egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<egg> bofh: double-double
<egg> bofh: fugue theme
<bofh> egg: gotcha, and I'll ask for the latter.
<bofh> few mins.
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<egg> !wpn hillexed
* Qboid gives hillexed a quill
<hillexed> with this quill I will pierce the pages
<hillexed> not the best idea in retrospect now there's a giant hole in my paper whoops
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<egg> hmmm why are the tests taking an eternity to link
<egg> did i break the linker
<egg> meow
* UmbralRaptor meows at egg's linker
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<egg> AAAAAAAAAAAAA phl wrote LegendrePolynomial recursively
<UmbralRaptor> Hah!
<bofh> (I like that one blogpost of Ryg's where he does fancy templating for Legendre & Chebyshev and then it turns out it's simpler and faster to just do the nonrecursive way for any n and it's still faster)
<bofh> oh no it was cbloom that did the fanciness and ryg that did the "just use a damn loop":
<egg> bofh: ah but it's tchebychev, not chebyshev
<egg> bofh: I mean, this is a function you'd call at compile time to get a compile-time Legendre polynomial, it's just that it is stupidly slow to compile
<kmath> <eggleroy> (T(s?j|[xšr])|(Ts?c|C)h|Č|Ç|C[sz]?)[eê]b[îiıyư](s[jz]|sch?|[sc]h|[šșşsx])[ëéeo](ff?|[vwp]) ⏎ ⏎ Consistency: there is a…
<bofh> :P
<iximeow> !meow
* Qboid meows at
<egg> bofh: to clarify: that computes the coefficients, and the actual evaluation is run time and fast. But it's eggsponential to compute the coefficients that way obviously...
<egg> zzzzz
<UmbralRaptor> iximeow: the void meows back
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<kmath> <✔Alex_Parker> Of course they choose the middle of the night to stare intently up the chimney. When ELSE would you do that.
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<egg> bofh: cats!
* UmbralRaptor 🔪 sleep
<egg> whitequark: try tweeting some #catcognition?
<kmath> <whitequark> when my rants start getting linked on HN i think it's a sign that i should chill the hell out
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<kmath> <subaruthie> However, the similarities between naked mole rats and NMR spectroscopists... both work underground, complex social structure, odd attire...
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<egg> bofh: Wikipedia has a formula for the coefficients of the legendre polynomials but it's not clear where it comes from
<egg> bofh: the article says "which is immediate from the recursion formula"
<egg> but it has binomial coefficients with non-integer arguments :-p
<bofh> yeah WTF that formula is just wrong.
<bofh> (also is in *no way* "immediate from the recursion formula", tho I can kinda see where that binomial corfficient comes from... interpret it as poch(0.5*(n+k-1),k)/k!)
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<bofh> (it is still the wrong formula and why is it on the page... it's not in Abramowitz&Stegun *or* Gradshteyn&Ryzhik either).
<kmath> <_liclac> Someone stuck this to my laptop’s charger w
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<egg> bofh: aside from being wrong it is much better than the one above when you want to compute the coefficients, it doesn't overflow as much
<egg> bofh: okay so if it's neither in the american nor in the russian tables, is it in some french tables?
<bofh> yeah, like I'm trying to derive the correct one (I believe it'll be the same modulo sign errors) right now then edit some sense into that wikipedia article. >_>
<bofh> which *are* the major French numerical tables? I know they exist...
<egg> bofh: hmm, here the signs seem to be right actually
<egg> (as in phl checked them in mathematica and the formulae give the same as LegendreP)
<bofh> Hrm, is it differing conventions, then? Should lookup how LegendreP is defined...
<egg> bofh: why is there no ru article corresponding to
<bofh> yeah even searching turns up nothing.
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<bofh> tho rofl one of the few results for 'Градштейн Рыжик' is, uh,Многочлены_Лежандра
<egg> meow
<bofh> !pet egg
* Qboid pets egg
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<bofh> egg: okay it's derivable from the other form.
<egg> bofh: that's the penultimate equation on the wikipedia article too
<bofh> yep.
<bofh> (weird that wolfram takes it as the definition, which seems utterly backwards to me???)
<bofh> (standard way I've seen Legendre polys derived is Gram-Schmidt on { 1, x, x^2, ... }, alternately using the 3-term recurrence derivable from Legendre's DE).
<egg> bofh: doesn't give that definition, only "satisfy the differential equation"
<bofh> wat.
<bofh> I mean that *is* probably the most direct definition, and also the least useful.
