egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<christinelove> who the fuck is scraeming “WE LOVE YOU, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF“ at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never take care of myself
<tallinzen> One of the major perks of academia is that you get to travel to exciting locations and spend time in different loca…
hey I worked on my paper & talk slides on a bank of the Seine :p
<bofh453> Sitting under the Pont Charles de Gaulle, overlooking onto the Viaduc d'Austerlitz as metro line 5 cars go over it…
(also on another occasion I was reading IERS docs linked by egg|zzz|egg at like 2AM across the Seine from Notre Dame when some random offered me, uh, 'la cocaïne' >_> *that* was amusing/awkward (I turned his offer down)).
(I mean there is a goddamn mini-rave going on about 5m away, why are you offering the random very intently reading physics papers on their laptop that, of all the people in your vicinity? >_>)
UmbralRaptor: apparently astronomy includes deck building
bofh: assumptions about correlation of interests?
B787_300: deck like a wooden structure you can stick a grill or telescope on, or like Magic: the Gathering cards?
… or like PowerPoint slides?
the first
we were having issues with seeting up, leveling , and aligning the scope/mount on the tripod, so we built a temporary deck to put a pier on
which when written like that seems a bit nonsensical
UmbralRaptor: i mean arent the latter 2 agivens for astronomers (or at least highly likely)
Depending on the location, it's possible that a permanent pier sunk into concrete would be better.
we cant because of the situation... we would if we could
and, er, yes. likely and given, respectively.
i mean this temporary deck can take the pier and a ~300 lb person on it without flexing that much
oh and it is level to boot for something that we built in about 3 hrs
and because we were using a sledgehammer to set the spike plates that the corners of the deck sit on
<stephentyrone> @barrelshifter @tom_forsyth Ok, so on Darwin/PowerPC, long double is this crazy format that represents numbers as t…
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bofh: i mean you *do* consume a lot of stimulants
<science_dot> @stephentyrone @zneakr We just need to offer everyone who doesn’t like fast FP in HW the option of using SW FP like…
egg|work|egg: eggstremely agreed.
whitequark: hm, possibly.
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* UmbralRaptor
pokes wikipedia in the per capita incarceration rates.
(US overlaps with NK estimates, and might exceed CN I'm absolute numbers. =\)
<astrocrash> Today we posted a paper on the ArXiv about a fun discovery (also in @AAS_ResNotes): A 14-year old IIP supernova tha…
sudden drop from ~30 low-energy solar wind particle events/hr (well, ~180, since it's averages over 6hrs) to ~3 (~18 over 6hrs) that's sustained.
Right, a 'hard' edge, vs. what comes to mind with the Voyager-2 data is a plasma wave
(bear in mind I know *nothing* about these media)
Yep, that's the thing, the heliosheath looks *really* weird in the region of Voyager-2.
And would be in agreement with currently being in a region of plasma bubbles.
(also for some reason the solar wind in that area has the principal component at 90deg to the radial, inexplicably).
so the solar wind is basically sparse ionized charged particles.
<ArgamanB> "Coraline discovered the door a little while after they moved into the house. " ⏎ Coraline (by @neilhimself) is one o…
the two have very different inclinations, yea? is that maybe indicative of angular structure in the heliosheath?
(still waiting for it to get longer tho)
SnoopJeDi: yeah, exactly.
one's somewhat weakly above the ecliptic whereas the other is *sharply* below it.
(this is why we can only hit V2 from Australia)
yea I can never keep track of which is which, but knew one was pretty low, and one strikes out at a strong angle (god, what an amazing victory for policy)
"Why build one when you can have two at twice the price?!"
I mean component redundancy meant it was somewhat lower than that (also it still boggles the mind that on average, *half* of a spacecraft's costs are the launch costs).
oh I just can't resist poking fun at Contact
that line is something of a joke with one of my labmates
inasmuch as it describes accelerator spending pretty well sometimes :)
Ahh. Funnily enough, I haven't seen Contact yet, despite meaning to for awhile.
And yeah, rofl, sounds like it.
I'm very due for a rewatch
it's...not very good.
On a scale of 1 to The Core, how not very good?
I'd go with excellent start, ok middle, awful ending.
The Arrival with Charlie Sheen, on the other hand...pretty good radio telescope plot!
bofh, I'd put Contact somewhere near Interstellar
Albeit substantially more boring
But I was a kid when I last saw it, so it's hazy at best
So Interstellar iirc wasn't too bad (it was *amazing* until they actually entered the black hole).
