raptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ: http://goo.gl/gMZF9H; The current version is Galileo. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.x, 1.8.1, and 1.9.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | https://xkcd.com/323/ | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
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<discord-_> F​arrier. — I've read online that in RSS the lowest relative inc with the moon from Canaveral is supposed to be less then 1 deg, but I can't seem to get less then ~5.5 deg. Is it a Principia thing, or I'm not getting something?
<discord-_> B​utcher. — It varies with principia on n 18 year cycle.
<discord-_> B​utcher. — Wait a few years and it might reduce. 😆
<discord-_> F​arrier. — 😞
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] joey-lg opened issue #2657: How do I download old binaries? - https://git.io/JJg7p
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<discord-_> F​arrier. — Still not sure how to plan maneuvers from this conditions. This is good enough I guess?
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<discord-_> B​utcher. — Generally the idea is to get into an orbit where your LAN matches that of the moon, then you can burn at the ascending node and you will hit it.
<discord-_> F​arrier. — > get into an orbit where your LAN matches that of the moon
<discord-_> F​arrier. — Not sure how to do that ☹️
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #2657: How do I download old binaries? - https://git.io/JJgdb
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] pleroy closed issue #2657: How do I download old binaries? - https://git.io/JJg7p
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<discord-_> l​pg. — you press a different button in pvg
<discord-_> F​arrier. — Launch to target LAN?
<discord-_> F​arrier. — So it's the same as just launching in position I shown above?
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<discord-_> D​amien. — *Number of people surprised by lunar precession:* *~~1~~ ~~2~~... ~~53~~... 763*
<discord-_> F​arrier. — It's not easy to wrap your head around all these things, you know 🙂 Especially when you've not studied all of this before. I appreciate y'all answering dumb questions. I know I'm probably not qualified to play with Principia, but it's interesting to get to know all this stuff. Besides, flight planner in Principia makes much more sense to me then the stock one with patched conics.
<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — No it's cool man, it's just funny how many people fall for the moon
<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — I recommend launching from a different pad
<discord-_> F​arrier. — I didn't install KSC switcher unfortunately. And apparently you can't do it in the middle of a playthrough because you lose all of the upgrades.
<discord-_> D​amien. — @Farrier it caught literally every one of us out
<discord-_> D​amien. — it'd be more funny if it didn't catch you out 🙂
<discord-_> F​arrier. — 😆
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<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — oof ur stuck at Cape 😦
<discord-_> S​tonesmile. — @Farrier itsRyan has a kOS script to launch to a parking orbit to go to the moon https://github.com/ryanc55/KOS-Scripts/blob/master/moonlaunchwindow.ks
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<discord-_> B​utcher. — @egg I just tried to rebase a flight plan I had flown off the end of and the game CTD.
<discord-_> B​utcher. — `F0730 15:36:56.331396 2140 flight_plan.cpp:63] Check failed: desired_final_time_ >= initial_time_ ` ☹️
<discord-_> e​gg. — Oops
<discord-_> e​gg. — File a bug, this seems straightforward to check
<discord-_> e​gg. — (we could just say no)
<_whitenotifier-9244> [Principia] RCrockford opened issue #2658: Rebasing a flight plan when past the end fatals the game. - https://git.io/JJgx1
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<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — I need a script that launches into the moons inclination from anywhere, is there one around? I'm way to lazy
<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — I need a script that launches into the moons inclination from anywhere, is there one around? I'm way too lazy (edited)
<discord-_> S​tonesmile. — @Zeusbeer If you mean a dogleg during ascent if you are above the inclination of the moon, then PVG can do that, if you mean a script that gets you a timed parking orbit, then itsRyans scipt posted by me above works
<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — PVG works with principia? I gotta start learning to press buttons lol
<discord-_> S​tonesmile. — A dogleg is expensive though
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<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — what's a dogleg?
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<discord-_> s​cimas. — Launch into the minimum possible inclination. Part way through the ascent, as you come "under" the desired orbit, change attitude and burn into that orbit.
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<discord-_> l​amont. — don't launch into the plane of the moon, its expensive.
<discord-_> B​uilderbast. — you wanna launch when you cross the moons an/dn right?
<discord-_> l​amont. — you want to launch when you have a node with the moon's plane which is aligned with where the moon will be after your transit time
<discord-_> l​amont. — and there's really no solver to help anyone with that
<discord-_> l​amont. — and as i've pointed out in the MJ FAQ principia is KSPs "nightmare mode" so "git gud"
<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — I love principia, it's easy mode
<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — I know how to launch into the moon, it's just that it's extremely boring sitting trough launches and controlling them
<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — (I really want to put a small 32x32 reaction image here 😦 )
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<discord-_> l​amont. — learn kOS
<discord-_> B​uilderbast. — honestly I like this figuring out how it works part of ksp a lot more than just doing routine moon missions
<discord-_> B​uilderbast. — its challenging and I love it
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<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — Already know how to kOS but scriping, troubleshooting and looking up functions
<discord-_> Z​eusbeer. — zzzzz
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<discord-_> d​awidePl. — Does Principia drastically change gameplay?
