[Stellarator] StollD pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5deA
Stellarator/master b2f9f81 lajonat: Remove 'useTheInName' property - seems like it's existence causes 'The' to be added to all bodies, no matter the value
Stellarator/master 2330952 lajonat: Some capitalization irregularities in config keys
so their real analogue's b-v index would be wrong in-game and on the diagram
yeah that's fair
ferram4_ is now known as ferram4
What's the one reddish star in the bottom right corner?
let me check
trans keptunian
is that a brown dwarf?
or red dwarf
[16:07] Poodmund: I just test the functionality of the manual panel tracking and sometimes coming out of timewarp, the Exposure value can be in the tens of thousands instantaneously and then rapidly drops down to what it should be, because of this, for that small time its giving WAY too much EC generation. For a couple of seconds I was generating l
ike 0.2EC/s from Grannus when around Kerbin.
I'll tell him to put logs on github
[Stellarator] lajonat opened pull request #18: Allow kerbin to be set as any body with an atmosphere - not only planets (master...SetMoonAsKerbin) https://git.io/v5dvL
Sigma88: Tbh, I would blame timewarp
Thomas: well, it might be the timewarp's fault
but if the solar panels are unusable in time warp
then it's a pointless feature
it will cause more bug reports
Problem is that I changed nothing
Except adding a button and a boolean :P
GregroxMun: which star do you want me to use for otherworlds?
Stellarator/master ebf5144 lajonat: Added oceans to some planets with atmosphere
[Kopernicus] Poodmund commented on issue #214: Just tested the functionality on the new Manual Tracking and it seems I get runaway exposure in the values of thousands that can suddenly ramp up quickly then randomly start to drop back to the correct level. This can happen when coming out of time warp or just by simply spinning the craft around changing the angle of incidence between the panels and the tracked star.... https://git.io/v5df3
[Stellarator] StollD pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5dfs
Stellarator/master 8404d9b lajonat: Allow kerbin to be set as any body with an atmosphere - not only planets
[Kopernicus] Poodmund commented on issue #214: Just tested the functionality on the new Manual Tracking and it seems I get runaway exposure in the values of thousands that can suddenly ramp up quickly then randomly start to drop back to the correct level. This can happen when coming out of time warp or just by simply spinning the craft around changing the angle of incidence between the panels and the tracked star.... https://git.io/v5df3
Thomas: could it be a "divide by zero" issue?
Division by zero would yield Infinity
and you would see Infinity
yeah something like that
well, maybe not zero
but a very small number
Or maybe no division at all
i have an idea
[Kopernicus] StollD pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5dJf
Kopernicus/master 15513ab Dorian Stoll: Try to fix further issues with #214
Starting build #133 for job Kopernicus-Dev (previous build: SUCCESS)
and there's also a K star around it irl, sort of mirroring a Cen
not that I expect you to add the K star
wanna check in the HR if it fits?
Poodmund has joined #Kopernicus
ah lol
I am already using Eta Cassiopeae B
I can use A tho
Testing it now... ;)
oh hi pood
GregroxMun: do you also have a name?
How about Ava Taur?
too explicit
doesn't really sound stock
I think 3 syllables are too much
@Thomas, using the latest commit, I now seem to be receiving only 0.5 exposure when the panels are directly facing the star.
Avtur i guess
The runaway exposure issue seems to be resolve though. :D
Avia sounds like it should be a bluish star
GregroxMun: the HR diagram is a bit crowded in the region you chose
Alright fair
Is there a Procyon analogue?
Procyon could work
Poodmund: You only have 0.5 exposure because you have 2 stars and full exposure from one. 1 would be full exposure from both (yes, it is temporary).
Ah I see, I can see on Line 165 is where this is being affected.
Good stuff though, its really quite nice. :D
One issue I've just come across though is that I can't select 'Auto' mode when setting the star tracking.
The dialog box stays open and the mode does not change.
GregroxMun: these are the regions I'd like to fill
Hmm, in the last months I have done more to make kopernicus more user friendly than I've ever done before :P :D
Well... a few of us thank you greatly for it.
Sigma88: Sigma Binary doesn't support Barycentric orbits, does it?
i can see how it would be difficult anyway
you go directly from reference to binary
to primary*
reference to primary
Thomas, how does star heating work?
what do I change for heating and solar energy
so that i don't burn up my ship in high orbit around an M-dwarf
the luminosity
from light
i found it in Galileo's Grannus config
The problem is the game doesn't know how temperature works
even if you get luminosity right, a red dwarf never gets to 5000 Kelvin so it makes no sense for a part that can withstand over 2800 K or so to explode even when right next to it
I don't suppose that's possible to fix without rewriting the temperature system.
right next you mean inside the atmosphere?
i'm using the stock teleporter so it can't even go in the atmo
are you sure you edited the luminosity correctly?
also, is it another star?
it is a second star
but i noticed this with SLIPPIST when I was working on it
I got a luminosity I'm alright with
it's possible that kopernicus didn't manage to change the parameters in time when you hyperedit to the new star
but I'm really skeptical of Grannus' luminosity
not using HE
it's the same
[Kopernicus] Sigma88 opened issue #226: PostSpawnOrbit https://git.io/v5dnw
My favorite star in the sky is Alberio (if i'm spelling it right) which is unfortunately near the zenith (AKA Dobson's Hole) for much of the night right now.
It's a colorful double star
red giant and blue M.S.
It's a good star for outreach.
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
I was trying to show it to some observatory guests who had come as students from the AST-151 class
but I couldn't find it with the altitude-azimuth mount
Here's a cut and slightly edited Skype Rant setting up what I've been up to lately.