea-solving is now known as hattivat
<rqou> and then there's hangul
<rqou> which is a great writing system, less great unicode encoding though :P
* hattivat nods
<hattivat> and then there is Khmer
<hattivat> which is quite pretty
<rqou> totally borked font rendering though
<hattivat> but in practice is like French with an Indian-derived script
<rqou> iirc fixed by the government changing the rules of the language :P
<hattivat> what I mean is, the spelling is almost completely divorced from actual pronunciation
<hattivat> because it follows the "pretty" spelling used in some classical texts from Nagkor era
<hattivat> obviously, the pronunciation was much different back then
<hattivat> s/Nagkor/Angkor
<Qboid> hattivat meant to say: because it follows the "pretty" spelling used in some classical texts from Angkor era
<rqou> hmm, does khmer have the same "no spaces" problem as thai?
<hattivat> yeah
<rqou> but there's no "libkhmer" to deal with it?
<hattivat> disclaimer: I can't speak any Khmer, I just know a few people who studied it at the uni
<hattivat> probably not
<rqou> i just know thai ended up with a "libthai" to do line breaking
<hattivat> iirc there was almost no support for writing Khmer on a computer just 10 years ago
<rqou> true
<rqou> and then libthai had bugs when the language written in the script wasn't actually thai but e.g. pali
<hattivat> so they are probably happy to be able to write in Khmer on facebook at all, even if it's a bit funky
<hattivat> pali written in thai, interesting
<hattivat> I mean, oviously makes sense for Buddhists
<hattivat> but weird language-script combinations are an interesting topic
* hattivat googles this stuff
<soundnfury> rqou: yeah, you can't cover the whole range of the piano even on two staves. That's because pianos are _fscking huge_.
<hattivat> hmmm, I'm seeing a market niche here
<soundnfury> but for a horn, or a flute, or a viol, or a human voice... clefs are fine.
<rqou> soundnfury: aah i see
<rqou> I will now quote @eevee and say "The difficulty with music is that half of it is arbitrary and half of it is actually based on something, but you can’t tell the difference just by looking at it."
<hattivat> there doesn't seem to be any tool on the web to transliterate Japanese into Ge'ez or Malay into Tibetan
<hattivat> I think that will be my next gift to the world
<rqou> why do you need that?
<hattivat> for fun, obviously
<hattivat> think about the possibilities
<hattivat> Chaucer in top-to-bottom Mongolian
<rqou> i already thought about a less-useless idea that almost certainly will trigger some bugs: "arabic ruby annotations in vertical chinese text"
<rqou> afaik this is actually supposed to work
<hattivat> yeah, that sounds like a nest of bugs
<bofh> that sounds utterly horrifying.
<hattivat> CJK is the only script family I wouldn't consider supporting for transliteration
<rqou> but consider the use case of "teaching about some chinese literature to arabic speakers"
<hattivat> although supporting ideographic/-ish scripts would produce even more awesomeness
<hattivat> Inuit in hieroglyphics
<hattivat> English in Mayan glyphs
<hattivat> oh, wait, no Unicode Mayan yet afaik :<
<hattivat> ok, then English in cuneiform
<rqou> other fun source of bugs: chinese text encoded in shift-jis
<rqou> (this almost certainly exists)
<bofh> PLEASE NO
<hattivat> on some 80s micro, yeah, probably
<rqou> consider: a japanese academic wrote some commentary about some classical chinese literature
<bofh> rqou: halloween was a few days ago, enough spooky stories
<rqou> back in the 90s/00s
<soundnfury> hey can someone try and let me know whether it works outside of my network?
* soundnfury has just been futzing with DNS and iptables
<hattivat> rqou: but doesn't Arabic or Chinese already have an official transliteration scheme in place for this pair?
<rqou> soundnfury: NXDOMAIN
<hattivat> I mean, I'd expect major scripts to have it covered
<hattivat> I know Cyrillic does
<soundnfury> rqou: Oh.
<rqou> hattivat: i'm not sure actually
* soundnfury stabs
<rqou> soundnfury: no wait i messed up
<hattivat> that's why my idea was mostly about less popular or even downright exotic scripts
<hattivat> I'm pretty sure there is no scheme to transliterate Greek into Inuit script :P
<rqou> soundnfury: resovles to but cannot actually connect
<hattivat> or Vietnamese into hieroglyphics
<soundnfury> ... huh, that's odd
<soundnfury> (what happens if you stick :8080 on the end?)
