r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
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<Greys> technical topics feature discrete truth, and can be discussed without emotion; they don't need to but they can
<Qboid> Greys: Rokker left a message for you in Private [22.08.2017 18:23:16]: "s/magazine/clip"
<Greys> my 2D bottle printer should count as technical, I don't have anything to say about it currently though
<Rokker> huh, thst links in here
<Rokker> oh well
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<kmath> YouTube - Laser Cubiio DEBUNKED!
<FoxBot9000> yt: Laser Cubiio DEBUNKED! | AvE
<SilverFox> learned about how lazers do focal distances, never really thought about it before
<Rokker> SilverFox: AvE <3
<Rokker> i love him despite the unnatural accent
<SilverFox> ye he's pretty cool
<r4m0n> well, they do dispersion, mostly
<SilverFox> what about if there was like, a piston? so that it helps compensate for the distance difference as the laser moves?
<r4m0n> problem is they need feedback
<r4m0n> it doesn't have any feedback camera
<SilverFox> but it knows the angle of the laser, couldn't you tie it with that?
<r4m0n> doesn't know the distance to the target plane, it's just on a tripod
<SilverFox> what about a flat assumption?
<r4m0n> it works roughly well enough if you manually position it well
<SilverFox> and what about if it assumes focal distance?
<SilverFox> wouldnt it be better than nothing?
<r4m0n> not worth the extra HW
<SilverFox> hmmm
<r4m0n> this is about the size it needs to be power supply, MEMS driver and the laser
<r4m0n> not much space for a dynamic focus system
<SilverFox> true
<r4m0n> I see a "Working distance: 150-160mm" there
<r4m0n> that sounds about right for fixed focus
<r4m0n> guy on the vid is being a bit too hard on the product. yep, it's going to be crappy, but it should deliver close enough to the promised
<SilverFox> he disclosed his jealousy
<SilverFox> he was also shitting on the powerbank there
<SilverFox> saying it goes 500-1000mA
<SilverFox> but powerbanks nowadays easily do 2.1A
<r4m0n> I've got one of those. it's crappy, but they did deliver
<SilverFox> it works well?
<r4m0n> it works as well as youcan expect a $50 3D printer to
<r4m0n> it moves the head around and pushes filament out of it
<SilverFox> tahts good
<SilverFox> is the bed wonky as shit or is it actually usable?
<r4m0n> glass plate, not that bad
<r4m0n> the height adjustment is through screws, and need a full homing to try again after an adjustment
<r4m0n> also doesn't compensate the height change from being off-center too well
<r4m0n> (that could be software fixable)
<r4m0n> I need to take the time to improve the filament feed drive a bit so I can use it for anything
<r4m0n> just been sitting around for half the year
<SilverFox> is it bowmann or direct drive feed?
<r4m0n> just the motor pushing the filament our with a bearing on a spring on the other side
<r4m0n> very little traction
<SilverFox> is the feed drive on the head that moves, or stationary off somewhere and pushes through a long tube to the head?
<r4m0n> it's in the head
<SilverFox> ah so it's direct drive
<r4m0n> people had decent success with it by just sticking something to push the bearing forward
<SilverFox> ~choose red | green | blue
<FoxBot9000> My choice is: blue
<SilverFox> blue it is
<SilverFox> ;wa 104USD to CAD
<kmath> SilverFox: convert $104 (US dollars) to Canadian dollars: C$130.93 (Canadian dollars)
<SilverFox> hmmm
<SilverFox> whats its print size?
<r4m0n> about 10cm radius circle
<r4m0n> it gets pretty crappy on the outside
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<SilverFox> so would you say it's practical use is 80mm?
