egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<X> Several years ago you told me not to do this.
<UmbralRaptop> o_O
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<Profound> [2018-02-07 11:28:00] <UmbralRaptor> X: Do not model the DJIA as a quantum simple harmonic oscillator.
<Profound> okay
<Profound> not that long ago
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<iximeow> i can see how seven months may have a "several years" feel to them
<UmbralRaptop> I have questions wrt to what this means about discrete levels and time evolution.
<SnoopJeDi> Oh cool, NYT magazine did an audio-based edition that included down-shifted recordings of rat vocalizations!
<SnoopJeDi> And VLF picked up on long wires hung in Northern Italy O_O
<SnoopJeDi> s/wires/cables/
<Qboid> SnoopJeDi meant to say: And VLF picked up on long cables hung in Northern Italy O_O
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* UmbralRaptop pokes stars with a smol space telescope.
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<kmath> <johnregehr> this one hn commenter gets it
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<UmbralRaptop> rqou: acre-feet are horrible, and that they make sense as for farming, civil engineering, etc is an indictment of US customary units.
<UmbralRaptop> !wa 1 acre-foot in cubic feet
<Qboid> UmbralRaptop: convert 1 acre foot to cubic feet: 43560 ft^3 (cubic feet)
<UmbralRaptop> Huh, I was not expecting an integer.
<rqou> lol
<UmbralRaptop> !wa 1 acre-foot in gallons
<Qboid> UmbralRaptop: convert 1 acre foot to gallons: 325853 gallons
<rqou> the first time i ever heard of acre-feet was when i took an elective on the history of California
<rqou> for obvious reasons acre-feet play quite a significant role
<UmbralRaptop> Mulholland was as best I can tell an evil genius <_<
<UmbralRaptop> Incidentally, 1 gallon is 231 cubic inches, in case you wanted a system where converting between linear and volumetric units always requires a calculator.
<rqou> heh
<rqou> !wa 1 bushel in teaspoons
<Qboid> rqou: convert 1 bu (US bushel) to teaspoons: 7149 tsp (teaspoons)
<rqou> oh wtf this is also an integer?
<UmbralRaptop> Oh, good. It's a composite number
<UmbralRaptop> … 3*2383
<rqou> hmm i just thought of something even more cursed
<rqou> !wa 1 acre-foot in minims
<Qboid> rqou: convert 1 acre foot to US minims: 2.002×10^10 US minims
<UmbralRaptop> minim?
<rqou> trololo
<UmbralRaptop> 1/60 of a dram? o_O
<UmbralRaptop> And I thought using CGS units for stars was silly.
<rqou> what about measuring capacitance in centimeters because CGS?
<UmbralRaptop> okay, E&M in CGS is impressively cursed.
<rqou> more or less cursed than apothecary units?
<UmbralRaptop> hard to say.
<rqou> oh i just remembered something even more cursed
<rqou> traditional chinese medicine apothecary units :P
<rqou> i completely don't know how to use them or what they're even called in english
<rqou> also supposedly there are nonzero incidences of medication errors due to somebody confusing grams vs grains
<UmbralRaptop> aaaaaaaaa
<rqou> !wa 1 grain in grams
<Qboid> rqou: convert 1 grain to grams: 0.0648 grams
<UmbralRaptop> !wa 1 gram in grains
<Qboid> UmbralRaptop: convert 1 gram to grains: 15.43 grains
<UmbralRaptop> aaaaaaaa
<UmbralRaptop> What level of cursed is 648000/π au in a pc? (note that this also implies sin(x) = x)
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<egg|zz|egg> !meow whitequark, bofh, et al.
* Qboid meows at whitequark, bofh, et al.