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<egg> meow
<Qboid> [#1923] title: RKNG | First cut, more tests to come (probably for the RKN too, the existing tests don't check the order).... |
<bofh> egg: so I'm *also* getting the hat-above-the-comma for the β̂,
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<egg> bofh: wait, spherical harmonics actually have Чебышёв polynomials hidden inside them as well as Legendre polynomials?
<egg> bofh: yeah me too, it's GitHub's font being bad
<bofh> 18:41:25 <@egg> bofh: wait, spherical harmonics actually have Чебышёв polynomials hidden inside them as well as Legendre polynomials?
<bofh> wait, *what*???
<bofh> okay, in 4d, sure, and also those are the Чебышёв polynomials of the second kind, which don't count :p
<bofh> (the | | denotes matrix determinant)
<egg> bofh: well, they have cos mλ
<egg> for the longitudinal component, and the latitudinal component is Pnm (sin β)
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<egg> whitequark: any news from коти or her kitten?
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<bofh> egg: yeah aren't those just geopotential coefficients?
<egg> bofh: yes
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<egg> bofh: but you have Pnm which is a Legendre polynomial of the z coordinate of the normalized displacement from the geocentre, and you have cos and sin mλ which are Чeбышёв polynomials of the x and y coordinates normalized in the ITRS xy plane
<egg> s/Legendre polynomial/associated Legendre notapolynomial/
<Qboid> egg meant to say: bofh: but you have Pnm which is a associated Legendre notapolynomial of the z coordinate of the normalized displacement from the geocentre, and you have cos and sin mλ which are Чeбышёв polynomials of the x and y coordinates normalized in the ITRS xy plane
<bofh> wait, how are cos(mλ)/sin(mλ) Чeбышёв polynomials??? I'm still not seeing it.
<egg> bofh: Чₘ(cos λ) = cos mλ
<egg> bofh: should the polynomials of the second kind be called Ш...
<bofh> Yes, they should. Also OKAY FINE I keep forgetting Чn(cos(x)) satisifies that relation b/c it's pretty much always nicer to work with cos(nx) instead.
<egg> bofh: well, if you start with cartesian coordinates, you end up having to do an atan2 and a sincos, is that really nicer?
<Qboid> [#1923] title: RKNG | First cut, more tests to come (probably for the RKN too, the existing tests don't check the order).... |
* UmbralRaptor 🔪 🚎
<bofh> egg: wait, why the atan2?
<egg> to get from (r cos φ cos λ, r cos φ sin λ, r sin φ) to λ?
<bofh> also ooh, fixed estrin for the n=0 case
<bofh> OHH starting from cartesian & working in spherical?
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<egg> bofh: yeah, gravity models are always in spherical coords
<egg> bofh: and they probably wouldn't look very nice if you eggspressed them in cartesian
<bofh> Well, yes.
<bofh> You *generally* want to work within spherical if possible.
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<egg> bofh: well, you probably don't want to do your integration in spherical coords if you value your sanity
<egg> bofh: therefore, Чебышёв!
<bofh> wait, why *not*? I've done it before, it's possible to do it numerically stably. But I suppose Чебышёв is a lot easier, yeah.
<egg> bofh: so, uh, we do everything barycentric, because whole-solar system
<UmbralRaptop> Converting a coordinate problem into a spelling problem?
<egg> bofh: so doing the integration in geocentric spherical coords, um
<egg> bofh: even if you were interested only in near-earth stuff, third-body effects in geocentric coordinates seem like a pain
<bofh> okay, yes, that sounds like a horror.
<egg> bofh: also if you are at the level where you're interested only in near-earth stuff you probably want it accurate, in which case you'll notice that the Earth doesn't rotate about the ITRS z axis
<egg> :D
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<UmbralRaptop> egg: s/:D/D:/
<Qboid> UmbralRaptop thinks egg meant to say: D:
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<egg> bofh: what
<bofh> see comment about the ITRS z axis not being Earth's rotational axis
<UmbralRaptop> Alternatively, 😈❔
<egg> bofh: yes, what did you eggspect
<egg> bofh: why would the rotational axis be fixed with respect to the conventional tide-free crust
<egg> bofh: also, it's not fixed inertially either, so it also moves with respect to the ICRS
<egg> <bofh> also ooh, fixed estrin for the n=0 case << clearly a case which is worth Estrin-evaluating :-p
<bofh> wait, why *isn't* it fixed inertially? it should at least be very close to being fixed in that case.
<egg> bofh: precession of the equinoxes + shorter-period effects
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<bofh> wait, ICRS *doesn't* contain precession of thd equinoxes et al in its frame?