<r4m0n> it can print a reasonable 100mm cube
<r4m0n> 100mm height is about the limit too
<SilverFox> I mean, ehhh
<SilverFox> imo 3d printers should have a print area of at least 200mm^2
<SilverFox> 200*200*180 at least
<SilverFox> that should give you the flexibility you need to make decent sized things
<r4m0n> yeah, that's a reasonable size
<r4m0n> but again, $50 toy
<SilverFox> right
<r4m0n> not going to find anything that's useable for less that 200~300
<SilverFox> however, during my business run all the things my customers wanted required things that neede at least 150mm^2 * 120mm
<SilverFox> one lady wanted a coffin for her doggo
<r4m0n> 3D printed? that's one weird request
<SilverFox> the dog was close to dying
<SilverFox> but it'd cost like, 200$ for me to do
<SilverFox> and 3 days of straight printing
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<r4m0n> people tend to underestimate how expensive 3D printing is
<SilverFox> well, I could've done it for 80 if it wasnt for me having to rent a printer
<SilverFox> mine didnt come in for the first run of the business
<SilverFox> it got 6months delayed in shipping
<SilverFox> well, company didnt ship it probably
<SilverFox> and then it came in terrible condition
<SilverFox> few parts were broken
<SilverFox> and on the z-rod there was a section where it didnt screw right, almost as if a section of twist was flattened
<SilverFox> so if it ever went to that height, it wouldnt be able to go up or down
<SilverFox> and so my business died
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<r4m0n> ouch
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<kmath> YouTube - DIY Electric ultralight pt2 (tail section)
<FoxBot9000> yt: DIY Electric ultralight pt2 (tail section) | PeterSripol
<SilverFox> this is the shit I live for. There are 3 things I want to make during my life: Electric Car, LF Rocket(reusable), Plane I can fly
<r4m0n> UL is a good way to go, you can make one reasonably cheap
<SilverFox> Im hoping I can make one for like, 500-1000$
<r4m0n> if you have the tools, that isn't unreasonable
<r4m0n> the engine is going to be the hardest part to fit in that
<SilverFox> yeah, the engine is critical
<SilverFox> but there are things I'd also have that might raise that price
<SilverFox> like, autopilot and gps and shit
<r4m0n> at least that's cheap enough nowadays
<SilverFox> autothrottle should be easy
<SilverFox> I wonder if I could train an AI with flight patterns
<SilverFox> that way I could turn on auto-land
<r4m0n> sensors is the issue. you're probably going to get better results algorithmically
<SilverFox> algorithmically?
<r4m0n> yeah, program it by hand :-)
<r4m0n> with GPS and an 9-DoF IMU you should be able to program something that lands you
<SilverFox> ehhh, I'd also like to encorporate an altimeter into that
<SilverFox> redundancy is nice
<r4m0n> multiple GPS's then :-) unless you're talking about a radar altimeter, ut that's probably expensive
<SilverFox> I'd think an altimeter takes less power than a GPS
<SilverFox> so I could GPS auto-update less often
* SilverFox checks ebay for radar altimeter
<SilverFox> WHEW LADS
<SilverFox> 900$
<r4m0n> "Affordable Radar Altimeter Solution
<r4m0n> "
<SilverFox> garmin is the shit
<SilverFox> they make great GPS's
<SilverFox> FSX features Garmin GPS's
<r4m0n> well, you aren't going to get a radar altimeter with that budget XD it's that or an engine
<SilverFox> here's one that isnt bad
<SilverFox> 200$ish
<SilverFox> also what kinda sucks is I want to fly for like, an hour at least
<SilverFox> but it's also electric
<SilverFox> so RIP
<r4m0n> I wonder if that's the whole thing too
<SilverFox> there's also these things
<SilverFox> which have cables on em
<SilverFox> also, my budget is for a minimal functional plane, not all the added stuffs
<SilverFox> so a high-refresh GPS would be in the basic package
<SilverFox> also, idk how well GPS would do for uhhhhh giving altitude - terrain
<SilverFox> idk if GPS gives you that
<SilverFox> I wonder what sensors I should have as a basic package; GPS, Compass...
