Sigma88 changed the topic of #Kopernicus to: #Kopernicus | Release 1.3.0-6 - | Pictures: | List of packs: | GitHub: | Examples: | Visual Editor: | Funny Quotes: | <Kopernicus> Kopernicus/master 91e89a4 thomas-jenkins: Kopernicus 1.2.2-6 - "404 - Title not found"
<Sigma88> hmmm, alternate tasha is hot :)
<UmbralRaptor> Sigma88: ooh, Yesterday's Enterprise!
<Sigma88> wait
<Sigma88> is she going with the other ship?
<Sigma88> wtf
<Sigma88> where's Jeff Goldblum when you need him
<Sigma88> ?
<Sigma88> or Ashton Kutcher
<Sigma88> :D
<UmbralRaptor> They expect minimal change to the timeline.
<Sigma88> hence the "where's Jeff Goldblum when you need him" :D
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Poodmund has joined #Kopernicus
<Poodmund> o/ All! If I drop the KSPUtils reference for an old project, all references made will just be picked up automatically by Assembly-CSharp when building?
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<Sigma88> Ffs my home internet is blacklisted in any irc client
<Sigma88> Thomas are you online?
<Thomas> Yes
<Thomas> Sigma88: You probably have a firewall blocking the IRC Port
<Sigma88> No it actually says I'm on a blacklist
<Sigma88> Because of some incident
<Thomas> cool
<Thomas> :P
* Thomas was / is busy setting up his nokia 8
<Sigma88> I'm having some issues with Body stuff
<Sigma88> (Kopernicus.Configuration)
<Sigma88> Or whatever it is
SigmaAway has joined #Kopernicus
SigmaAway is now known as Guest49155
Guest49155 is now known as SigmaPC
SigmaPC is now known as SigmaUK
SigmaUK is now known as SigmaPC
<SigmaPC> I'm getting the Mun's orbit when I try to edit kerbin
<SigmaPC> it's weird
SigmaPC has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
<Sigma88> oh finally
<Sigma88> Thomas: it looks like when I change kerbin's orbit, the mun's orbit gets changed as well
<Sigma88> >_>
<Sigma88> did you change how LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode works?
<Thomas> No
<Thomas> Why?
<Sigma88> here's my code
<Sigma88> PrintOrbit is a method I am using to print the orbital parameters of the PSystemBody to the log
<Sigma88> orbits look fine untill line 10
<Sigma88> after line 10 the patch has been applied to the mun (instead of kerbin)
<Sigma88> ah, "body" in this instance is kerbin
<Sigma88> so, after line 10, kerbin's orbit is unchanged
<Sigma88> but the mun's orbit has changed like kerbin orbit should have changed
<Sigma88> after line 13, kerbin's orbit is a copy of the mun's orbit
<Sigma88> referencebody included (it has referencebody = kerbin)
<Sigma88> makes no sense
<Sigma88> >_>
<Sigma88> could it be a parser issue?
<Sigma88> thomas, any suggestion on how to patch a loader using a confignode?
<Thomas> Umm, you should probably pass kerbins orbit to orbit loader, since you are currently creating a completeley new orbit
<Sigma88> I tried using
<Sigma88> OrbitLoader loader = new OrbitLoader(body.generatedBody.celestialBody);
<Sigma88> but it doens't change the result
<Sigma88> the problem is that the LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode applies the changes to mun for some reason
<Thomas> Show me the full code
<Sigma88> but that doesn't make any sense to me
<Sigma88> that's the whole code
<Sigma88> I can send you the whole project
<Sigma88> but it's more complicated
<Sigma88> thomas: here
<Sigma88> the code is ugly I know
<Sigma88> any ideas?
<Sigma88> ah wait
<Sigma88> I might know what's going on
<Sigma88> found the issue
GregroxMun has joined #Kopernicus
<Sigma88> thomas, idk if this is an issue with the loader or my incompetence, but basically I was trying to patch the referenceBody that I'm not sure existed at that moment
<GregroxMun> o/
<Sigma88> by moving kerbin's cfg after Jool's the issue doesn't appear
<Sigma88> GregroxMun: 0/
<Thomas> Sigma88: GregroxMun: I think I stopped the Kittopia-apocalypse before it could actually happen (i.e. OptionalAtmospheres shipping a stripped down version of Kittopia as their UI and thereby killing both Kittopia and that hacked version :P)
<GregroxMun> oh god
<GregroxMun> or ok
<Sigma88> what did you do to stop it?
<GregroxMun> wait are you saying they did that
<GregroxMun> or that they might
<GregroxMun> how did you prevent the kittopiapocalypse?
<Sigma88> kittopialypse
<Thomas> Well, DeltaDizzy (the sane guy) talked about it in the planet discord (which is a nice place for most of the time btw.). He claimed that I gave my ok to this (as stated in the license), and I said "no" (which is the truth)
<Thomas> That resulted in a dialog between us and I told him what could happen
<Sigma88> so
<Thomas> And now I am messing together a basic plugin for him to learn (with ARR license)
<Sigma88> the sane guy
<Sigma88> is the one going around telling you said you are ok with that?
<Thomas> Well, he asked some months ago and KCreator actually said yes
<Thomas> And compared to SamBelanger he is the sanity in person
<Sigma88> ah lol
<Sigma88> thomas, idk what's going on
<Sigma88> but everytime I use Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode the orbit of the mun gets changed
<Sigma88> if I generate a new loader
<Thomas> Instantly
<Sigma88> yeah
<Sigma88> but how does it chooses?
<Sigma88> to be honest all this crap only happens because postspawn orbits are stupid
<Sigma88> there's no reason to have postspawnorbits
<Sigma88> just postspawnreferencebody
<Sigma88> and nobody uses them so I'm wasting my time building compatibility for a feature that is pointless and not used by anyone
<Thomas> nobody forces you
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<Sigma88> that's not how it works
<Sigma88> I try to make my stuff compatible with all features
<Sigma88> and since SB changes the orbits it needs to be compatible with all orbit stuff
<Sigma88> but I give up on the PSO
<Sigma88> there is literally no reason to need them
<Sigma88> -.-
<Sigma88> -.-
<Sigma88> Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode(loader, orbitNode, "Kopernicus"); <<<<<<<
<Sigma88> DAMN
<Sigma88> lol
<Sigma88> found the issue
<Sigma88> I wasn't using "Kopernicus"
<Sigma88> GregroxMun: monoliths in TNG????
<GregroxMun> where