TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspparadoxes | corrupt ops only
<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<Greys> I wonder what the world would be like if vectorgraphics had beat out rastergraphics
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<SilverFox> Greys, what's your opinion on Coco Bandicoot?
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<G-Mobile> The girlfriend?
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<G-Mobile> the sister?
<G-Mobile> there's a loooot of fanart
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<G-Mobile> @silverfox I don't mostly
<G-Mobile> I bet there's some decent porn out there
<SilverFox> probably
<SilverFox> and why did you @ me?
<G-Mobile> because you assed a quasstion and it's been a while
<G-Mobile> what do you want me to feel about the cork bacoot
<SilverFox> idk was expecting either you to respond the way you did, or go on a tangeant
<SilverFox> that's the only two options
<SilverFox> also dont @ me, this isn't the forums]
<G-Mobile> client did it, I don't even have an @ key
<SilverFox> well fix it in your settings
<G-Mobile> we'll see
<G-Mobile> you know how little authority humans have over their lives these days
<SilverFox> you mean like, 100%?
<G-Mobile> look at youtube
<G-Mobile> any time youtube changes something it's horrible for everyone
<G-Mobile> nobody has authority over youtube
<SilverFox> can a publicly owned company have privately own sub-companies?
<G-Mobile> uh; they would be privately owned by the public company, which is owned by it's investors; so....
<G-Mobile> semantics?
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<G-Mobile> I spent 79.95 days listening to podcasts last year
<G-Mobile> So far this yea I'm up to 61 days
<G-Mobile> Year
<G-Mobile> ;wa day of year
<kmath> G-Mobile: A Day Of… (music work)->first release date: Monday, June 16, 2003
<SilverFox> ?
<G-Mobile> ;wa days since last year
<kmath> G-Mobile: days since last->year: 586 days
<G-Mobile> Unlikely
<SilverFox> very
<SilverFox> oh Greys we found another ISP in our area that just installed recently
<SilverFox> packages with speeds of up to 250Mb/s
<SilverFox> for 125$
<G-Mobile> We're 60.54% through 2017
<SilverFox> ~c 365 * 0.6054
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 220.97100000000003
<SilverFox> that many days
<SilverFox> at around the end of the month we'll be getting at least 25Mb/s
<G-Mobile> So I'm looking to hit a hundred days of podcasts this year
<G-Mobile> How many up?
<SilverFox> Unknown
<SilverFox> it doesnt say on the sheet
<SilverFox> it just offers speeds of XMb/s
<SilverFox> so maybe if we're lucky it's symmetric
<G-Mobile> I'mma hope for at least 4
<SilverFox> if it's anything >5 that'd be great
<G-Mobile> 3*
<SilverFox> means I could stream 720p at least
<G-Mobile> This fucking keyboqrd dorsnt push the buttons I pusg
<SilverFox> because your hands are too big
<SilverFox> you know, there's surgery for that
<G-Mobile> No, variable hitboxes
<SilverFox> bluetooth keyboard
<SilverFox> that's what you bought it for
<G-Mobile> If I put a stylus directly over a button and made it go up and down, it would hit that button exactly once
<G-Mobile> I'm walking around
<SilverFox> up and down on the z axis or y axis?
<G-Mobile> Along it's length
<SilverFox> y axis
<G-Mobile> There is no established frame of reference
<SilverFox> ye
<SilverFox> up down the button is y, across it is x
<SilverFox> in and out is z
<G-Mobile> Think of a dick, put the dick in your hand, fuck your hand
<G-Mobile> Your hand is the phone
<SilverFox> how big is the dick
<SilverFox> is it girthy or one of them pencil dicks?
<G-Mobile> About 9mm in diameter and 5 inches long
<SilverFox> wtf
<SilverFox> thats a skinny ass dick
<SilverFox> if you've been getting dick 9mm thick then you've been deprived
<G-Mobile> "the dick is a metaphor" - jean luc picard
<G-Mobile> Btw, that reminds me. Rokker, you're an idiot.
<Rokker> yes
<Rokker> G-Mobile: luv u, boo
<Rokker> SilverFox: can you ask G-Mobile why she's saying this
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, rokker asks "why you such a nigger?"
<SilverFox> its kinda racist tbh
<Rokker> please I'd never use that word
<Rokker> I prefer old time racist words
<Rokker> timey*
<G-Mobile> it's entirely racist
<G-Mobile> what's the correct depiction of a 6 dimensional cube?
