egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<xShadowx> oh great gods of math, i beseech thou and thy wisdom! - how to calculate (preferably in english or c# :P ) the volume of a complex mesh?
<xShadowx> everything i find is for simple convex shapes, taking a triangle face and the origin/center of the shape to calc volume of a tetrahedron > repeat for every face
<xShadowx> but that doesnt work for complex shapes, such as a humanoid :(
<UmbralRaptor> Have a large graduated tank with water, dunk the human or something into it, note the change in height.
<xShadowx> sadly its a computer mesh not real human ;p
<xShadowx> even the plugins im finding for various 3d software goes the simple route so i cant ninja the algorithm ;p
<UmbralRaptor> I suspect that's all numeric solutions approximating your mesh as a bunch of simpler shapes. Can you create the mesh in a CAD program that will automagically calculate volume?
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<UmbralRaptor> Arbitrary triple integrals are horrible things that may not always have analytic solutions.
<UmbralRaptor> "Due to our "Go Green" effort; a card will not be mailed to you automatically."
<UmbralRaptor> Do they not realize that I'm going to print one out, then?
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<xShadowx> right now the mesh is just obj, id think any 3d modelling app / most cad stuff could open, ut none of my cad stuff can do volume :|
<xShadowx> i know its possible to get the volume, because its just a shape made of triangles, and none of them intersect eachother. i can see a possible ish way would be to create multiple 'origin points' and calculate it in chunks, just a lot of writing math that i dont wanna spend a day tweaking to ensure every poly is checked :|
<egg> !pet котеньку and whitequark
* Qboid pets котеньку and whitequark
<bofh> Bienvenue à Ly...okay, Saint-Bonnet-de-Mure, technically (long story).
<egg> bofh: ... wat
<bofh> place we were were going to stay decided to bail on dx minutes before we arrived, tried to find a place to stay but literally every hotel in the *city* is booked solid, so now just need to wait until 5AM for the day rollover at some hotels to happen and then dx can get a decent one in downtown at a reasonable price if so desired.
<bofh> meanwhile I'm just doing what I do best in new and unfamiliar cities, namely wander all around them at 5AM,
<egg> ...
<bofh> I swear I'm not cursèd,
<egg> !u è
<bofh> I borrowed that intonation style from kia, okay,
<egg> bofh: google maps shows a B&B in st bonnet de mure
<egg> also have you considered: planning things more than an hour in advance,
<egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a just-in-time graviton rotor
<egg> !wpn dx
* Qboid gives dx an iron arrow
<kmath> <whitequark>
<egg> !meow bofh
* Qboid meows at bofh
<egg|phone|egg> 喵
egg|zz|egg has quit [Ping timeout: 190 seconds]
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<dx> egg: hey this was actually legit neither of ours' fault and we need to yell at the person in question for a refund.
<dx> also that B&B is full, we already checked hours ago.
<UmbralRaptor> Note to self: get bofh some holy water just to be sure.
<iximeow> !wpn bofh's JITter
* Qboid gives bofh's JITter a Александров paramagnetic fluent
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<kmath> <AndrewNCassidy> if you need me I'm reading sales pages for gas chromatographs
<UmbralRaptor> ;8ball is writing a Python script to generate a bunch of config files that will then be used by a shell script the worst Zachtronics game?
<kmath> UmbralRaptor: Outlook not so good
<iximeow> UmbralRaptor: ...
<UmbralRaptor> iximeow: I, uh, need to do one-off planet fits on radial velocity data for 54 stars (which will probably expand to 880)
<UmbralRaptor> It's not like I'm doing anything with networking or logins.
<UmbralRaptor> Or anything that needs to update x times a second. >_>;;
* X updates
* X updates
* X updates
<UmbralRaptor> X: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
<X> =\ I don’t have that distro
<SnoopJeDi> UmbralRaptor, can't migrate the fits into Python? >:)
<SnoopJeDi> or more likely not worth doing heh
<UmbralRaptor> SnoopJeDi: well, the shell script is pretty much just telling radvel† to do various things to 54 stars.
<UmbralRaptor> †radvel is written in python.
