TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspparadoxes | corrupt ops only
<Majiir> What's up with mortgage rates yo
<Qboid> Majiir: SilverFox left a message for you in #kspmodders [06.08.2017 21:50:59]: ""
<FoxBot9000> null
<Majiir> way to go
<SilverFox> interesting
<SilverFox> I need to remove quotes
<SilverFox> I didnt anticipate this
<SilverFox> fuck, string.remove isnt a thing
<SilverFox> goddamnt
<Majiir> Replace
<SilverFox> ahhh right
<SilverFox> thanks
<SilverFox> a wee bit drunk
<Majiir> You don't need to blame alcohol for shit programming
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<SilverFox> fuck
<Majiir> Speaking of which, (not applicable to Fox) I need tech leads
<SilverFox> how do I do """ without it being a little bitch?
<Majiir> "\"
<Majiir> with another one
<SilverFox> sick
<SilverFox> thanks
<Majiir> because I derped the typing
<Majiir> so "\""
<SilverFox> ayyy it compiled
<SilverFox> escape chars ftw
<SilverFox> so Majiir, which is better: "" or String.Empty
<Majiir> a third option: string.Empty
<Majiir> It doesn't actually matter
<Majiir> It's a pure readability question
<SilverFox> hm, alright cool
<SilverFox> so which is better, string.empty or String.empty?
<SilverFox> isn't one a reference to the class and the other a reference to the type or some shit?
<Majiir> no
<Majiir> string and String are the same thing, but VS standardizes on string when formatting code
<Majiir> so use string for readability and general tools-not-getting-in-your-way
<SilverFox> okay cool
<SilverFox> okay noted
<SilverFox> I use BlueJ for my java programming and it doesn't recognize String, which is what I prefer to use, it recognizes string tho
<Majiir> You have that backwards
<Majiir> In Java, only uppercase String is valid
<SilverFox> oh
<SilverFox> okay thanks
<SilverFox> noted
<Majiir> ./r/quityourbullshit
<SilverFox> so what's new in "fixing your problems" land?
<Majiir> Not much
<Majiir> I have some developers who don't completely suck
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> how much not-suck are they?
<SilverFox> scale from 1-you
<Majiir> about like 35
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> is this nice?
<Majiir> By industry standards, they're mid-level devs but outperform most industry seniors
<Majiir> By Majiir standards they are solidly junior
<Majiir> and supposedly the company wants to hire two engineers who I would consider capable of being tech leads
<Majiir> but they want to use their own recruiting team for it and have banned external recruiters
<Majiir> aaaaand they are very unlikely to want to pony up the cash it takes to hire a good tech lead
<Majiir> So as soon as candidates start showing up, my life is going to be a lot of documenting why all the people I interview aren't able to do the job
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<SilverFox> well shit
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<SilverFox> sounds like you need to refactor the government there
<SilverFox> the whole industry is about paying to get the good shit isn't it?
<SilverFox> you have to pay to get the good shit and if you dont pay, you dont get the good shit because the good shit gonna get paid more somewhere else
<SilverFox> Majiir, also TK got his ops removed
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<Majiir> Refactor the government?
<SilverFox> ye
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<Majiir> Oops
<SilverFox> sick
<Majiir> What's the government got to do with it?
<SilverFox> I menat the government of your hiring process
<SilverFox> it sounds like you could do a better job at hiring
<SilverFox> so overthrow the government and hire better ones
<Majiir> lol as if
<Majiir> The whole HR department and executive team is new
<SilverFox> fuck lo
<Majiir> This is the first time we're doing any hiring this way
<SilverFox> is this the same company that had that trump for a ceo?
<Majiir> Yeah but he's gone now
<SilverFox> F I R E D
<Majiir> Not really
<Majiir> The company was bought
<SilverFox> ahhh
<SilverFox> so he lost his position in the merger?
<Majiir> so he got a huge payout and an awesome bullet on his resume
<Majiir> Yeah, that's standard
<SilverFox> interesting
<Majiir> I mean shit, I got >$10K from the buyout
<SilverFox> holy fuck
<Majiir> and I'm just some dude who had been with the company less than a year
<Majiir> with a salary
<Majiir> So yeah the executive team with years of options, they made bank
<SilverFox> that's pretty good
<Majiir> Taking a company and getting it sold is also one of the best things you can do as a CEO
<SilverFox> I can see that
<SilverFox> it means its successful enough that people want it
<Majiir> Yep
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<SilverFox> even better would be to be so successful that no one can afford to buy t
<SilverFox> which leads me to a question, what is the most expensive company currently?
<SilverFox> what company is number one?
<SilverFox> google?
<Majiir> Google is publicly owned
<SilverFox> publicly owned?
<Majiir> It trades on the stock market
<Majiir> You can buy Google stock, but you can't buy all of Google
<SilverFox> ohhh that's what that means
<SilverFox> so any company you can buy stock of is publicly owned?
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<Majiir> Publicly traded
<Majiir> and owned by some people in the public
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<Majiir> It's not "publicly owned" as in government owned -.-
<SilverFox> so do the people with the highest amount of stock get together in groups and decide on what's best for the company or some shit?
<Majiir> Some shares let you vote
<SilverFox> wow
<SilverFox> ~stock google
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: No such stock exists
<Majiir> GOOG and GOOGL
<SilverFox> why two?
<Majiir> One can vote
<SilverFox> ~stock GOOG
<Majiir> or nah
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: No such stock exists
<Majiir> one is Alphabet
<SilverFox> ~stock GOOGL
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: No such stock exists
<Majiir> that's the one
<SilverFox> hmm
<Majiir> no wait it's night time with Majiir again
<Majiir> They're both Alphabet
<Majiir> One is voting lol
<Majiir> Class A = voting
<Majiir> Class C = pleb tier
<Majiir> Class B = something in between idfk
<SilverFox> it's GOOGL according to google
<SilverFox> ~stock googl
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: No such stock exists
<SilverFox> why
<SilverFox> is the api down?
<Majiir> sux2suk
<SilverFox> ~stock amd
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: No such stock exists
<SilverFox> ~stock intel
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: No such stock exists
<SilverFox> ~mystock
<SilverFox> ~commands
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, I am sending you my list of commands
<SilverFox> ~bank
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, your bank contains: $1013.95
<SilverFox> sick
<SilverFox> ~sue Majiir
<FoxBot9000> Majiir, you have been sued for: $325792
<SilverFox> sick
<SilverFox> pay up
<Majiir> nah
<SilverFox> ok
<Majiir> Soozee wants her lawyer fees though
<Majiir> $35K kthx
<SilverFox> nah
<Majiir> bruh you been C O U N T E R S U E D
<SilverFox> K E K
<SilverFox> why is amd stock going down wtf
<SilverFox> intel stock is too
<Majiir> the S&P is down today
<SilverFox> S&P?
<Majiir> good god man you're looking at stock prices and you don't know what the S&P 500 is?
<SilverFox> Socket and Pennet?
<Majiir> It's an index of 500 large companies
<Majiir> US companies
<SilverFox> ahhh
<SilverFox> specifically US?
<SilverFox> like no caenada allowed?
<Majiir> Correct
<SilverFox> okay, I wonder if canada has one
<Majiir> The stock market is pretty much always divided between US and International
<Majiir> because the US is 52% of the world stock market
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<SilverFox> ahh
<Majiir> There are definitely Canada ETFs and probably other indices
<SilverFox> okay makes sense
<Majiir> but nothing as well known as the S&P or Dow Jones
<Majiir> I couldn't even tell you the name of an international index
<SilverFox> I've heard of that last one
<SilverFox> "the dow is down 2% today"
<SilverFox> but never heard past that
<SilverFox> is it possible to own half a stock?
<Majiir> You mean a share?
<Majiir> You can own fractional shares in mutual funds
<Majiir> I don't think you can own fractional individual stock
<Majiir> but I'm not sure
<SilverFox> like, if I buy a stock, but I want half
<SilverFox> amd stock is like, 13$
<SilverFox> but If I only have 7$
<Majiir> If you're investing with anything less than $1000, you're being silly
<SilverFox> ye agreed
<Majiir> Many mutual funds have a $3-5K minimum
<SilverFox> one of my friends did 10,000
<SilverFox> got himself a car in cahs
<SilverFox> cash
<SilverFox> a REALLY nice car
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<SilverFox> I use to play the stock game in high school
<Majiir> Game is a good word for it
<Majiir> Buying individual stocks is almost always gambling
<SilverFox> game myself 1000$ at the beginning of the semester, almost lost it halfway through, then got up to like, 10k buy the end
<Majiir> We played a silly trading game for my econ class
<Majiir> Everyone goes and buys their favorite company
<SilverFox> and then loses
<Majiir> I bought a bunch of put options and made 100x return the first day
<SilverFox> kek
<Majiir> because the simulator was stupid
<Majiir> I think I also traded on ridiculous margin
<SilverFox> ridiculous margin?
<Majiir> Borrowing money to trade with
<SilverFox> ahh
<SilverFox> like those uhhhh
<SilverFox> short term stocks or whatever you called t?
<Majiir> ...wat?
<SilverFox> you made a deal of my bot not having it once
<SilverFox> you couldn't "short" something
<SilverFox> like, buy stocks without having the money
<Majiir> Ah
<Majiir> It's a different mechanism than shorting
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<SilverFox> ahh, shorting
<Majiir> Shorting is where you bet a stock will go down
<SilverFox> interesting
<Majiir> tl;dr borrow stock, sell it, wait, buy stock, give it back
<SilverFox> sell high buy low make profit?
<Majiir> Or the opposite and lose
<Majiir> but unlike buying long, short selling means potentially unlimited losses
<SilverFox> unlimited?