* G-Mobile squirts silverfox in the face with the spray bottle
<G-Mobile> bad dog
<SilverFox> that was from rokker
<SilverFox> why you lookin at rokker links
<G-Mobile> cuz my job affords me a great deal of time
<SilverFox> so then you have time to answer rokkers question
<SilverFox> if you're gonna shit talk, better say why
<G-Mobile> what question
<SilverFox> <Rokker> SilverFox: can you ask G-Mobile why she's saying this
<G-Mobile> for blaming theko's fate on you
<SilverFox> KEK
<Rokker> that was ages ago
<G-Mobile> so's I'm rereading this manga I liked before, and then forgot, called Scapegod, which is about god and some bitch falling in love and then there's a pregnancy energy drink because fucking god would destroy you and then the daughter ends the world
<G-Mobile> the initial plot is that there's these monsters that appear at random and kill people then disappear; they kill about as many people as car accidents, so, whatever
<G-Mobile> also god is a loli
<SilverFox> loli hair loli?
<G-Mobile> no, that's a toddler
<G-Mobile> toddlers are only toddlers
<G-Mobile> btw, also the loli is dr who
<SilverFox> their hair colour doest change drastically as they age
<G-Mobile> I know which loli you mean and no, that's a toddler
<G-Mobile> who is christina miller and why is youtube want me to be misogyny at them
<G-Mobile> btw the loli has the best kind of horns
<G-Mobile> the kind that start in the back and crown the head forwards with points that jut out a little near the tip
<SilverFox> greys, people's hair doesnt naturally go from purple to like, red when they turn 20
<G-Mobile> ~g adolescent hair color change
<G-Mobile> aaaaactually
<G-Mobile> I was blonde as a kid, and now I'm a fairly dark brunette
<Rokker> SilverFox: people's hair isn't naturally purple to begin with
<G-Mobile> as we've discussed befreu, anime hair colors are all diverged representations of actual japanese hair colors
<SilverFox> rokker gets it
<G-Mobile> mostly browns and blacks
<G-Mobile> purple is black
<SilverFox> i dont have time for your conspiracies
<G-Mobile> so that's a black haired girl and I wouldn't be surprized if she grows up to be a dark brown
<G-Mobile> which would be red
<Rokker> SilverFox: I'm like 99% sure black hair is the only genetic hair color japs are born with
<G-Mobile> also there's nudity, did I mention that?
<Rokker> loli nudity?
<SilverFox> rokker wants to know if there's child porn
<Rokker> or not disgusting nudity
<G-Mobile> bottom right panel
<SilverFox> ......that's the nudity?
<Rokker> ...
<Rokker> got me all disgusted over nothing
<SilverFox> are you some fucking depraved korean?
<SilverFox> gotta jerk it to softcore porn?
<G-Mobile> no, the nudity is a few pages back
<G-Mobile> they take a bath, it's depressing
<G-Mobile> that panel is my favorite meh
<G-Mobile> oh right, I forgot, the monsters decapitate protagonist's love interest
<G-Mobile> and then protty and god start a protection agency
<G-Mobile> and then
<G-Mobile> george bush
<G-Mobile> killed god
<G-Mobile> every american president should be required to read the manga featuring the previous american president
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: what's a good phone icon
<SilverFox> wut
<G-Mobile> I need an icon for my phone app
<SilverFox> a fuckin phone
<G-Mobile> the app on my pocket computer that makes calls
<G-Mobile> yea but it needs to be vaguely circular
<SilverFox> rotary
<G-Mobile> to old
<SilverFox> fuck you
<G-Mobile> I know right
<G-Mobile> it's the last icon I need and I've been thinking about it for a week
<G-Mobile> the icon I've got now is a handset on a base station, but I never find it at a glance so I don't want to adapt that to the new style
<G-Mobile> why don't microwaves use microphones to track popcorn bags
<G-Mobile> that's clearly an irc app icon
<SilverFox> because thats fucking stupid
<Rokker> well fuck you
<G-Mobile> I track popcorn bags with my microphones
<G-Mobile> why shan't the machine?