<SilverFox> I wonder if an engine thermistor would be a good idea
<r4m0n> GPS gives you datum altitude, you'll need a map to get terrain height
<SilverFox> right
<SilverFox> for my plane design though i'd be lying on my belly
<SilverFox> so this makes the airframe more slim
<r4m0n> the only thing that can get you ground altitude is a radar or lidar altimeter (which I don't know if it exists)
<r4m0n> it's easy enough to make a "OH SHIT!" altimeter
<SilverFox> hrmmm, I wonder if those uhhhhh doplars can do anything
<SilverFox> there are like, arduino sensor dopplars
<SilverFox> I wonder if I can overvolt them to increase their sensing range
<SilverFox> if I can get 50ft from them that'd be neat
<r4m0n> if you're < 20m high, you can get something with ultrasound
<SilverFox> ultrasound sounds relatively cheap
<r4m0n> it's dirt cheap
<r4m0n> like, $1 sensor
<SilverFox> sick
<SilverFox> worth throwing in there just in case
<r4m0n> not great at reliability, but you'll know when you're crashing
<SilverFox> or landing heights
<SilverFox> which are nice to know
<r4m0n> over a runway you'll get cm precision
<SilverFox> basically below 300ft you should be well aware of your altitude
<SilverFox> cm precision is nice, but that's a tad overkill for an ultralight
<SilverFox> for RC that's pretty decent though
<SilverFox> but also for a 1$ sensor that's pretty sick
<SilverFox> if I can get something for ~500ft altitude and below, that'd be sick
<r4m0n> look for this on less cutthroat sites https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13959
<r4m0n> 500ft you'll need radar if you don't go with GPS+maps
<r4m0n> a cheapish laser rangefinder should get you more range, but I don't think anything goes over 40m
<SilverFox> shiiiieeeet
<r4m0n> nope, seeing some up to 100m for $30
<SilverFox> 100m is ~300ft, so fits the minimum
<SilverFox> I need something quick to update for the landing call outs
<SilverFox> like the whole "50! 40! 20! RETARD RETARD RETARD"
<r4m0n> those should use ToF measurement, so they may be quick. but can't tell without testing
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<SilverFox> ToF?
<r4m0n> Time of Flight, counting the time for the light beam to come back
<SilverFox> right
<r4m0n> basically lidar
<SilverFox> neat
<SilverFox> does lidar fail at high speeds?
<r4m0n> it can get washed out by direct sunlight, AFAIK, so needs to be a bit careful
<r4m0n> near C, yeah XD
<r4m0n> don't try to use lidar if going over 0.001C
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<SilverFox> ;wa 0.001c to knots
<kmath> SilverFox: convert 0.001 c (speed of light) to knots: 583000 knots
<SilverFox> pffft
<SilverFox> noted for when my ultralight pulls off a good 583k knots
<r4m0n> ultrasound is a lot more sensitive to speed, though. don't expect to get good results more than a few feet off the ground
<SilverFox> having it be useful only a few feet isn't worth having
<r4m0n> if you can toss a lidar in, it's probably your best/cheapest option
<SilverFox> lets see how much lidar is
<r4m0n> look more for laser rangefinder
<SilverFox> ?
