TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspparadoxes | corrupt ops only
<SilverFox> almost done the first transfer
<SilverFox> the second half should go faster because it's Hdd -> SSD rather than HDD -> HDD
<SilverFox> first transfer done
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<SilverFox> well fuck
<SilverFox> I cant plug in my drive that has my HDD backup on it because even though I have it all in a subfolder, it still tries to boot it
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<SilverFox> and it gives it priority, always, over the SSD
<SilverFox> so now I have to plug it in through a SATA-USB connector
<SilverFox> at least it's USB 3.0, but it's gonna be slower than before
<darklight> Boot priority you silly
<darklight> Bios setup, boot order
<SilverFox> tried that, HP doesnt like you touching bios
<SilverFox> and I need to install the gameready drivers from nvidia because tv's dont like 1080p resolution from my computer, it chops off important bits
<SilverFox> like the entire taskbar
<Greys> you can usually recalibrate your tv
<Greys> unfortunately it's one of those "bullshit marketing terms" situations, but there's something like zoom, overscan, or crop going on, that you should be able to turn off in some way that varies by model
<SilverFox> crop machine broke
<kmath> <discordapp> Love. Not hate.
<Greys> btw the actual tweet is an image
<SilverFox> I wonder if discord is taking the shitty route and just banning white supremacy groups and not the other hate groups from the far left
<SilverFox> and those such groups which promote violence and hateful rallies
<Greys> name a far left hate group
<SilverFox> that black bloc shit
<SilverFox> whoever the fuck them communist shits were that destroyed and looted places
<Greys> anarchists are not left
<Greys> anarchists are an antipolitical group
<SilverFox> but they aren't a white supremacy group, or a group the left disagrees with, the left being all them sjw's
<Greys> they do not exist on the left-right spectrum, and it is antagonist of you to associate anyone with them
<SilverFox> i dont give a shit
<Greys> then your statement, about left hate groups, is void
<Greys> the other part yes, discord should punish them
<SilverFox> naw not really
<Greys> anarchists love to show up at other groups political rallies and start violence
<SilverFox> thing is, many places are taking the sides of SJW's, even the extremist ones and protecting those opinions held by them, while condemning and removing any conflicting opinions or even the same opinion, but on hte reverse spectrum
<SilverFox> if there is a discord server for white cishet man hating, I fully expect discord to shut it down
<Greys> now if there are any leftist hate groups, I would like to know about them, so I can shame them and so on; but anarchists are everyone's problem
<Greys> I agree
<Greys> what's a cishet
<Greys> is that some kind of knife of shirt?
<SilverFox> cis = standard het = heterosexual
<Greys> or*
<SilverFox> cis-gender is the gender you were born with
<SilverFox> like, if I was born male, and identify as male, I'd be a cis male
<Greys> so intersex is cis?
<SilverFox> no stfu
<Greys> you can't get an intersexchange
<SilverFox> its not important here
<SilverFox> SJWs have this whole thing of hating the fuck out of men, specifically white men
<SilverFox> straight white men
<Greys> who even are SJWs anymore
<Greys> they used to be bronies
<Greys> what are they now
<SilverFox> rabid feminists
<Greys> that already exists in the "feminazi" group
<Greys> so SJWs have to be something else
<SilverFox> not particularly
<SilverFox> it's like the definition of feminism
<Greys> what?
<SilverFox> it means one thing, but the group backing it has entirely different goals
<SilverFox> an SJW is a social justice warrior
<Greys> yea
<SilverFox> they fight for social justice in all fields
<SilverFox> both male and female
<SilverFox> however, nowadays that isn't representitive of the group backing it
<Greys> which is a spinoff pseudogroup of externally identified bronies and adjacent
<SilverFox> which is primarily feminists
<SilverFox> Black Lives Matter has been a leftist group that has commonly turned into a group of hatred on several occasions
<Greys> nope, that was anarchists
<Greys> black lives matter is a peaceful group
<SilverFox> dont care
<SilverFox> they run themselves under that label
<Greys> they did stuff, anarchists showed up and did violence
<Greys> anarchists also did this at trump rallies
<Greys> it was easier for them because anarchists are predominantly upper middleclass white men
<SilverFox> if the group wanted to stay peaceful, it'd condemn the people making it not-peaceful
<SilverFox> otherwise they were egging on via silence
<SilverFox> however, what they did was join them, because mob mentality
<Greys> like how trump condemns neonazis that affiliate themselves with him
<Greys> oooooh waaaaait
<SilverFox> are you just trying to fire potshots at trump?