<Majiir> Think about what happens if the stock price goes up 10x
<SilverFox> ohhh
<SilverFox> but you sell at a higher price
<SilverFox> wait, it goes up before or after you buy?
<Majiir> before
<Majiir> It goes up during the "wait"
<SilverFox> that's not good
<SilverFox> you want it to go down and then recover
<SilverFox> or just spike in general after you buy for maximum gains
<Majiir> what? no
<Majiir> You only buy it to repay the loan
<Majiir> The whole point is you're betting it will go down
<SilverFox> ahhh right
<SilverFox> and if it goes up you're at a loss. right?
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<Majiir> Yep
<SilverFox> alright neat
<SilverFox> can you combine the two stock methods then
<SilverFox> buy low sell high and shorting?
<Majiir> Sure, but they have the opposite effect
<Majiir> so it just wastes money
<SilverFox> interesting
<SilverFox> with shorting can you specify how much a stock will drop or is it just "it'll drop" in general?
<Majiir> Did you read my tl;dr?
<SilverFox> where?
<SilverFox> you posted a tl:dr?
<Majiir> <Majiir> tl;dr borrow stock, sell it, wait, buy stock, give it back
<SilverFox> oh wait I see it
<SilverFox> ahhh
<SilverFox> I get the process now
<SilverFox> you sell X stock, then later you have to buy X stock back
<SilverFox> and if it goes up, you're at a loss, if it goes down, you're at a net gain
<Majiir> yep
<SilverFox> ayyy
<SilverFox> drunk me can think
<SilverFox> whaddya know
<SilverFox> oh majiir, I translated a song recently, chek it out:
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<SilverFox> there, now foxbot should be able to handle quotes in youtube links
<Majiir> Should I buy a house
<SilverFox> yes
<SilverFox> buy low sell high
<SilverFox> wait, you live in an apartment right now?
<Majiir> Yes
<Majiir> I do not understand the quotes I am getting
<Majiir> Mortgage market is silly right now
<SilverFox> what's your budget?
<Majiir> idk
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<SilverFox> wtf you mean you dont know
<SilverFox> what kinda house you going for?
<Majiir> idk
<SilverFox> your poor ass couldnt get a mansion, so your budget aint a mansion
<Majiir> Depends where the mansion is
<SilverFox> your budget probably around 500k - 1.25m
<Majiir> lol wtf
<Majiir> 1.25M?
<Majiir> you crazy
<SilverFox> ye
<Majiir> $500K is near the top end
<SilverFox> wtf
<SilverFox> we have some rando ass houses going for 1.25m on the bank of some rando ass river
<SilverFox> whatchu got
<Majiir> Of my range, I mean
<SilverFox> exactly, so whatchu wanna pay for a house?
<Majiir> idk
<Majiir> Zero
<Majiir> I want to pay zero
<SilverFox> well yes
<SilverFox> we all wanna pay nothing and communism and shit
<Majiir> Nah
<Majiir> Communism is everyone gets to pay zero
<Majiir> I just want me to pay zero
<Majiir> Majiirism
<SilverFox> but guess what you liberatarian shitbag
<SilverFox> people pay money
<SilverFox> for houses
<SilverFox> and anything less than 200k you should just stick with an apartmennt
<Majiir> That seems like baseless advice
<SilverFox> because anything less is gonna be a shithouse fixerupper
<SilverFox> our house sold for less than 200k and it was hsit
<Majiir> Also not sure why I'd trust you about buying houses
<SilverFox> utter shit
<Majiir> Yeah, Toronto has stupid expensive real estate
<Majiir> $200K is a lot of house in a lot of places
<SilverFox> i aint in toront
<Majiir> Canada is a country in Toronto
<Majiir> You live in Toronto
<SilverFox> lol
<SilverFox> basically 50% of canada lives below ottawa
<SilverFox> it's fucking hilarious
<SilverFox> what im saying is that 200k here is like, an okay house
<Majiir> I live near Boston
<Majiir> 200K in Boston is a bathroom
<SilverFox> but mortage and shit and taxes and whatnot, it'sjust better to live in an apartment
<Majiir> Fox
<Majiir> I am well aware of the pros and cons of renting
<Majiir> and of my own financial situation and how it relates
<SilverFox> ye
<SilverFox> so go for like, 400k at least fo a substantial upgrade
<SilverFox> but then you have a whole house to clean rather than apartment
<Majiir> pft
<Majiir> cleaning lady yo
<SilverFox> bitch if you can afford a cleaning mexican wtf
<Majiir> ooh place for sale right next to the dunkin donuts
<SilverFox> score
<Majiir> which will be a great change from my current apartment
<SilverFox> get that shit in lock
<Majiir> which is a block away from a Dunkin Donuts
<SilverFox> sounds like worth it to me
<SilverFox> you can hit on all the hot dunkin ladies
<SilverFox> interesting
<SilverFox> Majiir, i'm paying 50$ for 2.5 down <1 up
<SilverFox> internets
<Majiir> Supposedly 2K square feet but it sure doesn't look that from the photos
<Majiir> HOA $700/mo oh hell no
<SilverFox> furniture tends to usually make it looks spacious, but can have the opposite effect
<SilverFox> is this the on that is next to dunkin?
<SilverFox> fun fact, all fidget spinner videos on facebook have a fidget spinner for the loading icon when the video is loading
<Majiir> These places seem so cramped
<SilverFox> how many sqrft?
<Majiir> 1200, 1500, it varies
<SilverFox> hrmmm
<SilverFox> ~wa 1500sqrft to square metres
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: m^2 (square meter): 1 m^2 | 10000 cm^2 (square centimeters)
<SilverFox> wut
<SilverFox> wtf is that in square meter
<SilverFox> ;wa 1500square foot to meters ^ 2
<kmath> SilverFox: (convert 1500 ft^2 (square feet) to meters)^2: 19420 m^4 (meters to the fourth)
<SilverFox> wut
<Majiir> foox pls
<SilverFox> idk sqrtft
<SilverFox> pls
<Majiir> ;wa 1500 sqft to m^2
<kmath> Majiir: convert 1500 ft^2 (square feet) to square meters: 139.4 m^2 (square meters)
<SilverFox> great
<SilverFox> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<SilverFox> that is kinda crampy, but not goshiwon level, so could be worse
<Majiir> $400K goshiwon
<SilverFox> kek
<SilverFox> i wonder what the sqrm of a goshiwon is
<SilverFox> a bed is like 2m long, so that's like, also the room of the bathroom
<SilverFox> so like, 8m
<SilverFox> in longest dimension
<SilverFox> maybe 8.5
<Majiir> goddammit I don't want to buy a whole shitty building
<SilverFox> buy a whole shitty building
<SilverFox> collect them rent from drug addicts
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<Majiir> So from looking around, I just need about a million dollars
<SilverFox> lol yup
<SilverFox> told ya
<SilverFox> Majiir, what is the point of having pot handles if the pot handles get hot when you pick it up?
<Majiir> Reinforcement training
<SilverFox> holy fuck its pouring out
<SilverFox> Majiir, ever watched porn in vr?
<SilverFox> now it's done raining
<Supernovy> SilverFox: from the actor's perspective, or just walking around the set while it's happening?
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<SilverFox> you get yer dick suck in bvr
<Supernovy> I wonder what gear the guy has to wear in order for it to be filmed. A big headset with 8 cameras or something.
<kmath> YouTube - The Golden age of Youtube
<FoxBot9000> yt: The Golden age of Youtube | Skinny Bone Jones
<SilverFox> a 360 camera
<SilverFox> it can be lightweight in comparison to what you'd think
<Majiir> What if I don't want my dick sucked in VR
<Majiir> Can I customize it
<SilverFox> you want yer pussy licked?
<SilverFox> whatchu want?
<Majiir> idk
<SilverFox> u wunt the dick or the puss?
<SilverFox> there's female and male pov
<SilverFox> get them titjobs, pissed on, footjobs, titjobs, sexin
<SilverFox> lots of piss goddamn
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<SilverFox> Majiir, I did vr porn recently
<SilverFox> fucking japan porn is censored
<Supernovy> you acted in it?
<SilverFox> so I went from having a dick, to a bunch of pixels
<Majiir> Supornovy
<SilverFox> stupornovy
<Majiir> Shouldn't VR porn be doing augmented reality
<Majiir> like she sucks a dick but it's MY dick in my apartment
<SilverFox> no that's AR porn
<Supernovy> pornmented reality
<Majiir> Augmented Fantasy
<Majiir> trademark that
<SilverFox> porn AF
<Majiir> you're welcome
<Supernovy> Imagine it's a real estate agent, and you're being shown a house that's gonna go on auction. augmented realty.
<SilverFox> im so drunk im just slapping my leg to see if it had feeling lol
<Majiir> Supernovy, am I gonna get a good deal on this place?
<Majiir> and is it the kind of place I really want?
<SilverFox> my bets are yes
<SilverFox> show pics
<Supernovy> Majiir: that's why you're fucking her.
<Majiir> Is she gonna give me a great deal for fucking her?
<Majiir> If so, I've been doing this all wrong
<Supernovy> Hell yeah. She needs the commission AND the dick.
<Majiir> I think we found my fetish
<Majiir> at long last
<SilverFox> what fetish?7
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<SilverFox> what'ㄴ 해ㅑㅜㅎ oㅜㅎ?
<Majiir> Put a cute real estate agent in a little black dress, and every time she cums the price drops $10K
<SilverFox> swEEEET FUCK
<SilverFox> is it a positive feedback loop where the price drop causes her to cum harder?
<Majiir> The price drops keep me going until the discounts are just too much for me to handle
<Majiir> Eventually I will give in and buy right there
<Majiir> Cash
<Majiir> Something something money shot
<SilverFox> ok i ghet it now
<Majiir> This is all about getting a sweet apartment
<SilverFox> wait do you want an apartment or house?
