raptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ: http://goo.gl/gMZF9H; The current version is Fréchet. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, and 1.7.x. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | https://xkcd.com/323/ | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
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<discord-> F​alcon. — what was the law of physics again that dictated an object move about its short axis first or something when rotating?
<discord-> F​alcon. — specifically the astronaut unscrewing a handle comes to mind
<discord-> F​alcon. — cant remember what exactly it is
<discord-> A​cer_Saccharum. — intermediate axis theorem
<discord-> A​cer_Saccharum. — tennis racket theorem
<discord-> A​cer_Saccharum. — intermediate axis theorem
<discord-> A​cer_Saccharum. — tennis racket theorem
<discord-> A​cer_Saccharum. — Dzhanibekov effect (edited)
<discord-> F​alcon. — thanks!
<raptop> Джанибеков effect
<discord-> l​amont. — gesundheit
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<discord-> F​alcon. — i still dont understand why some of you insist on using the bot, xD
<discord-> F​alcon. — asserting your technological supremacy over us lower class people
<raptop> ...
<discord-> F​alcon. — um, OS?
<raptop> that I'm typing on?
<discord-> F​alcon. — no, you sent O S in morse right there
<discord-> F​alcon. — wasnt sure if you were trying to make a face, or just send something in Morse
<discord-> F​alcon. — oh, the dash is included in the way it sends the message
<raptop> No, I just sent an ellipsis
<discord-> F​alcon. — nvm
<discord-> F​alcon. — i still find it neat either way!
<discord-> F​alcon. — what kind of console do you use to send messages?
<discord-> F​alcon. — is it like.. through a command prompt?
<discord-> F​alcon. — browser window?
<discord-> F​alcon. — app?
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<Acer_Saccharum> It looks like this
<discord-> A​cer_Saccharum. — at least this is the default link on the forum thread
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<discord-> F​alcon. — huh, neat
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<discord-> S​ir Mortimer. — @egg it was a bug that would have gone undetected forever. I forgot to set the current game time in one case.
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<discord-> B​utcher. — Kids today, never even heard of irc.
<discord-> D​amien. — In my day all this was fields
<discord-> D​amien. — You youngins don't know you're born
<discord-> B​utcher. — So true.
<discord-> B​utcher. — My house is older than me though.
<raptop> @Falcon: belatedly, whatever terminal is most convenient. Currently xterm, but I've used gnome terminal and lxterm in the past
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<discord-> B​utcher. — Trusty xterm.
<discord-> D​amien. — > my house is older than me. Where the hell do you live where that's notable?
<discord-> D​amien. — > my house is older than me.
<discord-> D​amien. — > Where the hell do you live where that's notable? (edited)
<discord-> D​amien. — > my house is older than me.
<discord-> D​amien. — Where the hell do you live where that's notable? (edited)
<discord-> B​utcher. — We have quite a lot of new build housing here.
<discord-> B​utcher. — England though.
<discord-> D​amien. — ah, thought it was a mcmansion thing in burgerland
<discord-> D​amien. — not too many new builds up near me but yeah I get you
<discord-> D​amien. — where abouts are you?
<discord-> B​utcher. — South Manchester
<discord-> B​utcher. — I'm in a 1930s semi, which make up a large amount of housing here.
<discord-> D​amien. — eww south mancs
<discord-> D​amien. — only weirdos live there
<discord-> D​amien. — west mancs 4 lyfe
<discord-> D​amien. — up nr bolton me
<discord-> D​amien. — is that north? NW? whatever
<discord-> D​amien. — how's lockdown treating you?
<discord-> B​utcher. — I'm a few miles from the airport.
<discord-> B​utcher. — Fine, working from home, I quite like being home all the time.
<discord-> D​amien. — you and me both
<discord-> D​amien. — I've collated some useful links re: covid legislation and guidance so I canm throw it at my employer when they start taking notice of the media and not the law
<discord-> D​amien. — I've collated some useful links re: covid legislation and guidance so I can throw it at my employer when they start taking notice of the media and not the law (edited)
<discord-> B​utcher. — It's been quiet with so few planes.
<discord-> B​utcher. — My employer is very good. No issue with going back, my boss had covid which helps I think.
<discord-> B​utcher. — Also we're a company of 5 people so there's less of the faceless management thing.
<discord-> D​amien. — mine had a suspected case but I think he's getting cabin fever
<discord-> D​amien. — he lives local to the office so him and his brother have been going there to do stuff together
<discord-> D​amien. — I'm an hour away so nope to that one
<discord-> D​amien. — I'm getting more done from home anyway with no stress
<discord-> D​amien. — 2-2.5hrs/day back on my commute, plus there's not the arrive to work and get ready to gog home lag time you get
<discord-> D​amien. — 2-2.5hrs/day back on my commute, plus there's not the arrive to work and get ready to go home lag time you get (edited)
<discord-> D​amien. — fall out of bed, work
<discord-> B​utcher. — Yeah, my commute is more like 25 minutes but still nice not to have it.