<Greys> so by your argument trump is a nazi because he repeatedly hasn't spoken against nazis
<SilverFox> I'm sure if trump held a rally or gathering or whateverthefuck, and a group of nazis came in, that he'd tell them to gtfo
<SilverFox> if he doesn't then yes, he's allies with them
<Greys> I think you'll find all of trumps rallies have been full of neonazis
<SilverFox> nice derailing btw
<Greys> and the head of the neonazis pledged the charlottesville whateveritwas to trump's cause
<SilverFox> back on topic
<Greys> nah, this is derailing; goin' to work
<Greys> topic: corrupt paradoxes, go
<SilverFox> nah
<Greys> no literally
<Greys> look at the topic
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<SilverFox> that's 1 pingout
<G-Magic> That was driving in
<G-Magic> Hopefully around 2 I get paid, eat, buy a domain, and get working again
<G-Magic> Once I have ssh locked to the vpn interface I'll set up the bnc, thats relatively trivial
<SilverFox> >acronyms
<G-Magic> Yea but these are established acronyms
<G-Magic> EAs
<SilverFox> I dislike EA as a company, can we call them something else?
<darklight> greys what the fuck do you mean anarcho-communists aren't fucking left leaning
<G-Magic> I didnt say that
<darklight> Greys black lives matter is strongly against police, during riots police cars get fucking lit up in flames and destroyed
<G-Magic> By anarchists
<G-Magic> Words and more words darko
<darklight> Anyway, I'm not a fan of the alt right, they are an identitarian movement just like afrocentrism
<darklight> I don't really care about discord shutting down an alt right server, but there are plenty of alternatives they can use
<SilverFox> indeed, it is a private business
<SilverFox> but what I am waiting to see is the hypocrisy
<SilverFox> where they wont shut down leftist hate servers
<darklight> Its definitely not in the spirit of free speech, but whatever, we don't tell private companies what to do
<G-Magic> I wish more private businesses would uphold their terms of service
<SilverFox> I wish more private businesses wouldnt be biased with their ToS
<G-Magic> The modern internet does not understand that private services are not public spaces
<G-Magic> Sure
<darklight> Now as far as trump goes, he did condemn charolettesville
<darklight> There is most definitely "violence on all sides"
<SilverFox> oh also there was that muslim extremist that drove a truck into more people than the whte supremacist and killed more
<SilverFox> but they didnt say shit about that because muh islamaphobia
<G-Magic> And if businesses asserted their ToS, then people would care what ToS they're signing up for, and ToS would in general​ socially evolve to suit groups that want certain behaviors
<darklight> See: The protest against milo at berkley, or the person who shot the republican
<G-Magic> The republican?
<SilverFox> yeah that guy got assassinated didnt he?
<darklight> Scallise?
<darklight> The basketball guy
<darklight> I kinda think ToS are silly
<SilverFox> i dont
<darklight> Just don't break the law
<SilverFox> that has to be stated in ToS
<SilverFox> legal reasons
<darklight> Not really
<G-Magic> Considering some services are expressly illegal, it kinda does
<SilverFox> and, the company has to absolve itself of shit people post
<darklight> The company is not responsible for its users.
<SilverFox> like if you post child porn to facebook, facebook isnt responsible
<darklight> Anyway, we are getting dragged off course here
<SilverFox> i can guarantee you there's child porn hidden on facebook, even in private chats
<SilverFox> yes
<darklight> Greys, trump is not a white supremacist
<G-Magic> ToS, if they were asserted, would become the social law of the space, and you could tell what kind of culture you will find inside, and you could use that to decide if you will participate
<darklight> He's not even a white nationalist
<darklight> Horseshit
<darklight> A culture is made of its people
<darklight> Not by its rules
<G-Magic> Like, twitter explicitly stating that trump will not be banned so long as he is president, that made twitter a worse place because it justified ignoring the ToS and behaving in dispermitted ways
<darklight> Horseshit
<darklight> Trump being on twitter does not affect your tweeting
<SilverFox> calling links on that
<SilverFox> i need sauce for that
<G-Magic> If the rules are enforced in a private space, then they do guide the culture
<SilverFox> naw
<SilverFox> the entire community could be bronies
<G-Magic> ~g twitter will not ban trump
<SilverFox> but tos says nothing about bronies
<SilverFox> wired ew
<darklight> I've intentionally been breaking the rules in another channel so everyone relaxes and aren't going to be worried what they can or can't say :P
<darklight> I've been doing my best to remove the ToS
<darklight> Err
<darklight> "channel rules"
<darklight> Trump doesn't target or harass people
<SilverFox> I mean, those nukes have targets
<G-Magic> Thats still a ToS, its just the ToS you want
<darklight> He's not "threating violence" apart from the korea thing, but that was more reporters commenting on trumps comment
<SilverFox> well, he says he's gonna nuke em
<SilverFox> that's pretty violent
<darklight> Go read his tweets
<G-Magic> If there were a service, twotter, with ToS that you grossly disagreed with, you would either not use it, or break the rules and be unsurprized when you got removed
<darklight> He's a pretty tame guy tbh
<SilverFox> "We will meet them with force unseen"
<darklight> SF that was a video statement
<SilverFox> that was a tweet
<G-Magic> Or the third option, not expect ToS to ever be enforced, because nobody does anymore
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<G-Magic> Except like, somethingawful
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<G-Magic> Because repeat offenders are a primary revenue source for them
<kmath> <realDonaldTrump> We must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are ALL AMERICANS FIRST.
