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rokker yeah the modern B-52H has a lot lower capacity because of extra fuel and a butt-tun of ECM gear
Bornholio: I mean the original
before the belly expansion
Bornholio: I just met a special kinda stupid person defending China dumping spent stages on it's people
spent stages with hypergolics
Bornholio: I suggested that even the fact that China doesn't include an abort system on their rockets displayed their lack of care for their people
since FTS could have prevented Intelsat 708
Bornholio: you ready to hear the reply I got back
it's amazingly dumb
"aborting" a launch is not something that is really possible. If you lose guidance, how are you supposed to guide the rocket away? At that point, it is just a flying dumb bomb filled with tons of toxic and explosive fuel. If you have a way to avoid losing a rocket if guidance fails, you NEED to go work at NASA, ESA, or any other space program, because we don't have one. Heck, the Russians had a rocket crash because they mounted a sensor upside
down. It's called rocket science for a reason. It's pretty hard.
not really stupids as stupid does but go ahead
remind self flat earthers exist
Bornholio: I just don't understand how you can be on a space subreddit and literally deny that abort capabilities exist
why would you blow up a rocket thats just dumb! :P