<SnoopJeDi> ooh, I didn't know about radvel
<SnoopJeDi> I mean not that I would, but might be worth plopping onto my one astropy slide
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<egg|phone|egg> !meow bofh dx
* Qboid meows at bofh dx
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<dx> hiii
<dx> egg: so i just left bofh
<dx> she still has her laptop to connect here from time to time but from now on it's mostly all phoneless wandering
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<bofh> dx: so like you know that's not at all a problem for me, right,
<bofh> the primary issue is that it's *CAMERA*less wandering.
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<bofh> !meow egg
* Qboid meows at egg
<egg> bofh: okay so now I'm getting spam about TGV INOUI
<bofh> egg: what the actual fuck
<egg> bofh: well usually i get lyria spam
<bofh> egg: so bizarrely I've yet to get a single article of spam from Thalys.
<bofh> and I've gotten spam from the lost items desk at Gare Saint-Lazare ffs.
<egg> bofh: :D
<egg> on-brand spam,
<kmath> <whitequark> OH': "i tried to explain to the chief architect of DOCSIS what "boneless" means"
<bofh> <<<<<Bonjour Peter BARFUSS,
<bofh> Vous venez de réaliser votre déclaration de perte d'objet portant sur la référence O-201809-01270017.
<bofh> Afin de vous garantir la plus grande satisfaction et vous accompagner au mieux, partagez-nous votre expérience, via ce questionnaire en ligne. Il ne vous suffit que de trois minutes pour y répondre !
<bofh> like, seriously, it's spam from the lost items desk at Gare Saint-Lazare. >_>
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<dx> bofh:
<dx> 06:59 < vague> There is a dance festival in Lyon until Sunday
<dx> 07:00 < vague> The 18th International Dance Biennale
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<egg|phone|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a Kahan approximation
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* UmbralRaptor 🔪💤
* egg|phone|egg meows at UmbralRaptor
<UmbralRaptor> !pet egg
* Qboid pets egg
<UmbralRaptor> paper telescope
* UmbralRaptor 🔪 🚎
<UmbralRaptor> Yes, let's make up for being 5 minutes late in the evening by being 2 minutes early in the morning.
<egg|work|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a Selenian trihexaflexagon
<UmbralRaptor> egg|work|egg: research is still boring (see last night's comments), but should be getting results soon?
<egg|work|egg> UmbralRaptor \o/ \o/ \o/
<egg|work|egg> !pet UmbralRaptor
* Qboid pets UmbralRaptor
* UmbralRaptor attempts to purr
<bofh> dx: I will either be in Zürich or back in Paris on Sunday, but thanks anyhow.
<bofh> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a vorpal penguin-like bandersnatch
<dx> :D
<dx> yeah that's why i pasted it
<bofh> yeah that was surreal. like, it was a Thurs->Fri in *September* (i.e. far from normal tourist season) & moreover, in a city that is not Paris, so yeah that was utterly confusing.
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<bofh> egg: hopping into the Lumière Brothers museum
<bofh> it occurs me that this would be a particularly useful time to have, like, a camera but yeah.  >_>
<egg|work|egg> !u 
<Qboid> U+007F ()
<egg|work|egg> ...
<egg|work|egg> why do you have a random delete in your message
<bofh> erm, what the hell
* UmbralRaptor 's keyboard generates them sometimes.
<egg|work|egg> UmbralRaptor: it generates them in bofh's messages?
<bofh> I have no idea? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<egg|work|egg> tbh since I get bofh's train tickets at this point I wouldn't be that surprised if UmbralRaptor injected characters into bofh's messages,
<bofh> also ugh my knees are finally starting to calm down again.
<UmbralRaptor> egg|work|egg: no, but sometimes in mine.
<egg|work|egg> your knees?
<UmbralRaptor> s/mine/my messages/
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor meant to say: egg|work|egg: no, but sometimes in my messages.
<egg|work|egg> so I mean bofh's knees
<bofh> (pretty sure I sprained my medial collateral ligament at some point Sunday in my left knee, then aggravated it a bit by deciding to walk entirely too much Monday evening, Tuesday night and just last night. Right knee being a hurty is as a result of walking funny on that leg due to sprained MCL).
<egg|work|egg> bofh: but how are you going to walk the Суворов track if your ligaments are sprained,
<bofh> standing for several hours at concert didn't help either but I can go down stairs (the worst thing by far, weirdly, hurt *much* more than going *up* stairs somehow) w/o limping again so
<UmbralRaptor> Accidentally collecting random body parts seems more ##whitequark than here.