<Majiir> Ideally a house, but there's no way I can afford the kind of house I want
<Majiir> so apartment it is
<SilverFox> do you want a backyard in a house for miniijir to play in?
<SilverFox> play catch with and form them fatherly son bonds
<Majiir> Nah I have nephews for that
<Majiir> I'd want to build if I got a house
<kmath> YouTube - Lotte
<FoxBot9000> yt: Lotte | BigCaptainTHanks
<SilverFox> building a house is expensive af
<SilverFox> like, more than you'd thinkg
<Majiir> It's not super expensive
<Majiir> It's a bit more than buying, sure
<Majiir> but you get a new house out of it
<Majiir> and one that's exactly what you want
<SilverFox> yeah it's not like, double what you'd buy, but it's still a good amount above
<SilverFox> at least here
<SilverFox> it was like, 1.5x here a long while back and that's what caused me to live in military res for a bit
<SilverFox> because stepfather was like 'fuck that" and didn't do any research into how much it'd cost
<kmath> YouTube - Turn the Beet Around
<FoxBot9000> yt: Turn the Beet Around | RamsesThePigeon
<SilverFox> I mean
<SilverFox> that's pretty decent
<SilverFox> got that waterfront view
<SilverFox> got first strike capabilities on NK
<SilverFox> how much?
<kmath> YouTube - Politics in 2017
<FoxBot9000> yt: Politics in 2017 | MrStratman7
Majiir is now known as Snoozee
<SilverFox> bye snoozer
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<kmath> YouTube - Dumping Auschwitz
<FoxBot9000> yt: Dumping Auschwitz | Christopher Andrews
<SilverFox> hey Rokker fuck you
<Rokker> <3
<SilverFox> unquiet my bot
<Rokker> I cant
<Rokker> I'll get in trouble
<SilverFox> Rokker, -q
<Rokker> /mode name -q?
<SilverFox> /mode channel flag user
<SilverFox> niggaaaaa
<Rokker> ~g "greys anatomy" dumb
<SilverFox> nigga u cant quiet my bot then use it
<SilverFox> u fuckin hippocrit
<Rokker> SilverFox: do u think this pings em
<Rokker> SilverFox: lupi is a dude whose fursona is a fat dragon and they love fat dragons
<SilverFox> nice
<Rokker> SilverFox: they will actually attend rocket launches in florida
<Rokker> with a badge from furcon
<Rokker> with their fursona on it
<SilverFox> I have a badge made
<Rokker> so that the first thing you ever know about them
<Rokker> is their fursona
<SilverFox> mainly because its so well drawn
<SilverFox> kek
<SilverFox> gotta represent that maximum autismo
<Rokker> its actual cancer
<SilverFox> Rokker y u do dis?
<SilverFox> Rokker,
<kmath> YouTube - battlefield 1 gameplay
<FoxBot9000> yt: battlefield 1 gameplay | Matthew Troscianczuk
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<SilverFox> ~yt potion seller
<kmath> YouTube - Potion Seller
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<Greys> ;wa 3 cubic acres
<kmath> Greys: 3 acres^3: (no standard named quantities)
<Greys> what's the word for ^4
<Greys> ;wa 3 cubic acres to m^4
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> ;wa 1 acre to square meters
<kmath> Greys: convert 1 acre to square meters: 4047 m^2 (square meters)
<Greys> ;wa 4047m^2^3
<kmath> Greys: 4047 m^(2^3) = 4047 m^8
<Greys> ;wa 4047(m^2)^3
<kmath> Greys: 4047 (m^2)^3 = 4047 m^6
<Greys> ;wa 4047m^2 * 4047m^2 * 4047m^2
<kmath> Greys: 4047 m^2 (square meters)×4047 m^2 (square meters)×4047 m^2 (square meters): 6.628×10^10 m^6 (meters to the 6)
<Greys> 6.628e10m^6 * 3
<Greys> ;wa 6.628e10m^6 * 3
<kmath> Greys: 6.628×10^10 m^6 (meters to the 6)×3: 1.988×10^11 m^6 (meters to the 6)
<Greys> ;wa density of gold
<kmath> Greys: gold->density: 19.3 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter)
<Greys> ;wa 1.988e11m^6 * 19.3g/cm^3
<kmath> Greys: 1.988×10^11 m^6 (meters to the 6)×19.3 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter): 3.837×10^15 kg m^3 (kilogram meters cubed)
<Greys> ;wa value of gold
<kmath> Greys: gold->price: $1268/oz t (US dollars per troy ounce) (0 minutes ago)
<Greys> ;wa value of gold per kilogram
<kmath> Greys: gold->price -> kg^(-1) (reciprocal kilogram): $1268/oz t (US dollars per troy ounce) -> kg^(-1) (reciprocal kilogram) (0 minutes ago)
<Greys> ;wa value of gold in USD per kilogram kilogram
<kmath> Greys: convert gold->price to US dollars per kilogram squared: $/oz t (US dollars per troy ounce) and $ per kilogram^2 (US dollars per kilogram squared) are not compatible.
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<Greys> ;wa $1268/oz t to $/kg
<kmath> Greys: convert $1268/oz t (US dollars per troy ounce) to US dollars per kilogram: $40770 per kilogram (US dollars per kilogram)
<Greys> ;wa (3.837e15 kilgram meters cubed) / (40770 $/kg)
<kmath> Greys: (3.837×10^15 kg (kilograms) (m^3 (cubic meter)))/($40770 per kilogram (US dollars per kilogram)): 9.411×10^10 kg^2m^3/$ (kilogram squared meters cubed per US dollar)
<Greys> that is how much money scrooge mcduck might have.
<Greys> ;wa (3.837e15 kilogram meters cubed) * (40770 $/kg)
<kmath> Greys: (3.837×10^15 kg (kilograms) (m^3 (cubic meter)))×$40770 per kilogram (US dollars per kilogram): $1.564×10^20 m^3 (meter cubed US dollars)
<Greys> unless it's that
<Greys> so that's 1.564e20 dollers per cubic meter; I guess?"
<Greys> 156.4 quintillion dollars per cubic meter? that's a lot of rich
<Greys> assuming necessary volume....
<Greys> ;wa $1.564e20 m^3 to millimeter cubed usd dollars
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> ;wa $1.564e20 m^3 to $/mm^3
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> ;wa $1.564e20 m^3 * 1mm^3
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> I guess we're stuck
<Greys> ;wa 1 planck length cubed to mm
<kmath> Greys: convert 1 l_P^3 (Planck length cubed) to millimeters: 4.222×10^-96 mm^3 (cubic millimeters)
<Greys> ok, so you could have a volume at that density that wasn't rich
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<Greys> huh, theko left
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<Greys> on the topic of leatherworking, this seems reasonably attainable, but rigidity at larger scales gets more costly quickly
<kmath> YouTube - DiResta Leather Camera Holster
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<Greys> so in detroit, we're going to get about 80% eclipse, just under, maybe 78%
<VITAS> and more importantly: intel will present its 8000 series cpus then
<darklight> what
<darklight> 7000 just came out like a few months ago?
<VITAS> then amd hit
<Greys> what?
<VITAS> its called cofee lake
<VITAS> and it will have 6 cores
<VITAS> (and some u and y series cpus for ultrabooks will have 2/4 cores andf be called cannon lake)
<darklight> Greys unblock vitas
<darklight> And I still don't understand why they'd depreciate cpus after a few months
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<VITAS> it isnt a whole new cpu design its more like a stepping deluxe
<VITAS> it comes with stuff like build in wifi support (no use for desktops) and soem other tweaks
<VITAS> along with more cores
<G-Mobile> No
<VITAS> its simply there to battle amds ryzen
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<VITAS> darklight, i wouldnt ask him anymore. if he wants to be confused and only get parts of the chat its ok with me
<darklight> Why would a cpu come with wifi?
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<darklight> Illuminati I take it? :P
<VITAS> my guess is that their im is to end up with a SoC for all x86 cpus at some point
<VITAS> and it isnt a compleate wikfi set
<VITAS> like their chipset integrated ethernet you need additional parts to make it work
<darklight> To be fair, a lot of shit on a mobo has been making its way into the cpu
<VITAS> think ram controllers
<darklight> Well, pcie
<VITAS> for intel and amd it means you have to buy a new pu more frequently
<darklight> That is all direct to the cpu now iirc
<VITAS> you are willing to pay more because of the added featuresa
<darklight> Not really
<VITAS> systems can get smaller and less power hungry
<darklight> People buy a new computer when their old one quits
<VITAS> mobo supplyers have less complexity they can charge for
<VITAS> or if they desire a new one
<darklight> Speaking of quitting, yesterday a very old not-important tractor blew up
<VITAS> think gfx cards
<darklight> You can see a crack in the piston bore sleeve
<G-Mobile> How far did the shrapnel go
<darklight> Today, dads tractor quit :<
<VITAS> most of them arent broken
<darklight> Greys not like that really, but a big burst of what I thought was steam was released
<darklight> Today was "rattle rattle clunk stop"
<G-Mobile> Thats a rupture not an explosion
<VITAS> damn you windows
<VITAS> somehow "ms antimaleware" infected my computer
<VITAS> and now its scanning my computer for "threads" and cant be stopped or uninstalled
<darklight> I gave dad my air con tractor which is why I drove the duetz, which I call auschwitz because its essentially a german oven :<
<VITAS> hogging all the storage subsystems bandwidth
<VITAS> duetz?
<VITAS> isnt it deutz?
<darklight> duetz-fahr
<VITAS> also "hey"
* darklight doesn't know how to spell
<VITAS> deutz is a part of cologne
* VITAS will be there next week
<darklight> I opened every window that could be opened, but luckily it is still kinda winter
<VITAS> germany doesnt have summer like you do
<VITAS> thats why we tend to ignore aircon
<G-Mobile> Still?