<r4m0n> you can find cheaper, but that's one
<r4m0n> this guy does 500Hz sampling
<SilverFox> thats a lot
<SilverFox> I think 20hz would just fine
<r4m0n> 5Hz is probably good for you already
<SilverFox> I wonder if I can set that dynamically to reduce power consumption
<SilverFox> also, I'll probably add solar to the wings
<r4m0n> I think you trigger the samples
<SilverFox> ooh shit, I just thought of a compact method for reading altimeter
<SilverFox> binary type shits
<SilverFox> a horizontal bar graph
<SilverFox> like, two horizontal graphs, one for hundreds, and one for the tens
<Rokker> wait so
<Rokker> nvm
<SilverFox> so like, 00000 00000 and then 00000 00000 below it, and each one is responsible for hundred or tens, so 00000 10000 01000 00000 is 590ft
<r4m0n> fancy altimeters are great for crashing
<r4m0n> use numbers :-P
<SilverFox> things are gonna be really in my face since the cockpit will be kinda crammed
<SilverFox> hrmmm wait
<SilverFox> I just remembered those uhhhhhhhhh
<SilverFox> arduino 2x16 things exist
<SilverFox> those lcd screens that are 2 rows of 16 chars
<r4m0n> yep
<SilverFox> they seem small enough
<SilverFox> and can interface directly with an arduino, so good enough
<SilverFox> I need a lidar better than this Lite 3
<SilverFox> it only does up to 40m
<SilverFox> this has a range of 5-600m
<SilverFox> that's 1800ft
<r4m0n> dunno how those units work
<SilverFox> me neither
<r4m0n> "The meter can measure the distance of a stationary or slow moving object within measuring range clearly."
<r4m0n> "Measuring Time: 0.5-1s"
<r4m0n> I'd stick to proper LIDARs
<r4m0n> though it does seems to have one
<SilverFox> cant seem to find more than that one I linked
<r4m0n> I see dozens of laser rangefinders, though nothing with that much range
<r4m0n> or you mean LIDAR modules?
<SilverFox> the thing I linked
<SilverFox> I searched for LIDAR and I just get all these motor looking things
<r4m0n> there's this guy, but range is worse http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Benewake-DE-LiDAR-TF-01-/222265270204?hash=item33c00adfbc:g:hEsAAOSwa~BYUmz6
<SilverFox> 10m ew
<SilverFox> hrmm, I'd have to take it apart, but I also dont know the protocol it uses for the data
<r4m0n> it has some LED segment displays, you can just hook there and read the output
<SilverFox> true
<SilverFox> however one downfall
<SilverFox> 50m min range
<SilverFox> sorry, 50ft
<r4m0n> 20ft on this one
<SilverFox> ah right
<SilverFox> hrmmmm
<r4m0n> below that you can use something more precise
<r4m0n> this looks old as fuck
<SilverFox> lol 3 systems for measuring altitude
<r4m0n> it isn't like you need this now anyway
<r4m0n> take your time, there are better options around
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> but this is at least a lot of something
<SilverFox> I can use GPS while in the air easily and be fine, it's during descent and landing I need something more precise
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<SilverFox> I could combine the 3 sensor datums into one display and have a push button to switch modes, be it cm accurate above ground 20m mode, lidar mode, and gps mode
<r4m0n> if you can afford a few LIDAR's pointing down, you can get a reading on the level too
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<SilverFox> the level, like how flat it is?
<r4m0n> yep
<SilverFox> hrmmm
<SilverFox> sounds fancy smansy
<r4m0n> and your inclination
<SilverFox> a few lidars would cost about the same as the plane lol, and weight is a concern, these look decently heavy for being sensors
<r4m0n> dusing landing you could do with the 10m units
<SilverFox> runways are usually pretty flatish
<SilverFox> the plane shouldn't be *that* sensitive to nonflat surfaces, just be a bit bumpy
<r4m0n> it may not be level, depending on where it is
<SilverFox> there are plenty of runways in the world that are inclined
<SilverFox> just provides a challenge
<SilverFox> also, I think I might need radio comms
<r4m0n> which would be very bad for landing if you just go by the plane angle from an accelerometer
<r4m0n> for UL you might not need, but need to check the rules
<SilverFox> yeah, also I think UL in canada requires a license or permit
<r4m0n> 3:30 AM, I better go to bed XD
<SilverFox> yup, Ultralight permit is a thing in canada
<SilverFox> also needs to have a maximum takeoff weight not exceeding 544kg
<SilverFox> or 1.2 tonnes
<SilverFox> so easy peasy
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<SilverFox> oh wait, an advanced one is one with a prop, so that's for some reason forced to be lighter? at 350kg or 770lbs
<SilverFox> also I *think* from reading this wiki article that the wing area needs to be minimum 10m^2
<SilverFox> so if I can design the aircraft to be under 500lbs, that'd be best
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<SilverFox> I wonder what kind of motor I could use
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<SilverFox> ~c 1000 / 48
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 20.833333333333332
<SilverFox> eesh
<SilverFox> 21A
<Rokker> faggggggggggggggg
<Rokker> SilverFox: do a microflight instead
<SilverFox> microflight?