<Rokker> you what
<G-Mobile> it's just tracking impulses
<G-Mobile> "stop when popping slows, about 1 second between pops"
<G-Mobile> a microphone somewhere in the body of the microwave could detect that noise as well as I can, and apply more intelligent algorithms to it
<Rokker> wouldnt the mic probably also pick up electrical impulses from the microwave
<SilverFox> ye
<SilverFox> the microwave would fry the fucking electronics
<SilverFox> hence making it a fucking stupid idea
<Rokker> even if it didnt, there would be a fuckton of noise
<Rokker> signal noise
<Rokker> that is
<G-Mobile> it could even be a learning process where after each bag I give it feedback "too many kernels" "a little burnt" and it'd adjust the timing a bit
<G-Mobile> if the microphone was inside the exposure chamber yes
<G-Mobile> but it could as easily just be behind the display
<SilverFox> where the giant thing is that goes MWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH?
<G-Mobile> ave you neva taken part a mikkerwayv?
<G-Mobile> magnetrons are directional
<SilverFox> but the sound isnt
<SilverFox> real loud
<SilverFox> not to mention the transformer noise
<SilverFox> the electrical noise
<SilverFox> from said transformer
<G-Mobile> who cares about constant volume
<G-Mobile> we're measuring instantaneous volume
<G-Mobile> if you really can't have any noise, put the microwave on the opposite side, or in the door
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<G-Mobile> giant melons of china scapegod is the same mangaka as Cynthia: The Mission
<G-Mobile> the world's only manga about a balding loli ninja assassin from china getting beaten to a pulp repeatedly and then her sister transforms her into a busty girl for a while
<G-Mobile> (cynthia the mission contains a disturbing amount of character torture and I wouldn't recommend it to just about anybody)
<kmath> YouTube - Facebook posts in real life.
<FoxBot9000> yt: Facebook posts in real life. | Butch Escobar
<SilverFox> G-Mobile,
<kmath> YouTube - FaceDisplay: Enabling Multi-User Interaction for Mobile Virtual Reality
<FoxBot9000> yt: FaceDisplay: Enabling Multi-User Interaction for Mobile Virtual Reality | ACM SIGCHI
<G-Mobile> mmmmmkay an
<SilverFox> its like inside out vr
<G-Mobile> this is the dumbest thing I've seen since....
<SilverFox> was freddi mercury's mother ever thanked for giving birth to such a legend?
<G-Mobile> mmkay so for a highschool project I modelled and articulated two cellphones, one was a sphere that sticks shot out of for mic and speaker, it was neat; and the other was this camcorder sized monstrosity with two wings that would open up on either side of a main board that would also open up and the wings were on a shoulder hinge and in the shoulder hinge was a full size camera; the whole thing had like 13 screens
<G-Mobile> this is as dumb as that
<G-Mobile> oh and it had an IR emitter so you could use it as a remote, because this was 2006
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, u into star treks?
<kmath> YouTube - Tuvok Ain't Found Shit
<FoxBot9000> yt: Tuvok Ain&#39;t Found Shit | OurRoyalWe
<G-Mobile> eh
<G-Mobile> eh
<G-Mobile> btw, horizon zero dawn released
<G-Mobile> at some point
<SilverFox> "what country has the smallest vaginas?"
<SilverFox> "China. I think it's cause they're sideways"
<G-Mobile> china, next question
<G-Mobile> so have you heard of this new fangled kerneless popcorn they've invented
<SilverFox> fucking, air?!
<SilverFox> like, you pop the kernels
<SilverFox> thats what popcorn is
<SilverFox> popped corn kernels
<G-Mobile> it's little pearls of processed corn kernel meal packed into gelatin shells that dissolve into a sugary coating when the steam ruptures the shell
<kmath> YouTube - Woman's urinal
<FoxBot9000> yt: Woman&#39;s urinal | Curse Broken
<G-Mobile> also there's the cheetos version
<G-Mobile> ~yt cheetos popcorn
<kmath> YouTube - We make Cheetos Popcorn ft. VORE
<G-Mobile> well.
<G-Mobile> that's terrifying
<G-Mobile> oh ok, vore is his name
<kmath> YouTube - How to order Tea in Japan at Macs
<FoxBot9000> yt: How to order Tea in Japan at Macs | arrghgarry
<G-Mobile> ~yt how to wear pants wrong
<kmath> YouTube - you reposted wearing the wrong shirts... and pants. pants pants pants pants.
<SilverFox> ~yt you reposted in the wrong neighborhood
<kmath> YouTube - You reposted in the wrong neighborhood (Full version)
<SilverFox> source btw
<G-Mobile> ~yt reposted turtle duck why bernard
<G-Mobile> victory.
