egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
oh great gods of math, i beseech thou and thy wisdom! - how to calculate (preferably in english or c# :P ) the volume of a complex mesh?
everything i find is for simple convex shapes, taking a triangle face and the origin/center of the shape to calc volume of a tetrahedron > repeat for every face
but that doesnt work for complex shapes, such as a humanoid :(
Have a large graduated tank with water, dunk the human or something into it, note the change in height.
sadly its a computer mesh not real human ;p
even the plugins im finding for various 3d software goes the simple route so i cant ninja the algorithm ;p
I suspect that's all numeric solutions approximating your mesh as a bunch of simpler shapes. Can you create the mesh in a CAD program that will automagically calculate volume?
e_14159_ has joined #kspacademia
Arbitrary triple integrals are horrible things that may not always have analytic solutions.
"Due to our "Go Green" effort; a card will not be mailed to you automatically."
Do they not realize that I'm going to print one out, then?
e_14159 has quit [Ping timeout: 202 seconds]
right now the mesh is just obj, id think any 3d modelling app / most cad stuff could open, ut none of my cad stuff can do volume :|
i know its possible to get the volume, because its just a shape made of triangles, and none of them intersect eachother. i can see a possible ish way would be to create multiple 'origin points' and calculate it in chunks, just a lot of writing math that i dont wanna spend a day tweaking to ensure every poly is checked :|
!pet котеньку and whitequark
* Qboid
pets котеньку and whitequark
Bienvenue à Ly...okay, Saint-Bonnet-de-Mure, technically (long story).
bofh: ... wat
place we were were going to stay decided to bail on dx minutes before we arrived, tried to find a place to stay but literally every hotel in the *city* is booked solid, so now just need to wait until 5AM for the day rollover at some hotels to happen and then dx can get a decent one in downtown at a reasonable price if so desired.
meanwhile I'm just doing what I do best in new and unfamiliar cities, namely wander all around them at 5AM,
I swear I'm not cursèd,
!u è
I borrowed that intonation style from kia, okay,
bofh: google maps shows a B&B in st bonnet de mure
also have you considered: planning things more than an hour in advance,
<AndrewNCassidy> if you need me I'm reading sales pages for gas chromatographs
;8ball is writing a Python script to generate a bunch of config files that will then be used by a shell script the worst Zachtronics game?
UmbralRaptor: Outlook not so good
UmbralRaptor: ...
iximeow: I, uh, need to do one-off planet fits on radial velocity data for 54 stars (which will probably expand to 880)
It's not like I'm doing anything with networking or logins.
Or anything that needs to update x times a second. >_>;;
* X
* X
* X
X: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
=\ I don’t have that distro
UmbralRaptor, can't migrate the fits into Python? >:)
or more likely not worth doing heh
SnoopJeDi: well, the shell script is pretty much just telling radvel† to do various things to 54 stars.
†radvel is written in python.
ooh, I didn't know about radvel
I mean not that I would, but might be worth plopping onto my one astropy slide
_whitelogger has joined #kspacademia
_whitelogger has joined #kspacademia
!meow bofh dx
* Qboid
meows at bofh dx
xShadowx has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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egg: so i just left bofh
she still has her laptop to connect here from time to time but from now on it's mostly all phoneless wandering
_whitelogger has joined #kspacademia
dx: so like you know that's not at all a problem for me, right,
the primary issue is that it's *CAMERA*less wandering.
egg|zz|egg has joined #kspacademia
!meow egg
* Qboid
meows at egg
bofh: okay so now I'm getting spam about TGV INOUI
egg: what the actual fuck
bofh: well usually i get lyria spam
egg: so bizarrely I've yet to get a single article of spam from Thalys.
and I've gotten spam from the lost items desk at Gare Saint-Lazare ffs.
<whitequark> OH': "i tried to explain to the chief architect of DOCSIS what "boneless" means"
<<<<<Bonjour Peter BARFUSS,
Vous venez de réaliser votre déclaration de perte d'objet portant sur la référence O-201809-01270017.
Afin de vous garantir la plus grande satisfaction et vous accompagner au mieux, partagez-nous votre expérience, via ce questionnaire en ligne. Il ne vous suffit que de trois minutes pour y répondre !
like, seriously, it's spam from the lost items desk at Gare Saint-Lazare. >_>
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06:59 < vague> There is a dance festival in Lyon until Sunday
07:00 < vague> The 18th International Dance Biennale
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egg|phone|egg has quit [Ping timeout: 190 seconds]
Yes, let's make up for being 5 minutes late in the evening by being 2 minutes early in the morning.
!wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptor a Selenian trihexaflexagon
egg|work|egg: research is still boring (see last night's comments), but should be getting results soon?
UmbralRaptor \o/ \o/ \o/
!pet UmbralRaptor
* Qboid
pets UmbralRaptor
* UmbralRaptor
attempts to purr
dx: I will either be in Zürich or back in Paris on Sunday, but thanks anyhow.
!wpn egg
* Qboid
gives egg a vorpal penguin-like bandersnatch
yeah that's why i pasted it
yeah that was surreal. like, it was a Thurs->Fri in *September* (i.e. far from normal tourist season) & moreover, in a city that is not Paris, so yeah that was utterly confusing.
_whitelogger has joined #kspacademia
egg: hopping into the Lumière Brothers museum
it occurs me that this would be a particularly useful time to have, like, a camera but yeah. >_>
U+007F ()
why do you have a random delete in your message
erm, what the hell
* UmbralRaptor
's keyboard generates them sometimes.
UmbralRaptor: it generates them in bofh's messages?
I have no idea? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tbh since I get bofh's train tickets at this point I wouldn't be that surprised if UmbralRaptor injected characters into bofh's messages,
also ugh my knees are finally starting to calm down again.
egg|work|egg: no, but sometimes in mine.
your knees?
s/mine/my messages/
UmbralRaptor meant to say: egg|work|egg: no, but sometimes in my messages.
so I mean bofh's knees
(pretty sure I sprained my medial collateral ligament at some point Sunday in my left knee, then aggravated it a bit by deciding to walk entirely too much Monday evening, Tuesday night and just last night. Right knee being a hurty is as a result of walking funny on that leg due to sprained MCL).
bofh: but how are you going to walk the Суворов track if your ligaments are sprained,
standing for several hours at concert didn't help either but I can go down stairs (the worst thing by far, weirdly, hurt *much* more than going *up* stairs somehow) w/o limping again so
Accidentally collecting random body parts seems more ##whitequark than here.
egg|work|egg: like at the rate this has healed I should be fine as long as I don't need to stand for hours or go down an IRL shepard tone or something.
also why the hell is there a Swiss trail named after a Russian general again?!?
bofh: because that general went there
bofh: and then his colleague lost a battle near Zurich so he ran away pursued by the french
bofh: also remember to sleep at some point
egg|work|egg: I mean that is prolly a good idea, but I was just going to wait until the train to Zürich or Paris to do that. :p
bofh: how do you still not know whether you are going to zurich or paris O_o
egg|work|egg, bofh how much do y'all know about BAOs? I was explaining curvature and the implications for cosmology to someone last night, and said "you can't just go out and measure a triangle in the universe because there's no reference," but to my surprise, the Wikipedia article claims BOOMERanG did pretty much that (but AFAICT it was the normal anisotropy BAO stuff?)
To focus that to an actual question: is there a geometrical interpretation of BAOs akin to the toy diff. geo. example "you can make triangles with total angle measure ≠ 180°"
cosmology word for decomposition into spherical harmonics basically
I understand why the BAO power spectrum (P vs ℓ) gives you an angle of attack on Ω, inasmuch as it appears as a parameter alongside other stuff that we can metric in other ways ("how much baryonic matter is there?" "what's a reasonable prior for the matter distribution in the early universe?")
was surprised to see that claim on Wikipedia but don't know enough about autocorrelation to tell if it's erudite or overenthusiastic...
egg|work|egg: literally waiting on figuring out if a thing I'm doing with a friend Saturday afternoon that I hastily agreed to is shiftable to next weekend or not (like, especially annoying since I would still have to head back to Paris, but I could still just go Zürich Sun/Mon, but OTOH you're working there, and heading out to Gèneve on like Thurs, being there Thurs/Fri, then heading to Zürich seems
optimal. At the same time that's *another* ...
... timeshift and augh)
also SERIOUSLY BAO is just spherical harmonic decomposition? -.- I knew that seemed famili despite the terms being out of nowhere.
the relevant BOOMERanG report is if you're interested, but no worries really, I just figured it might be something near the top of your very good maths brains
pp. 23 demonstrates the way I typically think about it: different "bands" of scale as sensitive probes of (statistical) cosmological parameters
bofh: and yeah, I work, so Monday is no
but IANAC either so my inflation/GR-fu is weak
cc UmbralRaptor too, triangles? ^
* egg|work|egg
meows at bofh
* bofh
meows at egg|work|egg
!pet egg|work|egg
* Qboid
pets egg|work|egg
!pet bofh
* Qboid
pets bofh
* egg|work|egg
pokes bofh in the chat
* bofh
SnoopJeDi: yeah, I think it's just working with some assumption about the ~quantum fluctuations~ and spherical harmonics.