<rqou> works, "ec429's home page"
<hattivat> works
<soundnfury> okay...
* soundnfury stares at his iptables rules some more
* UmbralRaptor stares at the scrollback, and mentions that TOPCAT is written in Java.
<soundnfury> rqou: try again (without :8080)?
<rqou> nope
<rqou> telnet to 80 says connection refused
* soundnfury stabs iptables
<soundnfury> try now?
<rqou> nope
<soundnfury> AAAAAA
<soundnfury> ... now?
<rqou> nope
<soundnfury> rqou: how about now
<rqou> it's good now
<soundnfury> \o/
soundnfury has quit [Ping timeout: 204 seconds]
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a diagonal Lizzie
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn rqou
* Qboid gives rqou a terbium graph with a quaternion attachment
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn hattivat
* Qboid gives hattivat an orthogonal analemma/theory hybrid
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a RF hedgehog
* UmbralRaptor launches the hedgehog on a grand tour.
soundnfury has joined #kspacademia
<soundnfury> either that was a coincidence, or while I was experimenting I caused a ping to go missing...
<UmbralRaptor> Now a packet is doomed to wander the æther forever.
<rqou> i heard a rumor that certain backbone networks really do have doomed packets that wander forever
<kmath> <lifewinning> A cool fact about public speaking: it never actually becomes easier
<UmbralRaptor> rqou: aaaααa
<Ellied> this hard drive is a apparently a) ony 715 power-on hours old, and b) already failing. >:/
<rqou> this happens in network regions that have only switches or other L2 devices and therefore don't decrement TTL
<awang> egg|zzz|egg: idk about 1.3.0 vs 1.3.1. DLLs for 1.3.1 should be linked in the notes column, at least. No idea if/when they'll get merged though
<awang> btw, anyone here seen this?
<bofh> Ellied: is it a 3TB Floodgate?
<Ellied> bofh: no, 500 GB hitachi something
<bofh> oh, a DeathStar/TroubleStar?
<Ellied> ?
<bofh> those are the usual Hitachi brand HDD models
<bofh> DeskStar/TravelStar
<hattivat> awang: cool!
<Ellied> I don't have a pic of the label, it's back in the lab still (being zeroed out, which will likely take all night)
<UmbralRaptor> Weren't the classic DeathStars 40 GiB models, or so?
<bofh> 40/75 GiB iirc, and back when the brand was owned by IBM
<UmbralRaptor> yeah, that too.
<Ellied> WCS I'll just buy the smallest SSD I can find for it. It doesn't need to have a lot of space, it's not my main machine
<hattivat> the smallest SSDs on the market are <30 GB, so you might want to reconsider that superlative ;)
<Ellied> 30 GB would be fine
<hattivat> ok, the maybe not
<Ellied> if I need to store anything long term it can just go on my toughbook (750 GB) or my stupid HP (1TB)
<hattivat> from a quick look at amazon, a 30gb ssd is about 35 euros
<hattivat> so probably 35 dollars given no VAT
<Ellied> I wonder what it would be if I threw caution to the wind and bought one that has good reviews on Aliexpress
<UmbralRaptor> How much do 32 GB SDcards run?
<Ellied> ~$10 from target on clearance, most recently
<hattivat> probably a 500mb hdd with hacked firmware to tell you it's a 30gb SSD? ;p
<Ellied> okay, first result has 150 reviews and is ~$13 for 60 GB
<Ellied> next door is $20 for 30 GB, or $33 for 60
* Ellied idly wonders if SATA to MicroSD adapters exist, seeing as I have so many unused 32GB cards lying about. I/O speed would be shit, but at least the adaptor would theoretically be cheaper than an SSD?
<Ellied> okay, so that's a thing, but it's neither remotely simple nor cheaper than an SSD.
<Ellied> RAID SD cards would be hilarious though
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor an imaginary torus
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Ellied
* Qboid gives Ellied a gravitational metric
<Ellied> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg an extensional ytterbium wyvern
<UmbralRaptor> Qboid: minkowski, Schwartzchild, Kerr, FLRW,…?
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a sharp standing wave ratio
<UmbralRaptor> Ah, @fakeunicode has noticed that the heiroglyphs include several penises.
<egg|zzz|egg> I'm pretty sure they knew about it already
<UmbralRaptor> P's commenting on it, then?
<UmbralRaptor> s/P'/I/
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor meant to say: Is commenting on it, then?