<Rokker> microlight*
<Rokker> (its the same thing, i just wanted to call you a fag)
<SilverFox> get out of here with your insults, dont make us ban you again
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<SilverFox> I wonder what horsepower rating ima need
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<SilverFox> ;wa 1hp to watts
<kmath> SilverFox: convert 1 hp (horsepower) to watts: 745.7 W (watts)
<SilverFox> right, 750W
<SilverFox> I wonder how many I'll need for the aircraft
<Rokker> SilverFox: depends on stuff and things
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<Greys> android 8 happened?
<SilverFox> did it?
<Greys> mkbhd said so
<SilverFox> I wonder if I can upgrade the os on my samsung s4
<SilverFox> I want the new emojis
<Greys> sparently it's being sent to pixels
<SilverFox> do you think I'd get the new emojis if I upgraded my os?
<SilverFox> I think I'm on android 5.1
<Greys> I don't know anything about emoji
<Greys> public release august 21st
<Greys> I'd guess the S4 can't run it, performance wise, but that's a popular enough phone, if you root all the things you can probably get 7 now and 8 may become available later
<Greys> here's android 7 for you
<SilverFox> I just want my phone to stop being a little bitch and displaying boxes
<Greys> boxes?
<SilverFox> so really it'd be great to just install a font
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> rectangles, it's like an error char
<Greys> an
<Greys> ah
<SilverFox> when you cant display a char, you have to display something
<SilverFox> so it's just a box
<Greys> let me just forwarn you, android gets bigger faster than it gets more efficient, because phones have gotten more powerful too fast
<Greys> like, if you only have 8gb of internal memory, doing this will suck
<SilverFox> 8GB of ram is a lot for a phone
<Greys> no, internal memory
<Greys> you've probably got like 1gb of ram
<SilverFox> storage?
<SilverFox> memory is ram
<Greys> phones don't agree to your preconceptions
<SilverFox> I dont give a shit
<SilverFox> doesn't mean we need to subsribe to their bullshit
<Greys> yea sure
<Greys> if you want to run nougat, you really need 16GB internal storage minimum; ideally 32
<SilverFox> I think I have 16GB
<SilverFox> probably not though
<Greys> it's easy to check, settings -> storage
<SilverFox> 16
<SilverFox> but i'm at the very last bit of it
<SilverFox> 6.2GB of it is taken up by the system
<Greys> currently
<SilverFox> no stfu
<SilverFox> 7.8GB is currently being used
<Greys> you can expect closer to 10gb if you go to nougat
<SilverFox> and 1.07GB misc files
<SilverFox> however, even though I have 653MB available space, if I download any app it'll ask me to make space for it, even if it's 50MB
<Greys> now, good news; roms normally have less integrated untouchable bullshit on them, so a higher percentage of the larger space will be android
<SilverFox> which is bullshit, so I just end up deleting cache data
<Greys> fun fact, android partitions out the internal space, so you have so much space, but then only so much of it is allocated to /data, what you're seeing when that happens is the data partition has gotten too full, but there's still free space in the /system partition
<SilverFox> if that's true, that's terrible programming. I dont care abou how much space the system has to work with, that's for the system to deal with
<Greys> it's for security
<Greys> each partition is mounted differently to ensure only the right stuff can write to them
<SilverFox> yeah that's all great and shit
<Greys> for example /system is mounted as read only
<SilverFox> but dont tell me I have 600MB of space available when I cant fucking write to it
<Greys> yep
<Greys> so you gonna nougat?