UmbralRaptor, so would you say it's akin to "measuring triangles" or is that a stretch too far?
SnoopJeDi: That's the analogy I've always heard.
I guess I'll have to find some lit review material. There are a few promising-looking refs in the BOOMERanG report. Thanks for letting me pick your brain about it :)
APlayer has joined #kspacademia
I'd be tempted to poke at SDSS BAO and/or Planck papers?
* UmbralRaptor
🔪 radvel in the absolute directories.
<macodiseas> @planet4589 @ToughSf 🤔 Is Principia good enough to replicate the Helios trajectory? @DJSnM ⏎ ⏎ (after I trashed all of…
<DJSnM> @macodiseas @planet4589 @ToughSf Sure, it’s a proper n-body integrator and even supports oblateness of planets. It…
"It does miss things like radiation pressure & galactic tides but Helios is fine."
iximeow: rOFL
Okay, but last time I used Principia for ephemeris it ate all my ram and swap.
!feed Qboid
* UmbralRaptor
ignores that this was on a system with like 1 gig of ram and 3 of storage.
_whitelogger has joined #kspacademia
bofh: iximeow: umbralraptor: we are working on gravity models more refined than oblateness fwiw
okay I don't intend to go to degree and order 180,
!pet whitequark
* Qboid
pets whitequark
!pet egg
* Qboid
pets egg
APlayer has quit [Ping timeout: 190 seconds]
egg|work|egg: how important is n > 2 for gravity models?
depends on the body
the moon is famously misshapen
Mars is weird too
* egg|work|egg
pokes Olympus with a stick
I mean, for planets (particularly gas/ice giants). Moons are small enough and misshapen enough that yeah I can easily see it mattering.
bofh: well, the Moon is big, and I don't think anybody is trying to turn Mars into a smol planet
UmbralRaptor, yea I poked at the Planck DR2 paper too, but I think Planck's strongest result comes from the more "algebraic" global method of tallying up different forms of mass-energy?
uhm, ~3475km average radius is considered "big"?
i.e. Ωk = Ωbaryons + Ωphotons + ΩDE
bofh: when compared with the average size of an object in the solar system,
where baryons are the things wot glow, CMB is pretty free if your TV has good reception, and *mumble mumble* dark energy
I mean they *do* use BAO too so maybe it's both idk
Mostly idle wondering about that one class I took once upon an undergrad :)
from a colloquium many moons ago, but dots came in up in another channel and that's one of my favorite QC-implementation papers
Ylm is a treacherous orb.
so I first read 'Ylm' as spherical harmonics, then as like, I'unno, assistant apprentice to Yog-Sothoth or something? Still not sure which is more correct,
oh yes, I did send you at least the hairpin, I recall.
I like how one of the first things I intend to do once back in Paris is make sure to finally get some damn photos of the Hammurabi pillar somehow.
<eggleroy> "cancellation isnt real," i assure myself as i close my Белоусов and ram the degree 90 legendre polynomial with my…
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ferram4 has quit [Ping timeout: 190 seconds]
!meow bofh
* Qboid
meows at bofh
* Qboid
gives egg a котяchrome camel
* egg
pokes bofh with a котяchrome camels
egg meant to say: /me pokes bofh with a котяchrome camel
whitequark: camels are sort of котяchrome, right?
egg: I got *so* many weird looks at Fourvière just right now.
turns out it echoes really well around here
what have you done
egg: just laughed really really loudly and almost fell off the wall I was sort of precariously sitting on.
also /me meows at chat
<bofh> egg: just laughed really really loudly and almost fell off the wall I was sort of precariously sitting on. << bofh go to sleep,
egg: uhh don't blame me for you making the best dril-like post I've seen in awhile,
also like, there is more stable seating here but the view isn't as good.
ah, that :-p
* egg
pokes bofh in the chat
egg: sec
relocated to an actual bench, instead of a very thin wall w/a 4.5-metre straight-down drop.
look it had a good view and eduroam at -61dBm,
!wpn bofh
* Qboid
gives bofh a 𓌪
!wpn rqou
* Qboid
gives rqou a zero-width lenticular gasket/épée hybrid
* egg
stares at the moon's gravity field
* egg
blames sigfig
The masscons are not caused by her crashing rockets.
UmbralRaptor: how do you know,
egg: They'd be clearly flower shaped?