<UmbralRaptor> o_O
<bofh> egg|work|egg: like at the rate this has healed I should be fine as long as I don't need to stand for hours or go down an IRL shepard tone or something.
<bofh> also why the hell is there a Swiss trail named after a Russian general again?!?
<egg|work|egg> bofh: because that general went there
<egg|work|egg> bofh: and then his colleague lost a battle near Zurich so he ran away pursued by the french
<egg|work|egg> his colleague being Корсаков
<egg|work|egg> bofh:'s_Italian_campaign
<egg|work|egg> bofh: also remember to sleep at some point
<bofh> egg|work|egg: I mean that is prolly a good idea, but I was just going to wait until the train to Zürich or Paris to do that. :p
<egg|work|egg> bofh: how do you still not know whether you are going to zurich or paris O_o
<SnoopJeDi> egg|work|egg, bofh how much do y'all know about BAOs? I was explaining curvature and the implications for cosmology to someone last night, and said "you can't just go out and measure a triangle in the universe because there's no reference," but to my surprise, the Wikipedia article claims BOOMERanG did pretty much that (but AFAICT it was the normal anisotropy BAO stuff?)
<SnoopJeDi> To focus that to an actual question: is there a geometrical interpretation of BAOs akin to the toy diff. geo. example "you can make triangles with total angle measure ≠ 180°"
<egg|work|egg> BAO?
<Qboid> egg|work|egg: [BAO] => Baryon Acoustic Oscillation
<SnoopJeDi> cosmology word for decomposition into spherical harmonics basically
<SnoopJeDi> I understand why the BAO power spectrum (P vs ℓ) gives you an angle of attack on Ω, inasmuch as it appears as a parameter alongside other stuff that we can metric in other ways ("how much baryonic matter is there?" "what's a reasonable prior for the matter distribution in the early universe?")
<SnoopJeDi> was surprised to see that claim on Wikipedia but don't know enough about autocorrelation to tell if it's erudite or overenthusiastic...
<bofh> egg|work|egg: literally waiting on figuring out if a thing I'm doing with a friend Saturday afternoon that I hastily agreed to is shiftable to next weekend or not (like, especially annoying since I would still have to head back to Paris, but I could still just go Zürich Sun/Mon, but OTOH you're working there, and heading out to Gèneve on like Thurs, being there Thurs/Fri, then heading to Zürich seems
<bofh> optimal. At the same time that's *another* ...
<bofh> ... timeshift and augh)
<bofh> also SERIOUSLY BAO is just spherical harmonic decomposition? -.- I knew that seemed famili despite the terms being out of nowhere.
<SnoopJeDi> the relevant BOOMERanG report is if you're interested, but no worries really, I just figured it might be something near the top of your very good maths brains
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, IANAA but that's my understanding. Found this slide deck in my reading last night and it does an excellent job motivating it
<egg|work|egg> bofh: also котя
<SnoopJeDi> pp. 23 demonstrates the way I typically think about it: different "bands" of scale as sensitive probes of (statistical) cosmological parameters
<egg|work|egg> bofh: and yeah, I work, so Monday is no
<SnoopJeDi> but IANAC either so my inflation/GR-fu is weak
<SnoopJeDi> cc UmbralRaptor too, triangles? ^
* egg|work|egg meows at bofh
* bofh meows at egg|work|egg
<SnoopJeDi> !pet egg|work|egg
* Qboid pets egg|work|egg
<SnoopJeDi> !pet bofh
* Qboid pets bofh
* egg|work|egg pokes bofh in the chat
* bofh meows
<UmbralRaptor> SnoopJeDi: yeah, I think it's just working with some assumption about the ~quantum fluctuations~ and spherical harmonics.
<SnoopJeDi> UmbralRaptor, so would you say it's akin to "measuring triangles" or is that a stretch too far?
<UmbralRaptor> SnoopJeDi: That's the analogy I've always heard.
<SnoopJeDi> huh.
<SnoopJeDi> I guess I'll have to find some lit review material. There are a few promising-looking refs in the BOOMERanG report. Thanks for letting me pick your brain about it :)
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<UmbralRaptor> I'd be tempted to poke at SDSS BAO and/or Planck papers?
* UmbralRaptor 🔪 radvel in the absolute directories.