<SilverFox> ~yt reposted turtle duck why bernard
<SilverFox> huh
<SilverFox> ~yt reposted in the wrong bork
<kmath> YouTube - You Reposted In The Wrong Doggo
<G-Mobile> ~yt jerryterry triforce collab
<kmath> YouTube - Game Grumps Triforce Collab [JerryTerry Mix]
<SilverFox> that was cached
<kmath> YouTube - COPS intro but it's the friends theme
<FoxBot9000> yt: COPS intro but it&#39;s the friends theme | Neksn
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<VITAS> SilverFox, so how did your drive stuff go?
<SilverFox> it didnt
<VITAS> hmm
<SilverFox> no matter what I did it refused to accept it as a valid disk
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<SilverFox> tried some thing I found on line that included making it a dynamic disk
<SilverFox> cant do that with SSDs or someshit??
<SilverFox> and then the usb stopped booting so I gave up
<SilverFox> also did some comparisons for speed using crystalmark, my SSD is about 4-5 times faster than the HDD
<kmath> YouTube - COPS intro but it's the friends theme
<VITAS> try that
<FoxBot9000> yt: COPS intro but it&#39;s the friends theme | Neksn
<SilverFox> bot why you do this
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<kmath> YouTube - COPS intro but it's the friends theme
<FoxBot9000> yt: COPS intro but it&#39;s the friends theme | Neksn
<FoxBot90002> yt: COPS intro but it's the friends theme | Neksn
<SilverFox> there we fuckin go goddamn
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<kmath> YouTube - COPS intro but it's the friends theme
<FoxBot9000> yt: COPS intro but it's the friends theme | Neksn
<SilverFox> finally
<SilverFox> okay VITAS back to whatever the fuck is going on
<SilverFox> wait is choosing "toram" important?
<VITAS> toram is for clonezilla itself
<VITAS> so its runnign in a ramdisk
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> but like, what makes it so important
<SilverFox> that it cant run the other way?
<VITAS> you dont want it to run off of any disk you want to image from or to
<SilverFox> also I've read online that clonezilla doesnt like going from bigger to smaller drives
<SilverFox> right, but its running on usb
<VITAS> yes but still
<VITAS> in the olden days
<SilverFox> this isnt the olden days
<VITAS> there was the fear that to many write cycles can destroy your usb drive
<SilverFox> back when computers were just flashing lightbulbs
<VITAS> and most usb drives where also treated like cds
<VITAS> because thats where the live distro originated
<VITAS> so the diea was born to just read it to some ram drisk
<VITAS> and thats what many live distros do today
<SilverFox> anyways the problem is getting clonezilla to recognize my ssd
<VITAS> so to ram it is as opossed to to disk :)
<VITAS> yes
<SilverFox> it doesnt show up as an option for me to select as either a target or destination
<VITAS> i dont know your exact sewtup and i dont have acc to your pc so most of my tips dont take your exact situation into accoutn
<SilverFox> and I dont know how to fix that
<VITAS> but: make sure it showes up in your bios
<SilverFox> I can blank my drive and we can start from there
<SilverFox> but it shows up in windows disk management, if that's anything
<VITAS> yes ive to work so i cant assist you for long
<SilverFox> that's how I format it and shit
<SilverFox> how long you be working for?
<VITAS> normal day starting in 5mins
<SilverFox> 8 hours?
<VITAS> soemthing liek that
<SilverFox> alright, well how bout after work?
<VITAS> or untill i cant see any computers anymore
<VITAS> what i did when i moved to a different drive was to reinstall windows and copy over everything to the newly installed drive
<VITAS> (even settings and all)
<VITAS> it shit its pans a couple of times but 90% runs and 100% of the data is there
<VITAS> i just resinstalled and setup the 10%
<VITAS> i know there are commericial products and you might even try samsungs own thing
<VITAS> (i think its called drive magican)
<SilverFox> I dont have access to a legit install of windows 8 I can use
<SilverFox> as an installer
<SilverFox> and I really dont want to deal with illegitimate copy shenanigans
<VITAS> ms offers win isos for download
<VITAS> if you have a serial number
<SilverFox> idk if I even have a serial number
<SilverFox> that's the thing
<SilverFox> maybe it's on the pc somewhere but idk
<VITAS> it must be on your pc
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> its ona holographic sticker
<SilverFox> ye not on my pc that I could see
<VITAS> there are tools to read the key from your current install
<VITAS> but its not legal if you dont have any sticker or box
<SilverFox> this machine is like, 5-7 years old
<SilverFox> the only thing not replaced is this fuckin harddrive and the cpu+mobo
<VITAS> anyhow: you should try to get your drive to show up and try to follow that guid i send you
<SilverFox> and the case
<SilverFox> I've tried a great variety of things
<VITAS> if that doesnt work you might want to try some commerical imaging product (cant remember the name atm)
* VITAS goes to work now
<SilverFox> I'm going to go to bed
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<G-Mobile> listening to people who almost speak english well really makes you realize how stupid english is
<Rokker> oh shut up
Technicalfool is now known as TechnicallySleeping
<lpg> holy shit flowjs is so bad
<lpg> there's an infinite loop that consumes all of your computer's memory and crashes if you enable the --all flag
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg|afk|egg
<G-Mobile> mmkay; what's that?