<discord-> D​amien. — if I get stuff done at night to have a skive the following day so be it
<discord-> D​amien. — who cares
<discord-> B​utcher. — Hmm, 589 days to build for my orbital rocket, how much will tooling reduce it.
<discord-> D​amien. — quicksave so you can go back
<discord-> B​utcher. — I did.
<discord-> B​utcher. — 114 days.
<discord-> B​utcher. — We're in buusiness boys.
<discord-> D​amien. — noice
<discord-> B​utcher. — Fully guided first orbit.
<discord-> D​amien. — I'm still messing about in JNSQ
<discord-> B​utcher. — This is sweet, no tweaking unguided kicks.
<discord-> D​amien. — I'll restart RP-1 but cba right now
<discord-> B​utcher. — I have basically built Thor-Able.
<discord-> B​utcher. — 9998 dV.
<discord-> D​amien. — I'm sure you can squeeze one more out of it
<discord-> B​utcher. — I might go for Polar as well as first orbit.
<discord-> B​utcher. — This things has the legs for it I think.
<discord-> D​amien. — I reinstalled my RP-1 setup intending to play, but then my oldfaithful SR designs wouldn't work right (principia bug or far changes) so I noped out
<discord-> D​amien. — I reinstalled my RP-1 setup intending to play, but then my old faithful SR designs wouldn't work right (principia bug or far changes) so I noped out (edited)
<discord-> D​amien. — don't have the patience to deal with that right now
<discord-> B​utcher. — I'm doing ok with principia test.
<discord-> D​amien. — I think mine was a combination of that, and far heating being worse and my SRs being highly aggressive on cone pointiness and fin strength
<discord-> D​amien. — my JNSQ setup is really chill due to stock gameplay, but interesting enough because of the larger system
<discord-> D​amien. — it's a nice balance for casual games
<discord-> D​amien. — doing simple missions in interesting ways is the way I'm playing
<discord-> D​amien. — probe to orbit the mun? low energy transfer via the sun
<discord-> D​amien. — etc
<discord-> D​amien. — solid practice if nothing else
<discord-> P​rofiremu23. — Yeah, imagine KSP 2 makes the planets 2.7 scale from stock
<discord-> P​rofiremu23. — This post maded by gang
<discord-> D​amien. — I hope they do
<discord-> D​amien. — stock parts fit really well with 2.5
<discord-> P​rofiremu23. — Yeah
<discord-> P​rofiremu23. — I dont know why Squad not maked the default solar system 1:4 real scale
<discord-> P​rofiremu23. — Like Kerbin has 1600 km radius
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<egg|laptop|egg> I tend to use this via either CIRC (chrome-based client) or Revolution IRC (an Android client)
<egg|laptop|egg> to belatedly answer the questions about IRC
<discord-> D​amien. — egg puts on his robe and wizard's hat
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<discord-> B​utcher. — I remember the good old days of irc.
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<discord-> D​amien. — add me on icq or msn kthxbai
<discord-> D​amien. — not aol messenger though, that's for normies
<discord-> S​ir Mortimer. — 9664448
<discord-> S​ir Mortimer. — my ICQ number
<discord-> S​ir Mortimer. — still know it
<discord-> D​amien. — lol I've long forgot mine
<discord-> B​utcher. — I had a sweet 6 digit one.
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<discord-> B​utcher. — My cat is less studious, but more nosey than egg's.
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<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] LegoF4 opened issue #2582: Incompatibility with EPL - https://git.io/JfzYl
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<discord-> l​amont. — my mom was born in manchester
<discord-> l​amont. — she grew up outside of it in glossop / broadbottom
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<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] LegoF4 edited issue #2582: Incompatibility with Extraplanetary Launchpads - https://git.io/JfzYl
<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] LegoF4 edited issue #2582: Incompatibility with Extraplanetary Launchpads - https://git.io/JfzYl
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<discord-> B​utcher. — Small world.
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<discord-> F​alcon. — Computation failed?
<discord-> F​alcon. — it is a really long plan i know, but what might be causing this?
<discord-> F​alcon. — im trying to get a mission out to Uranus
<discord-> e​gg. — hm, looks like the flight plan UI is getting a status it is not expecting
<discord-> e​gg. — odd
<discord-> F​alcon. — anything i can do to troubleshoot to allow you to help me better?
<discord-> e​gg. — are you bumping into some moon perhaps?
<discord-> F​alcon. — nope
<discord-> F​alcon. — just checked earth, nothing there
<discord-> e​gg. — not sure what earth has to do with anything
<discord-> F​alcon. — the moon around the earth is the only other body i can run into
<discord-> e​gg. — I suppose toying with the tolerance and max steps settings does not help?
