ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Starwaster> either it needs a link to KSC or a link to craft/station with probe control capabilities and a pilot to operate the probe
<Starwaster> I totally forgot about the pilot issue. The only pilot left the station to rescue a stranded astronaut
<Starwaster> it's funny, I'm playing a game where it's scaled up Kerbin and Mun is only a few hours away but Minmus is at least twice as distant as our Moon is from us. So it takes me a week to get anything there. Like oxygen...
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<Rokker> Bornholio: holy jesus
<Rokker> I found a pic of a B-58 being ferried to WPAFB in the bay of a B-36
<ProjectThoth> Bornholio: Holy Jesus, I found a pic of a B-58 being ferried to Wright-Patterson in the bay of a B-36. http://aviadejavu.ru/Images6/AI/AI57-6/1-1.jpg
<Rokker> ProjectThoth: end ur life
<wb99999999> what is going on
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<Rokker> wb99999999: ProjectThoth is bullying me
<Rokker> ProjectThoth: fuk u
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<wb99999999> let's cut the trash out...\
<Rokker> nah
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<Bornholio> Projectthoth rokker lovers spat?
<Rokker> Bornholio: planes
<Rokker> ima try to break into the 52 at the museum
<Rokker> Bornholio: I gotta admit, I'm disappointed with some of the stuff that didn't make it over from the on base museum hangars. Namely the PA-48 Enforcer and their engine collection
<Bornholio> pop the handle lower the door/ladder climb in
<Rokker> it's on a platform
<Bornholio> gues your bringing an extra ladder :P
<Bornholio> come to SAC we have one on the floor , plus all station trainers
<Rokker> Bornholio: I will eventually
<Rokker> I need to see the Vulcan anyways
<Rokker> and laugh at it's inferiority
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<BadRocketsCo> Howdy!
<Bornholio> morning
<BadRocketsCo> Have any of you managed to bring a rover to the moon with the Apollo LM?
<BadRocketsCo> Or is the only proper way to land a rover first and then an LM next to it?
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<Rokker> Bornholio: what wing were u with
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<wb99999999> sooooo how much whiskey is enough to knock one out but not too much to give you a poisoning
<Starwaster> mixing FixedUpdate() with OnStart()/OnAwake() instead of Start()/Awake() is not good...
<schnobs> wb99999999: the adult way, drink slowly, leav it time to show it's effects, stop when you had enough.
<schnobs> the nerd way: pre-calculate a desired blood alcohol level and go ahead.
<wb99999999> pft
<wb99999999> is it a strange thing to know nothing of your own body?
<wb99999999> the last time I measured my weight was like months ago
<Starwaster> schnobs and by pre-calculate you mean just have at it with reckless abandon?
<schnobs> Starwaster: if you trust your calculations, you can take the "right" amount in one go.
<wb99999999> and I'm never sure if I'm 5'10 or 6
<wb99999999> oh god the imperial unit is driving me crazy
<schnobs> Though really, if you just want to knock yourself out you may just lower your head and run into a wall. Should be about as much fun.
<wb99999999> I'm from Asia for fuck's sake...
<wb99999999> is it base...12?
<wb99999999> why in the hell...
<wb99999999> https://imgur.com/94o8nWf errr
<schnobs> wb99999999: the golden rule of any kind of excess, do it together with friends.
<schnobs> More fun as long as it's good, someone to look after you when it isn't.
<wb99999999> consider me
<wb99999999> I wouldn't have any need for getting drunk with a friend, if I still have any
<wb99999999> XD
<schnobs> I don't see how I could get at the core of the matter through IRC. Or even if I should try.
<wb99999999> nah don't overthink about it
<schnobs> All I can say is that overdosing on alcohol is risky, see to it that someone is around who could take you to the ER.
<schnobs> If you want to do it on your own... well, is cannabis legal in your area?
<wb99999999> I tend to speak in exaggeration
<wb99999999> good question...
<wb99999999> have you heard of the mess Justin Trudeau made around that?
<schnobs> nope.
<wb99999999> I think traditionally cannabis has been illegal in most of Canada
<wb99999999> but when he was running for PM there's some promise about making it legal and things...ppl from minority culture liked him cuz he branded himself the open and fair guy
<wb99999999> but when he's actually going to make them legal there's a big backlash
<wb99999999> recreational drug in general is a lot more of a taboo in Asian cultures and the fact he's actually going to make it legal scared some people
<wb99999999> that's my side of the story anyway, I'm not really a politic guy
<wb99999999> eh, why am I talking about this
<wb99999999> let's talk spacerocket
<schnobs> Not too politicky either.