<G-Mobile> yanno what would be great, a version of captain forever where you have to judge the behavior, intent, and capacity of the ships you come across, and if you only kill the strong and the villainous you don't rank up law stars
<G-Mobile> so if you choose, it's not just a game of kill and take, but also defense of the weak and mercy either for your own greedy ends or just to reestablish law in the sector
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<G-Mobile> with improved AI behavior and tighter controls you could have friendlies assist you, at a minimum by giving you upgrade modules or by going into combat and not targeting you but more ideally going into combat and trying not to shoot you
<G-Mobile> you'd probably need to make it a twin stick shooter in order for that to work out reasonably; currently it's pretty hard to not shoot a given ship which wouldn't be friendly behavior
<G-Mobile> the issue there is making the module placement work well without a mouse pointer; and I think it kinda doesn't work great with a mouse either so...
<G-Mobile> it could be the perfect mechanic for uniquely exploiting the steam controller, by letting you mode shift between radial controls, polar controls, and grid controls
<G-Mobile> twin stick pure radial control for flying/shooting, one pad points the ship the other pad points the thrust vector
<G-Mobile> polar with drag for selecting, kind of like a radial menu, your finger's position relative to center moves a snaping reticule to grab onto modules floating in space
<G-Mobile> then grid controls to shift along the ship's hard points to attach a held module; kind of like those complicated stick shifters, you'd be swiping around a tree diagram
* G-Mobile googles about unity games
<G-Mobile> wait, unreal is free now right?
<G-Mobile> fuck unity
<G-Mobile> I wonder how many 2D sprite games there are for unreal
<G-Mobile> gasp... DYJ is fully unregistered on this network; I think he's really gone
Rokker is now known as RokkerSleep
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<G-Mobile> whose of youse hase a steam controller
<G-Mobile> I am unable to determine from google images if the production release steam controller has grip buttons and if so how they operate
<G-Mobile> my best guess, if I'm even looking at the right version, is no
<G-Mobile> my second best guess is yes and they use the back panel as a toggle plate, which would be terrible
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<kmath> <siracusa> “True, gender gaps don’t always imply sexism. But sexism always implies sexism.”
<RandomJeb> I tried to read through the thing but ended up skimming from about halfway in
<RandomJeb> and frankly this seems like some bullshit boiled up from nothing and everyone involved seem like the biggest douchetards
<RandomJeb> google must be a terrible workplace
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<Greys> every major corporation is a terrible workplace
<Greys> moreso when you can't pretend everyone has a dick
<RandomJeb> you can though, you probably just shouldn't write your spergiest magnum opus about it and post it on your company intranet
<RandomJeb> that's where the trouble starts
<Greys> supposedly he didn't do the second part of that
<Greys> somebody fakenews him
<RandomJeb> lol
<Greys> woo; I no longer have 2.4GHz
<RandomJeb> you on that 5ghz wifi?
<stratochief_> he just shared it wide enough that news outlets heard about it, then got a hold of the whole damn thing. so, he spread it far wider than he should've
stratochief_ is now known as stratochief
<stratochief> but just because his view is scientificially innacurate or incomplete isn't necessarily a reason to fire him. but really, big corporate environements can fire people for any reason
<Greys> all that 5.8 up in this ghzouz
<RandomJeb> I'm stealing ghzouz and using it in the future, no royalties
<Greys> all the royalties.
<Greys> my future lawyers have already billed your future accountants
<Greys> legal time travel, the worst
<RandomJeb> I hate future lawyers
<Greys> so either'a yalls have steam controllers?