<darklight> so horrible!
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<kmath> <foxandfriends> President Trump vows America will respond to North Korean threats with "fire & fury" in a warning to the rogue nati…
<SilverFox> "Military solutions are now fully in place,locked and loaded,should North Korea act unwisely. Hopefully Kim Jong Un will find another path!"
<SilverFox> threatening war
<SilverFox> war is violence
<SilverFox> against ToS
<darklight> Threating to defend themselves.
<G-Magic> To be fair trump hasnt said fuck all
<darklight> How do you read "should korea act unwisely"
<G-Magic> Fire and fury means nothing in military terms
<darklight> And not understand?
<darklight> Greys thats trump speak for "we will retaliate"
<G-Magic> Sure, but he hasn't said anything
<darklight> Read his twitter
<darklight> Its 30% what he is doing, 30% retweeting compliments, and 30% random comments on things
<G-Magic> It's like, if we were at a bar and I said "if you punch me, I will stab you", that is a threat, and I can be arrested, even though it's retaliation
<G-Magic> But if I say "you will rue the day"
<G-Magic> That means nothing
<darklight> There may be a 10% error margin :P
<G-Magic> Even if the intent is the same, one is a threat and the other is grandstanding
<G-Magic> Trump has not made a threat at nk
<kmath> <ProgressPolls> Who is a better President of the United States? #ObamaDay
<darklight> So you don't see firing a missile into your territory as a problem?
<darklight> SF yeah shit like that
<SilverFox> the polls? what about it?
<G-Magic> darklight: tyere has been nothing to suggest relevancy to that statement
<darklight> That's the shit he will retweet
<G-Magic> "all my fire and fury signifies nothing"
<G-Magic> Of course we will destroy NK if they attack
<G-Magic> So will britain
<SilverFox> how will britain reach them
<G-Magic> If we're lucky, so will china
<G-Magic> Britain has nukes
<SilverFox> I mean yes
<darklight> We won't destroy nk
<SilverFox> but like
<G-Magic> And a navy
<SilverFox> they're fuckfar away from korea
<G-Magic> Does australia have nukes?
<darklight> Nope
<G-Magic> ;wa distance from north korea to london
<kmath> G-Magic: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<SilverFox> ~wa distance from london england to pyongyang north korea
<G-Magic> Fuck yall, I do it my own seff
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: distance | from | London, Greater London, United Kingdom: 8687 km (kilometers)
<darklight> Nukes aren't needed anyway
<SilverFox> doubt that
<SilverFox> the only way to fight a nuke is with a nuke
<darklight> They are a deterrent
<Rokker> darklight: nah
<G-Magic> ~wa distance from montana to pyongyang north korea
<darklight> But its not a wise card to actually play
<Rokker> nukes are good
<FoxBot9000> G-Magic: distance | from | center of the State of Montana: 9007 km (kilometers)
<G-Magic> SilverFox: americas nukes are further from NK than london is
<darklight> Rokker, why nuke and have the world hate you when you can MOAB all day long
<Rokker> darklight: moabs ain't shit
<SilverFox> G-Magic, how tall are you?
<G-Magic> Cuz trump really wants to nuke something
<darklight> How many citizens are you trying to kill? :P
<G-Magic> SilverFox: twice as tall as you
<SilverFox> 6'2?
<darklight> They're absolutely amazing at that
<Rokker> darklight: all of em
<G-Magic> So you're 3'1"?
<Rokker> darklight: do you know how hard reprogramming the nokos will be
<SilverFox> so you're 6'2?
<G-Magic> If you're 3'1"
<SilverFox> if you're 6'2
<G-Magic> Then our heights are undefined
<SilverFox> you're 6'2 now
<darklight> Rokker, I'd rather we create a germany rather than creating an iraq
<SilverFox> dont care
<G-Magic> Great, I grew
<Rokker> darklight: let's create neither
<SilverFox> 6'1
<Rokker> and just kill em all
<G-Magic> Rokker, shut up and go watch john oliver, I'm sure darko agrees with that one
<darklight> I'm not going to advocate for millions of deaths, even if the helicopter is a viable option
<darklight> I stopped watching john oliver after the trans episode
<Rokker> G-Magic: do you have me on ignore or no
<G-Magic> Sure
<Rokker> darklight: u need to learn how to joke
<darklight> Half because they region blocked
<SilverFox> G-Magic, are you 6'1?