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — I'm thinking about downloading it
<discord-_> S​tandecco. — it does indeed
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<discord-_> d​awidePl. — Do you think that it's worth to install?
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — I'm not sure if I should do it or not 🤔
<discord-_> B​uilderbast. — well if you like to be challenged its good
<discord-_> B​uilderbast. — do first read the wiki though, otherwise you wont even know where to start
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — Alright! Yesterday I learned to get to Venus and Mars, so not sure if I'm ready for Principia 😅
<discord-_> l​pg. — principia would involve forgetting what you learned yesterday and starting over
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — I see
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — I will give it a chance!
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — Or 2 chances
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<discord-_> M​rChemistryCow. — principia is the rss of rss haha
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<discord-_> s​cimas. — I really don't like that "forget everything you know about stock orbital mechanics" advice. As long as I have been using Principia, I still somewhat think in terms of patched conics. After all they do a good job as an approximation in many many cases. As an example, just because you're using Principia, the concept and intuition behind Hohmann transfer doesn't become useless; neither does the conce
<discord-_> l​amont. — the problem is people who expect there to be principia "easy" buttons that everyone else has built for them already
<discord-_> l​amont. — and i'm not sure that some of the people who are trying to play principia have any good intuition around hohmann transfers, and they're skipping ahead to RO + principia to try to be one of the cool kids without having done the work initially
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<discord-_> l​amont. — or in this case who just expect everyone else to have done the work for them because "zzzzz"
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — Bruh I can't find Principia download link...
<discord-_> s​cimas. — Fair enough, but that isn't a problem unique to Principia. Any mod that adds "exotic" functionality to the game will suffer from such behaviour. That doesn't justify discouraging every single player at the doorstep though. People either learn to have more realistic expectations or drop out after some time.
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — It's this?
<discord-_> s​cimas. — Yes
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — Ok, done 😄
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — Time to read wiki and launch KSP
<discord-_> l​amont. — its very annoying to those of us who otherwise enjoy solving those kinds of problems to have kids showing up asking "why have none of you losers solved this already for me?" which is how half of the requests come across.
<discord-_> d​awidePl. — So, I suppose that going to some 10Mm orbit wouldn't be as easy as it was before?
<discord-_> s​cimas. — I can appreciate how annoying it can be. I only follow the principia channel on this server, so I don't know what's the situation in other channels. But from my experience in the kOS server, there are always some overly ambitious newcomers and some who can't understand why things don't work exactly as they want them to. These things aren't always small enough to be compiled into an FAQ. But member
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<discord-_> C​onventia. — I usually make up for a lack of planning tools by having more dv than I need.
<discord-_> F​arrier. — > @Farrier itsRyan has a kOS script to launch to a parking orbit to go to the moon https://github.com/ryanc55/KOS-Scripts/blob/master/moonlaunchwindow.ks
<discord-_> F​arrier. — @Stonesmile I saw it before and I'll definitely try it, but I usually try to understand the methodology (at least roughly) before I resort to automation. Maybe I just run it and see what it does.
<discord-_> i​tsRyan. — @Farrier It does exactly what lamont said above:
<discord-_> i​tsRyan. — > you want to launch when you have a node with the moon's plane which is aligned with where the moon will be after your transit time
<discord-_> i​tsRyan. — Note that my script only handles the case of launch site latitudes above lunar plane. Below plane it's easiest to just launch directly into lunar plane when you intersect it since there's no dogleg involved there. MJ already has a button for that.
<discord-_> i​tsRyan. — But I think lamont's point is a good one, it may be more fun and informative to learn to do it either by hand or with your own code if you're into that sort of thing. There's also lot of space history out there too that shows there are lots of ways to do this transfer with various pros/cons.
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<discord-_> i​tsRyan. — @Farrier It does exactly what lamont said above:
<discord-_> i​tsRyan. — > you want to launch when you have a node with the moon's plane which is aligned with where the moon will be after your transit time
<discord-_> i​tsRyan. — Well, technically it only gets you into that plane. You then need to set up a maneuver to leave your parking orbit at the AN/DN. Note that my script only handles the case of launch site latitudes above lunar plane. Below plane it's easiest to just launch directly into lunar plane when you intersect it since there's no dogleg involved there. MJ already has a button for that.
<discord-_> i​tsRyan. — But I think lamont's point is a good one, it may be more fun and informative to learn to do it either by hand or with your own code if you're into that sort of thing. There's also lot of space history out there too that shows there are lots of ways to do this transfer with various pros/cons. (edited)
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