<kmath> <macodiseas> @planet4589 @ToughSf 🤔 Is Principia good enough to replicate the Helios trajectory? @DJSnM ⏎ ⏎ (after I trashed all of…
<kmath> <DJSnM> @macodiseas @planet4589 @ToughSf Sure, it’s a proper n-body integrator and even supports oblateness of planets. It…
<iximeow> "It does miss things like radiation pressure & galactic tides but Helios is fine."
<iximeow> lol
<bofh> iximeow: rOFL
<UmbralRaptor> Okay, but last time I used Principia for ephemeris it ate all my ram and swap.
<iximeow> !feed Qboid
* UmbralRaptor ignores that this was on a system with like 1 gig of ram and 3 of storage.
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<egg|work|egg> bofh: iximeow: umbralraptor: we are working on gravity models more refined than oblateness fwiw
<UmbralRaptor> m≠0?
<egg|work|egg> n > 2, too
<egg|work|egg> okay I don't intend to go to degree and order 180,
<egg|work|egg> !pet whitequark
* Qboid pets whitequark
<APlayer> !pet egg
* Qboid pets egg
APlayer has quit [Ping timeout: 190 seconds]
<bofh> egg|work|egg: how important is n > 2 for gravity models?
<egg|work|egg> depends on the body
<egg|work|egg> the moon is famously misshapen
<egg|work|egg> Mars is weird too
* egg|work|egg pokes Olympus with a stick
<bofh> I mean, for planets (particularly gas/ice giants). Moons are small enough and misshapen enough that yeah I can easily see it mattering.
<egg|work|egg> bofh: well, the Moon is big, and I don't think anybody is trying to turn Mars into a smol planet
<SnoopJeDi> UmbralRaptor, yea I poked at the Planck DR2 paper too, but I think Planck's strongest result comes from the more "algebraic" global method of tallying up different forms of mass-energy?
<bofh> uhm, ~3475km average radius is considered "big"?
<SnoopJeDi> i.e. Ωk = Ωbaryons + Ωphotons + ΩDE
<iximeow> bofh: when compared with the average size of an object in the solar system,
<SnoopJeDi> where baryons are the things wot glow, CMB is pretty free if your TV has good reception, and *mumble mumble* dark energy
<SnoopJeDi> I mean they *do* use BAO too so maybe it's both idk
<SnoopJeDi> Mostly idle wondering about that one class I took once upon an undergrad :)
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, have a random quantum dot paper I think you'd like
<bofh> ooh, nice.
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<SnoopJeDi> from a colloquium many moons ago, but dots came in up in another channel and that's one of my favorite QC-implementation papers
<UmbralRaptor> Ylm is a treacherous orb.
<bofh> so I first read 'Ylm' as spherical harmonics, then as like, I'unno, assistant apprentice to Yog-Sothoth or something? Still not sure which is more correct,
<bofh> these *spontaneously assemble*.
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn -add:wpn Ylm
<Qboid> SnoopJeDi: Weapon added!
<UmbralRaptor> bofh: I think you read that perfectly.
<SnoopJeDi> reminds me of that awesome looking Lovecraft game coming out Soon*
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* egg meows at bofh
<SnoopJeDi> ooooo
<egg> bofh: meow
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, SAMA had a really nice Roman sculpture gallery
<SnoopJeDi> I ate my pride and admitted that Roman art is very compelling.
<bofh> egg: meow
<bofh> SnoopJeDi: I mean it is, tho I'm personally far more interested in the Gaulish inscriptions.
<SnoopJeDi> There was a bust of an elderly gentleman with amazingly subtle wrinkles. And ofc a main highlight was Athena
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, makes sense, I know you love him Gauls :)
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, did I send you the lousy photos I took? This wreath in particular (pic not mine) struck me as something you'd adore
<SnoopJeDi> oh yes, I did send you at least the hairpin, I recall.
<bofh> I like how one of the first things I intend to do once back in Paris is make sure to finally get some damn photos of the Hammurabi pillar somehow.
<bofh> also that is a *gorgeous* wreath.
<SnoopJeDi> actually wait drive makes this easy doesn't it
<bofh> Huh, the Rhône starts in Geneva and runs thru Lyon?
<bofh> That, uhh, seems like a circuituous path to get from A to B
<bofh> ...I guess there are some Alps in the way.
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn -add:wpn Alps
<Qboid> SnoopJeDi: Weapon added!