<G-Magic> But you both dont want war with NK to happen, because there is no good outcome
<G-Magic> SilverFox: if you're 3'0.5"
<darklight> Rokker I did find him acceptable but trump caused both maher and oliver to turn into retards
<SilverFox> you're 6'1 now
<SilverFox> darklight, he didn't cause that
<G-Magic> Great, I grew
<Rokker> darklight: but seriously north Korea would be hard to deal with and moabs are not a great tactical end all bomb
<darklight> Greys war with NK is bad, but impossible to avoid if happenings happen.
<G-Magic> Yep
<Rokker> darklight: mattis basically scared them out of a missile test today it looks like
<SilverFox> darklight, trump just simply shone light on their stupdiity
<G-Magic> Nope
<Rokker> ^
<Rokker> yes
<G-Magic> Trump stepped up to thier grandstanding
<Rokker> they've always been retards
<darklight> Currently trump is trying to pressure china into sanctions against nk but china didn't listen
<Rokker> darklight: they kinda did kinda didnt
<G-Magic> Two angry men getting angry at what the other says in response to whqt they said
<G-Magic> This is a tantrum spiral
<Rokker> none of you are good at geopolitics so just stop
<darklight> They paid it lip service and than expanded trade 40%
<G-Magic> Welcome to dwarfortress, america edition
<Rokker> darklight: and then passed sanctions on noko
<Rokker> through the un
<Rokker> now all of you motherfuckers stop
<Rokker> it's like watching someone who watches news 5 minutes a day discuss geopoliticd
<G-Magic> Next thing you know chicago's gonna have a catsplosion, and then the goblins attack
<G-Magic> Really though darklight, I dont love johnny's episode, but sane people dont want war with korea for the same reasons regardless of political idiology
<G-Magic> Trump doesnt want war either I'm sure
<Rokker> I kinda think we are running out of options
<Rokker> we can't let them get deployable nukes
<G-Magic> Some presidents are good at war, trump isnt, if we go to war he will lose control of his boat
<Rokker> what
<Rokker> trump puts all his faith in mattis
<Rokker> and Mattie is exceptional at war
<darklight> I don't think trump will run the war :P
<G-Magic> Exactly
<G-Magic> The war will become what's going on, and he wont run it, so he'll just be responding for the rest of his terms
<G-Magic> I cant wait for three hours from now
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<G-Magic> Btw, this has started
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<G-Munster> First one done
<kmath> YouTube - What's in the Windows Folder?
<FoxBot9000> yt: What's in the Windows Folder? | Druaga1
<G-Munster> I'm too haungry to watch memes
<SilverFox> isnt a meme
<G-Munster> Then what is it
<SilverFox> it is what it says it is
<SilverFox> a video about what's in the windows folder
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<G-Magic> Somehow that one is your fault
<SilverFox> naw fuck you
<G-Magic> ~yt craftsdwarf lovely ladies too sexy
<G-Magic> SilverFox
<SilverFox> ~yt naw fuck you
<kmath> YouTube - Ozzy Man Reviews: Cat Fight For Milk
<SilverFox> works
<G-Magic> Cept it dont
<SilverFox> naw yeah it works
<G-Magic> When it does
<SilverFox> ~fuckcup
<FoxBot9000> this is my give a fuck cup -> \_/ NOTICE IT IS EMPTY
<G-Magic> This is why you're unemployable
<SilverFox> naw
<SilverFox> you have fun with your useless ad hominems tho
<G-Magic> darklight: you should make a hot
<G-Magic> Bot*
<G-Magic> HotBot
<darklight> The last time I made a bot it got banned
<darklight> Also I am a bot supremicist
<SilverFox> lol
<G-Magic> Yea but that one sucked so bad I dont remember it
<darklight> *human supremicist
<darklight> I'm racist against bots
<G-Magic> Bots, they are us!
Technicalfool_ is now known as TechnicallySleeping
<darklight> Bots aren't people
<darklight> Freakin silliones! :P
<SilverFox> except Tay
<G-Magic> Sure, but they are us
<SilverFox> Tay was love
<G-Magic> Look at foxbot
<G-Magic> Silver sucks, so foxbot sucks
<SilverFox> that's not true
<SilverFox> foxbot could easily not suck
<G-Magic> Look at kmath, ice doesnt care, so neither does kmath
<darklight> It is mostly true
<SilverFox> I have designs for futurefoxbot for it to be much better programmed
<G-Magic> So kill foxbot and start working
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<G-Magic> You have like a month until the nurse thing right?