<wb99999999> yeah it's just really funny when you talk drug with people from my part of the world
<wb99999999> they got freaked out fast
<wb99999999> I mean it's no good, true, but making it such a taboo topic wouldn't help either
<schnobs> "tradition" is a troublesome concept, though. In my country (germany), dope was criminalized some time after WWII. The outrage about a possible legalization, today, is probably about similar to yours, though.
<wb99999999> tbh I couldn't get my head around neither side of the argument
<wb99999999> I'll have to confess for me it's too unrepeatable of a problem
<wb99999999> I talk of alcohol but in fact I seldom get drunk, maybe not at all, and I have actually never doped anything
<wb99999999> unrelateable*
<wb99999999> and this is why I am worried about accidentally become judgmental, since I really don't know much about it
<schnobs> may I inquire about your age?
<wb99999999> I'm 24
<wb99999999> not exactly under aged lol
<schnobs> but not so old as to be set in your tracks, either.
<soundnfury> yeah, it's not 'til you get to be 26 like me that you become a reactionary old fart
<wb99999999> I'm afraid that I already am
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<Raidernick> ferram4, did you see in your thread there's a group of people wanting to distribute recompiled ddl for 1.4.x and fork their own far versions to distribute
<Raidernick> just like every time ksp updates
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<ProjectThoth> Rokker: What's that, some kind of casting mold?
<Rokker> I'll kill u
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<Starwaster> what is it
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<rsparkyc> Raidernick, did they at least do the courtesy of doing a PR for ferram4?
<Raidernick> nope
<Raidernick> are you kidding lol
<rsparkyc> lol
<Raidernick> this is the ksp forum community we are talking about
<Raidernick> bunch of self entitles assholes
<rsparkyc> haha, true
<Raidernick> entitled*
<ferram4> I just said that the code is licensed GPL, so they don't have to, but the icons are licensed ARR, so they need to remove those if they redistribute, and that it would be better for them to make PRs and help me out if they're that impatient
<rsparkyc> speaking of updates… is this the best 1.4.x golden spreadsheet to use?
<rsparkyc> many thx to Phineas Freak who helped get Procedural Fairings up to speed
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<Rokker> Starwaster: https://i.imgur.com/lfVWwsP.jpg
<Bornholio> rokker 325th http://92ndma.org/325thBSHistory.html 92nd Bomb Wing
<Bornholio> !tell Rsparkyc i've had little time to update it but it should be mostly right
<Qboid> Bornholio: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<Rokker> Bornholio guess yall werent desert stormy enough to get some nose art in that section of the museum. seems the nose art is more or less exclusivity DS involved
<Bornholio> yup we flew our parts to Deigo Garcia to keep the squadron that was doing ops going
<Bornholio> when they went full tempo we had 70% of aircraft with systemsnot fully op
<Bornholio> guess that happens when you drop 25 million pounds of bombs
<Rokker> I guess so
<Bornholio> we bombed the pacific fleet during that time :) have a great story
<Rokker> lol, it certainly sounds great
<Bornholio> general staff navy and AF asked for a wargame, USAF attacking Carrier group. AF choice of assets
<Rokker> Bornholio: this already sounds suspiciously Billy Mitchell-like
<Bornholio> we flew 3 B-52 and escort by Hawaii ANG F15 squadron
<Bornholio> 2 went high simulating Harpoon salvo plus all the escorts
<Bornholio> the third took deck pictures of teh CV as it pulled up over its deck
<Rokker> lol
<Bornholio> Navy observer called it Cruiser and 3 DD's killed by harpoon, a probable on a sub and Destroyed CV vs loss of 2 B-52's in after engagment and 11 F-15. Pretty good trade
<Bornholio> led to pretty aggressive navy changes regarding low level attack and CIWS use
<Rokker> Bornholio: jeez
<Rokker> Bornholio: so yeah, you Billy Mitchelled them
<Bornholio> yeah adoption of rolling frame missles was a very good navy choice for adding to CIWS. Bad thing for navy is new antiship missles are pretty impressive
<Rokker> Bornholio: GG no Rr
<Rokker> Re
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