egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
!choose Get up early to drive out to Baltimore and deal with the security theater when it's possible that no one else in your research group will be there|Get up early to attend a meeting on campus that will probably have most of your research group
UmbralRaptop: Your options are: Get up early to drive out to Baltimore and deal with the security theater when it's possible that no one else in your research group will be there, Get up early to attend a meeting on campus that will probably have most of your research group. My choice: Get up early to drive out to Baltimore and deal with the security theater when it's possible that no one else in your research
group will be there
;choose Get up early to drive out to Baltimore and deal with the security theater when it's possible that no one else in your research group will be there|Get up early to attend a meeting on campus that will probably have most of your research group
UmbralRaptop: Get up early to attend a meeting on campus that will probably have most of your research group
[more context for the channel: a label for a king's head said something along the lines of "head of a king -- chalky stone", which, by virtue of Peter and stone being the same word, could be misunderstood as "head of a king -- Peter Chalky"]
<bofh> I'm curious if Известь & Извещать share a root word.
(since newsprint *does* use limestone for filler (hence the distinctive texture, in part) & most early printers used quicklime for bleaching; the rest of an early newsprint manufacturing facility was mostly-to-entirely mechanical separation of the lignin from the wood pulp and whatnot)
no, the latter *prolly* comes from Изведенция ("knowledge") but Vasmer doesn't have a straight answer so <shrug>
also brb renaming self to Peter Chalky
bofh: in the Правда, no Известняк, etc. :-p
i mean i want to go to said conference so that the taxpayers will be paying for the plane tickets and some of the hotel for a vacation in hawaii
B787_300 meant to say: i mean i want to go to said conference so that the taxpayers will be paying for the plane tickets and some of the hotel for a conference in hawaii
<mgattozzi> Guys. We need to talk. If you make a developers salary there's no reason for you not to dress well. You'll feel bet…
who cares what you wear as long as you get the work done and dress up when meeting customers
I mean even before we get into power consumption, AVX-512 is imho too new and often there's not a sensible way to port AVX2 code to it that actually achieves even a 1.5x speedup (256b seems to be about the most useful size for fp SIMD imho). But yeah, that is interesting, especially the comment.
I really do wonder why Intel does this downclocking anyhow, I seriously can't imagine power draw on an FMA unit being on/off being a dramatic increase over the largely constant power consumption of, say, the L2 cache.
they're way too wide
power-wise it's almost equivalent to multiplying the clock by width
bofh: well, yeah, it's too new so it's hard to use it portably; the non-wide AVX-512 stuff is nice though
although they don't seem to have rounding on the non-512 ones
<alt_kia> Why does Slack say stuff like "It’s liberating … but there’s no going back." when you clear all unreads from all ch…
UmbralRaptop has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
UmbralRaptor has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptop has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptor has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
* UmbralRaptop
pokes pandas with a headerless csv.
!wpn bofh
* Qboid
gives bofh a perfluorocarbon/creole hybrid
!wpn UmbralRaptop
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptop a behaviour
!wpn -add:wpn panda
awang_: Weapon added!
!wpn egg|zz|egg
* Qboid
gives egg|zz|egg an adaptive ear
!wpn awang_
* Qboid
gives awang_ an exploding trellis parrot
* awang_
!wpn -add:wpn duck
UmbralRaptop: Weapon already added!
!wpn -add:wpn cormorant
UmbralRaptop: Weapon added!
!wpn -add:wpn question
UmbralRaptop: Weapon added!
!wpn -add:wpn comment
UmbralRaptop: Weapon added!
egg|zz|egg: pandas is a snek library for data science
<smb> @TedMielczarek @marionpdaly Imma introduce you to the ImageMagick git commit log, where, even in 2018, commit messa…
SnoopJeDi: blame Benjamin Fulton et al
Benjamin Fulton: The Man who Iterated Arrays Backwards
bofh: [internal screaming]
… actually no one else is in this room. I could scream externally.
egg|zz|egg: I mean for those commits it seems reasonable :p the ImageMagick ones look like a bunch of simultaneous refactoring for most of the "..."s, which... honestly, I'm more bothered by them doing multiple levels of refactoring in a single commit than the message (mostly b/c ImageMagick is provably a buggy insecure mess).
SnoopJeDi: which talk, the NASA one I linked last night? fantastic, I highly recommend catching up to the saved copy when you have about 2 hours free.
will do! thanks for sending the link :)
* UmbralRaptop
stares at an assumed but missing data column.
SnoopJeDi: also if you have time free now there's another JPL live webcast about Dawn
happening, like, right now.
I'm unlikely to pay very much attention, but link?
bofh: mostly I'm surprised that commits are seen as a meaningful units whose messages might be interesting
bofh: on github I'd expect anything interesting to be in the pull request, not the individual commits that I happened to commit because I went for food
egg|zz|egg: so, like, I know some projects don't use PRs for commits when the committer is project-internal and has a commit bit.
bad projects
and squashing lets you hide the sausage-making
but the sausage making is fun
of course, which is why the solution is not "stop sausage-making"
egg|zz|egg: like, I agree, but it seems ImageMagick is one such project. and they are indeed bad.
but VCS is its own tool and bad messages hurt its usefulness
although thankfully stuff like blame lets you maneuver even when
SnoopJeDi: no, but seeing the sausage making is fun too :-p
Why shouldn't that compile? Shouldn't be defined?
it's not in that namespace
it's in the other one, hence the change
!seen wetmelon
egg|zz|egg: I haven't seen the user wetmelon yet.
;seen wetmelon
egg|zz|egg: wetmelon (wetmelon!~wetmelon@2600:1700:2601:7c40:f043:717:a490:5bba) was last seen quitting in somewhere at 2018-09-03 18:24:32 +0000
;seen wetlemon
egg|zz|egg: I haven't seen wetlemon
Also, does whole-program optimization breka Principia somehow, hence the disabling?
it makes things slower
Oh, so MSVC is finding something it shouldn't
What does it do differently from LTCG?
we noticed that most benchmarks became slower
<eggleroy> 🌑戌🐕 Cohen, the new release of Principia, is out, using Estrin's method (for the monomial basis) instead of Clenshaw…
pthag has quit [Remote host closed the connection]