raptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ: http://goo.gl/gMZF9H; The current version is Galileo. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.x, 1.8.1, and 1.9.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | https://xkcd.com/323/ | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
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Kerbinator. — 🤔
Kerbinator. — Why not 28deg, what's the reference 🤔\
Kerbinator. — Why not 28deg, what's the reference 🤔 (edited)
lpg. — the moon's inclination wobbles between ~19 and ~28 in principia, as it does in the real world
egg. — @Kerbinator the reference plane here is the equator of the Earth
Kerbinator. — ?
Kerbinator. — Xichang and Cape Carnival is best for shooting a Moon transfer
Kerbinator. — both 28deg latitude @egg
Kerbinator. — Ouch so stock is max (28deg?)
Kerbinator. — With patched conics, just use XiChang is okay
Kerbinator. — With patched conics, just use XiChang is okay (28d latitude, 90 HDG with only smart A.S.S.) (edited)
egg. — the inclination of the orbital plane of the moon with respect to the orbital plane of the earth (the ecliptic) is roughly constant, but the orbital plane of the moon rotates with respect to the ecliptic (nodal precession), so the inclination with respect to the *equator* (which is inclined with respect to the ecliptic by axial tilt) varies between tilt+inclination with respect to the ecliptic and til
egg. — tilt = 23°.5, inclination with respect to the equator = 5°, so between 18°.5 and 28°.5
egg. — tilt = 23°.5, inclination with respect to the ecliptic = 5°, so between 18°.5 and 28°.5 (edited)
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Indiantechkid. — Hey, I don't have principia, but can someone explain these rendezvous graphs? I know its a different plotting frame, but Its hard to understand. Thanks!
scimas. — My guess would be radial distance on the vertical axis and angular on the horizontal axis? Or something like that..
egg. — yeah the vertical is the vertical, and the horizontal is the horizontal, and the ISS is fixed at the origin
egg. — so +r̄ is down, wherever you are, and +v̄ is horizontally along the orbit of the ISS
egg. — this is again just the same thing as the target LVLH frame in Principia, except there the v̄ axis would be a circle
Indiantechkid. — how is rendezvous done in real life? In ksp, we just do a hohmann transfer.
egg. — > I don't have principia, but can someone explain
egg. — So the Principia LVLH frame (this thing you are looking at in the figure) is one of the things that people seem to find most intuitive about Principia, so I guess my answer here would be that you could try it out to get an intuitive understanding of what this reference frame means
Indiantechkid. — so R bar approach is approaching from Radial direction, but H bar is something where they do a hop
egg. — there is no h bar
Indiantechkid. — orbital motion is confusing without visuals
egg. — this is a visual
Indiantechkid. — wait what?
egg. — you are looking at the orbit
Indiantechkid. — oh sorry vbar not hbar
egg. — you are looking at the orbit in a way that is just as meaningful as (and in the context of a rendez-vous, more useful than) ECI
Indiantechkid. — oh. Interesting
Indiantechkid. — so you change plotting frame for different things?
egg. — yes, that is how you use Principia
egg. — and that is what you do in real life too
egg. — and this is (behind the scenes) what happens in stock even
egg. — you don't look at your orbit around Kerbin as a trajectory around the Sun
egg. — because that would be extremely useless
Myshiko. — Well, it takes a university education and post-grad school to remove dogmas installed at kindergarten and elementary school. So, no wonder.
Butcher. — But egg, all my planets have gone crazy "lol".
Damien. — @egg you could see the astronauts on the recent dragon-ISS launch using something that looked a lot like the LVLH frame on their displays
Damien. — was pretty cool to see
Damien. — there's screenshots on here somewhere
egg. — yeah the LVLH terminology and the idea for that frame does not come from the void, it is what people use
egg. — there is a document listing the ISS frames somewhere
egg. — iirc the Russians have a different axis convention
Damien. — you mean you didn't invent the frames used in principia that NASA then stole? I'm disappointed egg
egg. — right so ОСК is the RU counterpart to LO (aka LVLH), but Yоск=-Zlo, Zоск=Ylo (they agree on Xоск=Xlo, since they are thankfully both right-handed, this is a saner world than KSP)
egg. — similar story for XPOP vs. РСО
egg. — (though the axis conventions are differently different)
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Butcher. — Why is right handed more sane than left?
egg. — well, it is more common; the insanity comes in mixing the two
Butcher. — LEft handed system is my brain's default, too much time working with LH graphics APIs.
Butcher. — Left handed system is my brain's default, too much time working with LH graphics APIs. (edited)
egg. — because some things don’t transform like other things when you change handedness
egg. — bivectors (things like angular velocities, torques, angular momenta, etc.) get an extra sign when going through the looking glass
Butcher. — I suppose RHS is more logical from a background of architechture.
egg. — so you need to do bookkeeping to make sure you remember which kind of multivector you deal with
egg. — there is nothing wrong with LHS intrinsically, except when it gets mixed with RHS
egg. — Principia comes with a massive amount of typing trickery to make sure that we know when something is a vector or a bivector
Butcher. — PRincipia's typing shenanigans are quite something.
egg. — just like there is nothing wrong in working with, say, metre-tonne-second or centimetre-gram-second
egg. — but if you start mixing CGS, MTS, and MKS, you definitely want to be very careful at the edges
egg. — (KSP is mostly MTS)
Butcher. — Furlong-firkin-fortnight?
Butcher. — KSPO being MTS but a lot of RO being SI can be awkward at times.
egg. — yup
Butcher. — KSP# being MTS but a lot of RO being SI can be awkward at times. (edited)
egg. — same with LHS but a lot being RHS
egg. — (KSP has both in different places)
Butcher. — Why would you do that?
* discord-_
egg. — points at the /topic_
Butcher. — I do recall working on a game with both row and colum major matrix classes once.
egg. — (also, the game industry, I suppose,)
Butcher. — WEll, yes.
Butcher. — Well, yes. (edited)
Butcher. — The column major one was fun because the author didn;t understand homogenous co-ordinate systems, so just split out a 4x4 matrix into a 3x3 and a 1x3.
Butcher. — (and hoped everything was affine).
egg. — @Butcher also this has the flight plan rebase button, should you want to try that out
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Butcher. — Seems stable so far.
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lamont. — egg: i'm definitely writing my own right handed vector class one way or another
lamont. — need matrix3x3 with doubles that is right handed as well along with quats
lamont. — right handed angles
lamont. — euler angle APIs that let you specify what your euler angles actually are
lamont. — it'll be beautiful
egg. — @lamont are you doing physical quantities as well? :D
DRVeyl. — Unity.mathematics ?
lamont. — i think i've convinced myself that the only advantage of vectors as structs is garbage collection and i need to embrace classes and do memory pooling and correctly dispose of my vectors
lamont. — if they are classes then they can be subclassed and they can be strongly typed and can be extended to include reference frames, etc
[Principia] eggrobin pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±8] https://git.io/JJqHf
[Principia] eggrobin 98ae23b - NO leap second will be introduced at the end of December 2020.
Diego_. — hi! is there any way of disabling the persistent rotation? it's really painful for some of the manned duration contracts... Thanks!
Kirk. — You can set it to hold a relative angle?
Kirk. — Why is it a problem?
Myshiko. — Manned duration? Never was a problem for me? What’s wrong?
Myshiko. — Manned duration? Never was a problem for me! What’s wrong? (edited)
Myshiko. — Also, PersistentRotation mod should not be installed with Principia, as Principia handles craft rotation itself (and very well).