<SilverFox> probably not
<SilverFox> I dont have the free space for it
<Greys> how much would you have left if you uninstalled every app you can?
<SilverFox> and idk if its guaranteed I'll get them new emojies
<Greys> android 7 supports adopted partitions; you might not get that but if you did then you could take a big honkin' SD card and mount it as an extension of /data
<Greys> and then your phone would believe that it has more internal storage
<SilverFox> now here's the thing
<SilverFox> when I "move" an app over to SD card, it now takes up, about 70% of its space, on both the sd and internal storage
<SilverFox> it's pretty bullshit
<Greys> right but this is nothing like that
<Greys> this is literally mounting the SD as an extension to data
<Greys> data gets bigger
<SilverFox> right but like, irrelevant o what i'm saying
<SilverFox> im just kinda bitchin simultaneously
<Greys> because what you're saying is irrelevant
<SilverFox> anyways, idk what it'd be like if I deleted all the apps "I can"
<SilverFox> I use a good chunk of apps regularly
<SilverFox> most of them are large apps, so uninstalling the small ones that I dont use wont make much a difference
<Greys> how much does settings -> storage say you have for apps on the device
<SilverFox> especially when there's so little of them
<SilverFox> 5.51GB
<Greys> mmkay, you might not be bumfucked
<SilverFox> okay yeah a lot of small proprietary apps
<Greys> have you rooted?
<SilverFox> naw dont think so
<SilverFox> I did once but idk if I turned that off or not
<Greys> do you have an aftermarket recovery installed?
<SilverFox> idk probably not
<Greys> turn your phone off, then hold power and volume down
<SilverFox> it's updating a bunch of shit
<Greys> mmkay
<SilverFox> like, literally everything ever apparently
<SilverFox> downloading the entire appstore onto my phone brb
<Greys> so's basically, if you have a recovery like TWRP, it has a file browser, you can mount /system and delete shit willy nilly, like say if android won't let you delete some stupid fucking app from samsung or your carrier that's taking up half a gig; you can delete that
<Greys> and it'll just be gone.
<Greys> also, hypothetically, if you hade updates to system apps, they install as user apps, and using this recovery file browser you can integrate the update into /system, so it's not taking up space in /data
<SilverFox> also, my wifi just casually disconnected
<Greys> I recommend using the app DiskUsage to check in /data/apps, /system/apps, and /system/priv-apps to see what's taking up the most wasted space and burn it to the ground like a field of sugar cane
<SilverFox> fun times
<Greys> DiskUsage is basically WinDirStat for android
<SilverFox> the apps I use most often are the biggest ones
<Greys> that's actually good
<SilverFox> it means I have to delete a fuckton small one
<Greys> eh
<Greys> ~wa when does kroger open
<FoxBot9000> Greys: Kroger | opening price: $22.66 (US dollars) (Tuesday, August 22, 2017)
<Greys> mmkay....
<SilverFox> did you just ask it when a store opened?
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<Greys> yes
<Greys> ah cool, 6
<Greys> I was expecting 9
<SilverFox> I have reduced application storage usage to 5.25GB
<SilverFox> this was fruitless
<Greys> oh, and get link2sd and click the clean dalvik cache button
<Greys> that got me a gig and a half after I deleted a bunch of apps through recovery
<Greys> the dalvik cache, case you ain't know, is combined JVM binaries cached so apps can launch without having to compile at runtime
<Greys> compiled*
<SilverFox> yeah I know
<Greys> android 5 does a shit job of keeping it clean, if you've never wiped/cleaned it before you're probably bloated
<SilverFox> is this an app you can download or do I have to do shit with my computer and phone?
