You should have an HR diagram of every star (including the mod stars) in GN as a loading screen
yes i do
sizes are all scaled correctly
It looks like it's real physics too
not the fake spectrum
the sun is yellow
oh so it is
and Kpol is too
most of them actually :D
Yes but i only know for sure that polaris and sol are white
ironically, the sun is at the center of the pic :D
prok is based on aCen A
so it's white as the sun
ok right
can you do one with realistic stars?
it took 3 hours to do that :D
I might make the realistic one
I'm slow
I'm thinking about what kind of loading screen could be fine for SB
Doing a Type III Trojan Star Ultimate Solar System would pose quite a challenge: 9 planets that have to have entirely different sides, except unlike the ice cap of a normal tidally locked planet, this time both sides would see the light of day.
Even 9 planets with an ice cap would be annoying.
(and on top of that there's another 7 worlds: a binary earth and 5 gas giant moons.
Sigma88, can you convert a dds to a png for me?
EarthHeight.dds in the shared folder
Unrelatedly, a second request: can you make an inverse-linear relationship intensity curve? That would work best, in my opinion, for SLIPPIST-1 compared to the inverse square root that GN uses.