<G-Magic> Btw, look at grebo, I dont care, so it doesnt exist
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<SilverFox> im not going to kill my bot
<SilverFox> I work on hobbies based on my desire to work on them
<G-Magic> And you get angry when people recognize that they suck
<SilverFox> currently, debugging a bot dying every x hours for whatever fucking reason, for days on end, is not high up there
<SilverFox> I dont get angry
<G-Magic> Totes
<SilverFox> maybe you interpret it as anger
<SilverFox> what I should make though, is my own vr golfing game
<G-Magic> Vr golf bot
<G-Magic> ViRc
<SilverFox> if you can do a better job at pitching it, then I'd consider it
<G-Magic> You golf to operate the bot
<SilverFox> I have thought of somehow getting a bot to learn how to drive
<SilverFox> by taking how far the ball goes and how straight it is
<G-Magic> Nonono, the bot is the golf course
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> terrible idea
<G-Magic> Yes
<G-Magic> Best idea
<G-Magic> 3.7 foxbots
<G-Magic> Out of 1
<SilverFox> you could've said "irc can operate the bot to play golf" and I would've been more onboard
<SilverFox> but you went the completely opposite direction
<G-Magic> Twitch plays golf bot
<G-Magic> Twitch plays sex dice, fuck your girlfriend like the internet would
<SilverFox> uhmmm
<SilverFox> that's called Chaturbate
<G-Magic> Its not bating if you're dicking a girl
<darklight> Are you offering greys?
<SilverFox> I'm probably going to have to setup a bunch of shit to get it working nicely, this sucks
<SilverFox> yall thought the cold war was great
<SilverFox> now we live in civil war AND cold war
<SilverFox> what a time to be alive
<G-Magic> Covil War
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> transferring over user data to the new user profile, hopefully this gives me at least my desktop back
<G-Magic> Covil War: Double Sequel -- Black Korea
<SilverFox> the Tiny War
<SilverFox> on one side, tiny hands
<SilverFox> the other
<SilverFox> tiny penis
<G-Magic> Global Kimchi
<G-Magic> Modern Nazis
<G-Magic> Btw darklight make sure you start planing for Artifcial History Month 2018, its most of a year away but if you dont prepare NK will bomb china.
<darklight> Artificial histry month(
<darklight> Are you on about the altenative fact thing?
<G-Magic> Its a month where we all pretend things were different
<darklight> I've never heard of it
<G-Magic> Its new
<G-Magic> As of yesterday
<G-Magic> Next july, be prepared
<G-Magic> Hopefully we dont have to pretend that north korea still exists
<SilverFox> greys wants to gather all the best fabricated news and history things and stories, either fabricated or misinterpreted, but rejects any that are, so have fun with that
<G-Magic> Nope
<G-Magic> No misinterpeeted
<G-Magic> 100% false
<SilverFox> lets check the carfax
<G-Magic> Example: Google's first year as president in review
<SilverFox> "<Greys> I hearby declare July to be Artificial History Month.
<SilverFox> <Greys> you have most of a year to prepare your best fake news about past events, misrepresented or fabricated
<SilverFox> <SilverFox> that time you sucked off a homeless person's dick and got herpesaids"
<SilverFox> "misinterpreted or fabricated"
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<SilverFox> suck a dick
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<SilverFox> suck a dick
<SilverFox> twice
<G-Magic> Right, which is what I'm doing
<SilverFox> now I'm going to have to rebuild my start menu
<G-Magic> Oh cool
<G-Magic> The next Doctor will be a woman
<SilverFox> which might be okay, but apparently its causing a shitstorm in the faithful community saying that the doctor by the preset rules cant just change gender
<SilverFox> and that a side-show/spinoff starting off with a female doctor would've been more accurate
<Rokker> what the fuck G-Magic
<Rokker> that news is fucking ancient
<G-Magic> Actually the Doctor's gender fluidity has been long established
<Rokker> "long"
<G-Magic> He's never appeared in the show as a woman, but it is canon that he has been a woman before
<Rokker> and I believe most of the ire is coming from the fact that people are already praising her as the best fucking doctor ever. and end to gender blah blah
<Rokker> even tho we don't know how good she will be
<G-Magic> Also, currently The Master is a woman, and they're the same kind of entity
<lpg> different master I guess, since I don't think The Master has a gender in the universe I'm thinking of
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<G-Magic> Tenant's Master was always male, this was chance
<G-Magic> Capaldi's master has been a woman though I think there are multiple iterations at play for him
<G-Magic> I dont watch Dr Who.
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<darklight> Greys I used to watch it but haven't for a while
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<darklight> So I can't really comment on it, if it's decent its decent, if it's not it's not.
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<SilverFox> yay windows updates
<SilverFox> fucking kill me
<kmath> SilverFox: I'll let majiir know when I see them
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<darklight> "One in ten school students are setting their goals too high for employment"
<darklight> Good job news
<darklight> What a great thing to tell people
<G-Munster> "6 in ten students dont expect to be employable"
<G-Munster> So about 3 in ten students arent fucked up
<darklight> It was some australian study
<G-Munster> 1 in how many students are elon musk
<SilverFox> 1/earth population
<darklight> 7 billion ish?
