egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
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* UmbralRaptor 🔪 things
<UmbralRaptor> I can haz compute?
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<UmbralRaptor> ;8ball was radvel written by Cores Georg?
<kmath> UmbralRaptor: Nope
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<kmath> <sansculotides> Today is the festival of the revolution in the year of the Republic CCXXVI.
<B787_300> whitequark: what does your cat look like?
<B787_300> whitequark: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww... tell her it is okay to not be able to solve the rubiks cube
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<kmath> <SPHERE_outreach> On Septembre 19th 2018, SPHERE observed the planet beta Pic b emerging in front of the star while it had been undet…
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<kmath> <PlanetaryGao> Can we change "shouldn't you be writing?" to "shouldn't you be sleeping?" Seems much more healthy and productive in the long run.
<UmbralRaptor> (please don't ask why I'm linking this at 05:17)
<egg|anbo|egg> UmbralRaptor: meow
<UmbralRaptor> !pet egg|anbo|egg
* Qboid pets egg|anbo|egg
<egg|anbo|egg> UmbralRaptor: ANBOcat stabbed a spider in the bathtub today
<UmbralRaptor> Did ANBOcat end up eating an interferometer?
<egg|anbo|egg> UmbralRaptor: it hasn't eaten it yet
<egg|anbo|egg> just jumped into the bathtub when it saw it on the way back from a drink, an chased it around
<kmath> <johncarlosbaez> @Quasilocal I predict it's not going to hold up. Atiyah's recent big claims, like his supposed proof that the 6-s…
<egg|anbo|egg> sadly fiora is not in this channel anymore
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<egg|anbo|egg> bofh: "You don't last long in a math job if you say things are equal when they're not equal. They take you out back and shoot you in the kneecaps." (Baez 2018
* UmbralRaptor stares at floats
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<kmath> <haya2e_jaxa> We are sorry we have kept you waiting! MINERVA-II1 consists of two rovers, 1a & 1b. Both rovers are confirmed to ha…
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<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: why doesn't it work on elephants
<kmath> <whitequark> @BurgrTamagotchi I've only looked up research on cats personally, but it made references to dogs, and just from the…
<whitequark> egg|anbo|egg: too large
<whitequark> at least
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<egg|anbo|egg> !meow bofh and whitequark
* Qboid meows at bofh and whitequark
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<BPlayer> !seen ellied
<Qboid> BPlayer: I haven't seen the user ellied yet.
<BPlayer> Huh?
<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: wait I thought it was just "smol"
<kmath> <whitequark> the name of her mother is "cat" so i called the daugter "kitty". if there's ever a third generation i have a problem
<UmbralRaptor> egg|anbo|egg: name future cats TCP, Packet, or something?
<whitequark> egg|anbo|egg: mother is "котя", daughter is "котенька"
<whitequark> was "мелкая" but she recognizes "котенька"
<BPlayer> Is "котенька" valid Russian, though?
<whitequark> yes
<whitequark> diminutive
<BPlayer> Ah, got it
<BPlayer> I falsely assumed this was some form of "Котёнок"
<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: ah, she got renamed too
<egg|anbo|egg> котенька котяхромная
<whitequark> BPlayer: grammatically "котёнок" is also diminutive
<whitequark> but a masculine form
<whitequark> they have slightly different semantics as "котенок" is applicable regardless of sex
<BPlayer> The problem is, I speak Russian natively, but I know zero spelling and zero grammatical rules
<whitequark> lol alright
<whitequark> how did you manage
<BPlayer> I was taught spoken Russian as a child, but I never went to a Russian school or wrote anything in Russian. My parents did make me write things sometimes, but it was extremely rare. And somehow, reading books in Russian didn't fix my spelling
<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: I'm amused that both эта хуйна and мелкая got renanmed
<egg|anbo|egg> s/nan/na/
<Qboid> egg|anbo|egg meant to say: whitequark: I'm amused that both эта хуйна and мелкая got renamed
<BPlayer> reNaNmed
<egg|anbo|egg> yes
<whitequark> thats how it often is
<egg|anbo|egg> they are not numbers
<egg|anbo|egg> they are free cats
<BPlayer> Are they rational cats, though?
<BPlayer> (Assuming they are real) :P
<egg|anbo|egg> well, going with that transliteration, KOTYA, MELKAYA, and KOTENJKA are integers in FORTRAN,
<egg|anbo|egg> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark an allotropic underflow
<BPlayer> Is adiabatic a Qboid adjective yet?
<egg|anbo|egg> !meow internet connections
* Qboid meows at internet connections
<egg|anbo|egg> hah, I typed that command at 17:30:42 UTC
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<egg|anbo|egg_> !meow bofh and whitequark
* Qboid meows at bofh and whitequark
<egg|anbo|egg_> whitequark: also seems like it would work as a name for a descendant of котя
<egg|anbo|egg_> !u 𝐶௡௠ c
<Qboid> U+0BE1 (௡)
<Qboid> U+0BE0 (௠)
<Qboid> U+0020 SPACE (␠)
<Qboid> U+0063 LATIN SMALL LETTER C (c)
<egg|anbo|egg_> !u ቂ
<egg|anbo|egg_> O_o
<egg|anbo|egg_> bofh: UmbralRaptor: with 2 more likes these photos will be Nice
<kmath> <whitequark> cat (photos by @parport0)
<UmbralRaptor> … why haven't I faved those already?
<egg|anbo|egg_> whitequark: also where do you get your mice
<egg|anbo|egg_> hm, I need to see if I can find a wire mesh trash can
<whitequark> egg|anbo|egg_: fake mice?
<whitequark> idk some random shop
<egg|anbo|egg_> whitequark: ah, I hadn't understood that those were fake mice
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<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: ANBOcat occasionally comes across some shrews
<egg|anbo|egg> or spiders
<whitequark> spiders catherine
<egg|anbo|egg> :D
<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: dunno whether she eats the spiders or just chases/stabs them
<egg|anbo|egg> I think that the previous cat there did eat spiders
<egg|anbo|egg> whitequark: have you tried spiders, or just moths
<whitequark> only moths
<whitequark> spiders are creepy
<whitequark> moths tasty
<egg|anbo|egg> hm I wonder if there is literature on elephant contraceptives
<kmath> <whitequark> @BurgrTamagotchi I've only looked up research on cats personally, but it made references to dogs, and just from the…
<Qboid> 3d 0h 0m 0s left to event #28: Horizons 3e & Azerspace 2 (Intelsat 38) / Ariane 5 VA245 [at 2018-09-25 21:53:00]. Say '!kountdown 28' for details
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<egg|zz|egg> !meow bofh and whitequark
* Qboid meows at bofh and whitequark
* egg|zz|egg not in ANBO anymore
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<egg|zzz|egg> !acr -add:BGI Bureau Gravimétrique International
<Qboid> egg|zzz|egg: I added the explanation for this acronym.
<egg|zz|egg> котенька has εггstremely cute ears