<Greys> my research suggests they're worse than future lawyers, which sucks
<Greys> ;wa next federal holiday
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> labor day, in a month
<Greys> I.... think I qualify for that
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<RandomJeb> I thought about getting a steam controller once but then I didn't
<RandomJeb> just used my ps3 controller instead
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<Greys> is it just me or do some (orchestra) conductors do less than others?
<Greys> this guy seems to be doing nothing at all related to the performance
<kmath> YouTube - Tchaikovsky "1812 Overture" with 105mm Cannons 20101017 (2/2)
<FoxBot9000> yt: Tchaikovsky &quot;1812 Overture&quot; with 105mm Cannons 20101017 (2/2) | AMANO Jun-ichi
<Greys> especially later on
<Greys> nine minutes in he's just swingin' the wand about, but the band is doing a flittery little bit
TechnicallySleeping is now known as Technicalfool
egg|afk|egg is now known as egg
<Greys> oh right... AMD doesn't have thunderbolt
<Greys> darn, I can't go AMD
* VITAS wonders from time to time if Greys would notice if everyone left :)
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<xShadowx> VITAS: nah he wouldnt
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<VITAS> must be some sort of facebook or blog like thing
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<G-Mobile> SilverFox: this app that is increasinglt full of shit says my blood oxygen is 98%, does that mean something less ridiculous than it sounds?
<G-Mobile> Also my long capacity is crap
<G-Mobile> ;wa 40cm to ft
<kmath> G-Mobile: convert 40 cm (centimeters) to feet: 1.312 feet1' 3.748"
<SilverFox> if it's below 90%, seek medical attention
<SilverFox> actually, ima change that to 94ish%
<SilverFox> if its chronic like that over time, and you aren't doing heavy aerobic exercise, then yes, seek medical attention
<SilverFox> and by over time I mean like, 3-5 hours
<G-Mobile> Ok so the app scanned my finger and made me face the picture
<G-Mobile> Then told me my compression is 60
<G-Mobile> So I like tea
<G-Mobile> I may be autistic
<SilverFox> like, visual compression?
<SilverFox> perhaps maybe a little bit
<G-Mobile> Fuck if I know
<G-Mobile> It asked whats the best time for rain in the supper, then the emoji turned read for a while, and it said people like me
<G-Mobile> Summer*
<SilverFox> what the fuck drugs are you on?>
<G-Mobile> Do you have android
<SilverFox> of course
<G-Mobile> Does your phone have a flash
<SilverFox> there are phones without flashes?
<G-Mobile> Yew
<G-Mobile> S
<SilverFox> Yews?
<G-Mobile> Try this app, turn off your network after installing, or get a firewall
<G-Mobile> Oh, wow, that name
<SilverFox> I highly doubt your phone can even remotely act like an SpO2 sensor
<G-Mobile> Me too
<SilverFox> i dont know how they work, so maybe they can
<SilverFox> maybe there's some new tech here
<G-Mobile> It can also measure your breath in the same way
<SilverFox> "same way"
<SilverFox> please rephrase unless this is 100% accurate
<G-Mobile> You put your finger over the camera and it turns the flash on, then it measures variation in color and brightness over time
<SilverFox> yeah
<G-Mobile> This works for pulses
<G-Mobile> But this measures blood pressure
<SilverFox> thats about how it works for an SpO2 sensor iirc
<G-Mobile> And viscosity
<SilverFox> blood pressure? ehhh
<G-Mobile> And breathing
<SilverFox> idk about blood pressure
<SilverFox> or breathing
<G-Mobile> And emotion
<SilverFox> or emotion
<G-Mobile> It also has an eye exam, which works differently
<SilverFox> I can see how it would go about the breathing part
<G-Mobile> I have 0.5 myopia
<SilverFox> so your eyes are fucked?
<G-Mobile> The breating worked a bit when I held it to my chest, it was bullshit on the finger
<G-Mobile> According to the app
<G-Mobile> 200 degrees
<SilverFox> of what
<G-Mobile> Angle
<SilverFox> what
<SilverFox> ????????
<SilverFox> our chest moved 200 degrees?
<SilverFox> this app is bullshit, uninstall
<SilverFox> im going to walk the bondage daughtert
egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
<G-Mobile> "your vision is 0.5 ' myopia is 200 degrees
<G-Mobile> Your vision has been severely miopic"
<G-Mobile> I just cracked up
<G-Mobile> Theres this ling list of poorly worded exercises, HIIT, butt lose weight exercise, eye exercise, close eye, random move, I'm skipping most of them, up and down, left and right, blink. And then, the last exercise: Two Objects
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
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