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<Qboid> 5d 0h 0m 0s left to event #28: 3e&Azerspace 2/Intelsat 38, VA243 [at 2018-09-07 21:56:00]. Say '!kountdown 28' for details
<egg> bofh: ... its point is to be inertial
<egg> the ICRF is built on quasars for that reason
<egg> bofh: frames based on a dynamical equator are terrible for dynamics, because then *everyone* gets to enjoy the precession in the equations of motion
<bofh> ...RIGHT, you specifically want to avoid that. right. >_>
<bofh> (I need more coffee)
<kmath> <✔EmilyGorcenski> This bothered me so much I closed twitter
<egg> cc ferram4_
<ferram4_> I love it
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<bofh> egg: I mena, more-or-less.
<bofh> s/mena/mean/
<Qboid> bofh meant to say: egg: I mean, more-or-less.
<egg> !kd -edit:28 name Horizons 3e & Azerspace 2 (Intelsat 38) / Ariane 5 VA245
<Qboid> egg: Updated event #28: Horizons 3e & Azerspace 2 (Intelsat 38) / Ariane 5 VA245 - Arianespace will use an Ariane 5 ECA rocket, designated VA243, to launch the Horizons 3e and Azerspace 2/Intelsat 38 communications satellites. - 2018-09-07 21:56:00
<egg> !kd -edit:28 time 20180918
<Qboid> egg: Invalid time syntax! Please use correct DateTime syntax.
<egg> y u no accept ISO 8601 basic format
<egg> !kd -edit:28 time 2018-09-18
<Qboid> egg: Updated event #28: Horizons 3e & Azerspace 2 (Intelsat 38) / Ariane 5 VA245 - Arianespace will use an Ariane 5 ECA rocket, designated VA243, to launch the Horizons 3e and Azerspace 2/Intelsat 38 communications satellites. - 2018-09-17 22:00:00
<bofh> Yeah okay that's basically the exact same derivation I ran thru, except you then reduced the Gamma functions of half-integer argument to double factorials (which is a good idea fwiw).
<egg> bofh: well yeah especially if you're going to compute them at compile time :-p
<egg> bofh: although the final eggspression can be simplified, there's an (n-k-1)!!/(n-k)!
<egg> bofh: and simplifying that probably helps further with overflows
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<bofh> Yeah, true. And it does.
<bofh> (I did something similar for Laguerre Polynomials awhile back)
<bofh> 'lo SnoopJeDi
<bofh> (tho I don't compute *those* at compile time, heh. not that I *could* even, that codebase is Fortran90).
<egg> !wpn SnoopJeDi
* Qboid gives SnoopJeDi a segmented ctenophore
<SnoopJeDi> hullo bofh, egg
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, I *just* realized what I enjoy about your nick. On top of BOFH, it's delightfully close to "boffin"
<egg> bofh: could probably get some more mileage out of double than int64 at least with factorials, factorials overflow 64 bits before they have 53 bits of binary mantissa
<bofh> egg: yes, this is very much the case. (still the case for double factorials of odd numbers, tho those grow less quickly).
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn -add:wpn iridophore
<Qboid> SnoopJeDi: Weapon added!
<egg> egg|work|egg: show to swedish colleague
<kmath> <hikari_no_yume> internationalised domain names have been a thing for a while ⏎ ⏎ I wish they'd actually be used
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn -add:wpn chromatophore
<Qboid> SnoopJeDi: Weapon added!
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn -add:wpn leucophore
<Qboid> SnoopJeDi: Weapon added!
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn -add:adj Hubble-Lemaître
<Qboid> SnoopJeDi: Adjective added!
<whitequark> egg: haven't seen котя in a very good while
<egg> D:
<egg> whitequark: and the котяchrome kitten?
* UmbralRaptop plugs egg into LPT-1 so he can ask the line printer
<whitequark> egg: lives here
<whitequark> plays fetch
<whitequark> meows
<egg> whitequark: is it still котяlike
<egg> has it learned to open doors
<whitequark> yes, no
<whitequark> i guess no real reason for her to open doors, also not heavy enough to do it
<whitequark> well ok she does open bathroom door but not by the handle
<egg> oh, it is still smol?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> котя is very smol too
<whitequark> genetics
<egg> open not by the handle << as in pushing/pulling a badly-closed door, or is there a latching mechanism accessible otherwise
<whitequark> pulling
<egg> right, yeah, I'm used to cats (well, ANBOcat) doing that
<egg> never seen one open a door handle though
<egg> do you have котяchrome imagery?
<egg> also does the котяchrome kitten have a name other than "the котяchrome kitten"
<whitequark> egg: somewhere
<whitequark> "мелкая"
<whitequark> for smol
<egg> !wpn мелкой
* Qboid gives мелкой a principal Lagrangian deadlock
<egg> мелкая котяхромная
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