<Greys> the intended feature of this app is that you can make a second partition on your SD card and it can mount that similarly to an adoption, and move apps there more effectively, because the standard fat32 doesn't have file permissions a bunch of shit has to live on the phone still for security reasons
<Greys> this feature doesn't work on my phone
<Greys> anyway, if you can use the second partition feature, it lets you move lots of stuff off the device using simlinks
<Greys> like, you could move the entire dalvik cache to the SD card
<Greys> I'm dying slowly
<Greys> the AC didn't run while I was asleep so my bedroom got all the oxygen breathed out of it and now I'm recovering from CO2 poisoning
<SilverFox> my SD card is only 4GB
<SilverFox> and it has about 1.7GB free
<Greys> I just bought a 32GB for 10$
<SilverFox> welp, that was fun
<Greys> I could have bought a 128 for 40 but I literally cannot justify having that much space
<SilverFox> I cant clean the delvik cache without root
<Greys> hmmm
<Greys> if you have TWRP there might be a button for that, but it's going to wipe the cache not clean; the difference being link2sd gets rid of stuff that's not associated with apps anymore, so your phone will be slower as it rebuilds the cache
<SilverFox> i dont have twrp
<Greys> sucks to be you
<Greys> I assume you're not up for this and haven't made a todo function yet, so to get TWRP first you need to root the phone, but once you have TWRP you can install whatever rom you want
<SilverFox> havent made todo function because you just bitched about it when I pitched the idea
<SilverFox> if I can root the phone, why would I need twrp?
<Greys> if you could install linux on your desktop, would you need a soldering iron?
<SilverFox> what the fuck cryptic bullshit are you spewing
<Greys> TWRP and having root are extremely different things
<Greys> like, TWRP lets you do nandroid backups, and revert to them
<SilverFox> in order to clear the devrik cache I need to have root
<Greys> TWRP lets you install whatever you want
<SilverFox> if I have root I can just clear the cache, twrp not needed
<Greys> TWRP lets you bypass write permissions arbitrarily
<Greys> root lets you interact with the OS at a higher authority level
<SilverFox> I know what root is
<Greys> root on android is not the same as root on linux, because android is designed to depower root, and retaliate against certain behaviors
<SilverFox> so i cant sudo rm -rf */ on android?
<Greys> trying to uninstall a system app via root might cause your device to hard reboot
<Greys> hell, just trying to install busybox so you could even make use of the majority of root-only apps might cause your device to hard reboot
<Greys> and worse, every different way to hard reboot has a chance of triggering a retaliatory backdate
<Greys> aka, the phone might notice you did shit, and reinstall all the apps it's supposed to have
<SilverFox> Greys, design me some icepacks for my feet
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<Greys> SilverFox, I don't really have much experience with fabrics
<SilverFox> wtf is the mp5 format
<Supernovy> it's filmed in 9mm
<SilverFox> sick
<G-Mobile> Thats a common misconception, actually its filmed in 9D
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<Greys> where's a not stupid expensive place to buy gears
<Greys> mcmastercar and amazon are 5~30$ per, and ebay seems to mostly sell random sets
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<Greys> I need a repeat positioning solution for my 2D cylinder printer, I can't assume that the ends of anything that might be put in here will be square, so the bump stop I've modelled up may actually induce oscillation via camming
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<Greys> this is what I've got and it's just generally not going to work http://i.imgur.com/sxoYLTx.png
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<Greys> also I'd definitely need to reposition it, being aligned with the main axles like that would limit it to parts up to 96mm in diameter, which is just too small
<Greys> if I relocate it to bridge at the bottom of the main bracket it'll support up to 200mm, which is pretty good
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<Greys> 170mm would form an equilateral triangle of support with the rollers, which should be the limit of primary stability; 200mm shouldn't be a problem though
<Greys> hmmm, from the side, this thing kinda looks like a racist stereotype
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