<G-Mobile> But its the height of summer here
<darklight> Slowest tipping tractor ever
<kmath> YouTube - Dumping Auschwitz
<G-Mobile> It should be rlthe middle of winter
<VITAS> also im sure that ausschwitz is written with two s? :P
<G-Mobile> Why are you farming in winter
<darklight> Greys yeah but for reference its like... 8-27 degrees c ish atm
<darklight> Some nights it gets down to 4c I think
<G-Mobile> Global wanging...
<VITAS> also: in an emergency (aka hot) break window
<darklight> Cane is something that grows all year round, but cut from july-nov or dec depending on how many delays there are in the crushing
<VITAS> i had to laugh: under related videos "Walking Through Auschwitz | WARNING: Actual footage of entire camp " so the usual stuff the person does isnt real and what they claim it is?
<darklight> Vitas the back window lifts right up, but I'd probably break it on the bin the second I turned
<darklight> We have a few of those tractors, I'll name the other one dakhau if its aircon ever stops working :P
<VITAS> guess theres a dust problem as well if you would remove it or something like that
<darklight> *dachau
<VITAS> dan that would be dachau
<VITAS> yes
<darklight> I can handle dust
<G-Mobile> You should repurpose your plane into a basting brush, i mean air circulator
<VITAS> dang it now trhe searcxh indexer started too
<VITAS> i want this fuck to be off. it makes the computer unusable
<darklight> I've got a spare motor and I have thought of it
<VITAS> (it locks up now)
<darklight> Anakondai or windows?
<darklight> I turned the kde equivalent off too
<VITAS> windows 8.1
<darklight> Also I have engineering advice, put air conditioners at the top of the cab where they belong, not under the seat where they can't be cleaned :<
<darklight> The deutz and new holland 7030 suffers from that damn problem
<darklight> Like, they try to route the air over the nice hot gearbox
<G-Mobile> They'd just put the seat up there too
<darklight> Instead of not routing it at all like a sane person :P
<darklight> That wouldn't be a huge deal if the seat didn't way 50kg
<darklight> *weigh
<darklight> ...
<G-Mobile> You'd have to sit on the seat
<darklight> For the 7030 we open the back window, put the loader bucket as close as we can and chuck it out the back
<G-Mobile> The AC?
<darklight> Not possible with the deutz as there is a cane bin there
<darklight> Yeah
<darklight> The evapotator is under the fucking seat
<G-Mobile> You chucked the ac
<darklight> You need to be able to clean it :P
<darklight> Chucked the seat
<G-Mobile> Out the back window
<darklight> Yeah, into the loaders bucket
<G-Mobile> Why not the door?
<darklight> A few things are in the way, eaiser to lift it straight out the back window
<G-Mobile> You might live in a tesseract
<darklight> Also I negleted to mention, the entire tractors controls are attached to this seat, and it is a bit difficult taking them off
<G-Mobile> Which does not have as many dimensions as a cubic acre
<darklight> So cleaning the ac is like a... 2... 3 hour job compared to 10min on the 8340's
<darklight> Also, cars seem to have the uncleanable ac disease as well
<G-Mobile> In murka we clean our AC with rain
<darklight> But I can bitch about that if I ever need to clean mine
<kmath> <_donaldson> Does North Korea know we moved Guam?
<G-Mobile> Is this a joke? I dont understand modern humor
<darklight> Something about trump and north korea not smoking enough weed
<darklight> "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States [or] they'll be met with the fire and fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen before."
<darklight> So that would mean at least 3 atomic bombs
<darklight> Because we've seen 2
<G-Mobile> We could individually nuke every square mile of nk
<darklight> I personally am not in favour of using them, as all your going to do is kill civilians
<darklight> But their existence does prevent wars from happening, normally
<darklight> Silly fingerprint scanner :<
<darklight> If it locks the phone you can't type the backup password either
<G-Mobile> Mine doesnt do that
<darklight> I use the fingerprint scanner
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<G-Mobile> So fo i
<G-Mobile> Do
<darklight> Get it wrong 10 times or more
<darklight> AvE has confused peltiers with thermocouples
<darklight> I think
<SilverFox> so guys, how do I take the C drive on my 1TB HDD on my desktop, and copy it onto this 512GB SSD I have, and have that SSD be bootable, without reinstalling windows?
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<MobileFox> Of course my internet is being shit, so resend anything yall sent me
<MobileFox> If yall even got my message
<G-Mobile> You dont
<SilverFox> what do you mean "You dont"
<SilverFox> why
<SilverFox> do I need a 1TB SSD?
<G-Mobile> Windows hates travel
<SilverFox> VITAS, is there a way you know of?
<SilverFox> darklight?
<SilverFox> also why the fuck is foxbot not here wtf
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<MobileFox> There we go
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<G-Mobile> I like how most diets are very simple ideas strung out to books
<G-Mobile> microfasting: Most of the time, don't eat
<G-Mobile> snacking: most of the time, eat
<G-Mobile> atkins: don't eat crap
<VITAS> huh>?
<G-Mobile> paleo: don't eat processed calorie dense crap
<G-Mobile> slow carb: only eat crap
<VITAS> you can use a live linux distro
<darklight> SF yes its possible
<SilverFox> VITAS, I have a mechanical 3.5" hdd and it makes a lot of noise and shit, I have a 512GB SSD that wont make noise and I want to transfer my windows install to that SSD without having to reinstall windows
<VITAS> clonezilla and such
<darklight> You need to resize the ntfs filesystem and partition
<VITAS> but before you do defrag the drive and clean it until theres no more than 490gb of space used
<G-Mobile> oh you're not moving it to a laptop?
<SilverFox> VITAS, there's like, 300someGB used
<G-Mobile> yea then just make a livecd of just about any linux, open gparted and copy the partition into a smaller partition
<VITAS> there are also tools from samsung and so on to do that
<G-Mobile> it's the travelling that windows doesn't like
<G-Mobile> that said depending on your version of windows a fresh install on SSD may be more prepared to take advantage of being on an SSD
<darklight> Shrink it so its smaller than 500gb (the smaller the better, but leave at least some free space)
<darklight> Then do a block copy, I like using ddrescue on linux, but there are other less dangerous programs
<G-Mobile> you can make this copy without altering the original hard drive
<darklight> Greys windows can travel
<G-Mobile> yea but it hates it
* VITAS walks away because he is anyoed by greys getting involved without even be able to read all the text
<darklight> 7 and 10 are better at it than xp or vista were
<darklight> Its not 2001 anymore
<G-Mobile> better, but they still piss all over
<G-Mobile> 7 because it's got a lot of installtime build stuff such as "I'm on an SSD, I should act differently"
<G-Mobile> 10 because of DRM
<darklight> ddrescue is nice because if a part of the hdd is fucked it won't kill the entire transfer, it will recover what it can
<G-Mobile> nothing's damaged, silver's just upgrading
<darklight> I would recommend reinstalling too, but it depends how much effort sf has put in over the years
<darklight> If you don't have time to waste, any block copy program is fine, but obviously can't be run from windows
<G-Mobile> I reinstalled after six years this spring, it wasn't a big deal; but I have functioning internet
<SilverFox> darklight, this is about 7ish years of work into the computer
<darklight> Yeah but my sis has photoshop brushes and keyboard shortcuts coming out the wazoo
<SilverFox> darklight, do I have to defrag all the volumes on the drive or just my main volume?
<darklight> Don't need to defrag anything, but you do need to shrink the volume by that thing I linked
<VITAS> best is to defrag all of them so that all data is at the beginning of the drive
<VITAS> if thats the case your partition table is still valid and you only have to correct the amoutn of block used by the partition for the first partiton(s)
<darklight> That's what shrink does
<darklight> Moves the shit past the shrink point :P
<VITAS> yes shrinking before imaging is one option the other is defraging and than just imaging to a smaller volume
<VITAS> so either way is valid
<SilverFox> mkay, ima defrag and then shrink just cause
<SilverFox> this isnt time crucial
<SilverFox> now, what if I plug in the SSD with a sata-USB cable?
<SilverFox> will that matter at all?
<VITAS> sata is better
<darklight> sata usb?
<SilverFox> yeah, sata one end, usb the other
<darklight> wat
<VITAS> but i think depending ont he imaging soft u use it doesnt matter
<SilverFox> ~newegg satausb cable
<G-Mobile> I hope you realize this will take five to fifty times longer over one of those
<SilverFox> okay great because I dont really have the sata cables
<darklight> If you have m.2 I think you fucked up :P
<SilverFox> I have like, 2 or something
<darklight> But sata if you can
<SilverFox> I definitely do not have m.2 on this sata mobo
<SilverFox> 7yr old mobo*
<darklight> Even cheapo boards have like 4 or 6 ports :P
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> ports
<SilverFox> I have like, 2 cables
<G-Mobile> Holy fuck
<G-Mobile> We must now kill wikipedia
<darklight> Probs would have been better get a pice ssd
<G-Mobile> The time is past, it's death is necessary
<SilverFox> too expensive
<darklight> Greys wikipedia has aids in some parts
<darklight> But I'd say a net positive
<G-Mobile> The fucking donation ad is two and three quarter pages long on my phone
<darklight> ;g xkcd spark gap
<G-Mobile> Nope
<SilverFox> kmath doesnt google you fucking ditz
<darklight> *sigh*
<SilverFox> goddamn
<darklight> It used to
<darklight> Maybe you should detect ;g :P
<SilverFox> naw
<SilverFox> because fuck you guys, use the proper commands
<G-Mobile> 1no✔️
<SilverFox> wut
<G-Mobile> Emojis. They Are Us.