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<egg|zz|egg> oh the reason why my Mathematica geopotential calculation was taking so long is that I was doing it with exact arithmetic
* egg|zz|egg palms face
<bofh> LOL
<bofh> yes, that'd certainly do it,
<bofh> 06:37:42 < rqou> also supposedly there are nonzero incidences of medication errors due to somebody confusing grams vs grains
<egg|zz|egg> aaaaaaaa
<Qboid> 1d 12h 0m 0s left to event #28: Horizons 3e & Azerspace 2 (Intelsat 38) / Ariane 5 VA245 [at 2018-09-25 21:53:00]. Say '!kountdown 28' for details
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<egg|work|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a FORTH
<egg|work|egg> !wpn whitequark and котенька
* Qboid gives whitequark and котенька a positive tetrahedron
<egg|work|egg> (wrong case i know)
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<whitequark> heh
<egg|work|egg> whitequark: what would the correct case look like actually
<whitequark> котеньке
<kmath> <whitequark> accidentally discovered that while this cat doesn't care for most fruit, dried apricots are apparently the tastiest…
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<kmath> <fringetracker> @PaddyAlton @astronomolly @richove I don't have the reference - was from a talk by @richove - but I recall that the…
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<kmath> <astronomolly> .@eteq: python is by far the most dominant language in astronomy research #dotastro
<UmbralRaptop> (take that, IDL!)
<iximeow> shell is #2
<Qboid> [#2] title: Porting geometry to c++ | |
<iximeow> lightly terrifying
<UmbralRaptop> >_>;;
<kmath> <astronomolly> .@eteq points out that actually with structure it is possible to herd cats, er, astronomers #dotAstro
<kmath> <astronomolly> .@eteq: "@astropy has dates & times accurate to nanoseconds over a Hubble time; turns out no one else needs that?"…
<iximeow> that reminds me, precision is hard
<iximeow> i tried to take very big pictures of saturn yesterday and many things foiled me, but the saturn-shaped blur was 800px across...
<UmbralRaptop> ;c 30/800
<kmath> UmbralRaptop: 0.0375
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<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptop: astropy time in TT is essentially principia DoublePrecision<Instant> iirc?
<egg|zzz|egg> (and then they have support for non-TCG-based timescales which principia doesn't)
<UmbralRaptop> egg|zzz|egg: I'd need to check the docs >_>
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptop: also kozai,
<iximeow> UmbralRaptop: 30 ... arcsec?
<kmath> <whitequark> I have been exposed to the knowledge that this device, called "IVC filter", goes into your inferior vena cava in ce…
<kmath> <whitequark> update: i suggest buying a gas mask before feeding your cat dried apricots
<UmbralRaptop> iximeow: yes, but I misremembered. Saturn's more like 16.6 right now?
<iximeow> yeah
<UmbralRaptop> egg|zzz|egg: aaaaa
<whitequark> egg|zzz|egg: she farts now.
<iximeow> UmbralRaptop: i have a frustrating degree of chromatic aberration too and i'm not sure why
<whitequark> and the smell is absolutely horrifying
<egg|zzz|egg> whitequark: huh
<egg|zzz|egg> huh.
<whitequark> and it is completely silent
<iximeow> whitequark: oh no
* egg|zzz|egg has never been eggsposed to a farting cat
<UmbralRaptop> You have a working gas mask, though, right?
<whitequark> yes
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<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptop: bofh:
* UmbralRaptop 🔪 sudo in the $PATH
<UmbralRaptop> egg|zzz|egg: Molleweide(sp)
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptop: sp?
<egg|zzz|egg> !meow UmbralRaptop
* Qboid meows at UmbralRaptop
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: UmbralRaptop:
<UmbralRaptop> egg|zzz|egg: I was unsure of the spelling.
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptop: indeed, too many es
<UmbralRaptop> 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸
<egg|zz|egg> UmbralRaptop: wobbly spherical harmonics
* UmbralRaptop is made aware that their last line contained 🇸🇪🇸🇪
<UmbralRaptop> egg|zz|egg: viscous planet?
* egg|zz|egg pokes the planet with a stick
<egg|zz|egg> UmbralRaptop: should I make the same gif up to degree and order 180 instead of just 90,
<egg|zz|egg> degree and order 360 looks like but I'd need more resolution to show it properly which would take ages
<UmbralRaptop> hrm
<Qboid> 1d 0h 0m 0s left to event #28: Horizons 3e & Azerspace 2 (Intelsat 38) / Ariane 5 VA245 [at 2018-09-25 21:53:00]. Say '!kountdown 28' for details
<egg|zzz|egg> !seen bofh
<UmbralRaptop> mood
<iximeow> mood++
<iximeow> !pet bofh
* Qboid pets bofh
<iximeow> !pet UmbralRaptop
* Qboid pets UmbralRaptop
<iximeow> !pet egg
* Qboid pets egg
* UmbralRaptop purrs at iximeow
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