Sigma88 changed the topic of #Kopernicus to: #Kopernicus | Release 1.3.0-6 - | Pictures: | List of packs: | GitHub: | Examples: | Visual Editor: | Funny Quotes: | <Kopernicus> Kopernicus/master 91e89a4 thomas-jenkins: Kopernicus 1.2.2-6 - "404 - Title not found"
GregroxMun has joined #Kopernicus
<GregroxMun> o/
<GregroxMun> \o
GregroxMun has quit [Client Quit]
<SigmaDimensions> [Sigma-Dimensions] Sigma88 opened pull request #52: v0.9.3 (master...Development)
<SigmaDimensions> [Sigma-Dimensions] Sigma88 closed pull request #52: v0.9.3 (master...Development)
<Qboid> 1d 12h 0m 0s left to event #8: Intelsat 37e & BSAT 4a/Ariane 5 ECA VA239 [at 2017-09-29 21:47:00]. Say '!kountdown 8' for details
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 opened issue #237: kerbin == homeworld
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 commented on issue #236: the issue here is that the changes to the biomes are only applied if the biomeMap field is parsed...
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 commented on issue #236: the issue here is that the changes to the biomes are only applied if the biomeMap field is parsed...
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 commented on issue #236: smh...
ferram4 has quit [Ping timeout: 383 seconds]
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 opened pull request #238: Displayname (master...displayname)
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 closed issue #214: Solar Panel Targetting
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 commented on issue #214: closing this...
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 commented on issue #236: this should be solved with #238
<GalacticNeighbor> [Galactic-Neighborhood] Sigma88 closed pull request #43: GN v0.4.4 (master...Development)
ferram4 has joined #Kopernicus
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] StollD commented on pull request #238 04eefd5: Could we just return the value without passing it to Localizer.Format?
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] StollD commented on pull request #238 04eefd5: Can you add a check if the biome map is null, and if yes, throw an appropriate exception?
Rokker has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
<Sigma88> Thomas: do you want me to change the Biome/displayName to return the value itself instead of localizing it and then returning it?
<Thomas> yeah
<Sigma88> can I ask why?
<Sigma88> is there a good reason to want the unlocalized value?
<Thomas> Because it will never get localized. If a user decides to put something that could get localized, it will be processed by config node before it could get processed by something else
<Thomas> And the Localizing System has a giant memory leak
<Sigma88> k
<Thomas> So I avoid using it wherever possible
<Sigma88> sure
<Sigma88> I just wanted to know the reason because I assumed it was something like that
<Sigma88> but I wanted to be sure
<Sigma88> is there a way to patch the biomes instead of replacing them?
<Thomas> No
<Thomas> Well, we could add one
<Thomas> But honestly, if you want that you can also copy and paste the biomes from the kittopia dumps
<Sigma88> nah
<Sigma88> maybe we could add a boolean to specify to add biomes instead of replacing them?
<Sigma88> but meh
<Thomas> Templates { removeBiomes = true } ?
<Sigma88> except removeBiomes would be true by default and you need to use it only if you want removeBiomes = false
<Sigma88> (which is the opposite of removeOcean /Atmosphere/PQSMods)
<Sigma88> unless you want to change the behaviour of kopernicus
<Sigma88> but if I know you, you don't
<Sigma88> usually I'm the one that wants to change stuff and screw developers :D
<Thomas> removeProgressTree also defaults to true
<Thomas> so why not
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<Kopernicus> Kopernicus/master 992a7e1 Dorian Stoll: Merge pull request #238 from Kopernicus/displayname...
<Qboid> Starting build #152 for job Kopernicus-Dev (previous build: SUCCESS)
<Qboid> Project Kopernicus-Dev build #152: SUCCESS in 30 sec:
<Qboid> * Sigma88: test biomename
<Qboid> * Sigma88: set biomes even when map is not changed
<Qboid> * Sigma88: use localizationTag instead of displayname
<Qboid> * Sigma88: indentation
<Qboid> * Sigma88: this seems the most appropriate thing to do
<Qboid> * Sigma88: check for null biomeMap
<Qboid> * Sigma88: Unlocalization
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 opened pull request #239: removeBiomes (master...removeBiomes)
<Sigma88> there you go
<Sigma88> this will preserve the current behaviour when removeBiomes is not set
<Sigma88> when removeBiomes = false, all the biomes from the cfg will be added on top
<Sigma88> when removeBiomes = true (explicitly set to true) it will remove all biomes regardless of wheter you added new biomes or not
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] gordonfpanam commented on issue #236: > the issue here is that the changes to the biomes are only applied if the biomeMap field is parsed...
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] gordonfpanam commented on issue #236: > the issue here is that the changes to the biomes are only applied if the biomeMap field is parsed...
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] gordonfpanam commented on issue #236: > the issue here is that the changes to the biomes are only applied if the biomeMap field is parsed...
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 commented on issue #236: this issue has been solved, it will be included in the next release
<Sigma88> if not set, it will clear the list of biomes only if the cfg actually adds new ones, otherwise it will keep the old ones
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master:
<Kopernicus> Kopernicus/master dceaef8 Dorian Stoll: Merge pull request #239 from Kopernicus/removeBiomes...