<darklight> I don't like googling with a furry bot on principle :P
<G-Mobile> ~g furry shota pants only
<G-Mobile> Gj
<G-Mobile> .rs?
<darklight> ED needs to die
<G-Mobile> Thats a hard link
<darklight> It has more cancer than 4chan does, and that's saying something
<SilverFox> ED has some aids in some parts
<SilverFox> but i'd say a net positive
<G-Mobile> ~g sonichu
<FoxBot9000> G-Mobile:
<darklight> No
<darklight> ED is getting sued iirc? And I give no fucks
<G-Mobile> ;g discount children
<darklight> Hehe
<darklight> "If hwite genocide isn't real then how come 99.98% of gaming all mouses are black? Checkmate"
<SilverFox> greys dont make me block your google priveleges
<G-Mobile> ~g poor poor lips
<G-Mobile> A pretty solid 4koma
<SilverFox> yanno
<G-Mobile> She's 21
<SilverFox> one frame gifs and other images that look like gifs, but aren't gifs, should be illegal
<Greys> let's just retire the gif format and replace it with an audioless easy to process low bitrate uncompressed shitty videostream, such as gif has become
<SilverFox> also Greys, which is better in your opinion, 3 breasts or 4 breasts, and if 4 breasts subcategory it, 4 horizontal or 2 rows of 2?
<Greys> 2
<SilverFox> 2 rows of 2?
<SilverFox> hm
<SilverFox> alright
<Greys> no, that's the second question
<SilverFox> no take backsies
<Greys> that's not how that works
<SilverFox> my hands are tied
<SilverFox> no take backsies was called
<SilverFox> im sorry, there's nothing I can do
<Greys> there used to be a guy named fosbery that made guns
<Greys> better yet, he was a british colnel
<Greys> so, in the adventures of wtf are these people doing; two days ago a crew went through the neighborhood and removed all the porches
<Greys> today they've come back to reinstall them
<SilverFox> nice
<Greys> why would you do that?
<Greys> there's been the stairs, a pile of dirt, and two planks between the stairs and the door; why
<Greys> btw the patios were a box of bricks with a cement slab roof packed full of dirt
<Greys> I suspect that when they finish, they'll put the same cement slab back
<SilverFox> wait how do you tear down a neighborhood of porches in a day?
<Greys> with a skidsteer and three guys
<Greys> all they actually did was put the slab on a trailer and knock out all the bricks
<SilverFox> fuckingggggg
<SilverFox> pass 7 of this defrag
<SilverFox> goddamn
<SilverFox> why so many
<Greys> because 100%
<SilverFox> why cant it do it in 3?
<Greys> because 80%
<darklight> Greys, mp4s are now gifs though
<SilverFox> wut
<Greys> that doesn't meet any of the descriptors
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<SilverFox> I wonder if I can upstream 720p with 1Mb up
<Greys> dought fu
<SilverFox> what is that quality with uhhhhhhh 500 in it?
<SilverFox> 576?
<darklight> SF have you been enjoying this?
<SilverFox> lol
<SilverFox> it's an interesting time to be alive
<SilverFox> I'm glad I'm going to korea
<SilverFox> that's where the REAL corruption is
<SilverFox> none of this pansy ass half-assing that's over here
<darklight> The blood of the opposition will run in he streets!
<darklight> *the
* darklight watches jordan peterson / fired google guy interview
<SilverFox> "hey guys, I think it's scary that we feel we might get fired if we say anything about how we feel" *gets fired*
<Greys> what did he get fired for?
<SilverFox> what I just posted
<Greys> that's not what he got fired for
<Greys> he got fired, and that happened, but what did he get fired for
<SilverFox> officially or actually?
<darklight> You'll know it as the "google anti-diversity document"
<SilverFox> did he leak that?
<darklight> He sent it as a memo I think
<Greys> I don't know what that is
<darklight> It made its rounds interally (google has their own meme network)
<SilverFox> of course
<darklight> I think its just best to post it
<SilverFox> secret memes
<SilverFox> Greys, it's a document stating the standards for hiring or some shit
<SilverFox> and it's biased
<darklight> tl;dr standard anti-sjw text
<Greys> what's a screed
<SilverFox> same
<SilverFox> I know what a creed is, but what's a screed
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<Greys> ~wa screed
<FoxBot9000> Greys: screed (English word): 1 | noun | a long monotonous harangue
<Greys> ~wa harangue
<FoxBot9000> Greys: harangue (English word): 1 | noun | a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion
<Greys> ~wa declamation
<FoxBot9000> Greys: declamation (English word): 1 | noun | vehement oratory
<Greys> ~wa vehement
<FoxBot9000> Greys: vehement (English word): 1 | adjective | marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid
<Greys> mmkay
<Greys> so.... angry document
<darklight> I don't think I'd call it an angry document at all
<Greys> right but the question was "what's a screed"
<darklight> Google says "a long piece of writing"
<SilverFox> a strongly emotioned document
<SilverFox> doesnt have to be angry
<darklight> It didn't come off like that to me, but I have different bias
<Greys> I'm not inclined to read a 10 page document
<Greys> is it a joke?
<darklight> Its 100% serious
<Greys> is it authoritative?
<darklight> Basically, he beleives men and women are different, and thats why google has "a diversity problem"
<Greys> that wasn't the question
<Greys> does the document hold authority
<darklight> He felt that the current solutions were not ideal and provided alternatives
<Greys> or is it just some fuck's manifesto of supremacy
<darklight> No, just some random employee worried about google
<stratochief> screed is more "passionate" than angry or emotional. maybe a good comparison would be manifesto?
<darklight> Its definitely passionate
<SilverFox> probably
<stratochief> wasn't the guy who wrote it fired?
<darklight> Yeap
<Greys> and who was he
<Greys> not by name
<Greys> nobody gives a shit who his name was
<Greys> no pictures either
<stratochief> Greys: not authoritative, it was written by an employee of google, mid-level programmer I believe
<Greys> fuck that guy, fire him
<SilverFox> why
<Greys> for publishing a document saying women are the problem
<darklight> Go down to his suggestions
<Greys> nah, splunky time
<stratochief> Greys: at the same time, it still represents the frustrated feelings of a sizable minority (10-25%) of programmers in silicon valley, and many believe that minority should be engaged constructively rather than outright fired
<darklight> Hired doing a code challange, promoted twice, worked for 3 years
<SilverFox> this is why greys isnt in any position of power
<SilverFox> promoted twice in 3 years?
<SilverFox> damn
<darklight> Its only a few paragraphs and its worth reading
<stratochief> I mean, I understand firing this one guy for publishing/making public his manifesto in such a manner, because it effective creates a hostile workplace environment
<darklight> The thing is he didn't
<darklight> It was spread internally and someone leaked it
<SilverFox> ooh shit
<darklight> He was worried about google
<darklight> (If you read the document that will come across)
<Greys> don't create things that will be a weapon against you if ever made public
<Greys> no human has the capacity to prevent things from going public
<Greys> they can only try
<stratochief> darklight: not making a direct comparison, but white nationalists are concerned about america. just because someone is concerned doesn't mean they should spread their idea freely amongst their co-workers
<darklight> I'm sure the media will report this like "hurr durr women belong in the kitchen", but thats so far off base
<stratochief> I believe some slightly unconventional things, and I wouldn't spread them amongst my co-workers
<VITAS> my boss just put me in the acc of an email where he offers some person that i could show him the mass spectrometry app hes coding
<VITAS> is he nuts?! im co chemist. i dodnt even know what it does!
<Greys> I have opinions about how my company could be doing a better job; I don't tell people these opinions, because nobody wants to hear what the night guard thinks about cloud services
<stratochief> mass spec is applied physics, isn't it?
<VITAS> no its chemstry
<VITAS> gass mass spectrometry or chramtography
<VITAS> or fuck i dont care
<SilverFox> chromatography?
<VITAS> i did computer and media sience
<VITAS> maybe
<Greys> so really what was this guy's position
<Greys> women are the problem seems unlikely
<VITAS> anyway i wont show shit
<darklight> strat I've not worked in a corporate environment, but if somethings fucked I'll pass it upwards
<Greys> the company dealing with women is the problem could be a rational stance
* VITAS is currently still working on fixing his lastz fuckup
<darklight> I've only worked in industry though....
<stratochief> darklight: right. in a corporate environment, 'up' is to HR in this case, which isn't what he did
<Greys> HR is usually more like diagonal down into a hellmouth
* VITAS walsk away throwing his arms in the air :D
* stratochief measures the curvature of VITAS' trajectory to determine what sort of ion VITAS is
<Greys> a bad one
<darklight> Also as far as white nationalists go, eh, I think their end goal is... dumb, to put it lightly, but I also get some of their concerns
<VITAS> xeon with a lot of velocity
<stratochief> VITAS: I learned about mass spec in both physics and chem, it is cool actually.
<Greys> white nationalists was an example not a tangent or accusation
<VITAS> fwhat isnt cool is to promise someone that im on the same level as some phd in chemistry
<darklight> Greys I'm aware
<stratochief> darklight: sure, everybody is free to have a theory about what is wrong with America. theirs is just not backed by evidence, and they are close minded to evidence that doesn't agree with their pet theory. same with most people and their pet theories, really
<VITAS> and offering someone like this that i could demonstrate some stuff to them without asking me
<darklight> White nationalists will have not-white nationalist allies
<stratochief> VITAS: ehh, read a few wiki pages on it, you can fake it :P
<Greys> in order to take names and build records for the purge
<VITAS> i dont want to
<VITAS> im the IT guy in the company
<VITAS> no sales person and no chemist
<darklight> Greys, no, I mean like they'll see "islamification" as a bad thing. I do to.