<SilverFox> there is only elon musk
<G-Munster> Thats what reptilian overlord obama wants you to think
<SilverFox> lemme guess, the chemtrails are also turning the fricking frogs gay?
<G-Munster> Also, thats what normal obama thinks
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<darklight> SF to be fair, the frogs *are* turning gay
<SilverFox> yeah but that's just because it's more trendy and socially acceptable for frogs to be gay nowadays
<G-Magic> Frogs dont even speak english, they cant be americans, so why do we care who they fuck?
<darklight> We actually use atrazine, its not banned here like it is in the eu
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<darklight> I've seen a better one of those
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<G-Munster> whatafuck is a lassie?
<SilverFox> motherfuck I have to reinstall my oculus shit
<G-Munster> motherfuck iptables kills my network
<G-Munster> darklight: why
<G-Munster> when I start iptables I can't ping in or out
<SilverFox> get fucked
<G-Munster> I am.
<darklight> Ip tamm.
<G-Munster> ?
<darklight> *iptabes ins't "started"
<G-Munster> ?
<darklight> *isn't
<darklight> sheck iptables -v
<darklight> Ahhh my phone
<darklight> I'm using my old r5 and everything is just a bit closer together
<darklight> The output table should be accept
<G-Munster> -v "no command specified"
<darklight> The input table you'll need to allow associated and then change to reject
<darklight> Oh
<darklight> -L as well
<G-Munster> currently it's flushed
<darklight> For listing the entries I think
<G-Munster> everything is allow, no rules
<darklight> The pinging should work
<G-Munster> it does, when iptables is off
<darklight> Turn iptables on and see what it does
<G-Munster> when I do that I can't ping in or out
<darklight> Do the rules change?
<darklight> They probably go to reject
<G-Munster> mmkay so what's my rules I want
<G-Munster> accept out, drop in, forward out, associated with everything?
<G-Munster> how do I do the associated thing
<G-Munster> that's not a how to it's just a man page
<darklight> sudo iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
<G-Munster> this fucking lish thing has this fuckup where if you go back in a line too many characters the whole thing fucks up
<darklight> opening ports looks like this sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
<darklight> Then you can set the policy to reject on input and forward
<G-Munster> so if I have input policy DROP, and that associated thing, I can just let stuff in
<darklight> Yeah
<G-Munster> kay
<G-Munster> I would like to be able to ping my server, is that a bad choice?
<darklight> The established/related thing allows the packets to come back in from outgoing connections
<darklight> I think you can explicitly allow some icmp messages
<G-Munster> right, but what about the packets from me pinging my server
<G-Munster> now where's the command to save the configuration
<darklight> iptables -A INPUT -p ICMP --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT
<darklight> I put the stuff in rc.local, but I think there may be a command to save firewall rules
<G-Munster> bad argument ICMP
<G-Munster> nah that's me
<darklight> Is iptables-save a command?
<G-Munster> it is but I need to remember/find the file to save it to
<darklight> There may be a package iptables-persistant
<SilverFox> so apparently mcdonalds is doing 67c burgers
<darklight> Which distro are you on?
<SilverFox> centos?
<G-Munster> centos 7
<G-Munster> which is notibly different from 6
<SilverFox> ayyy
<darklight> Does /etc/sysconfig/iptables exist? :P
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<darklight> On debian its /etc/iptables/rules.v4 by the looks
<darklight> Remember to do ip6tabes if you have v6 too
<G-Munster> ok, so even though I have systemctl, I still have service
<G-Munster> I was able to use service iptables save
<G-Munster> alright, currently associated and pings are allowed
<G-Munster> I can ping and iptables is on, great, now I can start
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<G-Munster> I do wish my ping was a bit less than 49ms, but texas yo
<G-Munster> ;wa distance from detroit michigan to houstan texas in light milliseconds
<kmath> G-Munster: convert distance->from->Detroit, Michigan, to->Houston, Texas to light milliseconds: 5.934 light milliseconds
<G-Munster> alright, that should be better....