<discord-> F​alcon. — so i had to refocus to look at the moon earth reference frame
<discord-> F​alcon. — correct it doesnt
<discord-> e​gg. — no you are clearly going far past the moon, I was wondering about Uranian ones
<discord-> e​gg. — UCI is a very confusing frame in which to look at a transfer, UCSA might be more readable
<discord-> e​gg. — but I have no idea what the issue is
<discord-> e​gg. — we definitely should have a saner failure mode than eating the status and producing a useless message
<discord-> F​alcon. — UCSA helped a bit, but i have the flight plan out to 7000 days vs the 6000 or so the flight plan is showing
<discord-> F​alcon. — i messed around with the tolerances as well, no luck
<discord-> F​alcon. — if i go out to max it gives me a really wonky orbit that i know isnt right
<discord-> e​gg. — Why do you know that this is not right?
<discord-> e​gg. — show it in SCI
<discord-> e​gg. — nothing wonky about that
<discord-> F​alcon. — much different
<discord-> e​gg. — Yes, because you are looking at it differently
<discord-> e​gg. — it is the same orbit
<discord-> e​gg. — That UCSI plot is perfectly normal, it is simply in UCSI
<discord-> e​gg. — > a really wonky orbit that i know isnt right
<discord-> e​gg. — A trajectory that you don’t know how to interpret perhaps, but one that is perfectly right
<discord-> F​alcon. — im saying that it is wonky because the Max tolerance one shows an orbit just beyond jupiter vs the other one which shows an orbit just before uranus
<discord-> e​gg. — ah, in that sense
<discord-> F​alcon. — yes
<discord-> e​gg. — yeah high tolerances will lead to wrong trajectories
<discord-> e​gg. — OK, no idea about the weird error message
<discord-> F​alcon. — i figured yeah, higher tolerance means more deviation
<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] eggrobin opened issue #2583: The flight plan should surface unexpected statuses - https://git.io/Jfz8L
<discord-> e​gg. — please save this
<discord-> F​alcon. — anything you would suggest to do?
<discord-> e​gg. — save it
<discord-> F​alcon. — save the game and send the persistent here?
<discord-> e​gg. — we will make the error message more useful in the next release
<discord-> e​gg. — and then you can try looking at it again and maybe we can understand something
<discord-> e​gg. — (but you can only come back to it if you have saved it, so save it)
<discord-> F​alcon. — i just saved it
<discord-> e​gg. — I guess you could try recording a journal so we can fetch the status from the journal and look at it
<discord-> F​alcon. — im uploading the specific save so i can let you look at it
<discord-> e​gg. — Turn journaling on, switch scenes, go back to somewhere where you see the flight plan and the error message, turn journalling off
<discord-> e​gg. — no
<discord-> e​gg. — we will not look at your save
<discord-> e​gg. — this is an RSS/RO save, we are not going to spend hours replicating your setup to look at it
<discord-> e​gg. — you can record a journal and we might look at that
<discord-> F​alcon. — ah, i thought you could just look at the Principia data in side the save
<discord-> F​alcon. — my bad
<discord-> F​alcon. — i will journal the next time i play^^
<discord-> F​alcon. — ah, i thought you could just look at the Principia data inside the save (edited)
<discord-> e​gg. — Hm, good point
<discord-> e​gg. — but it might be a bit tedious to dig through the save for the right flight plan
<discord-> e​gg. — I guess it can’t hurt to upload a save, not sure whether we’ll do anything with it though
<discord-> F​alcon. — https://1drv.ms/u/s!Arq6VxtxpZ4_hMZTqoJSFfL38tIdyQ?e=TFWYPr here it is
<discord-> e​gg. — > @egg it was a bug that would have gone undetected forever. I forgot to set the current game time in one case.
<discord-> e​gg. — @Sir Mortimer \o/ I catch bugs
<discord-> e​gg. — @Falcon I suspect the status is `DEADLINE_EXCEEDED`, so we are still catching up with your implied request to compute 8000 days of solar system evolution.
<discord-> e​gg. — I am not completely sure whether this goes away on its own, or whether you have to keep nudging the flight plan for us to keep pushing the solar system
<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] eggrobin commented on issue #2583: The flight plan should surface unexpected statuses - https://git.io/Jfz8i
<discord-> F​alcon. — nudging the flight plan for us to keep pushing the solar system? as in keep waiting or fiddling with it?
<discord-> e​gg. — I forget how it works exactly
<discord-> e​gg. — The way it should work is that, in that case, it should keep trying until it has caused 8000 days of solar system to be computed
<discord-> e​gg. — it might instead require you to keep yanking on the slider to keep trying though
<discord-> e​gg. — I added a comment on the issue to that effect
<discord-> F​alcon. — yup, read it, your use of english is rather good in regards to how you explained the extra comment, xD
<discord-> F​alcon. — like... words i havent used in forever