<VITAS> aka not my department and his problem to now tell them that he cant deliver on his offer
<stratochief> darklight: *too
<darklight> Its the same end view, but we don't share the same lens or reasons
<VITAS> we have islamification for decades now in germany and it brought us falaffel
<stratochief> darklight: I also see fundamentalist christianity as a bad thing, but I have found that fundamentalists of all stripes can be integrated into my country just fine with education and compasion *shrug*
<Greys> that's just because you're an islamificationosexual
<stratochief> sell the old empty churches to the immigrant muslims. in my old neighbourhood they were converting churches into appartments :P
<darklight> I'm probably not as optomistic for first generation, but second generation is probably completely fine
<VITAS> they convert churches to supercomputer datacenters in spain
<VITAS> so it isnt all bad
<darklight> So long as you're living in a melting pot and not a salad bowl :P
<stratochief> darklight: yeah, agreed. that is the same for all religions in my experience, though. first gen is less chill, but integration/multiculturalism chills them down. everyone likes economic opportunity
<darklight> Well I try to individualise it, like if I went to live in saudi arabia I... I don't think I'd like that country, at all
<darklight> But I'm relatively young so maybe
<SilverFox> restaurant in china offering discounts for tit size
<stratochief> darklight: agreed. but most people in saudi arabia are servents/slaves, and don't have citizenship. the world outside the OECD is pretty fuckt
<Greys> I wonder what webcomic they stole that chart from
<SilverFox> it's all the league girls with various tit sizes
<stratochief> apparently being granted citizenship of the country you're born into isn't a global norm
<SilverFox> jinx, lux, vayne, irelia, soraka, ahri, sona
<SilverFox> left to right respectively
<Greys> that's much less interesting
<darklight> Yes but then I flip that, if they come here. Like I find trumps "must know some english" requirement to be common sense? How will you integrate with no communication :-/
<SilverFox> you just find communities of your people
<SilverFox> and segregate yourself like you always do by nature
<darklight> Silvefox and that's where you're in salad bowl territory
<SilverFox> wut?
<stratochief> darklight: ESL learning classes? "must speak some english" is a pretty vague requirement.
<stratochief> not like you need decent english skills to pick fruit or clean bathrooms and hotel rooms
<VITAS> Hello, shit <- soem english
<darklight> However its formalised, it doesn't matter, and you only need a basic grasp to start
<SilverFox> show bobs and vaegana
<stratochief> yardwork crews just speak spanish anyway, just need a manager who speaks 'some english'
<stratochief> VITAS: baseball, mickey mouse. coca cola
<darklight> My view on this is probably completely warped though, I live in australia after all
<VITAS> brand names arent english
<VITAS> but base, ball mouse are
<stratochief> TIL, nouns aren't language
<SilverFox> same
<Greys> why should they integrate?
* VITAS is an it guy. all i can is count to 1
<Greys> wow
<darklight> Pretty rural area I guess, but we get heaps of tourists from all over, and iirc we have a fair few asian migrants which I really don't see as a problem at all
<Greys> I'm really falling out with Tested
<stratochief> integration is hard, differentiate is easier. *calculus jokes*
<Greys> how do you spend fifty minutes assembling a PC, when you claim to be a super nerd?
<Greys> it's like four screws!
<stratochief> honestly, real time digital translation is being scary good.
<stratochief> *becoming, not being
<darklight> Err... it does take a while to build from scratch
<Greys> only when it's a custom built desk
<Greys> you'll spend longer by far taking things out of boxes
<darklight> I was disappointed when they tried to make a hydrogen oxygen generator without sulfiric
<darklight> *sulfuric
<Greys> of course they start the video by making a macs are out of date joke
<darklight> It took all day and we got nothing!
<Greys> they got something; just not much
<darklight> I bet the idiots even tried to add salt
<Greys> nope
<darklight> Oh, so they knew that would make chlorine gas?
<Greys> it takes them 18 minutes to get the motherboard into the case
<darklight> Err... 1am.... wake up at 7
<darklight> Need to go to sleep :<
<Greys> 34 minutes to put the GPU in; and they're using the stock cooler
<darklight> Do they at least put the ram in first before mounting the mobo?
<Greys> everyone knows stock coolers are crap
<darklight> Stock cooler is fine on 1155
<darklight> 65w cpus now, not 1w5
<darklight> *125
<Greys> ryzen
<darklight> I still use an AIO though, they are wonderful
<darklight> REEE
<SilverFox> ryzen are decent for power usage apparently
<Greys> nope, motherboard then ram then heatsink then GPU
<darklight> ohhhhkay
<Greys> still, for 20$ you can get an aftermarket cooler that will drop your temps to a third
<darklight> Anyway, night
<Greys> stock coolers /work/ now, but they're still crap
<Greys> and loud
<darklight> Mr Kelvin would disagree
<darklight> And smaller
<darklight> AIO master race
<Greys> AIOs are great yes, but they're expensive
<VITAS> did the coin mining boom die off? is it ok to buy GPUs again?
* VITAS has a shuttel barebone. its small-ish and expandable
<darklight> AIO's are 1/3rd or less the cost of watercooling by parts
<Greys> 20$ for a decent aftermarket cooler or 100$ for a decent AIO; both are good options, but the AIO is luxury
<darklight> Vitas it does increase the second hand market
<Greys> either would be a huge upgrade to stock
<darklight> But those video cards are "ridden hard and put away wet"
<darklight> or dry, depending
<Greys> charged
<VITAS> darklight, youre right many barly used gpus will be a thing
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<SilverFox> 13% consolidated AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
<SilverFox> this is gonna take forever
<Greys> yep
<SilverFox> 15%
<Greys> 12%
<SilverFox> why does this take so long?
<kmath> YouTube - 10 Everyday Things That Aren't Legal In NORTH KOREA
<FoxBot9000> yt: 10 Everyday Things That Aren&#39;t Legal In NORTH KOREA | TheRichest
<Greys> bug
<SilverFox> ?
<Greys> &#39;
<SilverFox> yeah?
<SilverFox> its the thing for an apostrophe
<Greys> bug
<SilverFox> not important
<Greys> I didn't sayanything about importance
<Greys> also it's kinda important because it indicates that your framework for handling text from network sources is flawed, possibly impacting the entirity of the bot
<SilverFox> naw that's just you making baseless assumptions
<Greys> see, the only baseless part, is that you have a framework for handling text from network sources
<Greys> which would be the sane thing to do
<SilverFox> i do not give two shits how well foxbot is coded in java
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<Greys> mmmmkay
<Greys> you can keep your strawman
<Greys> I'm gon' home
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<G-Mobile> Manga about a girl having gone off to college reunites with her somewhat estranged sister only to learn that their parents had kicked the sister out for being gay
<SilverFox> inb4 incest happens
<G-Mobile> Nah, sister has a girlfriend
<darklight> Can't sleep yet, tomorrow will suck :<
<darklight> Greys can you explain your definition of strawman
<SilverFox> darklight, wait I got some recovery volumes and stuff
<SilverFox> do I need that volume for windows to function?
<darklight> SF shrink everything under the new size and move the partitions, iirc you should be able to move them
<darklight> I think it is only used in recovery mode
<SilverFox> like safe mode?
<SilverFox> jesus christ it's 18GB
<darklight> Greys, a strawman is when you take someones argument and misrepresent a weaker version of it and then argue with it instead
<darklight> A: Mass immigration is bad because it reduces the value of unskilled labour because it increases its supply of unskilled workers. B: A said immigrants are gonna take yer jerbs, A is so silly!
<darklight> That being said, rhetoric is a powerful tool
<stratochief> yeah, most of the people who know biases and falacies just exploit them in advertising, debate, and rhetoric :P
<stratochief> the dark side pays well
<SilverFox> wait wtf
<SilverFox> I can use my live linux hdd and boot it from usb
<SilverFox> and hook up both the hdd and new ssd into the sata ports
<darklight> I did say it was a powerful tool, didn't say anything about its alignment :P
<G-Mobile> darklight: the stance that someone else's argument is invalid based on asserting points they didnt make are irrelevant
<stratochief> the tools are neutral, but their application is poorly aligned
<G-Mobile> Strawman is really more vague than you describe
<darklight> Saying an argument is invalid is kinda dumb tbh
<darklight> You don't even need facts but it helps if they are on your side
<G-Mobile> There's a bug. No there isnt. It's right there. That's not important. It shows your code is designed badly. Yea but fuck java.
<SilverFox> it's a feature
<G-Mobile> Its a flesh bug
<darklight> Your arms missing!
<G-Mobile> No it's not
<stratochief> darklight: sometimes it is true, and there is no point arguing with an invalidly constructed position.
<darklight> It just bogs down time, or is "for show". Debate is for spectators, not the people talking anyway
<darklight> If you wanted to be useful you do the opposite, the "iron man"
<stratochief> steel man?
<darklight> Whatever it is called
<darklight> Depends on the purpose I guess
<stratochief> He was turned to steel, in a great magnetic field.
<SilverFox> wait
<SilverFox> isnt steel paramagnetic?
<SilverFox> or like, not at all magnetic?
<darklight> If you are helping someone who hasn't shaped their opinions yet, sure. If you are making critics look unreasonable, go suckca dick
<darklight> Stainless steel is sometimes not magnetic
<darklight> Depends on the grade
<stratochief> steel is very magnetic. ferromagnetic. there -might- be varients on steel that are less magnetic, but I don't think you can make an iron based thing entirely non-magnetic
<G-Mobile> You can make stainless steel magnetic by heating it
<stratochief> or deforming it.
<stratochief> TIL that you can make non-magnetic steels
<G-Mobile> Heat is a dimension
<G-Mobile> Oh yea, most steel isnt magnetic
<darklight> It depends on the secret herbs and spices they put in it
<darklight> 316 isn't magnetic, 304 is slightly
<stratochief> G-Mobile: I wouldn't say 'most'. most steel is just some variation of carbon steel
<darklight> I think...