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn -add:adj Alpine
<Qboid> SnoopJeDi: Adjective added!
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn -add:adj Lyonnaise
<Qboid> SnoopJeDi: Adjective added!
<egg> !pet whitequark
* Qboid pets whitequark
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn SnoopJeDi, egg, bofh
* Qboid gives SnoopJeDi, egg, bofh a venetian varistor
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor an imaging wolf
* UmbralRaptor sets a filter wheel in front of the wolf.
* UmbralRaptor 🔪 deluxtable.sty
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<egg> whitequark: how is котенька doing
<egg> y-J5Gog4RnP54cJw6GXGjh-hOkm34YTyDnEB4SVlaHPYC1kPD3vs0s3JF2naMMbducYOPs7_ENeJwEKqH_tlsIhY8gPTx5dIcT8sDl8hhIdVYsrP__2Uz0tdBYHDL_YZ0M-fLOqHyJZvPSAbydTZRc8WMJFZEaeu1cotzqxrHFVqwEvw7JqLgWwSKv8ILN_XgpMf1u7PeESUmX4EX9H09dOCEvzSP4zHoVQUxne-q7e0F1mi_KarQ1J5atdC1gxtkNAhNFg_oYijplzYsVwe9gGgX1kTIKhFSVw2lrTBaC0NQ29DkhGAFxsxYD5OCq3RdBdDyDu2B8qggvPhQFfHnYXH90VvuSof-RhBJh-PBncXijwDe7vFkus901cOd1faw6RYF36iVgbHhvuVhtoqRLKY7_yOj3jX7BOMFiv-WIt
<egg> AImMt5xSeXmK_BogBJvTUYGIpPuzt1Lb23we6LFT2Btn
<egg> ... thanks
<egg> bofh: this, click the "pdf" link
<kmath> <eggleroy> "cancellation isnt real," i assure myself as i close my Белоусов and ram the degree 90 legendre polynomial with my…
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<SnoopJeDi> LOL
<egg> !meow bofh
* Qboid meows at bofh
<egg> !wpn
* Qboid gives egg a котяchrome camel
* egg pokes bofh with a котяchrome camels
<egg> s/.$//
<Qboid> egg meant to say: /me pokes bofh with a котяchrome camel
<egg> whitequark: camels are sort of котяchrome, right?
<bofh> egg: I got *so* many weird looks at Fourvière just right now.
<bofh> turns out it echoes really well around here
<egg> what have you done
<bofh> egg: just laughed really really loudly and almost fell off the wall I was sort of precariously sitting on.
<egg> also /me meows at chat
<egg> <bofh> egg: just laughed really really loudly and almost fell off the wall I was sort of precariously sitting on. << bofh go to sleep,
<bofh> egg: uhh don't blame me for you making the best dril-like post I've seen in awhile,
<bofh> also like, there is more stable seating here but the view isn't as good.
<egg> ah, that :-p
* egg pokes bofh in the chat
<bofh> egg: sec
<bofh> relocated to an actual bench, instead of a very thin wall w/a 4.5-metre straight-down drop.
<egg> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
<bofh> look it had a good view and eduroam at -61dBm,
<egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a 𓌪
<egg> !wpn rqou
* Qboid gives rqou a zero-width lenticular gasket/épée hybrid
* egg stares at the moon's gravity field
<egg> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
* egg blames sigfig
<UmbralRaptor> The masscons are not caused by her crashing rockets.
<egg> UmbralRaptor: how do you know,
<UmbralRaptor> egg: They'd be clearly flower shaped?
<kmath> <stephentyrone> @apontious @Catfish_Man
<UmbralRaptor> cat
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<egg> !meow bofh
* Qboid meows at bofh
<iximeow> !meow egg
* Qboid meows at egg
<UmbralRaptor> !meow ixi
* Qboid meows at ixi
<B787_300> !meow UmbralRaptor
* Qboid meows at UmbralRaptor
<egg> UmbralRaptor: what happened to the space station hole?
<bofh> so I think the elemental plane of hazelnuts intersects our reality at Fourvière at least slightly.
<bofh> there's, at minimum, a small open portal.
<egg> bofh: beware, cats might fall through the portal,
<bofh> egg: feature,
<egg> bofh: yes, because cats eat bugs,
<UmbralRaptor> egg: it got successfully patched, I think.
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