Sigma88: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
!tell Gregrox* "Honey, I blew up the kerbals"
Sigma88: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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thomas, is there an event I can use that triggers after all bodies have been loaded?
but before cachefile generation
ok, not necessarily all bodies
just before scaledspace generation
there's OnBodyGenerateScaledSpace but I assume that gets triggered just after
I guess events are more useful if you put them at the beginning of Apply / Postapply
rather than at the end
all mods using Kopernicus Events will most likely have kopernicus as a dependancy and so can just use a normal parser to run stuff at apply / postapply after kopernicus
(correct me if I'm wrong)
but most importantly, how do I use those events? :D
Sigma88: The events register through the KSP API, so you dont need to reference Kopernicus (at least for the .NR events)
Sigma88: var ev = GameEvents.FindEvent<<Type of the Event variable in Event.cs>>("name of the Event (Kopernicus.<content of the description attribute>)"); ev.Add(<callback>);
Sigma88: The events are called at the end, so people can reference and modify the things that got created there
Sigma88: I plannet to do two events (one at the beginning and one at the end) initially, but that would've been too much
can I get at least an "Incoming scaled space generation" event?
or can you suggest me which one would be the last event before cachefilegeneration?
also, 0/
and what is the difference between public static EventData<Body, ConfigNode> OnBodyGenerateScaledSpace { get; private set; }
and private static EventData<ConfigNode> OnBodyGenerateScaledSpaceNR { get; set; }
NR = no reference
You can subscribe to the NR events without having the Kopernicus dll as a dependency
!tell Sigma* Pkmniako's Cercani star system should use the star 61 Cygni A for its analogue in GN.
GregroxMun: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
!tell Sigma* for the new revamped version at least
GregroxMun: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
Sigma88: GregroxMun left a message for you in #Kopernicus [08.09.2017 20:11:51]: "Pkmniako's Cercani star system should use the star 61 Cygni A for its analogue in GN."
Sigma88: GregroxMun left a message for you in #Kopernicus [08.09.2017 20:12:24]: "for the new revamped version at least"
Why 61cyg?
Does it have something special?
I redid the star characteristics for him
i realized the closest star to what he already had was 61 Cygni
in terms of the luminosity given what planets were already there
Makes sense
Sigma88 is now known as SigmaNote
SigmaNote is now known as SigmaNotes
SigmaNotes is now known as Sigma88
GregroxMun btw that was on a stocksize kerbin
With stock size buildings
so you made val big?
It's pretty broken tho
I'll need to take a deeper look
TonyC has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
GregroxMun meant to say: @Kopernicus:FOR[AlternisKerbol]:THNEEDS[GalacticNeighborhood]
thank you qboid
hey Sigma88, can you put Alternis system in an orbit with the zero inclination relative to the stockSun in GN?
I want to refer to transit detection in the descriptions
Description of GN!Alternis!Dres:
Havert was entered into the records as a prank by astronomical society grad students. Havert does not actually exist.