<G-Munster> this fucking keyboard doesn't have an insert key
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<Greys0> I decided to be lazy and not set up the vpn
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<G-Magic> so fuckin znc didn't put it's own stuff where it expects to find it's stuff
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<G-Magic> if we're lucky that'll come back up, otherwise I'm going to have to re/de/securinize some shit
<darklight> "horsepital"
<G-Magic> so
<G-Magic> znc is hardcoded to run on the account znc
<G-Magic> if you don't run --makeconf from that account, it gets all fucked up
<G-Magic> so i'm going to have to do all that over again
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<G-Magic> ok, that fuck is compligt
<G-Magic> no it's not
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<G-Mobile> seems legit now
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<darklight> Greys use reject not drop :Bp
<darklight> *:P
<G-Mobile> Maybe
<darklight> I typed into the browser and it just hangs
<darklight> Instead of a fuck off :P
<G-Mobile> Yea well thats about accurate
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<G-Mobile> darklight: i just met a 60kuF 75V capacitor
<G-Mobile> Actually a dozen
<G-Mobile> Yuuge
<darklight> kuF? do you mean mF or kF, and I doubt its kF
<G-Mobile> Its labelled as 60000uF
<darklight> Car capacitors for stereos are normally in the 1-10 farad range
<darklight> 60mF isn't that big
<darklight> Might be a similar size to a motor start capacitor
<G-Mobile> Something is configured wrong, not getting the buffer
<G-Mobile> That should fix it
<G-Mobile> darklight: how big is a Monster Energy can in australia
<darklight> I don't drink the shit, but red ball is thinner and taller, monster is similar iirc
<darklight> Same I think, I think it is regular can size but a bit taller
<G-Mobile> In the US, monster cans are the same diameter as normal, but 150% height
<G-Mobile> Redbull is about 60% diameter and 130% height
<darklight> Thats a bit bigger than what l'd expect for that rating
<G-Mobile> So, these caps, could fit an american monster can without touching the sidea
<G-Mobile> now also, Monster comes in several sizes
<G-Mobile> the normal size can is two servings
<G-Mobile> the recommended daily limit is 4 normal size cans
<darklight> Just for reference, a 1 farad capacitor will have a potential difference of 1 volt after passing 1 amp of current for 1 second
<G-Mobile> kyoull
<darklight> I don't see the point of energy drinks tbh
<darklight> I'm pretty sure its caffeine doing the heavy lifting
<G-Mobile> then there's these ones, which are the bottle that I prefer even though I shouldn't drink any monster ever because it ruins me
<darklight> And they taste like horseshit
<G-Mobile> every part of an energy drink digests into caffeine or is there to make you die less
<G-Mobile> monster (in america), tastes great (to me)
<G-Mobile> it's seriously my favorite soft drink but I can't have it
<darklight> I have a sweet tooth but something is wrong with those drinks
<darklight> I drink heaps of coke
<G-Mobile> I like those bigger cans because they have a well engineered resealable cap
<darklight> I can't drink tea or coffee
<darklight> Tastes like crap :P
<G-Mobile> and when you open them for the first time they emit four jets of escaping carbonation that, in a properly humid environment, causes water vapor to condense in the air
<G-Mobile> tea is so all over the place, you could definitely find one you like. Remember that herbal tea literally doesn't contain any actual tea
<darklight> I feel like the most effective method would be caffeine pills
<darklight> But meh, not taking pills
<G-Mobile> btw there's another variant of that bigger size called "import", which is just the normal stuff but more expensive becuse they put a shitty plastic valve on it instead of a robust aluminum cap
<G-Mobile> and then, there's the BFC
<G-Mobile> I'm pretty sure that one BFC is more than the daily recommended limit
<G-Mobile> it's almost certainly more than double the capped ones, which are 3 servings
<G-Mobile> and I have had two of the capped ones in a 24 hour period before, it's death
<G-Mobile> if anybody you knows drinks monster you should try to get one of the capped bottles, they're good for stuff
<G-Mobile> like say, fuel tanks
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<G-Mobile> what's the most unlikely thing you could imagine wanting to do with google assistant
<G-Mobile> hint: beurocracy
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<G-Mobile> no guesses?
<darklight> " A review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative or positive health effects associated with the amount of taurine used in energy drinks"
<G-Mobile> taurine is like a bullshit multivitamin
<darklight> " As a dietary supplement, guarana is an effective stimulant:[1] its seeds contain about twice the concentration of caffeine found in coffee seeds'
<darklight> It's caffeine
<G-Mobile> it's a bile extract
<G-Mobile> guarana is caffeine
<G-Mobile> what taurine is supposed to do, based on the claims, is suppliment the mass exodus of vitamins as your liver and kidneys scrub this crap out of your body as fast as possible
<G-Mobile> the danger with energy drinks is largely the same with getting shitfaced, the body can't keep up so it gets looser with the rules and your blood ends up severely deficient in many ways, especially water content
<G-Mobile> with both energy drinks and getting krunk you'll have a better time if you drink a lot of water and take real multivitamins periodically
<G-Mobile> not drinking them is fine too
<darklight> I don't see the point of multivitamins either :P
<G-Mobile> ~w Taurine
<G-Mobile> replacing what the body is throwing away to correct the damage you've done
<G-Mobile> whether or not taurine is bullshit, the reason they put it there is to make you die less
<G-Mobile> so monster has what they call "energy blend", that's tuarine, ginseng, guarana, inositol, glucuronolactone, and maltodextrin; but they also pump a hundred percent DV of B2, 3, 6, and 12
<G-Mobile> asside from taurine I'm pretty sure everything in the energy blend digests into glucose or caffeine
<G-Mobile> inositol is sugar, maltodextrin is I think a calorie free sugar?