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] StollD closed issue #236: biome changes are not applied unless biomemap is parsed
<Qboid> Starting build #153 for job Kopernicus-Dev (previous build: SUCCESS)
<Qboid> Project Kopernicus-Dev build #153: SUCCESS in 25 sec:
<Qboid> * Sigma88: removeBiomes
<Qboid> * Dorian Stoll: Make everything a bit more compact
<Sigma88> I don't think you should move the map check
<Thomas> A body can work without a biome map
<Thomas> However, only if you dont try to add biomes
<Thomas> KSP checks if the biome map is null
<Sigma88> ah so KSP already checks if the map is null and removes all biomes if it is?
<Thomas> If it is null there are no biomes to remove
<Sigma88> s/remove/avoid using/
<Qboid> Sigma88 meant to say: ah so KSP already checks if the map is null and avoid usings all biomes if it is?
<Thomas> Yes
<Sigma88> what about #237 ?
<Qboid> [#237] title: kerbin == homeworld | since the homeworld needs to have ``name = Kerbin`` I propose adding an automatic check that will set isHomeWorld accordingly and fire an exception when it's not possible to do so... |
GregroxMun has joined #Kopernicus
<GregroxMun> o/
<GregroxMun> o/
<GregroxMun> o/
<GregroxMun> o/
<Thomas> \o o/
<Thomas> Sigma88:
<Thomas> Ack
<Thomas> Sigma88: Indirectly, isHomeWorld is already set automatically to kerbin
<Thomas> Since Kerbin always has to use the Kerbin template, it inherits Kerbins isHomeWorld value
<Thomas> which is true
<Sigma88> yes but multiple kerbin templates can be created now
<GregroxMun> what's happening?
<Sigma88> I want to remove "isHomeWorld"
<GregroxMun> what why and how
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 opened pull request #240: Kerbin Means Home (master...kerbinHome)
<Sigma88> isHomeWorld does not add any customization option
<Sigma88> it's just something you need to keep track of
<GregroxMun> right
<Sigma88> and make sure you don't mess up
<Sigma88> it's pointless, and could easily be set automatically by kopernicus to avoid issues
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] StollD closed pull request #240: Kerbin Means Home (master...kerbinHome)
<Sigma88> :(
<Qboid> Starting build #154 for job Kopernicus-Dev (previous build: SUCCESS)
<Sigma88> oh it was merged :D
<Qboid> Project Kopernicus-Dev build #154: SUCCESS in 25 sec:
<Qboid> Sigma88: Kerbin Means Home
<Kopernicus> [Kopernicus] Sigma88 closed issue #237: kerbin == homeworld
<Sigma88> GregroxMun: SB and SD released with the new LoadingScreens
<GregroxMun> oh goodie
<Sigma88> I've also added LoadingScreens to PQS_GroundStretch and PQS_GroundCube
<GregroxMun> ?
<GregroxMun> oh wait
<GregroxMun> i remember those
<Sigma88> groundstretch is used to multiply terrain by a certain number and ground cube to make cube planets
<Sigma88> the loading screen for groundstretch is antikerbin
<Thomas> At some point I am going to make a video loading screen that just plays nyan cat :P
<Sigma88> let's hope squad doesn't change the loading screens then
<Sigma88> now it's a list of objects
<Sigma88> rather than textures
<Sigma88> you might manage to get a video in there
<Sigma88> I suppose
<Thomas> I only need the MovieTexture class which extends Texture
<Sigma88> ah
<Sigma88> I didn't know that was a thing
<Sigma88> Greg what is the archive you uploaded to dropbox?
<GregroxMun> wait i didn't mean to put that there
<GregroxMun> i dont remember
<Sigma88> Hahaha
<GregroxMun> it was for someone else
<GregroxMun> oh wait
<Sigma88> Exported textures
<GregroxMun> is it skybox stuff?
<GregroxMun> you can remove it.
<Sigma88> Didn't open the archive
<Sigma88> K
<UmbralRaptor> GregroxMun: post details of the system and/or blog post in #principia, or just venting?
<GregroxMun> the latter
<UmbralRaptor> Ah.
<GregroxMun> I wonder if it would make sense to create an intentionally unstable solar system, but one that does not apocalypse or result in any ejections from the parent body.
<GregroxMun> Imagine planning a mission to a planet that will only be accessible for a few months and then maybe never again.
<egg|zzz|egg> GregroxMun: link?
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a Bessel katana
* UmbralRaptor stabs cylindrically.
<GregroxMun> egg|zzz|egg link to what?
<GregroxMun> I can't get this to work in either KSP+principia or Universe Sandbox. (I assume this is the link you're talking about)
<GregroxMun> It's weird though because this guy supposedly simulates his stuff
Rokker has joined #Kopernicus
<Qboid> 1d 0h 0m 0s left to event #8: Intelsat 37e & BSAT 4a/Ariane 5 ECA VA239 [at 2017-09-29 21:47:00]. Say '!kountdown 8' for details
<Sigma88> GregroxMun:
<Sigma88> hahaha
<Sigma88> I told jade I was going to shame him for that
<GregroxMun> huh?
<Sigma88> read the next few posts
<Sigma88> I'm sure jade knows about GN because on discord he sees me often
ferram4 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
ferram4 has joined #Kopernicus
<Sigma88> uh
<Sigma88> now twitch allows you to comment on the chat of VODs
<Sigma88> cool
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: thoughts on that think gregox linked?
<GregroxMun> this is the same guy as Ultimate Solar System btw
<Sigma88> how can I get an infinite gif loop to run?
<Sigma88> I wait, I might have exported it wrong