It was quite entertaining!
Now, Gravity, I keep meaning to make a Stupid Physics cut that basically just compiles out all the long slow panning shots of w/e and leaves in all the idiocy (orbital inclination change from ISS to Tiangong-2 using a fucking FIRE EXTINGUISHER?!?)
And amusingly, they got all the *hard* stuff pretty right, I thought they treated the tesseract pretty fairly
Yeah, it was fair in all honesty.
I would have zero complaints about Gravity if it hadn't been hyped (mostly by NDT! >:|) as hypersciencey
It had great audio engineering and some really cool shots, but solid "who gives a shit" on the sciencemeter
Actually I'd rate it as worse than "who gives a shit" tbh.
favorite part of Interstellar was "oh no, the biosphere has collapsed! we're all starving!" juxtaposed immediately next to "crack open a cold one with the boys"
brewing beer seems like maybe a weird thing to do if food shortages are a thing (especially if corn has replaced wheat entirely??) but also humans
bofh, IIRC the thing that made me the most nerd-reeeeee about Gravity was the scene involving some kind of tape arresting Sandra Bullock's trajectory or something
SnoopJeDi: I mean it's not the worst thing (it does still have quite a bit of caloric value and you can use the dregs of wheat/corn), but yes, humans. I loved that bit a lot.
Interstellar struck a really nice balance imo, and I *adored* the robot
naming a character "Dr. Mann" is practically clubbing the audience over the head with the point
SnoopJeDi: that was stupid but I still maintain doing two orbital inclination changes (ISS/Hubble/Tiangong-2) with, like, absolutely negligible Δv was worse.
but I can't really fault it for too much, especially given that Kip Thorne was so involved, and the gravitational lensing shaders were *so* accurate
I mean on the one hand, perhaps, on the other hand, I actually had a class taught by a Dr.Mann lmao
(particle physics)
oh sure it's a common germanic name I think?
IIRC the only thing Kip Thorne considered a hollywoodism was the trip through the wormhole, which was pretty boring when done realistically, so they blended a few realistic models together and added pizazz
but also LOL at a planet near a SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE being "too quiescent" to form life or whatever
yo dawg I heard you like accretion disks
yeah I'd say the issue is more it's the literal polar opposite of quiescent
also having Kip Thorne as advisor would explain a lot of why Interstellar was on the whole so solid, yep.
He's given some really nice lectures on it, most recently at Keck I think
I think he actually co-wrote the script
<readingtheend> me: I need to buy new stamps so I'm not sending out condolence cards with Disney villain stamps on them ⏎ ⏎ friend: no…
I've had the rhythm stuck in my head since I saw you boost that
<✔theNASEM> New #ExoplanetScience report says @NSF should invest in two large ground-based #telescopes – Giant Magellan Telesco…
Okay, they make the PDF way too hard to get.
<rygorous> At first glance it _looks_ like docs, but if you enter something into the search bar you notice how comically slow…
<stephentyrone> @barrelshifter @tom_forsyth 1 + DBL_MIN, which has 1074 "effective"[2] significand bits. The fpclassify function re…
(otherwise, yeah, 107 bits of precision is what I'd expect of double-double)
bofh: well, yeah, you can construct weird double-doubles
bofh: not sure whether you can get them out of operations on of normal doubledoubles? atlas seems to say there's nontrivial normalization to do
Proposal: Potemkin docs, but they are actually for how to stage a Communist revolution on a warship.
Yeah, that's the impression I got too from atlas.
<rygorous> Apropos carry-less multiplies: you may know that binary->Gray code encoding is easy ("x ^ (x >> 1)") and decoding s…
UmbralRaptor: now see, those would be *useful* :p
egg|zzz|egg: looking at PPC long double a bit closer it literally seems to be longlong.h but with doubles but also a bit weird, I wonder why this isn't done on other arches (obv. it's silly on x86, but, say, arm64? makes perfect sense there).
bofh: except that Principia does DoublePrecision at the top level which means that if you do DoublePrecision<Vector<whatever>> you get the SSE2 from the Vector, which is nice
(except I don't think DoublePrecision<double> has supernormals :p)
Yeah, that's really clever.
bofh: it sure, has, just set .value to 1 and .error to smol
egg|zzz|egg meant to say: bofh: it sure has, just set .value to 1 and .error to smol