<G-Mobile> ah, glucolotocrnocronol is there to prevent blood sugar spikes
<G-Mobile> airquotes everywhere
<G-Mobile> I don't want to defend this stuff, I just like the taste; I don't drink it because it is bad for me regardless of the science, but that's their justifications
<G-Mobile> anyway darklight guess at the thing with google assistant
<darklight> Hey, I drink coke knowing it's not doing me any favours
<darklight> Google assistant?
<G-Mobile> The thing on android where you talk to your phone and it doesnt understand you
<G-Mobile> Hint two, government beurocracy
<darklight> I don't use voice
<G-Mobile> darklight: understand that everything you believe about energy drinks is worse than that
<darklight> I don't beleive anything, they are a thing people drink
<G-Mobile> if I have one 2 serving can in a single day, in two separate goes, I'll still feel like yesterday I drank a keg of vodka, basically from the moment it hits my lips
<darklight> "I have no strong feels one way or the other"
<G-Mobile> not believe politically but believe mechanically
<darklight> I know there is better things to drink :P
<G-Mobile> anyway, the answer was "you can use google assistant to interact with the belgian office of social security
<darklight> I just don't particularily care, I drink coke, meh :P
<G-Mobile> I think coke tastes like the concept of wood
<G-Mobile> and not good wood with lots of vanillans, just like
<G-Mobile> birch
<G-Mobile> maybe pine
<darklight> Belgium, so like the head of the EU guy? :P
<G-Mobile> ~yt diresta: slingshot
<kmath> YouTube - DiResta: Slingshot
<G-Mobile> that's impressive
<G-Mobile> I have no idea
<G-Mobile> why would you want to use a digital voice assistant to do anything with any social security office
<G-Mobile> btw, I've started replacing one of my two cups of coffee on work days with decaf, hopefully this will reduce my caffeine withdrawl, I only ever have three days off ina row, so getting it past that will basically eliminate it from my life
<G-Mobile> I wish andchat sucked less
<G-Mobile> like, I know for a fact that if I could see more than seven words on screen at a time, I would catch more typos, but if I'm not looking while I type, they're just gone
<G-Mobile> when I finger type I have to look at the keys because they're full of shit
<G-Mobile> when I use my keyboard I type mostly too fast but also I've trained myself not to watch
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<G-Mobile> darklight: if you were going to own an object such as a gun, would you want it to have a wood stock, a composite stock, or be full metal construction?
<darklight> Wood stock
<darklight> Purrrrty
<G-Mobile> would you own a rail rifle?
<darklight> I'd 100% definitely be a rifle
<G-Mobile> be?
<darklight> Some small calibre, probably .22
<darklight> it'd
<G-Mobile> there is .177; for air rifles it's a low power system but for a railgun you could probably put some real force in a meaningful mass, especially if it were a needle type projectile
<darklight> Recommended for wallabies is .22LR :P
<darklight> (minimum)
<G-Mobile> LR is the propellant right?
<G-Mobile> no, the bullet is long
<darklight> has a bit more gunpowder behind it
<G-Mobile> the bullet is about 20~30% longer from what I'm looking at
<darklight> I feel like .223 would be in overkill territory
<G-Mobile> aught'a give it more stability in flight
<darklight> And it'd only be used for killing wallabies, which I personally don't really care about
<darklight> I just can't really justify a gun though, I can burn money better in other ways
<G-Mobile> you should build a tiny railgun for your channel
<darklight> But yeah, long story short, smallish calibre pest control rifle. I'm under no delusions of the amercian concept of "protection guns" :P
<darklight> ETG's are more viable
<darklight> Basically an air rifle but powered by exploding water with a spark plug
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<G-Mobile> If you fire the same mass, with half the diameter, at twice the velocity, how does trajectory change
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<Greys> all BNC all the time some of the time forever until something goes wrong
<Greys> pings are weird
<Greys> channel target CTCPs are disabled here right?
<VITAS> .tell Greys Finger Greys
<VITAS> !tell Greys Finger Greys
<Qboid> VITAS: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Greys> nahyawaint
<Qboid> Greys: VITAS left a message for you in #kspmodders [15.08.2017 16:33:04]: "Finger Greys"
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<Greys> how did pauli think of the exclusion principal... that seems really abstract
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<G-Mobile> Theres a girl in this stupid manga who is basically bad ideas and finger guns
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<darklight> Greys, it looks like trump understands something correctly for once :D
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