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You put a partially-disassembled B787_300 into a very large plane. Inexplicably, this causes millions of cheese wheels to rain from the heavens while a disembodied voice laughs uproariously.
i hate cheese...
especially when it falls onto your head and kills you
but aren't there planes that carry plane parts?
!mission add During an airshow you play tic tac toe in the sky.
Added mission: During an airshow you play tic tac toe in the sky.
You embark on a secret mission to Duna. The aspect ratio changes ominously.
ohhh the low height view of doom
!mission add You try to reach orbit with a portal gun.
Added mission: You try to reach orbit with a portal gun.
has anyone ever run the caclulations how at the end of portal 2 the computer cores get sucked through the portal on the moon, but end up in space. how fast they would need to go through the portal to reach moon escape velocity, and the pressure difference needed to accelerate them that fast?
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You activate the engines on full thrust while still docked to the station. Physics betrays you just after takeoff.
never. trust. physics.
pretty sure suck was very strong. 1 atm to 0 atm
ouch physics so mean
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You add tzatziki sauce to the reaction wheels. You hear voices in your head ever since that fateful event.
I am a bot operated by FLHerne. Try !{nextlunch,lunch,lunchmode,nextbook,book,answer,8ball,mission,outcome,stupid,wisdom,quote,colloid,nextcolloid,colloid²,nextfrog,frog,rocks,space!,nextbankruptcy,bankruptcy,nextpinecone,nextyear,nextfire,choose,startup,nextstartup,startup1,startup2,startup3,banlist,word,non-word,nonword,help} help.
Pangea Aerospace.
Everything bagel with garlic, cream cheese, kippered salmon, apricot jelly, and spicy chili powder.
pangea? that was a few hundred million years back
You experiment with negative spring constants as a method of propulsion. All the carbon monoxide alarms go off at once.
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The spring was obviously so compressed; it heated to the extent that the nearby area combusted and left combustion byproducts.
It's just project orion without using bombs.
The real issue is the spring mass micro black holes that your engines are leaving behind.
a 5kg spring would only be a black hole for 0.0000000000000581397 seconds.
What happens to the black hole?
the smaller the black hole, the faster it evaporates, and finally it explodes
I thought those things would get bigger and bigger until they start consuming each other and finally nothing remains execpt some Hawking Radiation
yes, and after that they evaporate with the hawking radiation
the problem is for a tiny black hole it doesnt have enough gravity to collect more matter
and its evaporation is fast
does the hawking radiation interact with the quantum vacuum?
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You open your launch window to let in some fresh vacuum. The real adventure was the friends we made along the way.
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You fail to make an earth-shattering kaboom. You are executed for treason. There are NO FAILURES in the People's Glorious Space Program!
i failed. really bad.
sometimes the two halves just match so well
!mission add You prepare a fulminant funeral for all the lost kerbals.
Added mission: You prepare a fulminant funeral for all the lost kerbals.
why isnt that an outcome?
!outcome add Even the flames are on fire.
Added outcome: Even the flames are on fire.
it's not an outcome, because you have something you can still decide and influence
A yellow glow-in-the-dark octopus-like creature infiltrates your Science Jr. containers. You run out of kerbals because your cloning machine fai-*cough* Er, I mean because there are no more applicants.
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
You attempt to simulate KSP with Minecraft computers. You desert into the desert and eat dessert.
I like that.
I mean, who doesn't like desert?
no humidity, both hot and cold, it has something for everyone :p
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Goliath National Products has assigned you to test the Turbo Jet Engine at an altitude of 23,345 meters over Eve's oceans. Everything is smothered in cheese.
that's cheezy :P
yeah, someone had too much fun creating that assignment.
now need nacjp chips to go with the mission
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i always have the weirdest part missions... like "test the largest fuel tank you can imagine on an escape trajectory"
Out of Eeloo?
i think those kinds of missions need you to actually reach eeloo before :p
oh, launch in under 2 minutes
the worst part is, i have a habit of taking all these missions, and then sit on them because i have no sane means of achieving them
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I cherry pick what is doable and what not.
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I didn't complete comet on escape trajetory sample return so far.
That sounds hard
I'm making it even harder by wanting to push that comet to Kerbol orbit and maybe push it somwhere else, too.
Pushing? Wow
I always pulled...
was so much easier
Pulling us unphysical.
Unless you use a long string or pull with gravity.
But KSP doesn't give us great thruster control...
otherwise it would be easy to just clamp several engines on it and still keep it straight
I try to point the rocket at the CoM to avoid torque, but it's iffy.
I use RWs ... which are unphysical, too.
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in theory you'd clamp to the rock, pull backwards to align CoM, and then lock.
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You replace every part of your spacecraft with aerogel, because aerogel is always better. Gene Kerman adds your picture to the Wall Of Shame in R&D.
he doesn't appreciate aerogel...
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Fine, I'll use zerodur around the sensors