<stratochief> therefore you are!
<darklight> Anyway, nearly 3, I should try to sleep :<
<G-Mobile> Or not!
<SilverFox> past 3 it's of little benefit7
<SilverFox> just shotgun a covfefe and you'll be fine
<G-Mobile> Btw, sister has persecution issues and girlfriend has abandonment issues, but girl is able to cement their cracky love via acceptance
<SilverFox> it's on pass 9 now
<SilverFox> after 10 im stopping it
<SilverFox> it can suck a dick after 10
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<SilverFox> so, honestly, does defragging ever stop?
<stratochief> SilverFox: this is your life now
<stratochief> SilverFox: I only really ever do it when I can just leave the computer overnight. a watched pot won't boil
<SilverFox> pass 14
<SilverFox> it can suck a dick
<SilverFox> fucking 3% fragmented
<VITAS> the usual
<SilverFox> so now I shrink the volume to like, 480GB
<VITAS> yes
<SilverFox> what number should I put it to get that?
<VITAS> should be 1024
<VITAS> depending on the soft you can say GB
<SilverFox> windows 8.1 disk management
<VITAS> its just an aproximation so there isnt anything beyond the capacity of the ssd
<SilverFox> okay
<VITAS> i think you can do GB cant you?
<SilverFox> in MB
<SilverFox> it will only let me do 4800MB
<SilverFox> 4.8GB
<VITAS> huh?
<VITAS> maybe its the spare space and not shrinking?
<VITAS> you can also try simply try imaging it
<VITAS> if shrinking doesnt work
<SilverFox> it tells me it cant shrink past the point of any unmovable files
<VITAS> ah ok
<VITAS> dang it
<VITAS> its stuff like swap file and so on
<VITAS> so two ways:
<SilverFox> also I have to enter the amount of space to shrink, rather than what I want it to be by the end
<VITAS> either try image it without doing anything to the new drive and look how it goes
<SilverFox> my new drive is 512GB remember
<VITAS> or maybe try defrag it using windows pe aka windows install disk
<SilverFox> I can defrag it normally I guess
<SilverFox> it wasn't done anyways
<VITAS> yes but thats 1000MB = 1GB
<VITAS> and windows does 1024MB=1GB
<SilverFox> ahhh
<VITAS> and you will loose a bit for the hidden partition and partition managment (gpt/mbr table)
<SilverFox> oh shit its capacity is 476GB
<SilverFox> and what will that fuck up for me, if I haven't made any new partitions or shit?
<VITAS> no problem if the used space on your current drive is below that
<VITAS> theres two ways of transfering partitions
<SilverFox> right, lemme check at what it's at
<VITAS> 1. 1:1 bit based copy incluiding partitiont able and so on
<VITAS> and 2. intelligent transfer of files and zero bits while rewriting the partition table to the new reality
<VITAS> if 2. is what oyu will use it doesnt care wwhere your files are and how large your source partition is
<SilverFox> bit-perfect copy was what I was thinking, but Idk much about this stuff soo
<VITAS> as long as the space taken up by them isnt larger than the destination partition
<SilverFox> "used space: 242GB"
<SilverFox> well enough
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> so try clonezilla and maybe it works as is
<SilverFox> oh wait I need to transfer my SSD contents to my backup HDD
<SilverFox> I have the spare 1TB hdd my laptop used to use
<SilverFox> so ima just copy that floppy first
<SilverFox> day 1: it begins
<kmath> YouTube - Don't Copy That Floppy (Official Video - Digitally Remastered)
<SilverFox> ye
<SilverFox> that's the reference
<SilverFox> :D
<VITAS> just turn him off!
<VITAS> or chase him with crackers till he weaps for forgivensess!
<SilverFox> and holy fuck is the gravity difference between a hdd and ssd really noticeable
<VITAS> tetris? tetris was invented by some russian and he never got a dime for it because th UDSSR state copyed that floppy and sold it :D
<VITAS> ssds are the reason why 10G ethernet is even usefull at home :D
<SilverFox> jesus christ
<SilverFox> we're getting 10/1 in 9 days
<VITAS> ethernet
<VITAS> not internet
<SilverFox> that's still pretty fuckin extra
<SilverFox> I wonder if we'll ever reach 1Tb/s networking
<VITAS> huh? LAN aka connecting between your homes devices is done by your isp and he charges you for that?
<SilverFox> nono
<VITAS> we allready did
<VITAS> but not at everage homes
<SilverFox> but you'd need to buy devices that are capable of 10Gb and those seem rather expensive
<VITAS> theres 100Gbit/s ethernet and 400Gbit/s just was released i think
<SilverFox> jesus christ
<VITAS> and thats per single wavelength on a fiber
<VITAS> and you can transfere a multitude of wavelength across one fiber
<VITAS> and there are multiple fibers in a cable
<VITAS> so do the math :)
<VITAS> 100gb network card for your pc
<SilverFox> 750 euros mmmboy
<VITAS> yes server stuff
<VITAS> so business things = enduser price * 100
<VITAS> it will come down in a few years
<VITAS> but rule is: yoiu need somethign substanialy faster than the come user has to make servers a thing
<VITAS> imagine if everybody had 1gbit/s inet
<VITAS> and i would run spacedock with 1gbit/s
<VITAS> a single person could use all the bandwidth
<VITAS> and then thers the backbone that connects amultitude of servers
<VITAS> and to these backbones are networks that need exchanges
<VITAS> so theres peterbits/s going trough those
egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
<SilverFox> okay, miniHDD is deleted and ready to get shit on it
<SilverFox> sata isnt natively hotswappable right?
<VITAS> no
<SilverFox> fuck
<SilverFox> I'll have to restart my desktop
<VITAS> needs support by the controller for it
<SilverFox> wait wtf
<SilverFox> my disk was 3% fragmented before, and now it says "OK: 4% fragmented"
<SilverFox> it fuckin fragmented my drive
<VITAS> lol
<VITAS> yes that happens and thats why stuff needs to be defragmented
<SilverFox> the defragger fragged my drive
<VITAS> ofcause it does
<VITAS> it has to move stuff in atemp location to rearange things
<VITAS> and you didnt let it clean up
<SilverFox> it finished with that
<SilverFox> I didnt stop it
<VITAS> then its the natural fraging process of booting
<SilverFox> i didnt reboot it
<VITAS> argh dont take away all the reasons from me :D
<VITAS> its magic and the harddisk dwarfs
<SilverFox> also im only given 28~GB of shrink space
<SilverFox> there is a volume on there that's 22% fragged
<SilverFox> but it has a weird name
<VITAS> there should be a 100mb or so partition at the beginning
<VITAS> and ther emight be another hidden one holding the recovery stuff for windows
<SilverFox> there's C:, Recovery Image D: Windows RE tools, and \\?Volume[519a3f48-31c5-4354-b8b9-003443024fd2]\
<VITAS> dodnt know how large is it?
<SilverFox> nope
<VITAS> nope is no size :D
<VITAS> ok
<VITAS> just ignore it if windows failes you know why
<SilverFox> going to shutdown my pc and switch out the drives and shit to get this hdd-ssd pre-switch transfer
<VITAS> good luck
<SilverFox> should be easy peasy
<SilverFox> just might take awhile
<SilverFox> but USB 3.0 helps out
<SilverFox> because it's better than 2.0
<SilverFox> ~105MB/s
<SilverFox> with 382GB to go
<VITAS> so 1Gbit/s :D
<SilverFox> ;wa 370GB / 105MB/s
<kmath> SilverFox: (370 GB (gigabytes))/(105 MB/s (megabytes per second)): 3524 seconds
<VITAS> just got my voucher for this years hacker conference in december
<SilverFox> ;wa 3524 seconds to minutes
<kmath> SilverFox: convert 3524 seconds to minutes: 58.73 minutes58 minutes 44 seconds
<SilverFox> 1 hour
<SilverFox> holy fuck
<SilverFox> we hit 200 there for a sec
<VITAS> i got an extra one if someone likes to go and wants the option to buy a ticket ask me
egg|nomz|egg is now known as geg
geg is now known as egg
<VITAS> (34c3 chaos communication congress
<SilverFox> all hail geg
<SilverFox> >congress
<SilverFox> sounds like a whole lot of nothing will be accomplished there
<VITAS> its fun
<SilverFox> >congress
<SilverFox> >fun
<SilverFox> kek
<VITAS> and that will be acomplished
<SilverFox> okay, lets see how much I can shrink it now
<SilverFox> still 28GB
<SilverFox> 28071
<SilverFox> so I think I need to defrag this one rando ass volume that is 22% fragged
<SilverFox> I'll let that one run for a bit and see if the space changes
<VITAS> it shouldnt depend on other volumes
<VITAS> and some files cant be moved by defrag
<VITAS> especialy while the os is running off it
<SilverFox> it doesnt let me optimize the volume
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<SilverFox> so this rando ass volume cant be defragged
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<VITAS> and you cantimage your c drive to the ssd?
<SilverFox> can I even though it's a lesser size?
<VITAS> as i said earlier: depends on the software
<VITAS> i would try
<SilverFox> so lets say I use linux, what should I use?
<SilverFox> I have a ubuntu install disk installed on a spare hdd
<SilverFox> so it boots faster
* VITAS repeats it untill you stop asking :D
<SilverFox> yeah I get it
<SilverFox> clonezilla cool
<SilverFox> cant download it until this file transfer is done though
<SilverFox> can you even download things with a live disk?
<VITAS> depends ont he live disk
<VITAS> download as download clonezilla?
<VITAS> or as in copy your disks
<SilverFox> i assume I have to download clonzezilla to use it
<VITAS> yes
<SilverFox> and I only have a harddrive with a bootable install disk on it
<VITAS> and its a livecd itself
<SilverFox> ye
<VITAS> you can dl from within a live cd as much as fits in your ram or as much as you can fit on the drives you have acc to
<SilverFox> okay cool
<SilverFox> I have 14GB of ram so this should be easy
<VITAS> there should be a way to use dd or soemthing similar to write it to another usb stick
<VITAS> seems like youre taking the scenic route to your goal :D
<VITAS> i thought you still had your win running
<SilverFox> yeah its running
<SilverFox> it's doing the the file transfer from ssd to minihdd
<SilverFox> im using it to talk to you right now
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<SilverFox> VITAS is there a way I can replicate a running os drive and get a bootable drive from it?
<VITAS> no
<SilverFox> thought so
<SilverFox> so what do you mean by scenic route?
<VITAS> like you could have prepare in advance and made your clonezilla disc/stick
<SilverFox> wait clonezilla is a bootable disc?
<SilverFox> fack
<VITAS> still
<VITAS> i told you
<VITAS> so many times
<VITAS> and it says so on the page
<SilverFox> I didnt look at the page cause I wasnt there yet
<VITAS> <VITAS> and its a livecd itself
<SilverFox> okay so i'ma make the livecd then
<SilverFox> so im downloading the zip file now
<SilverFox> and it should just be a drag and drop onto my usb drive ye?
<VITAS> read man read the page :D
<SilverFox> sick
<SilverFox> VITAS, should I leave my SSD formatted as NTFS or will I have to do the formatting all over during the partition process?
<VITAS> you do the partitioning inside clonezilla
<SilverFox> mkay
<SilverFox> oh shit, VITAS, you dont even need to download clonezilla if you use tuxboot
<SilverFox> it gives you the option to get the clonezilla distro online
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> it does the downloading for you
<SilverFox> ye its neat
<SilverFox> my computer better be able to boot from usb
<SilverFox> I swear to fuck
<VITAS> it should be but you might have to force it
<SilverFox> yeah I have to bios and shit
<VITAS> yes and shit
<SilverFox> VITAS, off-topic; vr porn
<SilverFox> weirdest experience of my life
<VITAS> never tried it i only had real sex whil beeing drunk tot the point of not bweeing able to move more than my head
<VITAS> -t
<VITAS> must be similar
<SilverFox> well, imagine you could only rotate your head
<VITAS> yes as i said similar
<SilverFox> and things get real fucking close to your eyeballs and they go all blurry
<SilverFox> but you cant fucking experience it if you dont look at it
<SilverFox> so there's this blurry fuckin cyclops in front of you because their eyes merged into one
<VITAS> yes they need dick force feedback
<SilverFox> and vagina, dont be sexist
<VITAS> inflatable cock rings :P
<SilverFox> wait
<SilverFox> they have that
<SilverFox> pornhub has it
<VITAS> pfft im just egocentric
<SilverFox> the dickforcefeedback
<SilverFox> im like, 95% sure ponrhub has a thing for that
<SilverFox> you hook up a special pocket puss
<SilverFox> and away ye go
<VITAS> i remember that wired movie from the 70s? 60s? where they invented a brain recording device
<VITAS> like a vcr for your brane
<VITAS> brain
<SilverFox> pls no
<VITAS> and one dude died because he made a loop from the orgasm part of a porn movie and wasnt able to stop iot
<VITAS> -o
<VITAS> cant remember the title
<SilverFox> sick
<SilverFox> the bottom half of my usb is orange rather than blue, how do I tell if it's usb 2.0 or 3.0?
<VITAS> plug
<VITAS> is it blue?
<VITAS> if its orange then it isnt i think
<SilverFox> the usb part on the usb drive is orange
<VITAS> 2.0 but you cant tell
<VITAS> only transfer
* xShadowx thinks seeing half a convo is weird
<xShadowx> usb color has almost nothing to do with usb type, because china
<xShadowx> 1.0/1.1/2.0 you cant really tell from the plug, 3.0 has extra pins
<SilverFox> okay, transfer is done
<SilverFox> it's tme
<SilverFox> time
<SilverFox> VITAS, I press f12 and it brings up the "select a boot device" menu, but only the network cards are showing up
<SilverFox> this is concerning
<VITAS> you need to alter your bios then
<VITAS> and enable usb boot
<SilverFox> ima try the other fkeys
<SilverFox> lets goooooooooo
<VITAS> f8
<SilverFox> "repairing disk errors. this might take over an hour to complete" aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
<VITAS> oh
<SilverFox> i'll try f8 when it's done shutting down and I can boot it without drive errors
<SilverFox> it's stll not shutdown yet mmmmm
<SilverFox> finally
<SilverFox> somehow it just straight up booted to clonezilla
<SilverFox> after pressing f8
<SilverFox> anyways, do I go and work with discs or partitions with images or should I work directly from the disk or partition to the disk or partition?
<SilverFox> VITAS, is it normal to not have progress updates? it looks like it's just sitting there
<SilverFox> oh fuck, it said "press enter to continue" but it was blocked because I have a tv not monitor
<VITAS> lol
<VITAS> and yes its normal for me to just sit here and not give any progress updates ;)
<SilverFox> lol
<SilverFox> nvm I got it
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<SilverFox> wait its now giving me the choice to reboot or power off, I dont think it did the thing
<VITAS> no it should have loaded soem ui
<SilverFox> it did
<VITAS> biod boot mode?
<VITAS> bios
<SilverFox> oh, didnt see any bios
<VITAS> yes but apart from a boot manager
<VITAS> bios mode as opposed to uefi mode
<VITAS> you might call it cms or something liek it
<SilverFox> ahh
<SilverFox> well i dont think that happened
<SilverFox> my computer is off now
<VITAS> ok time to take a break :P
<VITAS> i will go to bed now so night
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<SilverFox> fuck it says there isnt space left on the ssd?
<VITAS> del existing partitions first
<SilverFox> ohright, can clonezilla do that?
<VITAS> sure
<SilverFox> I can do it on my laptop
<SilverFox> fuck it's not recognizing my ssd anymore
<SilverFox> cant do a disk to disk or partition to partition thing because it doesnt show up
<VITAS> in what os?
<SilverFox> clonezilla
<VITAS> connected via usb?
<SilverFox> sata
<SilverFox> I cant seem to fully format it via my laptop through usb
<SilverFox> I have the 4 volumes on it and it wont let me make one big volume
<VITAS> tried diskmanager in your computer controlpanel?
<VITAS> if not thats a thing
<SilverFox> yeah im looking at it right now
<SilverFox> that's how im seeing the 4 volumes
<VITAS> or diskpart in a cmd as admin
<SilverFox> 1GB unallocated - 360MB healthy efi - 466.42GB unallocated - F: 9.04GB fat32 oem partition
<darklight> What on earth did you do? :P
<SilverFox> idk
<VITAS> somehow made some fat32 partition
<SilverFox> i cant unmake it
<VITAS> and the unallocated is strange too
<VITAS> yes you can using diskpart
<SilverFox> in windows?
<VITAS> searchengine diskpart howto
<VITAS> go
<darklight> The fat32 is the boot partition
<darklight> EFI sys
<VITAS> doesnt need any boot partitiona thm
<SilverFox> oh I just changed it to ntfs
<VITAS> remove it all
<VITAS> then try clonecilla again
<darklight> If you shrink everything under the 500gb you can just block copy
<darklight> But whatever :P
<VITAS> darklight, backlog or no comment please :D
<darklight> I am not helping sf
<VITAS> dont mess up my attempts to get him there :D
<darklight> SF is more dense than lead :P
<SilverFox> sick
<VITAS> he should cleane the disk compleatly and use clonzilla to copy stuff from the old drive
<SilverFox> I cleaned it
<SilverFox> now ima go back toclonezilla and see if this changes anything
<VITAS> clean as in remove all partitions
<SilverFox> ye
<SilverFox> its all one partition now
<VITAS> no partition would be better
<VITAS> clean
<VITAS> empty
<VITAS> nada
<VITAS> nothing
<SilverFox> ye
<SilverFox> its all unallocated
<darklight> I'll save myself from headaches
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<VITAS> i always do that
<VITAS> thats why clonezilla
<VITAS> menu driven dd
<SilverFox> hmmm
<SilverFox> its not showing up on the partition list, I'll probably have to make it one giant partition thne
<SilverFox> because it doesnt show up on the disk to disk menu
<VITAS> shouldnt you be able to select a source partition and then some target drive
<SilverFox> yeah, that's partition to partition
<VITAS> and if it needs a partition beforehand (the target) you can make it within clonezilla?
<SilverFox> but it doesnt show my 512GB ssd on the list
<SilverFox> that's what I'ma do
<SilverFox> nvm, cant see the console because tv blocks some pixels on the edges
<VITAS> uhm partition to partition ofcorse not but i dont know if there a function like i mentioned
<SilverFox> so I'll have to do it with windows
<VITAS> if you do the single partition thing rememebr to make it bootable
<SilverFox> how do I specify that?
<VITAS> and it needs the efi partition from your old drive
<VITAS> you can flag that in diskpart
<VITAS> but im going to sleap now for real
<VITAS> night
<SilverFox> no pls
<SilverFox> ima die
<SilverFox> yeah it's not showing up as a partition or drive anymore ahhhhhHHH
<SilverFox> but windows still recognizes it and stuff
<SilverFox> maybe I need to give it a drive letter?
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<SilverFox> if the SSD process is gonna be a bitch then I'll just use my 2.5" harddrive, if it's faster
<SilverFox> the 2.5" drive is 1tb, so it should be easier to just 1:1 it
<SilverFox> if it's speeds are a good bit better
<SilverFox> and its not even close
<SilverFox> my ssd fucking smokes it out the water
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